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Posts posted by Lightbox

  1. 2 hours ago, SentinelGuy said:

    Shadow Warriors and Sisters of the Watch are both still really useful. You could also make pistoliers from Doomfire Warlocks/Dark Riders and give them pistols. Gyrocopters are great in Grey water, so maybe floating chunks of rock with elves on swivel guns as counts as? Irondrakes are also excellent, perhaps have some elves behind pavises with guns resting on them?

    Swivel gun elves sounds like a really interesting idea! Could definitely make some interesting floating rocks for them. I have some of the greenstuff world arcane rollers so can have nice sigil patterns on them. And I absolutely love pavises so may have to try that Irondrake idea too! Will probably want to use plasticard for that and paint nice runes on the front of them or something. Dark riders as pistoliers also sounds like a pretty simple and safe option, can use them again if I want outriders too. Thanks for the help! 

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  2. So as apparently Greywater fastness conversion/kitbash projects are something I consistently gravitate toward I have decided that I have an idea for my next heavy conversion army project. This one based entirely off some cool artwork I once saw.

    So my project I'm planning is gunpowder elves (*angry dwarven screams in the distance*) one of the main unit ideas I have for now is sisters of the watch but with magical glowy muskets instead of bows and potentially shadow warriors with pistols replacing their bows. Obviously with AoS3 on the horizon trying to build a list right now is perhaps not the easiest of jobs but I figure for a project like this it's better to go with cool models/units rather than 'what works right now'. 

    One of thing difficulties I'm having with this project idea though is working out how best to do war machines such as steam tanks or volley guns etc, whether to just have them as they are with elf crew or whether there might actually be better models to base off to give a more elven motif. Any suggestions/ideas on good kits / ideas to look at would be heavily appreciated! And also as I doubt we'll get a new book anytime soon whether anyone can advise on any particular standout units to try and include or avoid within greywater.

  3. I keep reading Mir Kainen as Mr Kainen...


    On another note once I'm through with my Soulblight and Lumineth projects I'm going to be looking at touching up on some of my older half finished projects including my OBR, would be nice to be able to try playing them again being a generally smaller model count army.

    I'm presuming Crematorium still focus heavily on Mortek guard spamming? Or is their exploding rare/negligible enough in practice that you can get away with any sort of build? I know they're definitely not the greatest sub faction but I'm in love with their colour scheme (it's so fun to paint)

  4. 14 hours ago, Drakilian said:

    Depends. If Bretonnia gets removed from the list of models again our points most likely wont be touched. It also depends how big the increase is. 1-5pts here and therw wont do mich to help. But if its like an average of 10pts change for most factions and bret remains where it is. Heck yes it will help.

    What would help more is if we got the City of Sigmar keyword. Holy cow (excuse my language TGA, I am a sailor 😧 ) the difference it makes, even just using nothing but bret models. Having access to some more benefits actually helps.

    Yeah I definitely don't see Brets getting point changes unfortunately (or the CoS keyword outside of players adding it themselves in narrative games, but it would be super cool for them to get it.) But yeah if like you say everything else goes up by an average of 10 that would be really nice for brets becoming better priced compared to them, definitely curious to see how AoS3 changes things.


    Definitely looking forward to seeing your Mousillon project too! Mousillon sort of themed was what I was planning when I eventually get around to sorting through all my bretonnians. Will be very excited to see the various conversions and kitbashes!

    • Thanks 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, oscisi said:

    On another note I am guessing all AOS 2 - Faction discussions (topics) will be discontinued once AOS 3 launches, so we'll have to wait and see where us Bretonnia fans will go after the summer.

    AoS 3 Bretonnia discussion?

    Tbh if the rumoured everyone's points generally increasing is true then it might put Bretonnia with the current points in a better position? Add in the rumoured generic battalions and potentially more generic abilities for all generals / heroes to do and that might actually be a nice little bonus for the Brets to help them better play against modern armies.

  6. So I put together a WIP warscroll for a hero that I'm considering using in a narrative path to glory campaign I'm planning with some friends using 25dp Anvil of Apotheosis heroes as our generals who will get more points over the campaign. Still working out how to make some battleplans to encourage narrative rather than competitive playstyles (aka battleplans that aren't just smash opponent / smash opponent whilst holding objectives) but I'm definitely looking forward to it! Planning to make this character from a blood knight with some standing legs. Still debating whether to be curse of X or mounted for them but I have time to play around!


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  7. Now that we have this dedicated thread it means we have a great place to discuss the new black knight meta, right? ...right?


    Anyway.... in terms of Avengorii looking over the warscrolls I'm definitely thinking that the Zombie Dragon just isn't great without a rider compared to the terrorgheist since it still has its potentially 6 mortal wound bite attack. Are there any situations where having a regular zombie dragon stomping around might actually be better? I know it gets lots more claw attacks and its breath will do more than the shriek against high bravery enemies but I'm not sure if they're enough to justify taking one over the terrorgheist for a monster mash.


    Also I have to say one of my favourite things about the anvil of blood (which is now officially out in white dwarf for anyone who wanted it but didn't know when it was coming out!) is that the Vengorian lords nightmare ability is in it, it's a nice little touch for people who want to make custom vengorians.


