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Posts posted by Ravenborn

  1. On 7/9/2021 at 4:36 AM, Maogrim said:

    Don't know if this is the right place for asking, but does anyone happen to know why the Khelt Nar Witches are dark-skinned? I don't think GW ever did much with Aelves in terms of ethnic diversity. Was it just a stylistic decision to let their color scheme stand out more?

    I think they look awesome and am just wondering if this was ever adressed lore-wise. 

    I love painting dark skin, but found that over my schemes tend to be dark overall and they don’t have enough contrast to be readable on the battlefield. I’m repainted them light skin again. 

    But, yes, GW seems to be making a conscious effort to be more inclusive. I love it.   Please try other skin tones, it really makes an army unique. 


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  2. On 7/7/2021 at 7:54 AM, Sapca said:3) Medusas look underpriced and 2 should handle instances where opponent has 30-40 of something.

    Drakespawn Knights (allies) are cheap, form long lines and can be interesting block option with their easy 2+ save. Could work wonders along with shooty snakes. (plan to test them, have 10 of them which is likely overkill as allies).

    Shadow Warriors (allies) are still cheap and can reach those opponents shooters without being shot at first. 10 bodies strong and in many cases likely better than Khinerai now. Extremely hard to negate, especially worth considering with new points 120 vs 95 (I'm building 20 of them with DoK heads... cough).

    Alopex from Idoneth preventing pilein could be good also (didn't really go deep into Idoneth ;) but this one stuck out) it moves 12 and has 18" range on net. That teleport hero + group of thralls? could also work (better) now, need to check that.

    I’m pretty excited about using Dark Elf allies; Drakespawn Knights and Kharybdis will definitely make a showing.

    Would Idoneth Alopex be able to teleport? I thought they’d miss out because they would lack the DoK keyword. 

    You mention the “teleport hero”; Tenebreal Shard? Hopefully you have someone else in mind, I’ve found him to be incredibly disappointing, since he fails his teleport 50% of the time. I wish they’d improve that somehow. 

    PS: Post your converted Shadow Warriors when you get a chance, I love DE conversions. 

  3. Great, I’m really happy to see some practical feedback on 3.0.

    Interesting to see you switching to two units of ten sneks.  Given that everyone has the same limits on how many maxed out units they can bring, it makes sense that putting all our eggs in one basket will be overkill.


  4. What are your thoughts on Khinerai?

    I have 15 unbuilt models, and am trying to determine whether to build 10 life takers or 10  heartrenders and 5 of the other (or even 15 of one type)

    I haven’t played in well over a year, and the release of 3.0 has me excited about my girls again.  I’ve got at least one box of everything available to DoK players, and decided I wanted to focus on the more fantastical units. Accordingly, the core of my army will be 10 melee sneks and 5 shooty sneks, and 10 doomfire warlocks.  Then 10  or 15 bird ladies, but I’m not sure what to build them as, and would appreciate any recommendations. 

    Originally, I loved the heartrenders’ deepstriking rend bonus as a way to threaten my opponent’s artillery, but now I’m thinking that 10 life takers can get stuck in, with the possibility of a DoK hero using deep strike shenanigans to help support them (since we have a few options to “teleport” units anywhere outside of 9” of enemy ranges.) 

    On that note, the heartrenders get their rend bonus “…if this unit was set up on the battlefield the same turn.” Would that include if they are taken off the board and set up outside of enemy range?


  5. I came here to post the exact same question, so thanks for asking it and thanks for the answer!

    Seeing how it limits “maxed” units, depending on the overall size of the army, makes so much more sense. Before this explanation, I thought they were just giving a name (reinforcement) to an option we’ve had for years (bigger units). 

  6. I’ve followed Warhammer Fantasy since it was “Chainmail”, because I’m older than dirt. Dark Elves have always been my favourite army.

    I didn’t play much until AoS v2, and tried to use the generic Darkling Covens list, which regularly got mopped up by lists that actually contained synergy and interesting rules.

    So, I was thrilled when I heard about the new DoK faction... until I did the math. $70 Canadian per 10 witch elves, and I’d need at least 60. Sneks were cool, but there were only five variations and the archers were pointless.

    The viable lists were limited too. Hag Narr was very competitive, the others needed more skill and experience than I had as a super-casual.

    And then Cities of Sigmar got released, and that meant I was drowning in Druuchii options again. Up-to-date rules that were interesting and had synergy and competitive, a plethora of options for cavalry and monsters and light or heavy infantry...

