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Posts posted by GeneralZero

  1. Quote

    Australian Prices:


    The "good" news is that this box is a less expensive than the Blood of the Phoenix (AUS $390).

    The bad news is that we're facing a global price increase because wrath and rapture was AUS$265 meaning that the new box is somewhere in the middle.

    That put the box around £120.

  2. To be honnest, I'm interested by the ogors but I have no clue

    1. how are the units int this box (ok-ish, strong, must have or useless)

    2. how they can mix with beastclaw raiders, as I really like the big minis (thundertusks/stonehorn etc...) and the mournfangs. 

    Side note: yes, at the end of the day, dive into mawtribes  will be about the price of this box.

  3. I don't get it: warscrollbuilder gives the Leadbelchers units by 3 men. And there are only 2 in the box...and 4 in the full GW unit package sold at GW?

    What the heck??

    2 boxes gixes you around 1100/1180 points of ogor army.

    So, probably arount the same on the death side. It is strange that they put morghast here. But the character seems also a named one, meaning only one per army?

  4. I didn't say that the AoS battleforces sold badly or will sale badly. 

    Those that sold out were super good deal. Ex: DoK which doesn't have a SC! . I just say according to the current meta/game/sales, there should be good contenders and some outsiders. If the gloomspite has a good content, it can be sold out quicly. It is easy to do a themed battleforce. On the other hand, for NH, it'd be more difficult. I hope that the Stormcast one and the Skaven one will have the big guys included.

  5. None of the 4 AoS boxes will be fast sold out except if they have an exceptional content: the skaven one with bombardier+vermilord is a good contender for fast sale. Stormcast, only if they include power units and a big monster like Aventis Firestrike. I don't think that the other 2 have enough success (in game & in sales) or player base to be sold out in a blink of a eye.

    For 40K on the other hand....


  6. If they put Aventis Firestrike in the SC box, it is day one order for me. But I don't believe such a  miniature in this box.

    I was surprised last week when I read this leak. The choice of Stormcast is obvious (as the 2 space marine are) , gloomspite is ok, but skaven?  nighthaunt? I thought that they at least put a CoS box with so many possibilities (or an orruk) . Skaven have already 2 SC! and NH have the starter. Strange choice of army boxes. 

    On the other hand I guessed the 40k ones. So no surprise here.

    • Like 1
  7. If you are speaking about pure "safety" according to AoS army, CoS isn't the best because it is not a "native" AoS release. But it is super rich in term of possibilities making the thing look like a patchwork.

    If you want richness, futureproof, reusability, I'd go:

    - stormcast: the most versatile army and kinda space marine of AoS and sooooo many models.

    - death : Legion of nagash. Probably the richest single army that can also include some  nighhaunts...Also my fav.

    - Chaos: highly depends on your preferences in term of miniatures because they have a strong design. Recently I've gone Disciple of tzench because I like 40K thousand sons and got many  tzaangors. So, it was easy to finish an AoS army with them 😉

    - most strong design AoS armies are future proof but lack of number of entries: example: Sylvaneth, Karadons, Gloomspite, etc...

    I don't forget Skaven, which is special: many entries are really old but this is a so rich and fun army, that I couldn't resist. Such a specific design with a large player base is in my opinion a safe bet for "future proof".

    PS: I'm also french if you want to ask me in French PM me.




    • Like 1
  8. The catapult looks "bony" enough to mix/match my skeleton army. If the little characters onit look a bit weird, I'll replace them with some basic skeletons . And BAM, I'll have the so long awaited long range hitter for the death army. I doubt that this item won't be usable in a death classic army rule wise, at least as ally. It'd look amazing on the table.

  9. I don't plan to start this new bonereaper army (but I like it). Instead, I'm waiting more information about how I can play Arknhan and morghasts in this army. I really love those ones and I'm ready to invest more morghast for my death army that can be plaid in bonereaper too. From there, I "need" the catapult for my death army and  also the 2 miniatures that blew my mind: the  Gothizzar Harvester and the  Patru Zandtos.

    I'm expecting an army full of morghasts backed up by catapults and wizzards!

  10. 21 hours ago, Grunaldi said:


    Those boxes have semi battalions for exactly those units included in each box

    For Greywater Fastness  is the : " Greywater Shieldband" 
    * 1 Warden King
    * 1 Cogsmith
    * 1 Ironbreakers unit
    * 1 Gyrobomber
    Oathsworn Defenders:
    Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks  made by units in this battalion if they did not move in the same turn and are wholly within 12" of a Hero from the same  battalion.

    So here are my questions :
    1. Is this truly a  battalion (+1 Artifact, +1 CP )?
    2. How much does it cost
    ? There is nothing about it inside the box .


    Looking at the sprues of the chariot in the SC! ANVILGARD, it seems that there is anything to make a full chariot+ almost anything to build the other variant of the chariot: there are 2 horses and 2 raptors, 2 main bodies of the chariot. 

    Can someone tell me if it is hard to finish the 2 chariots with only ONE chariot sprue? What is missing to do both?

  11. 52 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    An upcoming price increase post-Brexit... The White Dwarf suscription for Ireland is gonna be 80€, but for the rest of the EU is gonna be 140€...

    That doesn't even make sens: I pay 8€ for each book. Multiply this by 12 for a year...

    And at 140€/y meaning 12€ each, they won't sell it anymore in EU.

    • Like 2
  12. I'm looking at the sprues of the scourgerunner chariot / Drakespawn Chariot.

    It seems to me that there are almost enough bits to built "almost each one of the kit: a pair of horses, a pair of drake, 2 sets of chariots...can someone confirm this please? Putting on the chariot some random old elves and done?

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