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Ironjawz and Destruction allegiance - how does this work?



If I build a list consisting entirely of IRONJAWZ units for a matched play battle this allows me to take units such as Brutes as battleline.

However if I wanted to use the destruction allegiance abilities would this make my list essentially illegal?

The GH says - "Battleline if army has IRONJAWZ allegiance"

I have seen several posters say that the FAQ clears this up but honestly It's still not clear to me.

The GH FAQ -


"Allegiance Abilities, Allegiance
Add the following to the end of the second paragraph:
‘The allegiance abilities you choose will apply for the
duration of the battle. When picking your army’s allegiance abilities, all units
in a warscroll battalion are considered to have the
allegiance listed above the title on the warscroll. For
example, the Guardians of Alarielle warscroll battalion
includes both Sylvaneth and Stormcast Eternals units,
and has ‘Sylvaneth’ listed as its allegiance above the
battalion’s title. This means that all of the Stormcast
Eternals units in the battalion are considered to have
the Sylvaneth allegiance when it comes to choosing
allegiance abilities. An army otherwise made up of
Sylvaneth units which included this battalion could
choose the Sylvaneth or Order allegiance abilities, but
the Stormcast Eternals from this battalion wouldn’t
benefit from the Sylvaneth allegiance abilities, as they
don’t have the Sylvaneth keyword."

So for example if I take a battalion, the weirdfist, then units in that battalion would be IRONJAWZ, while the overall army could choose DESTRUCTION as the allegiance, but only units outside of an IRONJAWZ battalion would benefit from traits etc...

However this doesn't actually appear to address the question of whether or not choosing DESTRUCTION over IRONJAWZ would remove the ablility to take Ardboyz/Brutes as battleline. If anyone can clear this up one way or another that would be really helpful.

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6 answers to this question

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hang on, so i can take an all iron jawz army and choose the destruction allegiance abilities and my brutes, ard boys and gore gruntas are still battleline?Even though it says under those entries of these units that they are battle line if the army has ironjawz allegiance. to me that doesn't make sense to me as I interpret what the gh and the faq says is you choose ironjawz or destruction. not choose destruction and still get the bonus of ironjawz. 

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9 hours ago, BaldoBeardo said:


Faction allegiance determines list building.


As the FAQ points out, once you've written your list you can then choose either Faction or Alliance abilities.T he last sentence is quite specific on that.


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so what your saying is when im writing my list its iron jawz allegiance. but when i play a game it can become destruction ? 

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Yes and no.

Your 'proper' allegiance is the lowest level allowable.

If all of your units have the Destruction keyword, then you have Destruction allegiance.

If all of your units have the Ironjawz keyword, then you have Ironjawz AND Destruction allegiance, in effect.

However, you can only have the Grand Alliance or Faction items/abilities, so you have to pick. You're eligible for both.

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