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A place to collect various images and talk about how it works, and what I learned. I don't know how often I will update!

Entries in this blog

Complete: Dryads

This is probably my favourite shot - I feel like facing this bunch would be pretty scary... The recipe for these dryads was pretty straightforward. After priming, the bulk of it is the wood, and if you do this before anything else you can be quick and messy. Dryad Bark all over (except for the loin cloths, skeleton, etc), then Baneblade Brown on any surfaces that would catch light from above (zenithal lighting). Then a highlight of Karak Stone on the lightest/sharpest edges. Then



Before/After shots

I think it's always fun to look back over time and see how your hobby has progressed with practice, learning new techniques... and the influence of Duncan videos! With the most recent batch of pictures I took, I found some efforts from about seven years ago. To put this in perspective, I didn't progress beyond this stage until about 18 months ago (when I watched my first Duncan video to tackle Archaon) - and since then I've painted regularly. But the change between early and recent is quite



Complete: Treelord Ancient

So it was a little while ago I finished my Sylvaneth, but it's taken a while (and a new camera) to get some decent pictures. So here's the completed Treelord Ancient, with the loincloth sampled in to match Alarielle's dress and leaves in the colour of Autumn (because he is ancient, after all). Just to show the contrast, here's a snap with the TLA next to the much younger Treelord back-to-back. And here's another just to show the theming of the wider army, with a Tree Revenant (I pr



Treelord Ancient - Autumn

Just a quick update to show the finished Treelord Ancient with the autumnal leaves/beard now in context. I'm quite pleased with the results, and this guy really stands out from the normal Treelord that's painted in nice, fresh Spring greens. Note on the cloth - this light blue colour is used to match in with Alarielle's dress, in case you were wondering why such a colour departure from the rest of the model  Questions/comments/feedback welcome.



Tree Revenant example

More Sylvaneth from my army today, here's one of the Tree Revenants up close. After Allarielle this was one of the first models I painted, and was keen to use them to try to bridge the wood vs flesh themes. Allarielle (and maybe Drycha I guess) are the only other models with the opportunity for flesh tones, and while GW's scheme make the Revs ethereal, I wanted something that would tie in with Allarielle's flesh tones. It was also the first model that I established the green tones - a recip



Dryad - recipe and zenithal lighting

Moving away from the WIP stuff, to something finished a couple of weeks ago. Across the Sylvaneth force I've tried to maintain some consistency, taking the lead from Allarielle. So the Tree Revenant banner is blue/purple, or purple/blue, because those are Allarielle's dress and soul amphora shades. For the tree-based stuff (Revenants' lower body, dryads, K hunters, treeman, Drycha) I also wanted a consistent recipe and approach. I also wanted to experiment with zenithal lighting to see if i



Sylvaneth: Treeman Ancient's Autumn beard test

A little update - I extended the same colour range to the beard stuff around his face. Not sure if I'll keep it all like this when I'm done, but nice to see the tones extended out over a longer space. Yet to do any detail, or a wash/highlight pass, but I really want the colours to stand out against the browns of the wood. I've used green-yellow range in other models, but I'm hoping this will bring more variety.



Sylvaneth: Treeman Ancient's Autumn leaves

To kick things off - my current army (almost finished) is Sylvaneth. I started off with Allarielle and followed Duncan's video, but from then on I followed my own path. I'll go through my paint lists and post a few models in due course, but a quick snippet to start with: While the Dryads and Treeman leaves are nice and spring-fresh in shades of green to yellow, I wanted to mark out the Ancient as, well... older. So I decided to give him more autumnal colours by way of contrast. So in a spar



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