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Posts posted by Ahriman

  1. 16 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Out of interest how many people let their opponent have two turns when the rolls allow for it and when playing a competitive game. Ergo when you are playing to win the game rather than any other social elements, do you allow your opponents to take a doubleturn and if so is it ever at any other time than the first turn when they might already have burned one whole turn being quite ineffective (ergo just moving into position). 

    Because we tend to always talk in terms of either neutral situations (it allows an underdog to win in a theoretical game we aren't involved with) or we talk about how we prepare for our opponent taking a doubleturn. The subtle message there being that we would not "give" them a doubleturn; since if the player has the initiative roll then its their choice (a known element) and all the preparations appear designed to be as if the opponent chooses to take a double. 




    I give them the double an awful lot. Usually my army has more drops than their's due to lack of battalions, so they make me go first in the first battle round. I move forward defensively, they take their turn and can't achieve much, and often I make them take a double where they can't achieve that much again. So their choice is to either 'waste' their second turn not doing anything by playing passively again, or to commit and allow me to charge where I like.


    I've also lost games by taking a double turn. It often comes down to too much dying in back to back combat phases, opening up any chokepoints I'd created on the board to allow their reinforcements to come in and deal the killing blow. The most memorable one for me was at a WHW campaign, where the celestant prime came down - his huge base unable to get through to my squishy rat ogors.

    Then two of my turns later lots of his liberators had died, as had my stuff, meaning the prime could move all over the place - bringing the pain!

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  2. I'm one of the "you only lose to it if you don't plan for it crowd".


    In terms of saying 'how' to plan:

    - all my army lists have screening units in, which i don't see many doing that often. 10 man Giant Rat units are my favourite for my Moulder army. Using them to block charges as I move up, moving out the way if I "win" a roll off so my other units can get through. Then they're there to block deepstrikes or flank charges if they're still alive.


    - I also don't move into position to make charges until about turn 3. I don't need to be within 12" of my opponent at the end of my first turn. So i usually move up and remain their move plus 9" away from them first turn. If i win the roll off i choose to go second and let them get closer, if they win they have to choose to commit or wait me out another turn.


    Obviously these things are effected by objective placement and how its scored, but that's a good thing! It means you have to think several turns ahead for how you can score, which should lead to more games going the full 5 turns rather than being wiped out at the end of turn 3 because both sides committed early and hoped the roll off went in their favour.


    Hopefully that's useful and not just waffle!

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  3. To throw in my thoughts, I'm also on the side that taking first in a battle round is definitely not an auto-decision.

    In fact, I've seen quite a few people - and realised its happened to me too - where they've lost the game due to taking that first turn. Whether its restricted the amount of movement they can do, or led to giving their opponent more of a chance to respond to their strategies, I think it happens in an awful lot of games.


    But then I don't play at any sort of competitive level, so the amount of damage an army can do to me is often less than if they had a fully optimised list, so that may change things slightly.


    I would love Endless Spells to be tweaked though, just to make that decision making harder, and so that we would see more of them around.

  4. 2 hours ago, Fluxlord said:

    Good to see some activity. I just picked up skaven pestilens and have been ploughing through these pages here to get me some insights in the army besides the book and warscrolls.

    @AhrimanHow do you play this army? As a masterclan?



    Its a purely "Skaventide" list, so isn't bound by any of the Clans due to needing to have the Clanrats and Stormvermin (lore wise).

    But means I have some really cheap screening units and objective grabbers with the Clanrats, while my Plague Monks get their hands dirty chopping things up.

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  5. On 8/15/2019 at 12:44 PM, PraetorDragoon said:

    Has anyone tried to run a clans pestilens list in meeting engagements? 

    Did you give it a go at all?


    I haven't yet, but I've been planning a list for a campaign I'm running next month:

    They're Clan Septik rather than pure pestilence, hence all the clanrats.

    Main Body:
    Plague Priest on furnace
    20 clanrats
    10 plague monks
    5 Plague Censer Bearers

    Plague priest
    10 stormvermin
    10 Plague monks

    20 clanrats


    I was surprised how much you can cram into 1000pts, let me know your thoughts.



