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Posts posted by Bloodmaster


    6 minutes ago, pseudonyme said:


    I guess he is the famously rumoured flying Stormcast

    as expected, we havent seen by far everything coming for both new factions, realy looking forward to the relases of the starterbox and the following armies. So much opportiunities for mini-dios, duels and modeling in generell.

  2. 41 minutes ago, pseudonyme said:

    Concerning the Moonclan battletome / release rumour, do you think GW could go with squigs dual kits for AoS and 40k with the rumoured big 40k orks release ?

    Could be possible, but as 40k has variants like bomb squigs, that do not necessarily work for AoS, it might not happen. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Xasz said:


    But SCE being good in every aspect of the game gets old real fast. We're getting to the point were it is just one bland soup.

    I'm not to big on them getting caster either, for me they were more of a knightish priesthood or paladins. ( I could live, with just the ranged additions)

    Well, like Marines in 40k, they are build/forged to be good in every aspect of war and actions associated/linked to war, but this also means, they won't excel in any field. They are good but never the best in what they do. Where other factions or certain units of factions are  heavily specialised in certain tasks while lacking in all other fields, the SC are a reliable workhorse that can react to everything thrown at them.

    It might seem tiresome, and I am partly with you, but can lead to an interesting narrative, if done right.  And gamewise, it gives you a solid Force that is quit reliable but if countered right might be crushed.

    • Like 1
  4. Damn, that’s one hell of a discussion for two YA books - and one that took interesting turns. Instead of wondering if the setting is something to be explored by pre-teens and younger teenagers there’s waaay to much fear mongering that AoS/40k might get a bit lighter and less grimdark. A turn that might help to flash out the fluff a bit more and highlight topics of everyday life and adventure besides murdering everyone in the most brutal and industrialized way possible.
    The fear and nearly religious resistance to change in geekdom, but even more so in tabletop, say GW, communities, always baffles and saddens me raises the question, whether a dominating vocal group (note, not necessarily a majority, but through their actions a visible dominating fraction) is really so insecure of their identity and self-image that they have to fear every tiny bit of change and discriminate every one diverting from what they consider the one true perspective. If true it would be a worrisome truth, especially considering the general social standing of TTGamers, their nerddom and the resulting fact, that they quite often should have experience in being discriminated themselves.

    But I want to come back to a somewhat overlooked post, that in a certain way is connected to the above:

    12 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    You're right about the puns and double-entendres just being an all-round awful bit of gamer culture when it comes to Slaanesh buuuutt I feel there is room for GW to make something more interesting and less crappy joke-fodder from this absence. Possibly you've seen this but Kieron Gillen wrote a pretty great, if rambling, piece about 'the problem of Slaanesh', including roundups from folks taking explicitly ******-centric POVs: http://hipsterhammer.tumblr.com/post/156891771531/on-slaanesh

    Not saying I have 100% faith that GW will do it well but there's conceptual room for them to do so.


    EDIT: Oh wow, the q-word is bleeped out by the forums. Probably should have expected that, even when it's used in an academic or self-identifying context.  'LGBT-centric POVs' then.

    Frist let me thank you, @sandlemad, for the interesting reads. All three articles offer interesting insights on how Slaanesh, but also AoS/$0k as a whole, are used to discriminate and alienate as well as to offer ways to identify with and represent different ideas of identity, gender and social standing in general. A main point to take away is that Slaanesh, as well as Chaos in a wider sense, and the implications on identity and interpretation are highly dependent on the angle from which you approach it. A thing that bothers me a bit is the reduction of Slaanesh to sex and sexual deprivation, both from the hetero-normative side as well as from a LGBT perspective. Slaanesh isn’t just about ******, shes rather about all forms of excess and passion in all forms – admittedly GW fails to be consistent about it. You can see it in the EC where they are vulnerable to his calling not because they are degenerated lunatics but because they thrive for perfection, loosing themselves in this goal and going all out about whatever they do. Same with Eldar society, where Exodites and Craftworld society is under strict regulations and code of conduct. If you wander to far on one of their societies occupational paths, you either loss yourself in it and can’t come back or worse fall to chaos. Same with the other Chaos Gods: Khorne isn’t about bloody murder but although rewards honorable combat, Nurgle isn’t just decay and death but also life and renewal, Tzeentch isn’t just backstabbing and plotting but also gaining knowledge and (scientific and technological) progress. Over the last 1-2 decades GW tended to forget about those dualities and let Chaos fall to a one-dimensional antagonist robbing the background of a huge interesting part to explore further. It didn’t help much that customers as well where all about the flat-out image of Chaos.
    Another thing that is quite often forgotten, even by GW, but highlighted quite well in the text, chaos isn’t a force of evil, same as the Empire/Imperium/Sigmars blokes aren’t the good guys. There is no light and dark just grey. Chaos is as much about freedom, passion and liberty to engage in what your soul thrives as much as the Imperium is about strict limitations, totalitarian rulership and oppression of a free will – damn, servitors are a prime example, if you do wrong by the rulerships standards you are lobotomized, reprogramed and damned to a life as a mindless drone – which isn’t so much different to your life in labor camps before the procedure. Hell not even the Horus Heresy was about killing everyone or twisting them to all forms of deprivations, at least for most of the primarchs. They just felt rejected by their father and quite often as being simple tools and weapons to be cast aside when the deed was done.