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  8. 4 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

    How so? You don't count the points cost of his wolves.

    You can bring 400 points of Allies in a 2000 point game. Radukar is fair game.

    Radukar the Beast would be fine, yes. But the original post was referring to Radukar the Wolf and his court, all of whom have to be taken together for 700 points (aka the cursed city bundle).

  9. For my soulblight they are led by a pair of twins. Cassia von Ravenspeak who is my vlord on zombie dragon (also have a horse mounted version of her) and now I have a model for her sister Lucia von Ravenspeak. Lucia is my 'Vengorian lord' or rather she's the graceful vampire stood in front whilst her corrupted shados takes hideous form representative of her monsterous nature to destroy enemies. Still working on fleshing out lore for the twins but will definitely be making anvil of blood versions of them too!



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  10. 34 minutes ago, Ferrus65 said:

    Zombie dragon conversion is awsome! How did you build It? Is It The seraphon realmshaper engine?

    Yep! Lots of cutting/sawing to get just the top part of the plinth then just glued the zombie dragon head/neck onto it and added greenstuff lightning energy. Drilled a couple of holes in the steps and platform so that prince ducal can stand there for when I want to use it as a Vlord on Zdragon. Had to remove his standing rock and cut away some of his cape to make him fit nicely. Originally I had planned to use a realmgate but unfortunately my local GW had none in stock (online only now I think?) so I figured I'd try this. I would like to get a realmgate to have my spare unbuilt mortarch mount (or anothe r zombie dragon / terrorgheist head) coming out from though!

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  11. Decided to put together a warscroll for a vargskyr as a hero, I see it as being a vargskyr that whether due to some anomaly or magical means has managed to retain a shred of its former intelligence/personality, enough to allow it to lead others into carnage. Clocks in at 280points


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  12. Tried my hand at making a fun little curse of lycan themed Hero. Clocks in at 190 points, no idea if she'd be any good but the idea is rush in make a flurry of attacks with her inaccurate but dangerous claws. Felt like bring me their head made the most thematic sense for a command ability for a character like this. Also I find it weird that martial vampire lords have the wizard keyword but no spells.


    EDIT: Errors in the warscroll: Forgot the hunger ability and natural movement for vamps is 6" not 5".

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  13. I'm very tempted to make a Vyrkos Vampire with anvil of blood that has curse of the lycan and just take 2 pairs of bestial claws for my weapons and just have a full crazed rip and tear vampire werewolf running around for a giggle.


    EDIT: I can also see potential way to use the blood born or zombie ogor models as Bestial companions for your vampires/necros/wights with the anvil, just nice to think outside the box with it.

  14. 11 hours ago, drcrater said:

    Hey everyone! So in the end the new zombie sculpts were too good to ignore, and there has been years since I wanted a zombie army. So I will start a Deadwalker force, with shy starting steps, maybe to dive in the new path to glory with them. Here is my couple of first rotten bois from Cursed City while I wait for my pack of the new deadwalkers and the corpse cart, and a bonus kosargi, who I hope will get separate points some day :') 

    I will take a snowy environment for these guys, with pale skin, like if they died from hypothermia. I plan to make some torches to have a hot color contrapoint for all this cold palette.



    WhatsApp Image 2021-05-14 at 17.32.17.jpeg

    Oh wow! Those look great! How did you do the skin? I'm wanting to also have a snowy theme for my soulblight so would love to be able to replicate a similar cold dead skin look.

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  15. Started getting some paint on the pair!! Still very WiP but happy that I'm getting it going. Going to keep a white walker theme for all my dragons and terrorgheist like I did for my old vampire on zombie dragon though I've totallt forgotten to greenstuff eyes on this one... whoops! Will need to add those in.




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  16. 8 minutes ago, Izotzuhure said:

    I was planning on testing Flesh tearer red over Leadbelcher to get a dark metallic red. 

    Can confirm that contrasts over metallics work very well.


    Retributor armour with blood angels red over it is great for a more vibrant cherry red like 30k thousand sons.

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  17. 11 minutes ago, Sception said:

    I'll be interested in Kritza when and if we get swarms back and he does something cool for or with them.  Until then, he's just thematically awkward.  Like if we had a wight king, but no deathrattle units.  Or if they made the grave keeper a real hero in its own right, but took away zombies.  Or if they finally introduced plastic blood knights, but took away the mounted vamp lords that go with wait what?

    Anyway, Kritza's a hero who very much goes with a very specific unit, and even if they can make him work on his own mechanically, it just doesn't feel right to field him that way.

    At least the lack of mounted vampire can be easily remedied with anvil of apotheosis.

    It would have been great to have rat swarms for Kritza to utilise and give him a little pied piper playstyle, definitely feel they missed a bit of a trick with that one.

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  18. So I've been working on using the spare zombie dragon head from my terrorgheist kit to make this fella! First two pictures are its current state (still wip) and 3rd picture is an earlier one showing where I'm planning to magnetise a vampire lord to look like he's summoning it from the portal.

    Quite looking forward to getting it finished and it's even ended up being the right sort of height/width to use as a z-dragon and not just a terrain piece ;)




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