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Posts posted by hughwyeth

  1. 36 minutes ago, AaronWIlson said:

    Am I being stupid or did you guys jump from Episode 4 straight to Episode 6? I really hope it was a genuine mistake as I know you two will laugh your asses off about failing basic math before you even got into double digits xD. 

    Dude you missed ep5 about Beastclaw Raiders- one of the funniest so far! It shows up for me on Overcast?

    • Thanks 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Tasman said:

    Hm. That sounds like some serious bad dice. I'd expect a lot of spell denial from magic heavy armies, i.e. Tzeentch, Seraphon, Aelves, etc, but IJ shouldn't have been able to stop all of your spells so.....?

    Maybe try dropping three of the drones- six are hard to get in on a single target anyway- and take a sorcerer. Maybe give him Muttergrub? Or if you really want to keep your artifact, take a bale wind for him so as to get the extra spell and +6" range. That would help a bit.


    Some good points. Yeah I just rolled extremely bad for GK. I've had serious bad luck with him- the previous time I played him I didn't get a single spell off. Against Ironjawz it can be hard- he took 2 weirdboyz and they kept getting +2 to cast/unbind because he had them next to a big unit of ardboyz. 

    RE drones- ardboyz (the basic IJ battleline) have 2 wounds. He takes 30 of them and 3 drones aren't gonna chew through 60 wounds, no matter how well I roll! The best i did was to remove 16 boyz with all 6 drones engaged, with +1 attack from GUO, +1 for the locus and +1 from GK (failed to get blades off).

    Having the 6 drones also allowed me an additional offensive strategy- I have the mega defense with the combined -4 to hit, 60 PBs and the +1 wound spell from GK or the drones mega offense, with the double +attack from GUO and GK along with blades. As it turned out, GK didn't do anything for me, so I couldn't do either one to maximum effect, but having 4 sources of -to hit and having 2 command abilities with +1 attack, and regaining 4 command points with the artefact, meant I could try both in the game. I think if GK's spells went off, I would have gotten to the objective in enemy territory 1 turn earlier and would have won a major, as it was it took 3 turns and we drew on VPs, so i won a minor on kill points. 

    • Like 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    What was your list? I am having SERIOUS cold feet about my list going into NOVA. And Im kind of upset about it. is 20 kings enough in blight cyst? I could build and paint 5 more in the next couple days if I NEEDED to.  Perhaps I should dump the shrine? But RR all wounds is so good. And the 6++ combined with harbinger 5++ is dope. Maybe shouldnt even go blight cyst at all.. GAH. This is the list that I'm defaulting to. 

    The Glottkin (420)
    - Lore of Malignance: Gift of Contagion
    Harbinger of Decay (160)
    - General
    - Trait: Grandfather's Blessing 
    - Artefact: The Witherstave 
    Lord of Blights (140)
    - Artefact: Rustfang 
    Gutrot Spume (140)

    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    20 x Chaos Marauders (120)
    - Axes & Shields

    1 x Chaos Warshrine (160)

    Blight Cyst (220)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Wounds: 151

    That's an interesting list! Be interesting to see how it plays. I took GK, GUO, 30PB, 30PB, 5BK, 6 Drones, Geminids. Gives me 4 opportunities for -1 to hit. The list is only based around that and giving the GUO the Hysh artefact to give a command point back on a 5+ and then use GUO and GK and blades on the drones for big bomb-tasticness. It's ok but using 750 points or so on two fat dudes is a big commitment and it's hard to see both the GUO and GK getting their points worth in a battle. 

  4. 22 minutes ago, Sev said:

    Read the FAQ :)


    Page 122 – Lore of Invigoration Add the following under the title: ‘Units of Evocators can know and attempt to cast one spell from the Lore of Invigoration. This is an exception to the rule that they cannot attempt to cast spells other than Empower. If a unit of Evocators attempts to cast a spell from the Lore of Invigoration, it cannot attempt to cast any other spells in that hero phase.’

    As in you can choose during the game or have to choose one pre-game as with all other units and factions?

  5. 42 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Sounds like bad rolling or good dispells on your opponents part. Spells with a casting value of 7 have a 54% chance of success. The glottkin is really good. I think of them this way. For 420 points you get a  caster with a dope ass unique spell and two casts (120 - similar to rotbringer sorcerer in points plus an artifact), an elite hero melee profile (otto.. another 120 points), and another monster level melee profile  and hit debuff aura (260 - similar to Bloab rotspawned maggoth lord), plus impact hits on the charge,  and an AMAZING command ability. Thats 500 points PLUS the command ability, PLUS the extra cast PLUS auto healing.. for 420. 