    Basically AoS/40k background offers a huge playground for everyone and everyone’s ideas as well as a near philosophical playing field, where human nature can be explored. So the background in itself as well as to a certain degree GW shouldn’t be condemned and changed, as well as Slaanesh not written out, cause it is oppressive and discriminating. Rather the playerbase is the problem, or to be correct the discriminating, abusive and toxic parts of it. It is to us to be self-regulating on those elements as well as open and tolerating. Yes, you could argue, that a more refined fluff might help, but there will always be that one Brick that tries to discriminate everything/one that doesn’t fit his/her twisted worldview.


    I, for one, am looking forward what the new Slaanesh might bring and how GW is further diversifying their universes. We could only profit from a more colorful, multi-variant setting and model rang.

    • Like 11
  5. 13 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    Would it be acceptable to leave those models grey if you couldn't be bothered to paint them? :P

    Nope, only way of dealing with this minis that is acceptable, is to have the box halb assembled, one mini primed and NEVER play with them

    • Haha 1
  6. On 5/20/2018 at 9:36 AM, Burf said:

    They're the exact same jokes every time. It gets old.

    Dude, please, behave! That's no way to talk about a lady/gentleman. Nothing about slaanesh gets old, only a bit more a victim to the gravitational pull with every year.

    • Like 3
  7. 36 minutes ago, Dragobeth said:

    Irc the medium AoS's starter box (the one that comes without the Celestant) comes with something like that, a paper mat and the box itself is used as scenery.  GW could do the same but it looks like they do it with the medium boxes (40k did the same)

    Aye, but I expect we won't see a smaller and a medium sized starter right from the beginning, but a bit down the line, when everyone already has bought the big box. The smaller ones are tailored more for beginners and as upgrades with a more utilitarian rule book. Usually, the big box is primarily aimed at existing players offering a point for a secondary army, an expansion of existing ones, or a way to bring in a friend through sharing the box contend, giving the newbe a starting army and the veteran an expansion or a secondary army. 

  8. 35 minutes ago, Jagd said:

    For sure some moonclan! Guessing Slaanesh for end of the year maybe. That latest teaser has to be slaanesh.

    Not quite sure about it. The lack of 40k releases or better, gw lack of full army releases is somewhat strange and suspicious. Somehow I wouldn't be surprised if we see a dominance of 40k in the second half of 2018. Moonclan and darkoath will come for sure, either later 2018 or in the first half of 2019, and slaanesh at the end of 2018/beginning of 2019 for both systems is a given, but I wouldn't bet on light/shadow elves in the near future, although I would be really happy about it. 

    • Like 2
  9. 20 minutes ago, Ungface said:

    For some reason i thought of orcs

    The are living some very strange orcs where you are from. ^^


    17 minutes ago, AGPO said:

    I'd love it to be the new Keeper of Secrets, but I have a feeling it could be 40k related.

    Maybe it's a 40k KoS ?

  10. 1 hour ago, S133arcanite said:

    Maybe the top one is a skirmish model.


    The Nighthaunt seem to have two warbands, and the stormbros do to

    Or he is a special character. Somehow I don't see mounts in shadespire, though it would be nice to see mounted warbands 

  11. Just now, xking said:

    It's stormcast valkyries. I mean you said they are female stormcast on  flying mounts, so my guess is  stormcast valkyries. It fits with the theme of death going on this year.

    Would be more than awesome, but lets hope they don't ride pegasi (in the classic way) - winged horses are always a strange sight and GW could do much better with more absurd designs - and did in the past, eel-riding Elves want a word ?

  12. 4 minutes ago, hughwyeth said:

    Don't GW have an in-house paint team that do all their paint jobs?

    Yes and no. For some stuff they hire additional, external painters or sometimes send out preview boxes to all known painters as promo material to be shown the day pre-orders go up. See GUO 

  13. 21 minutes ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

    comparison I was told that only 2 sisters of battle are currently finished

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand thanks to CAD that means nearly all squads are done. A bit of repositioning and cleanup, some weapon changes and tada, you have an army. Design's done, boys. 

    On second waves: Sylvaneth and iron jaws make sens, their ranges are smale compared to what GW rolles out as armies nowadays, Idoneth - not so much, they are brand new and have a huge variety of sets available, before they are expanded, we will see other new factions, old ones expanded and at least 5 new chambers of Sigmarines.

    • Like 1
  14. Hm, maybe we could agree upon that GW should squad everything old world and fade out models older than, hm, something around 2010ish. make a more or less clean cut, with only keeping stuff in a way as they did with DoK. AoS has much more to offer than your standard dwarfs , knights, undead skellies and late 15.th/early 16th century humans. There are dwarfs in metal balloons kept afloat by gaseous gold and elves riding eels on land to gather souls for their withered children, ****** at least make humans overthetop, too. Let WHFB die in peace and not drag it along keeping it in an unholy un-life.
    And could we get back to rumours and hyped for this weekend!

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