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Everything posted by Bloodmaster

  1. Chaos in any form probably will only be teased, as a reaction on the leaks/speculation from sunday/early monday. all in all, the seminar might still have room for some AoS faction(s) depending on whether they are only Tomes with Endless Spells or full-on army releases. on undivided demons: Chatter has it, that a certain demon prince, first of his kind, is in works
  2. - Darkoath will be undivided barbarians. - Demons will probably will be their own book with a new line of undivided demons as well as including all 4 god specific demon kin - all 4 Godds get thier own mixe (mortals and demons) book - slaves to darkness should evolve to an overarching battletome for the GA excluding skaven. - Beastmen probably has all beasts, with the option to expand certain subfactions - and everchosen might evolve in what was classicly known as Warriors of chaos, undivided and marked, hopefully with some new models.
  3. Nova might bringus: Beastmen, Nighgoblins for AoS; Orks and with much luck Genestealers for 40k; Nightvault with the new starter box, teams as mentioned above either as content of the box or first wave (personaly I think we will see one or two ETB sets from nighhaunts and SCE translated to WU, Nightvault); next necromunda gang; FW stuff; Titan weapons for AT; LotR previews. Nova could be massiv!
  4. It's not the release order that was forced to change through leaks but the reveal. With the endless spell shown it's more likly they wanted to build some mystery and hype for Wednesday rather than have a full reveal the following day.
  5. I wouldn't say, they announced Beasts - it simply leaked too early and forced GWs hand. What might have been planed, is a reaveal at Nova together with ofter AoS stuff - similar how 40k got 3 'dexes announced repeatedly during the last year, which were a combination of updated codices and new or expended versions.
  6. Dude, it's the same cad file with just some reworking of the horns
  7. This. Most logical release would be a beastmen book, combining all beastial chaos folks. And than a separate darkoath book, for barbarians. Both might use units of one another, similar to the old chaos books in 5th Ed WhFB, but function as seperate factions
  8. Because he has no model options to represent it. No model no rules - main rule for GW after the chapter house case. Get allies if you want wizards* for now, BCR might get some down the line. * ogers even have thier own with firebellies, no need for greenskins!
  9. The worst of all armies: Beast Claw Riders - to paraphrase. As others, he is one of those gamers, that thinks he is entitled to get his army treated imminently and exclusively, and that it HAS to be amongst the easy to play top 3 ones. But please could we move on from the "AoS got nothing, why does GW ****** us over and over again"! AoS had a strong year so far, and there is still stuff to come. 40k needs and deserves some attention as well, and so do Specialised games. I agree that a larger preview would have been nice, but remember there is another show and seminar coming in less than 2 weeks - and we hat many spills before hand. Both bigger Boxed games, Speed freaks and Rough trader, where spoilered before the event, lowering thier impact - and stealing the thunder of the follow-ups from both boxes. It really seams as if the exchanged Nova's and WHF EU's presentations. Much of the stuff shown is more fitting for a generell game expo than an in house event. Seams like leaks forced their hands one to many times.
  10. There won't be any news tomorrow. If your lucky you can get unofficial glimpses, but don't get your hope up.
  11. Or they could say something at nova next week. Nevertheless, the next few months won't be bleak, with or without destruction. There are so many new toys coming, that there isn't enough time to handle a fraction of what is worth to get your hands on.
  12. Doesn't anyone remember blood dragons? A whole clan of bretonean knights turned vampires and drinking drahonblood?!
  13. What about Fap-uary, seeing a certain someone cumming to 40k and AoS....
  14. in line with at least two other open roumor pics - bet we eill see the reveal this saturday, at least some of it.
  15. Archaon is still available in print version, but skaven and BCR are digital only as well. Interstingly, depending on wether I set the filters manually or search Battletome in generall, the digital versions are there or disapeared. Makes me wonder if either thers a bug or if they are right in the process of deleting.... P.S. Bonespliters are digital only, too.
  16. hm, intersting. But the digital versions are largely still available.
  17. From all we know, the whole context of the box has been shown in several pictures. An expansion would be sweet, as well as both factions flushed out as 40k armies, but right now it would be to early for all of these. GW probably will test the waters first before investing in an expending lineup, or even if they have allready planned it, it will come further down the line, allowing to milk the box as long as possible
  18. My tip for grots has to be a trolls armpit, those dudes are ... well, lets say the concept of a shower is completly alien to them. Concerning RT, I think we are wrong, although it has strong recemblances. But chack the Pictures of the box once more, there is nothing direktly relating to the Gellerrot Muties, although the elements have some shared basic designe idears - in that they spot elements of decay and critters.
  19. My thought, too. RT would fit, even though it is strange to have already revealed models in the engine. P.S.: did a quick check on the shown RT pics. No match there, only similarities for the Gellerpox muntants
  20. Well, I don't believe Darkoath to be a GA book, they are from what we know specific in a way that they are barbarians. I would say a GA Chaos book will be, fittingly, "Slaves to Darkness" uniting all subfactions in a way as Warriors/Beasts/demons of Chaos army books did during 6th edition WHFB, where you where free to combine troops from all three books. Or even older, as in Realm of chaos: Slaves to Darkness*/Lost and the Damned. On the one hand I think a GA book that realy makes sence would bie a GA Chaos one, on the other I hope they hold it back for a while, first publishing Slaanesh, something skaven and beastmen/monsters and only than unifying all factions *= ah haha, look at that ?
  21. as I said, he was good for some time (not a decade!) but aged terrible. he is, at least, outdated since a decade and very much due for an update.
  22. You basically answered your question yourself! But the worst sculpt has to be the "modern" Minotaures - but let'S and this OT here and move it to pm if you are further interessted
  23. Both Imrik and Malekith could be build through newer dragon kits, but without the SC-branding. Which makes it even sadder, that the old models prevailed. But to be honest, not only the hands, heads and tails where atrocious. The whole body as well as posture doesn't make any sense or allow the beasts to be ridden. And those wings where tagged on every flying monster for nearly over a decade that was larger than a horse. To be fair, the more recent dragons from WHFB times weren't that much better! Concerning the worst sculpts, I wouldn't be so quick. Remember Abbadon or the old 6th Ed. dark elf maticore. The 5th/6th Ed Greater Demons. I Would include 2nd Ed. Tyranids but those guys were actually had some quite catroonish qualities.
  24. man, those old dragons aged bad. They were already outdated in the early 2000s, but the bring back some fond memories of gaming in the 90s.
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