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The start of taking it all in.

Hey everyone,   I haven't been doing a lot of painting lately, mainly just frustrated from hitting my head against the wall with my last job owing me money and some family worries, and organising travelling back to the UK, and fighting a shop who I think are a scam (a geeky shop, hence my WordPressblog post to warn anyone who might like their products, to be careful. My WordPress blog is for Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40K, but it can also be for all types of geekiness (but there is on



Status Tokens!

Hey people I have created a new blog entry here: https://twistedshadowsblog.wordpress.com/2016/05/29/tokens-galore/   My boyfriend came across The Mortal Realms and had found these tokens which look really handy in play, as you learn your new model's abilities and/ or have a bad memory, (you never know.. Forgetting an ability where you could have lived, could have won you the game but realising the mistake at the end of the game. Doesn't really do you any favors...) Chec



Success! A New Blog!

Hey everyone!   I'm so used to doing everything on my phone nowadays and earlier on today I couldn't see how to make a new blog... until I went on here through my laptop! Typical lol.   So I had been spending most of my day jazzing up a new one on wordpress, before I found the area on this website to do so haha. http://twistedshadowsblog.wordpress.com   I'm not sure what to do now, whether keep it or just have this blog on here.. What would your opinions b



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