    100% with you on Glottkin. I did roll badly. He was primarily included for his command ability and his -1 to hit ability (ironjawz having bravery 6 made this pretty reliable). I chose him over the GUO for the London GT, so he is my preferred. That list I played was not a good list by any means, just wanted to see if 4 -1 to hits would stop ironjawz, and it sort of did!

  6. On 8/27/2018 at 3:48 PM, Tasman said:

    I'm pretty sure you meant a +2 attacks on the drones, right? I like your list, but I find it to be a little hero-light. Also, the GUO may find it hard to keep up with the drones, depending on terrain, unit placement etc. He has a large footprint for shadowing..... that said, I never leave home without him?. You will need to be very careful and keep the Glott screened with those PBs. The scenario could make or break this list. Still, it'll be a fun slugfest.

    So i managed to get minor victory (tied on VPs) on total commitment. It sort of went as I wanted- i left 30 PBs and 5 BKs to his 20 brutes on one side and everything else on the other. I did wipe out everything except the 20 brutes. Having said that, it's the second game now the Glottkin hasn't done much. He can't get buffs for spellcasting, so out of 8 attempted spells, 2 went off. Perhaps replacing him with a few heroes and another 5 BKs might have been better.

  7. Guys quick question- I recall a small narrative snippet about a Anvils of the Heldenhammer character who is always escorted by the ghosts of his former self. I can't find the story though- i assumed I read it in the SCE battletome? Anyone know what I'm talking about? I really want to make a model for my force with this dude at the head, but want to re-read the snippet! THanks

  8. 12 hours ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Anyone else having horrific luck with the Aetherquartz brooch? Had 1 point back in about 10. Thinking about binning it. 

    Don't say that! Using it for the first time today ! It should on average give you 1 back in a game, and perhaps 2 if you're lucky...

  9. 6 minutes ago, Tasman said:

    I'm pretty sure you meant a +2 attacks on the drones, right? I like your list, but I find it to be a little hero-light. Also, the GUO may find it hard to keep up with the drones, depending on terrain, unit placement etc. He has a large footprint for shadowing..... that said, I never leave home without him?. You will need to be very careful and keep the Glott screened with those PBs. The scenario could make or break this list. Still, it'll be a fun slugfest.

    Sorry, meant +3 with their locus- so +1 with locus, +1 with GUO command and +1 with GK command, but obviously only on turns I get the additional command point from the artefact. It's not really a super power list at all, but want to see if I can get all the minus to hits off and want to see if either PBs with +2 attacks and blades or drones with +3 attacks and blades can wipe out an entire force. 

    I'm hoping the GUO can keep up, with his 8" move with the bell and some run+charge stuff. I've done GUO+drones before and it sort of worked. Generally, I'd keep the drones back behind the PBs as 10 brutes can remove 6 drones in one round of combat easy, so I have to make sure I get the charge and most of my buffs off before sending them in front of the PBs. 

    Ultimately, I'm going to have to turtle the GUO and GK together, surrounded by 60 PBs with the BKs holding home objectives and hopefully summoning 10 PBs or nurglings onto other objectives. 

  10. Ok I'm trying this against some Ironjawz:

    Allegiance: Nurgle
    Mortal Realm: Hysh

    The Glottkin (420)
    - Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction
    Great Unclean One (340)
    - General
    - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell
    - Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch 
    - Lore of Virulence: Favoured Poxes

    30 x Plaguebearers (320)
    30 x Plaguebearers (320)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)

    6 x Plague Drones (400)

    Endless Spells
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 144

    So I have -1 to hit from 3 sources (GUO spell, Geminids and Glottkin's ability). Ideally, the 2x30 PBs shield everything (with the fatty bombatty spell for +1 wound), adding another -1 to hit at full strength. Even if I go second, I can get -2 to hit with the PBs thanks to GK's ability triggering at the beginning of the combat phase. I should be able to get -3 to hit average in the first couple of rounds which should really help keep the PBs on the table. I believe he's taking 20 brutes so it'll be a tough slog. 

