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Everything posted by NurglesFirstChosen

  1. Chaos, death and order all have a new battletome (or an imminent release). Destruction will have one before the summer, mark my words.
  2. Anyone have an idea of release dates for death and daughters of khaine?
  3. Morathi is a clear oppurtunist so I’d find it believable that she’d make a pact with Nagash for survival and power. Plus I think it’d be an interesting twist for a new aelven faction to be part of death. No idea if it’ll happen, but I don’t think it’s impossible.
  4. Maybe it will build into to sigmars answer to the portents - mechanical structures and artillery. I know some people online don’t wanna see a new type of stormcast, but I think that might actually be pretty cool.
  5. I think he looks awesome, that tache is girthy! Haha
  6. I think it’s a real possibility that a new aelven faction comes in towards the later stages of the nagash narrative, and are crucial in nagash not succeeding. This would then flow nicely into slannesh reappaearing early 2019.
  7. The image of the wrapped present was a two sided blade. It wasn’t anything released today, but an image of a present was symbolic for todays big piece of news. What was shown wrapped however, I believe was of something else entirely, and intended to keep hype going beyond the news released today.
  8. Fictional worlds are transitent things that grow over time. What is now, can change though plot developments and twists.
  9. I’ve been saying this for a while, look at how awesome beastclaw raiders are in comparison to the old ogre army. I think aos would explode in terms of popularity if they had more beast riding armies like BCR or more armies with lots of viechles in the KO style.
  10. Could be the hair of an elven warrior riding at speed on an air ship\creature of some kind
  11. @AthlorianStoners don’t you justs love it when people correct others grammar on the tinternet.....
  12. If you wish for me to clarify what I think is our weakness then it’d be our speed. If we are to remain a slow army, then we need a way of dealing with thundertusks and skyfires. We also need some capacity to attack objectives on the other side of the board. However this isn’t the place to discuss what nurgle do and don’t need.
  13. In theory I agree. However if nurgle are to remain as they are without any additional dynamics, they need some abilities that combat enemy missiles and to give some capacity to take objectives on the opposite side of the board. Anyway this is not a rumour! I apologise for my part in the deviation.
  14. Rumour sounds great if it’s comes to fruition. But hope isnt something sons and daughters of Nurgle should feel so I’ll remain in despair ha ha. In reality I hope it’s true! ?
  15. The new logo may indeed hint toward a change in the overall narrative in the game - in that perhaps order are about to really struggle against chaos, death and destruction. In regards to rumours however, the disappointment ive experienced regarding nurgle is of my own making. I thinks it’s time I got off the rumours bus and focused on our current location.
  16. @Burf ha ha ha somehow I’m thinking that you’re the troll ? but maybe I’m wrong But I drift off topic! I think the idea of corruption of stormcasts would be a cool idea for a narrative drive. However I think there are enough antagonist/protagonist dynamics to work through for now, before we get to a fall of the stormcast type plot. ....Rise of the Aelves\slannesh etc etc.
  17. And the Mrs would chop up my extremities and post them to Father Nurgle.
  18. @Charles good news! I definitely think it’s a case of when not if. But the when is a big question ?
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