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Posts posted by calcysimon

  1. I just saw yesterday's photos of the event

    There was a stand where u could take and free paint a Chaos warrior  😏 strange?! 



    Ps. The goblin scenery is freaking huge, doubles a gargant in the photo

  2. 2 hours ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    From many hours of examining blurry photos it looks like the gobbo with the double moon banner is riding a mushroom troll, like the dankhold troggoth just smaller (the bottom half of the mushroom is the same colour as the trolls we seen in the other image. Then we have a shaman that is dancing and chanting which matches the designers notes about the GG's being more shamanistic with witch doctors and medicine men.

    The yellowish and green looking model looks like a night gobbo you can clearly see the iconic hood in yellow) and it appears as if he is holding something that is emitting some gases like the same colours as the shroom fanatics so i believe he is the medicine man! I cant really tell what that red squig is... in kind of looks like a spider going down on a single piece of webbing with 4 black/purple legs and 4 green/white legs and a red bum!

    They could be a new type of squigs like the nightvault ones. 😍

  3. What I rly hope is that khorne and slaanesh box will be a full daemon so it will be 40k/aos thing so we will not need to wait other 6 months for a new dual box army


    Next are darkoath and destruction factions since they waited to launch the "new warbands" for spoilers on warscrolls, we all know it, but since at the start of 2019 they need to announce slaanesh and in December they don't do new things since they need to sell the "big boxes of factions" I am rly disappointed they will come in March or after

  4. General's Trait work with it, u can trigger 2 effects of "start of the hero phase", u can use and trigger all the abilities as u want (only the ones that say at the start) in the chosen order


    With cast u can't since the start of the phase ended

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  5. 19 hours ago, Domowoj said:

    2 GUOs and Rotigus and a barebones blight cyst fit nicely just under 2k. Two drops, three artifacts, extra command points. Maybe doesn't kill things fast enough, and it's missing Plague Squall.

    Maybe better is a 3x Befoulment with something hard hitting. Go with a unit of 6 plague drones, a sorcerer who can cast blades of putrefaction, and some battleline units. Some minimum battlelines and maybe an endless spell or two for fun. Geminids and Prismatic Palisade? This gives you a big magical toolbox and a big hammer, but it's lacking bodies.

    This is my favorite though:

    GUO blade and bell (witherstave), GUO sword and flail (endless gift), Rotigus, thricefold befoulment

    The Glottkin

    40x Marauders

    20x Marauders

    20x Marauders (or swap out for 5x Chaos Warriors + Prismatic Palisade)

    Plop the four big boys right in the middle in a cluster and dare anyone to take them on.

    None of those lists fits 2000 points 

    Only the last is near it, without chaos warriors

    • Haha 1
  6. Here is my two conversions of slaughterpriests as nurgle chaos lords, maybe I had exagerated with the blood and gore effects on the a e guy ?

    Added only some spikes as corruptions  shoulders and my bbf typhus corruption 








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