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Posts posted by GeneralZero

  1. 5 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Looks like the Mancrushers are going to be coming in a box of 2!! 

    That was the real surprise here: it'll be the "nice" surprise if the price is not 2 times (or more) the price of a single gargant. Knowing GW and their astounding  yet super accurate math, they will probably go as 2*1=3...

  2. Thank you @Overread I'll also look into the 40k side of this army: I like to use daemons armies  in both games, and there is no depravity points in 40K. This is one of the argument that make me jump on the opportunity of this box. Troops are importants in 40K and biggest HQ (keepers of S ) are targeted too easily (which is a shame).

  3. 6 hours ago, Overread said:

    Well the Daughters of Khaine have more value in the box by about £10 or so. So their models will likely resell very easily from the box being as they are on the expensive side of building an army. Basically every set in the box for DoK is around £30 whilst every set for Slaanesh is closer to £20 in value. Both are popular armies, though the "power" in both is actually in models not in the box - for DoK its witches (though honestly snakes with spears do very well); meanwhile for Slaanesh the real power is in leaders and Keepers. 

    I think the box is solid content for either army and that it really comes down to which you want. 

    I'll aim for 4 boxes and I think that I'll keep the slanesh halves. Do I need more troops? How many keepers?

  4. Totolly new to slanesh. What are the common builds of slanesh? I'll buy the Shadow and Pain box (and keep the slanesh halfs, in fact, several of them I think). Is this enough to start the troops?  How many of them do you usually need in each builds?

    PS: I already have a nice pool of StD (maybe useful with DP & some othe stuff -but zero marauder atm - ) and Tzeench (useless here)

    PS 2 : ideal expectation targeted: 4 halces of Shadow and pain boxes to build around.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Lowki said:

    the dual army box is tempting, probably a good deal too with approx 180 GBP worth of models, new heroes excluded. Not sure yet, i might resist the temptation. Always loved DoK and they were already on my list of favorite armies that i might want to start next, slaanesh also have various models i would love to built and paint, but the ones in the box are not really among my favorites, so I am in doubt, still plenty of time left to let it sink for a bit.

    I also am really interested by this dual army box: I'd start one of the armies. But which one? What do you think about the content for EACH army? I'll have to resell one half. 

    What's about the (real!!!) popularity of each side?  

  6. 27 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    Yeah but didn't all AoS armies have battleforces already? Bonereapers, Ogors, Lumineth and SoB are the only (?) ones left. Hope they don't quit releasing battleforces. Maybe they will start a second wave with armies that received those great boxes in the past.

    Ogors already had one (via beastclaw raiders). Amho , Bonereaper is super probable. SoB super improbable except if they do a speacial launch box with several Behemats/giants in it.


  7. 4 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    I wonder what battleforce boxes are coming this year. Both Ossiarchs and Lumineth received their own boxes. Giants are in October too close to December.

    One of them is usually the poster boys, stormcast. Pretty sure we won't have the gobs, the DoK, the Lizards and nighthaunts...(which have been done last year).

  8. 16 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Best bet at the moment I'm guessing is October. Hopefully the early side of it.

    I won't bet too much on it: we already know that october= Space marines & Necron codex + a (big) bunch of new miniatures for both armies.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    Well, if you compare him to similar casters like the Changeling he pays about 100 points for the ability to summon pinks. That's still technically a discount, but you'd have to decide if it's worth the risk of losing him first turn before you get a chance to summon. Personally I'm glad I held off on buying him until after this FAQ. Seems much less appealing now. 

    Indeed. But liking DoT, I must say that the gaunt is an unavoidable mini in a collection, especially the "on disc" one (which with a single magnet can play both, mounted and not mounted). BTW, I only assembled a single unit of 10 pinks (and thus 20 blues+20 brims). This is perfect.

  10. It seems that a persistent yet probably reliable (lol) tells us that  the 40k v9 is July 11th for Pre-Orders with 2 Weeks of Pre-Orders and the release date being on the 25th of July.

    This leaves a huge window open for the lumineth before those dates, and maybe, the sons... Because , from late july until probably september, it'll be 40k releases...

    • Like 2
  11. TBH, I have so many things to assemble, glue, not even mentioning painting that I'm (almost) done with buying stuf for AoS: some thing like 4000 or 5K points per army for 7 armies... I am actually building the tzeench army: I am less than half of it done and I don't see where I can stock the minis lol. 5 armies to go hahaha I need a bigger house. Stocking our minis is a really big problem.


    But I'll add at least ONE giant. Must have. And probably later an army of them (with the gargants also), one of them giants being heavily  kitbashed with so many spiky things that I got for chaos (from princes and spawns essentially, but not only). I'll play the giant in most armies. Just for the fun of having such a big mini on the table.

    My investments are also frozen. Same problem...except that this new necron army is killing me. Sh*t, one more army. I swear that it'll be my last one!!! 😜

    Conclusion: I'm impatient to see the sons. My heart is bleeding. But my brain is expecting them later, far later.