    I switched over to an all Dark Elf CoS army in a heartbeat.

    Now, with the new DoK book, I’m cautiously optimistic that I can put together a mix of doom warlocks and sneks and harpies and explore different sub factions  I don’t need a minimum of $400 of basic troops to be competitive, and I can paint a variety of models, not just the same witch over and over.

    So, yeah; higher cost for basic troop which felt mandatory to be competitive, a book that was missing internal balance were my main complaints. I’m super excited about working with the new book.

    A final thing convinced me to drop CoS for DoK; endless spells. At least in my mind, GW finally committing to making Dark Elf specific spells makes me think they are now a “real” army. Seeing beastmen getting spells and terrain, while the pointy spite-elves were left out made me think GA was still testing the waters with them.





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  7. Another Calgary player/lurker here. Can’t wait to see this apocalypse end so we can get back to gaming with other humans. At least the last year has been a good opportunity to tackle some of my horde unpainted plastic. 

  8. I’d just like to point out that the reason “Finecast” earned so much hatred was that the quality was objectively worse (bubbles, mold lines, breakable) than the metal it replaced... but at a higher price. If the price had come down GW could have earned some good will, but it felt like they wanted the customer to cover the cost for their mistakes. 

    Fortunately their plastics have made up for their mistakes, but I wouldn’t touch their products for several years. 

  9. Apologies if this was already discussed; 

    Would it be viable to run a unit of Doomfire Warlocks up a flank and drop a Bloodwrack Viper in the midst of your opponent’s army?

    I’m guessing the Warlocks would need to park behind some solid terrain to block LOS so they can survive ‘til the next magic round. But they can then drop it 9” toward the enemy, and it can slither another 9”. 

    I haven’t played in almost two years, so I’m trying to remember the rules updates :) . I’m just so happy to finally have our own endless spells. 

  10. Perfect, thanks for sharing all the photos!

     It’s projects like this that keep me motivated; it’s clearly a labour of love, and I enjoy seeing all the creativity. Even without words, this army tells a story. I love the unifying theme of storms and lightning, the unique red and blue heraldry, the conversions that enforce the wild nature of this army... really amazing work. This is the type of project that keeps Warhammer alive and vital after all these years.


    I’d pick the dwarves as my favourite units, which is odd since I’m always partial to dark elves. But the LOTR dwarves were an inspired choice, so dynamic compared to the WHFB models.

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  11. I have the physical City of Sigmar book, and the online copy of the 2020 Generals Handbook... do I still need an Errata/FAQ to get the current cost of my dark elf units?

    I haven’t touched the game this year, so I don’t know what’s up to date. I do recall that the lists I bought were made redundant almost immediately. (Which definitely contributed to my abandoning the game over the summer)

  12. Wow, that is a very expensive Phoenix! Beautifully done  


    I have been thinking about making a manticore using the Tauren as a base, but would need to sculpt the paws. This is the new Lumineth kitty, with the Warcry kitty head isn’t it? That’s perfect. 

    (I have no idea what the actual names are)


  13. On 7/20/2020 at 10:18 AM, Chumphammer said:

    Some of the big ones i have seen:

    Salamanders now 110pts

    Flamers/Horrors up 20pts. Gaunt Summoner 10 pink horrors now 5 horrors 

    Scourgerunner Chariots 60/150 now 80/210
    Steamtanks down to 180

    I just purchased the electronic copy; Scourgerunner Chariots appear unchanged. 


  14. On 5/20/2020 at 10:19 PM, Kierdale said:

    1. Dark Elves (back in The World That Was) had a character mounted on a Manticore (a beast master). I’m keen to make one and wondered if using a Chaos manticore would be doable? Perhaps counting it as a Freeguild General on Gryphon as I believe they have the same base size (or a black dragon?).



    2. What ideas do people have for city or realm-specific counts-as Celestial Hurricanums?

    I’m thinking of making some kind of cold-one-pulled version for my Anvilgard army, crewed by a mage and other individuals, armed with a big flamethrower as the ‘Storm of Shemtek’.

    1. I’m modifying a Tauralon for my manticore, and plan on using the black dragon rules since my army is all dark elves. 

    2. If you scroll up this page you’ll see my cold-one driven dark elf Hurricanum. I’m going to have an elf sorceress in place of the Medusa, who’s a temporary placeholder. 

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