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About this blog

Here's a blog where I'll chronicle my progress through the Realm of Shyish, beginning with the Flesh Eater Courts, but eventually expanding into the Deathrattle Kingdoms and Malignants as well. I might post other random junk as well, like battle reports or links to whatever music inspires my painting, or whatever.

Questions, comments, and constructive feedback are always welcome.

Entries in this blog

Some Bare Bones WIPs

I've been working on some modelling and sculpting and conversion. These are two models I'm particularly proud of: a mounted wight king and the leader of my grave guard. The wight king started as a black knight model, but with a shield from the grave guard kit, a head from the skeleton warrior kit, a morningstar from the ancient skeleton regiment box, and a pimp collar that's partly third party "wolf pelts" and partly greenstuff. The grave guard is a bog-standard grave guard, but with the ax rath



VIV (Very Important Varghulf)

Let me introduce you to a model I'm very proud of - my varghulf courtier, pictured here in some dramatic moments from the game where he was definitely Most Valuable Crazy Cannibal Turned Vampire Blood Drinking Monstrosity. Also, some gamer's-eye-shots of my ghouls.



First Steps

Here are a few of my finished works so far. I'm aware of some of the weirder problems, like wash dry spots and stubborn mold lines. It was my first time on this color scheme! I've got some new pictures to post soon with some models that look much better?  



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