  6. Thanks for the reply @Honk!

    I'm still trying to work out which host I want them to be. I like bits and pieces of them all, so like you say I'll have a play. Narratively one doesn't really fit more than any other so I have some freedom.


    As for the battalions it caught my attention as the Azyr app won't let you add it as a Legion of Night/Sacrament/Blood. I know better than to take the app as gospel though.

    But i was just taking a look at the descriptions on page 88, the allegiance says "it can be included in an army that has the allegiance even". The allegiance rules have never been very clear cut in AoS so still unsure. I'll have a route through the FAQS.


    Thanks for the Knight feedback, might drop down to 2 units of 5 then spend the points somewhere else. Either the Deathmarch battalion or something else.


    Cheers again.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Morning guys,


    After wondering for a few years what kind of LoN army to collect, the arrival of the Ossiarch Bonereapers has inspired me to make a Deathrattle army, comprised entirely of units without a hint of meat on their bones.

    I've made a list that I think I like the look of, but have a few questions for those with much more experience than I.


    First, the list:

    Wight with Black Axe (general)

    Wight King

    2 x Necromancers (converted to be high fantasy skeleton wizards)

    40 Skeletons (spears)

    2 x 10 Skeletons (swords)

    10 Black Knights

    5 Black Knights

    2 x 2 Morghast Archai (halberds)

    20 x Grave Guard.




    1. Are there any glaring holes, or things that just won't work in the list? Narrative play is my style of play, so game dominating isn't needed, but I want to be surviving to the mid game against mid-tier armies, and be able to put the hurt on them when I need to.

    2. Can the Deathmarch battalion be used in a "Legion of X" allegiance army, or just the Death grand alliance?

    3. Are Black Knights as tanky as they were in 1st Edition? I recall a unit of 5 having a fair amount of sustain with their old banners, and wondering if 10 - hopefully fighting near a gravesite - will have a similar effect.


    Thanks for any help you can give!



  8. On 2/27/2019 at 9:59 AM, Kramer said:

    Looking super cool! Can you challenge pestilence with a pure moulded list? (Of course you can silly question) 

    Now for the hard questions!

    1. Hell pit vs. Rat ogors vs. Stormfiend? What’s your fave?

    2. Flesh managerie worth it? 

    3. Wolf rats worth it? 

    Just fishing for that trigger to build out my moulder collection for a clan army ;) 

    Cheers very much! Hoping to get them finished off soon.

    I won all three games we played, so it seems to be possible! Its an absolute bloodbath though, so many times a unit of 4 rat ogors would charge a unit of 40 odd plague monks, kill roughly 26 of them, then get pretty much wiped out in return - any numbers of plague monks are damn scary! Especially with the furnaces providing immunity to battleshock.

    One game I got almost wiped out trying to kill his 40 monks, only to get lucky and roll a 4+ to bring a unit back to life, get the next turn and kill him with them.


    Hard Questions:

    1. My favourite are the Rat Ogors, they put out the hurt and are fun to use. The HPA is phenomenal now though, it used to just be a distraction but now it wrecks. The stormfiends I think are still great, even after their changes, but they no longer fill the niche i wanted them to in my lists (some solid shooting) so i've taken them out for now.

    2. Flesh Menagerie is a weird one, I've never really used a Warscroll Battalion before as I always felt just more units was better/more fun.

    However, the list needs a spare command point - to do more-more beasts in your opponent's first turn if needs be. And I wanted my list to have an extra relic - rabid crown is way to good not to take, but I wanted my counts as Throt the Unclean to have something more interesting (I've given him the stonehorn blade to represent his thing catcher). And like I mentioned above, rolling a 4+ for the more-more beasts can be a lifesaver.

    So all that considered, yeah? I enjoy it, hard to say if its worth it over almost 8 more Rat Ogors though.

    3. I've got wolf rats because I wanted a tad more variety in the army. I do think they're great though, i don't use them for killing but instead use their speed to grab early objectives, and to tie missile units and artillery up in combat, for which they do a great job.

    I have sent them hunting minor heroes in some games do, which always feels good.


    Is that enough of a trigger? I just had to look at the artwork from the last 30 years of Rat Ogors to get me going, god they look so good.


    images (9).jpeg

    Throt_the_Unclean_Skaven (1).jpg

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