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Posts posted by smucreo

  1. With what you said I changed the list a bit, what do you think of the following?

    For the second list I tried to include cogs without losing much, and for that I included a Loremaster which I believe is the cheapest mage available. The second list on a good day would have my dwarfs running at 12" and the gyros moving 18 on the first turn.


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  2. My thoughts when choosing the parameters of the list were:

    I chose Tempest's Eye because I wanted to use Ironweld as well as Dispossessed at first. Also, since it gives +2 to move if grounded/+4 if flying and +1 to saves I thought it could work pretty well considering that I could run my dorfs up the board and have them be at 3+ save to compensate for the loss of rerolls for that round (instead of moving 4 or 6 with the normal move + possible cogs I can move 10, losing only a little on saves thanks to the +1). The battalion, although pretty similar in benefits to what generic Order allegiance gives, is still significantly better. Ignoring half of the battleshock tests is great, especially when you also reroll them, although I admit it may be a bit overkill. Reroll to hit always on what basically amounts to almost the whole army is imo pretty justifiable, especially now that the battalion also gives command points.

    It was my original idea to include 30 quarrelers as well, but the points just didn't line up and what came out was this. I'm sure I could cut the number of longbeards, but for now this was what I came with.

    I really like the Ironweld part, so I plan to at least keep that for now, and although Living City sounds great the bonuses given by Tempests eye sound equally as appealing for me right now if I manage to sneak in a couple of gyros in the list like I did here, since they will be moving at 16" turn one and with a +1 in save.

    But I appreciate your thoughts! I'll work on trying something else to see how it fits with this list, the only part I don't like about the battalion tbh is how you have to include the unforged.

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  3. Don't get me wrong, the spell is great and I'm sure this list is resilient and deals good damage, but how will you get across the board? I'd rather add a couple of fast moving units there to make sure you can at least try to play the objective game.

    I feel that the magic game is pretty safe for us considering we have 2 unbinds at +2 with just 2 runelords and runic icons on most units, so we should focus on either grabbing fast units when we can to get across the board, or trying to add mechanics like the tempests eye allegiance or the cronomantic cogs to boost our speed.

    That's why if you go for the allied stormcast wizard route you are better off grabbing cogs as the endless spell of choice, and not others even though they can certainly be nasty. 

    Apologies if it sounds a bit rambly, I'm browsing on my phone right now.

  4. 43 minutes ago, Furuzzolo said:

    You can deploy a war throng, use Order, firestorm and the battalion (to keep the reroll). 

    Do you guys think this is a valid route to take? I can't really make it work in my head with all the things I have to take and all the things I want to take...

    The closest thing I have right now is:

    Battalion 160

    Warden King 120

    Runelord 100

    Unforged 100 

    2x 10 Longbeards 200

    2x 20 Longbeards 400

    2x 10 Ironbreakers 280

    1x20 Irondrakes 360


    2 Gyros 160

    1 Runelord 100

    This puts me at 1980, but gives me rerolls to hit and the rest of the dispossessed things plus the Firestorm allegiance abilities for Tempest's Eye, which is nice for mobility across the board. Of course this list is unrefined but this is the closest I've come to something viable with the restrictions of the battalion.

  5. By the way, can we use Firestorm allegiance abilities or not? Because depending on who I ask they tell me I can and others tell me that no. And the allegiance ability would overwrite the Dispossessed allegiance or not? What about artifacts and traits, what list can you choose from?

  6. It may be tough considering your theme, yes ? 

    For dwarfs I'm also still on the fence on going for big units or msu; several units are very clear as they tell you: "hey, go big and you'll get a bonus", but on others I'd go for msu, especially when talking about ironbreakers or other screen units.

    On longbeards though, since they are basically an aura carrying unit, I'd rather go for a 20 man squad. This means I'd go for 2x10 ironbreakers and 20 longbeards as battleline a lot of the time, but I say this without having tested much yet.

    The only thing I'm sure about is the 20 irondrakes every time haha

    • Like 1
  7. Yeah, overall I say bad nerf to the Longbeards and good buff to the irondrakes. Now that they can move I'm way more inclined to use them tbh. Longbeards are still fine imo, they are what warriors wished they were back when they costed 100 points. The +1 to save when compared to the warriors is pretty significant considering you get to reroll, so I'd argue they are still a great battleline filler unit and really well costed.

    EDIT: Considering what their ability reads now, you could almost just say that Longbeards have a reroll to wound in combat aura now hahah which is still nice since it also affects them, meaning they can actually dish out some pain of their own. 

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  8. 12 minutes ago, Sception said:

    This is probably true, but still depends heavily on content we haven't seen yet, so it's best not to go counting unhatched chickens, imo.

    Well, for now I'd count it as highly unlikely for a long while. Considering all Death got in these last few months I'd say they will probably start focusing on Destruction next, and also since Soulblight appear on the LoN battletome as an allegiance I wouldn't hold my breath for now.

  9. 3 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    Sell the Vanguard-Raptors on at a profit to greedy mortal wound junkies.



    (Ravens benefiting the Norse look Dispossessed are rocking)

    Where are these birds from? And how many points do they cost now anyways? I'm seriously considering them for my army.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    Fast stuff to hop on objectives and some kind of Stormcast wzard to cast Chronomatic Cogs, effectively making competitive Dispossessed Dwarfs with benefits.

    Aetherwings have dropped in points in the new GHB, meaning you could easily run five units of three at 2k to hop on objectives and hold up enemy units while you wait for your newly minted elite battleline to catch up and set up camp, with points left over for an allied wizard.???