    The aetherquartz brooch is there to give me 1 or 2 rounds where i can also activate the GUO's command ability in addition to GK's to give the drones an effective +3 to their attacks along with BoP spell for insane destruction.

  11. 3 hours ago, elfhead said:

    So I guess the warherd units will be re-boxed? I hope they don’t raise prices, they are pretty afdordable right now. It would be great If there will be khorgors, slaangors or prestigors released, but it looks like there won’t be any new models apart from the spells and idol. 

    Yeah I think so, just rebox. I like the current range- it still feels old school fantasy which a part of me still pines for! The idea of being able to field a really decent full beasts of chaos force with the current range is exciting!

  12. 7 minutes ago, Redmanphill said:

    Bretonnia and Tomb Kings for example!

    I don't see them stopping the plastic kits but all the finecast stuff would go the way of the Dodo. 

    Haha. Apart from those two entire armies i was 100% right. Haha. 

    Yeah finecast should go, but STD has so many plastic kits and a SC box and allegienace abilities in GH18, i can't imagine they'd scrap the range. I'm 50/50 between them staying exactly as they are (drop into a force with the allegiance keyword to fill certain gaps) or all being relabeled darkoath along with some new kits under a single battletome. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Redmanphill said:

    I see Slaves to Darkness and Beastmen being both relegated to the compendium/legacy stuff and being replaced with a combined faction: Dark Oath. Some models would come along with the new range but some would be left behind.

    I don't think that'll happen- either they will have to relable their STD plastic kits to darkoath, or they'll keep STD. The STD kits are all plastic and sell quite well. It's a lot of plastic to stop selling- i don't know of any multi-part plastic kit they've stopped selling for AoS yet from the fantasy sets?

  14. 9 minutes ago, Mr. White said:

    Out of curiosity...let's say there are more waves of Sylvaneth. Would that mean a new Battletome? Same with Deepkin. If some new units came out, would there be a new Battletome? So soon?

    I guess my perception of that logistic obstacle is why I've been ok with some armies lagging in the Battletome release schedule. I mean, I guess GW could throw a BT out there, but why if they know at some point they want to refresh/update the line?

    I get the sense from GW that any force that has new kits and battletome since the AoS launch won't get another one till everyone else gets their models/tomes. SCE are always going to be the special exception, but I imagine it'll be years till there's a re-release of any other tome.

  15. 13 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    Maybe I don't want to see the larger picture but I really wouldn't want that. I was even against allies mechanic. One of the things I love most about AoS is uniqeness of every race/army. Never liked those available to everyone units. Whether it was a video game, card game or board game. Those "grey" units kill uniqueness. 

    What I love about AoS is the ability to field grand order armies! Especially with chaos, slaves to darkness makes total sense from the fluff. Not every follower of nurgle is going to be a daemon or a mortal with flesh falling off him. 

    • Like 2
  16. 3 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    There does seem to be a pattern to this year's releases, first they update or expand something (Daughters of Khaine for Order/Elves, Legions of Nagash for Death.) Then a few months later there is a much larger new range (Idoneth for Order/Elves, Nighthaunt for Death.) Nighthaunt rolled in a few older models, but was definitely more on the scale of the Idoneth release than the DoK one!

    Thus it wouldn't surprise me if we see an updated Beastmen book, in the style of LoN, followed by a fuller Chaos release (I'd like Dawi Zharr, but Darkoath are cool too I guess...) Likewise could destruction see a "grot soup" battletome, with one faction left out to be revised further a month or two down the line (Moonclan)?

    If they planned to rerelease the grand alliance books for this edition they would likely have done them by now, which would seem to suggest that they are planning a more substantial replacement for them down the line. LoN definitely seems like it could be the template for that.

    Just a hypothesis, but it will be interesting to see what the faction line up looks like a year from now.

    To be honest I'm surprised at the amount of brand new kits AoS is getting. Compare this year to 40k the last 2 years and AoS is getting way more. New kits take a lot of work to produce, so I'm surprised they haven't yet opted to do what they did for 8th 40k and just release all the battletomes that are missing.

  17. 16 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    And they are popular because they have the most spotlight. GW made them popular by putting them in every possible box. Give them a chance and soon you'll find a stormcast in your breakfast corn flakes. 

    I don't know which came first. Like space marines, they're designed to be easy to paint and easy to play. That will always appeal to a lot of people. The sacrosanct range is a huge improvment in my opinion, from the characterless liberator style initial releases.

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