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Posts posted by GeneralZero

  1. 1 hour ago, LLV said:

    The molds are in storage and GW are already at max capacity concerning plastic kit output.

    I can't beleive you more!

    You know what? I waited 2 month to get the dire wolves (out of stock at GW). Then they were again available (friday last week). ordered asap (the same day,  last week). They are now, AGAIN out of stock at GW, they were available only 3 days :(9_9O.o

  2. 10 minutes ago, Turgol said:

    All of that was already available (though not in plastic) for night goblins in fantasy. Remember: design program for AoS is take a familiar idea and give it a complete overhaul.

    I know, I have them all B|

  3. it leaves lady Oly pretty much in the open. More of this, Oly and the coach can bring back models, that isn't maxed out with only hex. I'd leave one of the coach and take some spirits+ more reapers (in place of chaingrasps...)

  4. What do you think about the NH specific endless spells? are they worth it? When I see the SCE ones, with the overpowered Comet spell, it is a no brainer. But for NH....it feels like there are some alternatives in the normal Migic box...

  5. what do you think there'd be in the moonclan range?


    - monclan gob

    - fanatics

    - monclan flying catapult (don't rememeber the name of the flying guys catapoulted, look fun)

    - mounted moonclan gobs (on wolves? or spiders? and/or mounted squigs)

    - squigs (normals)

    - giant squigs

    Will they include the normal gobs as in a LoN way? then we'd have catapult, archers, trolls,...

  6. Reiko is the way to go: versatile, fast, not expensive, nice ally for death in general, so many ways to use him.

    Oly is more situational or you have to build the whole army around her.

    just my 2cts (and BTW, I took the 3 - with the king - because I love the mini, oly being the less beloved of them )

  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/07/26/26th-july-tactics-champions-of-the-sacrosanct-chambersgw-homepage-post-4/

    evocators on draco are on their way (pre order probably in 8 days/available in 2 weeks?). I was looking at their warscroll and point cost. 300 is something you're thinking about twice before including them in your list! I don't say yet they are overprived nore under priced.

    I'm just comparing them to my beloved fulminators. Model wise, I'm still prefering the dracothians: they are massive and impose some respect in addition to being  effective on the battlefield. But how do Evo on Drac compare to those Fulmi? I like the new cavalry, I'll get one unit for just my collection at least.

    My thoughs are that you can get 2 units of fulmi in a list (or 4 models in 1 unit). It is solid for the points and has some usefull shooting. But at 300p, the evo are big: you can't think about 2 units (or 6 in 1) without building the list around them. Maybe I'll try 4 fulmi + 3 evo (I'm so in love with cavalry) (even if I think that 4 fulmi+heraldor+evo on foot is more efficient at the same cost)

  8. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/07/26/26th-july-tactics-champions-of-the-sacrosanct-chambersgw-homepage-post-4/

    As stated above, the evocators on draco are arriving soon meaning probably the week after this weekend because of the shedule of the other products and because they didn't confirm it for this weekend.

    Meaning also that they couple this release with the remaining of NH units (glaives?). So, we'll be set for SCE and NH in the middle of August.

    (yes, we already are almost at the end of july :( )


  9. 1 hour ago, michu said:

    Are you sure that GW couldn't make new units for DoK?

    my guess: they could....but they wouldn't! (If I were GW CEO, I'd say a big NO (just business relative) )

    1 hour ago, michu said:

    Remember that in AoS the story is going forward. There always could be new units for them, because something in the Mortal Realms changed (considering that Slaanesh definitely will escape that's not unimaginable). And remember that in the first AoS gamebook (and in the battletome, IIRC?) there was a mention of shadow daemons. Same goes for other factions. Idoneth could enslave new deep sea creatures, new Grimnir cult could emerge in Fyreslayers lodges...

    It is a bit naive to think that the story leads the business :P whereas it is completly the otherway around.

    They adapt the story to be sure the next development will be a success story in cash.

    In the actual development of AoS and 40K, the (business) battlefront is too large to expand some few sub factions. They need new scale cash now. Of course, from time to time, you'll got some new things and sub factions. But the mainstream is to make big things. The LoN has proved it right. Huge success, big return on investments (because the moulding already exist). The DoK proved it on the wrong side (little "success", read: dispointment in £££).

    That is why I think GW will do something like LoN for , for example, skaven and green skins. Moulds already exist. Just adapt a mega battletome, you'll get many sales of skaven (chaos oriented), grots, gobs, trolls, orcs. (all destruction oriented).. And then attach to this train  a new  wagon, a (sub)faction like they did with NH for LoN, you got a winner each year!

    • Like 1
  10. Honnestly, when you compare a small faction (ex: daughter of kaine) , to a big faction (SCE, LoN, Nurgle....), it is a bit sad to see that there is almost no variations in possibilities in those factions: too few miniatures models, to few builds, they'll be soon forgotten (read : not in the mainstream, then not many salse then  GW won't extend them...). That is why I don't do small factions, and that is why I expect GW to do some more LoN like battletomes.

    I invest in the longtemr for my miniatures. Competitiveness for the short term is useless. I started  back in the ends of 80'...

    • Like 1
  11. yesterday,  we did an initiation game 1500 points with my son: I gave him SCE while I managed LoN.

    We roll for scenario: we got the one with 3 objectives in the middle line of the battlefield which can only be aquired by the heros. The randomness of our lists (without playing batailons, nore artifacts/traits) gave us 3 heros each (the SCE had castelan, venator and celestan on dracoh and death had arkhan vanpire on steed and necro). This was as brutal as fun. But I must say that only 3 heros was really short.

    We didn't play magic (except few things on warscrolls for death player). I must say that 3 heros in a list feel really light. I think that my 2k lists won't rarely be under 4 whatever the army is (SCE/LoN/NH)

    • Like 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Lord Ein said:

    How many heroes are people going with in 2k? Excluding the big ones as stardrake and prime :) going for my first game next week, low knowledge in AoS ?

    can't answer a question this braod. Depend on your list. Could be 3, could be 5...maybe 4 :P

    rarely less than 3 never more than 6

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    • Haha 1
  13. I don't know what to think about, lets say for example, moonclan.

    I love what GW did with LoN. It made ALL the piniatures playable, you get tons of different builds almost competitives, you can play many style of armies, yet very different from each others. And GW could add this Nighthaunt faction, which partially not to say mostly can be added to your LoN armies. Tha is for me the winning strategy!

    I love all the rats range, skaven have several big and nice machineries, big monsters, but....they can't really play together. Not real synergies.

    Same for Goblin, trolls and orcs.

    (and several others).

    Could you imagine a  LoN like Skaven book? same book for greenz?

    I wanted to play death for ages. Now, except FEC, I have most of their units, can enjoy many gameplays with one collection of miniatures, and still expand it with NH.

    I'd like to switch to something different, but, except for SCE (already have) and maybe nurgle (nurgle+everchosen+aarchaon+slave darkness), there is nothing close to this richness.

  14. I play stormcast  (was my first, still old school V 1.0) but building my 2.0. I play death (my biggest army). and I'm building a nighthaunt indeed. (will even make death bigger :P )

    I wasn't complaining but I feel like they are undercosted especially if you gather 10 of them. You are right about the fulminators that are BTW my favourite unit and one of my fav miniature in the SCE range.

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