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Arkanaut Admiral

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Posts posted by Arkanaut Admiral

  1. On 12/28/2018 at 8:08 PM, Ironbreaker said:

    I think that if Dispossessed get an update, they need to change the name. Dispossessed is not really copyright friendly. They need something like "Scions of Grungni", "Khazalid Kingdoms", "Grudgebound Grumblers". 

    Oh, Khazalid Kingdoms!  I like that!  Actually all three are good. :D

    I whole heartedly think that the Dispossessed could stand as a single battletome.  They already have an allegiance ability, and I think artifacts and command traits too?  I think they could have their own terrain feature, and I think that the Anvil Of Doom could come back bigger and better than ever!  Plus, think of all the minis that we've had removed over the years.  Thanes with banners, alternative weapon load outs for characters, traditional Duardin artillery (could totally see a future plastic grudge thrower/bolt thrower combo kit), miners...plus, I think that the Duardin should have their own version of the steam tank.  There's so many things they could do!

    Bare this in mind...the original anvil of doom was mounted on wheels...no reason a future mini couldn't be the same...but better...like a Duardin version of a Screaming Bell or Plague Furnace...


  2. I've said this a few times before, but I think that the best way to fix the KO (after simple points adjustments) is to use the garrison rules for the ships, adjust the stats of the ships (better saves, longer ranged weapons, automatic tireless endrinrigger), give Thunderers better special type  guns, and make the Aether Khemist's buff a flat bonus.  Oh, and let Navigators outflank the ship they're embarked upon, like that Deepkin Navigator type.

    Those are my simple suggestions.  More complicated suggestion...advances in their technology has allowed Navigators to progress to the level of full wizards.  Now there's a real use for them.  However, I don't know if the lore can allow this idea, so I file it in my 'mad idea' suggestion box.

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  3. Yeah I lost it watching the vid.  Couldn't be more hyped up!  Tomorrow can't come soon enough! 

    As for minis, I actually hope the rank and file Moonclan minis stay, because they are sweet and they hold up really well too.  But all those (ancient) metal squigs and characters need replaced for sure.  I don't know about the Spiderfangs though; I still think their models are really good, but the sculpting technology has advanced so much since they came out, so replacements would be a sight to behold.

  4. @Kramer  Awesome stuff.  Good to know that they’re readily available.

    I’m looking to create a themed list, and therefore I think The Lost Legion are the best for this on account of the mixed weapons.  It’s just a shame that they’re so rare.

    If anyone spots any Lost Legion minis for sale, please let me know!  I know of one set on sale, but it’s £145, which is pretty steep.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Love those. Have them in a box with the same thought as you! 

    They’re fantastic aren’t they?  I need at least 5 (perferably 15) more, but they’re so incredibly rare!

    Alcatani’s Fellowship minis however are quite common, though still expensive.

  6. 9 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Oh, then please don’t ;) Have you tried playing without ships? 

    Haha, the table of 120 is now forever embedded in my mind. 

    I have.  Last four games or so I’ve ditched them for the most part.  Getting much better results too.  Even won a game.

    It shouldn’t be that way though.  The ships should be the main draw of the force, not an ineffective points sink.

    • Like 3
  7. Oh, don't get me started on our point costs.  The ships are way too expensive, even after that the reductions in GH2018. :D

    As their rules currently stand, I'd shave 60pts off the price of the ships.  Hell, even with adjustments to their rules, I would still shave 60pts off. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Luzgurbel said:

    we NEED to filter our horribles to hit/to wound rolls.


    I can tolerate the average 'Ballistic Skill'.  It's the weakness of our weapons that gets me.  Also yeah, a big unit of rifle Thunderers is pretty good.  Especially when augmented.  But they aren't spectacular.  

    Also, can I post my suggestions for Overlord changes here?  If I was limited to only three per unit, it would be:

    Navigator: You know the Isharann Soulscryer, and his Finder Of The Ways ability?  Our navigator should have a version of his.  As in, if one begins the game embarked upon a skyvessel, said skyvessal can Outflank.  Instantly useful.  Also, since they're the closest thing we have to Wizards, they should have a small table of weather manipulating abilities to choose from, for a bit of variety. 

    Khemist: His Aetheric Augmentation ability should affect all weapons in a unit, not just one type.  This would really help out Skywardens and Thunderer units with special weapons.  Shooting and melee.  It should also be usable on Skyvessels.  All of our characters should be able to boost the ships.  This sounds brutal, but when I see what other armies are throwing out, I say hard cheese. :D

    Arkanauts: -1 Rend on the pistols.  They're firearms, and in AoS, firearms have rend.  Also, change the Damage of Skypikes to 2  (same for Skywardens).  Make them more reliable, because I never get beyond damage 1 with them.  Oh, now the bad news.  With the new -1 rend, and the boosted Khemist, they need a rebalance to avoid going up in points.  So with that in mind...limit the special weapons to 1 of each type per 10 arkanauts (e.g, 1 skypike per 10, 1 skyhook per 10 etc.).  This is controversial, but I think it's justified.  Plus, it fits in more with what other armies do.  And it matches Thunderers too.  I just want Arkanauts to be more than a skyhook delivery system.

    I've got more but I need to go out so, I'll post them latter.


