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Posts posted by Nizrah

  1. Stormcast are alright? Are you kidding me? 80% of warscroll are useless. Today my fully buffed 10 evocators (reroll 1 to hit, reroll full wounds) killed only 5 of 10 heartguards... Combo for 780 couldnt kill unit for 240.

    Also for 220 i can get 5 evocators thats deal okayish dmg and are made of paper. For 240 he can get 10 heartguard thats hit like train and and are durable as stone.

    The only really competive way of playing (raptors) were nerfed. We are in dire need of overhaul...

    • Like 2
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  2. 16 minutes ago, Marzillius said:

    Won't the Hekatos be immediately brought back by the Reaper's ressurections? And the Stardrake, even if it eats the Hekatos, will just be killed by the Morteks the turn it goes in anyway.

    Exacly! Starkdrake will melt with -2  rend and this volume of attacks... Also they will just ressurect hektos X D

  3. 7 hours ago, ledha said:

    Why did he played Karakros with petrifex elite ? His +1 save and +1 to hit buff doesn't work on them as far as i know

    Becouse he is best force multiplayer in entire game. Gives you shittone of CP, hit very hard, very tought to kill, ressurect models for free, give -1 to hit just for lulz. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Sedraxis said:

    On the matter of SCE vs OBR.

    The main weakness of OBR lies in their low movement and model quantity. SCE has the ability to take control early through deploying all over the map. If you can force them to split up you can pick their units off one by one.

    OBR also shares our weakness to mortal wounds, so if you can Gavriel bomb/charge them with Evocators you can take out key pieces like Arkhan or other heroes. Same for Longstrikes.

    Another thing is the Crawler, it shuts down when enemies get within 3" because of its minimum range, devoting one or 2 cheap units to that might be worthwhile.

    Slow? +3 to move for entire army? They can move 7+ d6 in first tune. Its enough to cover half of the table. Weakness to mortal wounds? 6+ on entire army and 5+ with spell. Evocators will do ****** againts 3+ full reroll and even if you deal like 10 mortals wounds he will resurect 6 models for free next turn :).

    The only possible way to win with OB is to kill Heroes with longshots. Good luck with thats with recent nerf to hero phase range ;)

    • Sad 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Requizen said:

    How is that any different from Scions at that point?

    They still can shoot twice. They simply might not be able to do it guaranteed on turn 1, which was always the case against a canny opponent who wouldn't deploy important units within 30" of your line, or used terrain, or used reserve shenanigans - which then forced you to consider burning that CP on a low-priority target and perhaps put your Longstrikes in a bad position. 

    Translocation still works... 66% of the time, anyways. Every turn after Turn 1 you'll have something to shoot, since 24" is still quite a good range in AoS and objectives need to be taken. This change is a nerf for sure, but it's only a nerf in that you won't be able to guarantee instagib a unit of choice before the opponent goes. Instead, now it's a chance to instagib, or otherwise allows them to get a turn un-shot.

    Overall it's still likely one of the top lists for SCE, given how shooting is really our only way to keep up with a lot of things. 

    But from my experience that "instagib" was crucial for 80% of games. If you dont kill the most inportant units in 1 and 2 turn you will ussualy get overhelmed and loose.

    Also 24" in standard 72/48 tables is very low.

  6. 1 minute ago, Maturin said:

    Fair points. But add a Drakesworn templar and you have your Dracothian hit on 3+ for MW. Plus the Drakesworn's ability to do D3Mw to D6 units on the battlefield ! That's potent, right @Turragor :)

    So far my 6 man desolators didn't disappoint me. Especially when coupled with a castellant or staunch defender, and or in terrain :D.

    Yea and you play 1000 points for 7 models ;) Good luck :P

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  7. 9 hours ago, Lucur said:

    Interesting, I'd rate 10 Evocators higher than the Sequitors as it basically frees up the 120 pts for the castellant and poses the greater threat plus extra dispel. Is it the footprint of the large brick?

    They dont have to kill. They are a wall. i can park on middle of the board, 3+ sv with full rerolls is tough. Evocators  are hard as wet papel.

  8. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer

    Knight-Azyros (100)
    Knight-Incantor (140)
    - Spell: Celestial Blades
    Knight-Incantor (140)
    - Spell: Azyrite Halo
    Lord-Castellant (120)
    - General
    - Trait: Deathly Aura
    - Artefact: Soulthief
    Lord-Relictor (100)
    - Prayer: Translocation

    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers

    20 x Sequitors (440)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 9x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    3 x Aetherwings (50)
    3 x Aetherwings (50)
    9 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (510)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 126

    Just won local T. yesterday with this list. Shoot cast strong. I actually think this is most viable option.

  9. 10 hours ago, snipersyn said:

    I'd appreciate some feedback my Anvil Sniper army:

    Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer

    Knight-Azyros, General (CT: Deathly Aura, A: Soulthief) 100pts

    Knight-Incantor (S: Celestial Blades) 140pts

    Lord-Relictor (P:Translocation) 100pts

    Lord-Ordinator 140pts

    Liberators x 5 100pts

    Liberators x 5 100pts

    Liberators x 5 100pts

    Celestar Ballista 110pts

    Celestar Ballista 110pts

    Celestar Ballista 110pts

    Aetherwings x 3 50pts

    Aetherwings x 3 50pts

    Vanguard-Raptors x 9 510pts

    Evocators x 5 (Tempest Blade/Stormstave; S: Celestial Blades) 220pts

    Extra Command Point 50pts

    1990pts total

    As you can see, it's hyper-focused on shooting. But more so dropping either all the ballistas or raptors using Scions and double-taking using Heroes from another age command ability.

    I think this should work. Test it out and tell us!

  10. 4 minutes ago, Celestantpants said:

    When are stormcast likely to get a new tome do you think?  I gotta believe it's low on the priority list, due to the tome situations of other armies.

    Well, only like 5 armies lack 2 ed tome.  Nurgle, Seraphone, Khadrons, Tzeentch and DoK i think. So i think we will be next after them.


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