    • Like 1
  12. Indeed and more precisely, in 3 years (from v8 launch to v9 launch, exactly 3 years),  not mentioning the individual new 40k minis, 40k had brand new  update:

    - first wave of primaris

    - deathguard

    - chaos marines

    - sisters

    - second wave of primaris

    - adeptus mechanicus

    - Knights with one new (updated?) IK, one new RK, 2 even bigger guys, 2 armigers builds...

    - third wave of primaris (v9)

    - new necrons

    and of course few things here and there includung the dark eldars/ eldars things...

    So, yes, it is possible to refresh an army.

    But no, GW prefers to add brand new armies to AoS. But maybe that now that we have 22 AoS armies (almost on par with 40K), GW will refresh existing armies (or add substantial units to existing armies).


  13. Did you notice guys that none of the new miniatures has a 3D view? I find it very convenient especially when I'm building and/or magnetize my miniatures...

    I hope that this is not the new GW way of presenting stuff . I miss this 3D view 🤔

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  14. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    I'm not sure what you guys are smoking. They are absolutely going to delay the release of 9th edition. They are also going to release all the psychic awakening books before 9th comes out.

    Absolutly NOT! Situation not comparable. They have to go FULL FLOW of business ASAP to get back a max of the lack of income during lockdown. They have to take the oportunity that many people want to spend money: the best for them is to spend it at GW, not for a new pair of shoes. They don't have to do a heavy teaching about v9 like it was in v8 because v9=v8.5 (like AoS 2 did for AoS) . People are ready. 

    Who cares about PA? Only 2 remain out, PA7 is already preorder in 2 days. The 2 other PAs have close to no mini (except Szeras).

    1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    As for AOS, in 2017 there were 4 battletomes in the first four months of the year then nothing at all for the rest of the year. I expect to have a long wait for the next battletome after SoB and Lumineth.

    Unfortunately, I'm afraid that you are right. But if for me Lumineth are out ASAP (just after admech) , I don't see SoB before second half of july or august (And god knows that I'm waiting this Giant!!!). The only thing that we know for second semester:

    - Codex: necron, space marine

    - 40K miniatures:  big necron release, primaris release

    - the dance of codex v9 is beggining, probably fast paced with of course here and there few miniatures update and new release.

    - AoS: we are in the fog here (in fact, it is a speciality in UK, isn't it? 😉 )

    • Like 1
  15. It is not one of the core games. It is THE CORE of their business. It is THE mainstream product to attract some new players. Nothing comparable in scale of business to some random papers like PAs. PAs are already in the pasty. PAs will be thrown asap the be PA9 ready with Szeras (nice necron mini). Then, D-Day 9th... They can't sacrifice anything in the 40k 9th ed  because it is their main launch for the new business year. Everything else, if already- scheduled (read: before lockdown) will orbite around this, fitting here and there if possible before 9th. (i.e. lumineth starts asap early june?).


    • Like 1
  16. The problem of SoB is not that it is a one kit+book: the problem is that it is only one EXPENSIVE kit. For those that are many (majority?) of us that collect and/or play both AoS and 40K, having in the very same month the sons+new 40K is a really big expense, an invest that many won't do. But if GW acts as usual, maintaining the hype for both means that they will strongly separate the releases : at least one month separation I think.

    • Like 1
  17. On 5/27/2020 at 12:19 AM, Sactownbri said:

    Just passing on this rumor I got from my FLGS based on discussions with his distributor... preorder dates, apply salt liberally

    Psychic Awakening: Engine of War obviously pre-order 5/29

    Lumineth 6/6

    Psychic Awakening: War of the Spider 6/20

    Sons of Behamat 7/4

    9th ed 7/18

    Psychic Awakening: Pariah August

    Necron release August

    AoS campaign book August (like Wrath of the Everchosen)

    I honnestly don't beleive this for several reasons but I might be wrong....

    - Psychic Awekening Pariah after 40 9th? Nope, non sense...

    - 9th second half of july while they tease everything (officialy) during June, from now on? nope, too late..

    - - 9th second half of july to let all the players take the time to build an army during summer? this is a bit late. For me, 9th will come sooner 

    - Lumineth is ok but...

    - Sons of Behemat (that I'm looking forward!!! neeeeeeed!) just LESS than a month after a new army and being a ONE KIT super expensive ? this'd be unprecedented, especilly just before the launch of the super big cash cow 40k v9...

    This list has some serious timing flaws...I can't beleive it. For me, all Psy Awekening are out in june (only PA8&9 remaining), Sons in early june of course and big launch of 40kv9 end june early July...

    ...but again, maybe I'm wrong... 

  18. 2 hours ago, Overread said:

    The issue will be how they authenticate it. If its a simple activation/purchase code in the codex book then they can't do it for AoS because the books are already printed and sold. They could do it by barcode or such or just not do it and save it for the next AoS edition; using 40K as an experiment to see how it goes. 

    It is sooo easy to do it: add a sticker (or just a piece of paper!!) with unique code (alphanum or codebar or QR code) inside the book (which is sealed/closed by the plastic film) and ...done! The sticker/paper cost is almost zero: it is only the management of the code that costs a bit.

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