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Posts posted by Vitch_EGS

  1. Hi everyone so I'm going to try and chronicle the growing numbers of my 2020 Age of Sigmar project. I have really got into Warcry in the last few months but seeing the new starter set for Slaves I had to pick them up to have a Warcry themed Age of Sigmar army.


    First time collecting more for hobbying sake but dam these models were great. I got stuck into them and in my hurry didn't take many progress pics but going to post some pics for thoughts and feedback. 



    Even suggestions on what to add and what you think would suit the flavour I'd be happy to listen too, ranting aside here's a few pics and again feedback is much appreciated. (Bases needs finished up)

    I will get some unit close ups when basing is done too to add, and hopefully remember to update as I reinforce them.



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  2. That's right.. I'm so used to normally doing mono god stuff I don't know why I said that at all.

    Yeah reading up a bit it does seem like theirs better bang for my buck in the book but the model is so cracker and a must get for my Warcry side of things. Just be a shame not to use it.

  3. So I finally have fired together a 1000pt themed list for my Bloodpox Raiders of Chamon.  A nurgle/khorne mono based force.

    Ravager Legion - 1000pts
    Chaos Lord on Karkadrak [250pts]: General, Khorne
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord [110pts]: 1. Binding Damnation, Nurgle
    Ogroid Myrmidon [140pts]
    Chaos Knights [180pts]: 5 Chaos Knights, Cursed Lance, Khorne
    Chaos Warriors [100pts]: 5 Chaos Warriors, Chaos Hand Weapons and Chaos Runeshields, Nurgle
    Chaos Warriors [100pts]: 5 Chaos Warriors, Chaos Hand Weapons and Chaos Runeshields, Nurgle
    Furies [100pts]: 6 Furies

    So general idea is that it's an Iron Golem based force and throughout the battle will call apon their hordes. (3 squads of cultists) Starting general will be the Sorcerer who is nurgle to prevent sniping a little bit. Then depending if Lord is in position him or the Ogroid take over. 

    Iron golems then fill in where needed either camping or narking with petty shooting attacks and furies stick to knights and Lord to clog up counter attacks somewhat. Yet to actually read book proper to select artifacts and such so suggestions welcome, and all going well done painting soon to post it too (Bar Sorcerer and Ogroid).

  4. With the new Warband boxs ets becoming available this week I'm tempted to flesh out my options now to have access to a full 20 man warband.

    Is anyone still campaigning as Iron golems and have any ideas for a decent balanced full warband would consist of?

    Only reason I'm thinking of getting the new box instead of just another 8 aside from the obvious have enough is for plenty of grunts. The idea of using too many dupes does put me off big time bar for shield grunts which I can't get enough of.

    Pic of the Warband so far too. Just love the look of the Golems.


  5. I like the idea of your spearhead. It's good and threatening and should out most others on the backdoor from the get go. I might follow it up then with:

    Main body:  Necro and 20 GW Grave Guard 

    Rearguard: Tomb Banshee and 2x10 Chainrasp hordes.

    Im thinking of bringing the Graveguard in at least 1st or 2nd wave due to their speed may even be better as the first wave to tie up sooner and give the Morghast more options.

    And then the ghosts in the rear have that bit of extra speed to big down objectives and reinforce where needs it plus a bit of screening at depleted units.

  6. Hi everyone it's been a while and sorry if this counts as necromancy or anything wasn't sure if I should add here or start a new post.

    Recent changes and all got the cogs turning and fire burning for AoS again so finally got around to finishing my Mortarchs to add to the force. (Silly late night Bert lighting pictures)

    Any feedback would be appreciated and excited now to get in my nighthaunt and keep the painting notion burning!





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  7. Yeah I should be ok. I'm lucky if I can get a game with my bro never mind anyone else.

    So gonna grab two boxes in the near future because I can't be letting the nighthaunt side of things outweigh the deathrattle! 

    Them and a couple of skeleton war machine crews should fix that balance easily.

  8. Few deathrattle hordes age for now then.

    Yeah that should be a fun style of play. Few games I have had with age of sigmar has always been splitting my death into two 1000pt lists to try and teach and tempt friends to get into it (no luck ofc). Games are just so quick at that level too.

    Anyone have experience with Graveguard so far before the points drop? How do the two versions normally pan out?

  9. 20 hours ago, Sception said:

    I could see trying to run grave guard as battle line at the new points.  Especially in meeting engagements.  Skittles lose a lot when you can only take them in units of 20 max, making grave guard look a bit better by comparison.  

    Oh no.. Are skeletons being brought down to a max unit size of 20? I love the big horde look too.

    About Graveyard too I'm definitely looking forward to trying them. I only have 10 with sword and board so far just for a fancy Wight King retinue but could be fun painting up some with great weapons too at some point if they are more useful. Or more sword and board of course.

  10. 1 minute ago, deynon said:

    so, you'll like the video about painting green nighthaunts that I'm preparing^^

    good  choice, those half corrupted DA are always keeping  bad shadows in their hearts, salamanders instead inflamme all their way (literally ahahah^^)

    I prefer touse green on my Seraphons instead^^ (and nighthaunt^^)

    Haha that's one of the two I'm considering too!

    Might add few ghosts to have 1000 points ready to show the game to people and will definitely check the video out! Or get my childhood hero lizards finally. (Been paitent and praying to the frogs for new stuff though which has stopped me so far) 

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  11. 1 minute ago, deynon said:

    Please not... otherways I don't have enough tombstones^^ I'm really pressed to convert at least a part of the models  to the new bases^^ and I'm stiill tempeted to realize a mono terrorgheist army (I have yet 4 of 6 ^^). I tremple at the idea when it will bereleased the deadwalker battletome cause I'm avoiding to buil 100 zombies more from some year now...(I have other 200 yet ready...)


    Do you have "some"prefrence towards green?^^ (are they salamanders or dark angels?)

    Haha maybe it's the Irish in me but it's such a good colour normally to use compared to others like red or brighter colours, that over the years it really grew on me! And they would be Salamanders 😁 

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  12. Hi everyone I have been sitting on these for almost two years (after getting great advice from death forums on what to get) and had time off work due to injury and toon a serious painting notion. Glad to say after 15 years into the hobby for the first time I have a fully painted and based army. Feels really strange haha 😅 Got a chance to spray my Mortarch so that's my treat before I check out some cool new nighthaunt stuff to add.




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