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Posts posted by GeneralZero

  1. I don't know what to think about, lets say for example, moonclan.

    I love what GW did with LoN. It made ALL the piniatures playable, you get tons of different builds almost competitives, you can play many style of armies, yet very different from each others. And GW could add this Nighthaunt faction, which partially not to say mostly can be added to your LoN armies. Tha is for me the winning strategy!

    I love all the rats range, skaven have several big and nice machineries, big monsters, but....they can't really play together. Not real synergies.

    Same for Goblin, trolls and orcs.

    (and several others).

    Could you imagine a  LoN like Skaven book? same book for greenz?

    I wanted to play death for ages. Now, except FEC, I have most of their units, can enjoy many gameplays with one collection of miniatures, and still expand it with NH.

    I'd like to switch to something different, but, except for SCE (already have) and maybe nurgle (nurgle+everchosen+aarchaon+slave darkness), there is nothing close to this richness.

  2. I play stormcast  (was my first, still old school V 1.0) but building my 2.0. I play death (my biggest army). and I'm building a nighthaunt indeed. (will even make death bigger :P )

    I wasn't complaining but I feel like they are undercosted especially if you gather 10 of them. You are right about the fulminators that are BTW my favourite unit and one of my fav miniature in the SCE range.

  3. Evocators seems completely broken for me ATM.

    Imagine that after they have yet send a bunch of high rend wounds, a simple unit of 5 evocator can statically and reliabily add 5 MW, yes 5, and up to 10 if you are a bit lucky. Just for 200 points. And they still are (almost) wizzards. And the FAQ just buffed them. GW will nerf them for sure: roll 2 dice per evocator and get 1 MW per 4+ is completely dumb. It'd be more balanced with only 1 die, not 2 dice.

    I'm pretty sure that the SCE armies that are quietly being gathered right now will spam evocators in the next months tourneys...

  4. 1 hour ago, SleeperAgent said:

    EDIT: Also what rumors of Black Coach? 

    rumored at 115$


    1 hour ago, SleeperAgent said:

    Yeah I was super disappointed about the quality of Forgeworld in general. Mourngul in particular. I wish GW would take over those models and do them right.

    I'll see the quality while I build it. But is there some guidance about this kit? some instructions? What about the resin, how is it different from plastic? (i know that I'll have to use super glue, not plastic glue)

  5. AoS Terrain/scenery choice is really poor.

    AoS hight terrain/scenery is NON-existent except the warscrier citadel.

    Compared to 40K where you have at least 3 complete lines of modulables sceneries... (militarium, mechanicus, imperium) + all mini terrain fetures (containers, fortifications, etc...)

    So, I think that GW won't neglect  the AoS scenery market because AoS has  now a nice and growing player oups customer base.

  6. wow wow wow, give my wallet some time!!!!!

    My main are SCE and death.  (well, I have also elves, gobs, orcs and empire that were V2...20y ago). I wanted to concentrate my efforts on having enough stuff I love for my main armies to be able:

    - have the full range (except FEC)

    - beeing able to play several builds PER army (even -almost- competitive)

    - beeing able to make some interesting battle "in-home" which means with one build of my armies VS another build of my armies (endless possibilities)

    - beeing fine for the next 20 years in this range (SCE/Death) (well, with possibly some pick ups from time to time)


    Once that's ok (soon) I'll then think about the next army (and it certainly will NOT be Death :P )

    But, any new DECOR/SCENNERY is day one purchase! You never have enough of them. I did the mistake of not pick up the warscrier citadel and now it is a GW only sale which means FULL price :/


  7. 2 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

    Ironjawz are popular enough that not expanding the range is effectively just letting money sit in consumer's  pockets.  I am sure GW will do it at some point simply because it is almost guaranteed to make a splash in terms of sales.  It feels to me more like it is a matter of when and not if and the same thing goes for a number of other small & constrained factions that came out around the same time - such as Fyreslayers.

    Orcs are popular, and ironjaws  indeed, like the goblins also.

    Ironjaws could use some new units, filling some utilities holes: machinery (catapult?), light cavalry, intermediate monsters/mounted between the cavalry and the big bad ass mawcrushka...

    • Like 1
  8. Speaking about the new upcoming miniatures: Aventis Firestrike on tauralon. 

    Well, for a nighthaunt player, the new black coach (pre order next week-end same time than the tauralon) is a no brainer: superb miniature, efficient on the battlefield, this is a must have. But the tauralon? Yes, the sculpt didn't do the unanimity, mostly due to the questionable head of this hybrid monster. 

    But what do you think about its warscroll, efficiency, and points value? Is this the new stardrake?

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

    There's more Azyrite ruins coming, two story even. ?

    The problem with those ruins is that the interesting sprue (the plain wall) is only available in the terrrain box (expensive) and the little ruins box has just the little bit of ruins (only walls with big holes). Almost useless to build hight ruins to make something interesting and not too flat in the battlefield.


    Are you sure there is something new coming to AoS? source?

    • Like 1
  10. Since it has been advertised, I'm looking close to those new  imperium decors. The bad new is: how on earth did they add to all fronts of walls thoses tiny details of techo metallic things?

    The good news is, you can build many things and if you don't paint those details, youi got your ruins and cathedrals, with high decors. You can hide those metalic details with some foliages, or some more ruins...

    I'm planing to go this way for (mainly) AoS and will use for both AoS and 40K

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