    The problem with the birds is that they aren't sold separately :(

  11. Hey everyone! Dispossessed are looking quite nice in this new edition, I have high hopes for them and I plan on restarting my old dwarf army after this summer, once I start being able to afford minis again :P Anyways, I thought I'd start this thread with a question to put things in perspective:

    What do you guys think will be the golden standard as far as allies go? There are lots of options for us, but I feel for now a wizard might be mandatory, if nothing else because local metas will more than likely run endless spells we won't be able to touch without the Incantor. Having said that, I feel a cannon is always cool, so maybe a good combination of allies could be a Incantor + a cannon and a lord ordinator/engineer? Steam tanks look good too, and cost the same than a cannon+ordinator, so that's a valid choice too! 

    As far as armies go, testing will be needed, and I'm looking forward to seeing any contributions people make in the future. Likewise, when I finally get to start my forces, I'll start posting my own experiences too! 

    • Like 1
  12. I'd honestly rather run Olinder in a sacrament list with Arkhan, but since we are in the Grand Host thread I'll echo what Sception is saying: Nagash loves his mirrors. Otherwise the list looks cool.

    EDIT: Lady Olinder counts as ally right?

  13. It would be the Necro with the Lord of Nagashizzar trait and either the Diadem or the Gravesand timeglass to try to snipe the little heroes. Probably the Diadem though. For spells I guess I'd go for Amethystine Pinions on Mannfred and Overwhelming Dread on the necro, but honestly I'd rather try to Van Hels as much as possible with the necro haha

  14. Your list is very deathrattle synergy heavy but even there I would still go for VL just because as you said it's still better and you are not losing much by changing 10 skellies to 5 dogs. You already have fast units as your heroes, so adding redundancy to that could prove useful. There's the issue of leaving the units that he is supposed to buff behind, but you could just summon them from gravesites and you'd be getting a 30 Grave Guard unit up the board doing so. Other heroes can summon too, but since he is the main buffer of their attacks you'd want him to summon so that the skelly unit you raise is close to him and not Arkhan or the Necro for example. 

    With all of this you'd only have a single unit without potential to move fast across the board in your list with the addition of the vamp lord; your necro. To remedy that you could always stay behind with one of your battleline summonable units while the rest do their thing. Lots of options there really.

    Anyways, that's what your list inspired me to ramble, I hope it isn't too chaotic of a read :D Btw, I made a list with your Abhorrant Ghoul King on TGheist idea, how do you like it? 

  15. Yep, it does exactly the same they were talking about only more since he is a wizard, he can fly and move twice as fast, he can heal and he hits harder. Oh and his ability is not restricted to only work on deathrattle, so it's even better.

    EDIT: and he is better too at healing summonable units.

  16. The current list I'm thinking about is far from refined, but I plan on trying a bunch of units that really benefit from re-rolls + a Ghoul King on a Terrorgheist as ally to summon stuff to see how it works.

    My current iteration goes something like: 

    Mannfred (420)

    Necro (110)

    2 Morghast (220)

    40 Skellies (280) 

    10 Skellies (80)

    10 Skellies (80)

    6 Spirit Hosts (240)

    3 Spirit Hosts (120)


    Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400)

    (1950 points)

    So basically most of the list synergizes with itself, Mannfred is a great force amplificator, the Necro can van hels both the skellies and the hosts, and the GKoT can summon Horrors which themselves get re-rolls from the Flesh-eater courts hero. I stopped at 1950 to have the extra command point to summon the Horrors and use Mannfred's ability on the same turn. What do you guys think of this idea? The Terror also benefits if it has Mannfred close by since it may get lucky and score some 6s on those to hit with the re-rolls on the fails.

    Another thing, I decided to separate what originally was a unit of 9 Spirit Hosts in order to have more flexibility with my screens, but I could easily change it back if I see myself Van Helsing them most of the time. 


  17. 15 minutes ago, Lemon Knuckles said:

    For 20 points more than Terrorgheist + Banshee you could maybe ally in the Ghoul King version?  Adds a Wizard, provides itself recurring heals, and for a CP you can summon in 3 Flayers that can each make their own scream attack on the turn they were summoned.  Granted its a weaker scream than the Banshee, but under the right conditions it might do some work, and the Flayers can actually get in there and mix it up too.

    That is a great idea, I could even see it working on other Legions to be honest. Free points from summoning are nothing to laugh at.

  18. I look forward to reading about your discussion and learning more about your artillery pieces so that I can more effectively use them when I start playing my Dispossessed! Although who am I kidding, I'll probably just run double cannon + gunmaster as allies every time :D 

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  19. 15 hours ago, Hot Peanut said:

    Hi all,

    I am also thinking of building a Death army with the big one on top, I am completeley new to Death, so I have zero experience. What do you think about the following army:

    Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash
    Nagash Supreme Lord Of The Undead (800)
    - General
    Necromancer (110)
    40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
    - Ancient Spears
    10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
    - Ancient Blades
    10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
    - Ancient Blades
    4 x Morghast Archai (440)
    - Spirit Halberds
    The First Cohort (160)

    Total: 1950 / 2000
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 105

    Is it worth the 4 Morghat or should I switch them to get more Black Knights or Skeletons?


    It really depends on what you are facing, I'd say if you have trouble grabbing objectives maybe try 2 Morghast and sub one unit of skellies for a unit of Black Knights. If you want to include Endless Spells you could go for 10 Black Knights + Umbral Spellportal instead of the 2 Morghast + 10 Skellies and you'd still be at 1950. 

    And @Arentius I'd try to stay at 1950 if possible to get the extra command point so you can resurrect one of your big skelly units if possible. As said, grave guard are better in all in offense and in units of 30 to take advantage of the horde discount + make it harder to kill them off. Wight king is still not worth it imo and I'd still pick a necro over him every time. As for the rest, experiment with different units and see what you like best! Once you know you can focus on a certain path. 

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