  9. Using the Garrison rules for the ships would be best.  I just encountered two problems when using them; 1, Battleshock, and 2, how to handle the ship exploding.  

    Since the embarked units can loose models and thus require Battleshock tests, they run the risk of models fleeing.  It's OK from a gaming perspective, but what about a fluff perspective?  If you're on a flying ship, where do you flee too?  Lifeboats?  Parachutes? 

    Also, if you're using the Garrison rules and the ship explodes, you get to set the disembarking units up 6" away from the wreckage.  My opponent wasn't too happy with this, because it's letting those units "escape".  My suggestion to this would be to say that they can disembark 6" away from the wreckage, but they suffer an automatic D3 mortal wounds to balance it out.  I think this scales out better than the all or nothing approach currently used.  

    Another couple of issues; what happens if the ship moves into deadly terrain?  Does the unit also have to roll?  I would say yes, they do.  This is quite cinematic...the ship being rocked by the deadly terrain, with some poor unfortunate Duardin being killed as a result.  

    And if the ship charges, the embarked units won't get their cover save, as they too will count as having charged.  But I suppose that's OK.

    These are all minor issues though.  The overall mechanics are sound. 

  10. Would definitely give Arkanaut guns -1 Rend.  No idea why they didn’t have it to begin with.  Pretty much all other guns have -1 Rend.

    Also, I want to throw this out there.  You really want Overlords to play the way they work in fluff?  Change the whole embarking/disembarking set up to match the terrain garrison rules.  So now, the embarked models can fight from the ships.  They can shoot and fight, and be targeted in return, but with the bonus of -1 to hit and cover to protect them.  Plus, a navigator can now unbound spells whilst embarked.

    I tested this system out once against Ironjawz, and it was fantastic.  The only two snags that remained unanswered were how to handle the casualties from a destroyed ship and battleshock.  But I know it isn’t broken because I still lost the game! :D

    Also, to carry on what Beliman was saying, since we have no magic, we deserve very strong magical defences instead.  So with that in mind, I would let Frigates and Ironclads dispel enemy magic.  They have a navigator on board.  He could do it.  Whilst ‘Trust Aethermatics Not Superstition’ could become a sort of save against magic, like a Dispossessed Runic Icon.  Just some thoughts.

    • Like 3
  11. I wouldn’t make Endrinriggers battleline, as then they’d just render the other options completely pointless in a way.  I would make Skywardens and Thunderers battleline if you have the Overlord Allegiance though.  Helps us out a long way whilst avoiding ally shenanigans.

    And 4+ save and automatic tireless endrinrigger for the ships for sure.  And automatic aetheric navigation too.  Whilst the stand alone Navigator allows the ship he’s embarked upon to Outflank.  Now that would make them useful! ;)

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Ironbreaker said:

    How do I even play this army? There is only one guy at my store who plays AoS and he beats me every time. He plays Chaos and I play Dispossessed obviously. Every game we play, he crushes me easily and there seems to be nothing I can do about it. As much as I like having an army that I like the look of, it really hurts my self-esteem being beaten all the time and never seeing my models I worked so hard on doing anything of note. Last game I played, he flanked my Irondrakes with a Chaos Gargant and wiped the entire 10 model unit out with a single combat round. I am just getting sick of this hobby since I am not having any fun playing. 

    Here is my current list. Ignore the lack of grudge since it is situational.

    Allegiance: Dispossessed
    Warden King (120)
    - General
    - Trait: Resolute 
    Runelord (100)
    - Artefact: Ancestral Pickaxe 
    20 x Warriors (160)
    - Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields
    10 x Longbeards (100)
    - Great Axes & Shields
    10 x Ironbreakers (140)
    10 x Irondrakes (180)
    Organ Gun (120)
    - Allies
    Gyrobombers (80)
    - Allies

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 200 / 200
    Wounds: 69

    I feel your pain.  I know what it’s like to be continuously beat while your models do little.  I can’t remember whats it like to win. :(

    But let’s see if I can help you.     What does your opponent take?

  13. 7 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    Seems that way!  Mind you there have been some oddball squigs in the past too... #hairsquig xD

    And they’re doing a good turn by taking these oddball squigs and making models of them.  And think of the implications for other factions too; tree and spider squigs for the Spider fang grots.  40k style ‘oiler’ squigs for Grotbag scuttlers (assuming that they go steampunk).  A lot of possibility from this!

    • Like 3
  14. Am I the only one who hopes that the old Landsknecht look of the Freeguild left over from the Old World Empire is eventually replaced by something more Mortal Realmly?  But in such a way that the old minis can still be used?  Maybe even side by side, like Cadians and Catachan minis?

    But on topic, I would bet money that there’s some Moonclan stuff in those teaser pics.

    • Like 7
  15. Yeah I pretty much agree with all of that.  We started off OK (just) but we were then repeatedly nerfed.  And it definitely feels like we were an army designed with the 'handbrake on' if that makes sense.

    I've been talking about how to fix the Overlords here:


    Long story short, the ships need more wounds, a better save, longer ranged weapons, their Valve Attacks increased and Tireless Endrinrigger to be automatic.   Oh, and the Gunhauler needs to be faster too.  Way faster. 

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