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Everything posted by aceytrixx

  1. Maybe it's becuse it's in the blightwar book and that boxed set is still available? Although that doesn't stop them reprinting it in the current battletome I guess.
  2. There's the easy option to swap out the Incantor for the Ordinator which I have thought about doing depending on play testing
  3. Speaking of shooting lists I've been trying to think to a way to get Castigators to do work since I was really looking forward to them but they are a bit underwhelming and this was what I was thinking about Lord Aquilor 200 Knight Azyros 100 Knight Incantor 140 5 Vanguard Hunters 120 5 Vanguard Hunters 120 5 Judicators 160 12 Castigators 320 12 Castigators 320 Celestar Ballista 100 Celestar Ballista 100 Celestar Ballista 100 Celestar Ballista 100 Soulstrike brotherhood 120
  4. She's going to be my general. Largely down to points as she fits in my list perfectly but I also don't think I'll feel like I'm missing out on a command trait since prior to AoS 2 I was often running consummate commander which I can still do so it won't feel like I'm missing something. The artefact is rubbish especially as the only non named character in my list is a Knight Incantor but it's not the end of the world.
  5. Even as a hammers player who will be using her and Aventis (love the lore of Hammerhal and it was my fee city in the firestorm campaign I was in) I think they should have given some other stormhosts named characters instead of them all being Hammers.
  6. Solbright has a better version of the command ability and is cheaper but has a worse spell and is limited to hammers only.
  7. I agree. 5 man squads with 3 special weapons doesn't seem right. I assumed after soul wars the full warscroll would limit to 2/5 and the prime doesn't get an additional but here we are. Its especially odd since that's the way the box is built.
  8. Yeah the website says it only comes with 4. It's pretty frustrating. I've ordered yet another set of soul wars Sequitors and then I'm going to work out how much more I need and decide if its worth buying a multipart box for some variety of if I'll just buy more of the starter set. Guess it'll depend if I actually have enough Great Mace's which I think I will.
  9. Yeah its either that or try and hack away the whole shoulder pad on garviel and replace it and add a helmet
  10. Is there any good sureheart conversions about? I really don't like the face on the model (don't like bare heads at all really. Only one I'll have is my Incantor and even then I might build another one with a helmet) and the hair is part of the shoulder pad it seems so I can't just do a simple headswap
  11. This is my plan. Largely because 1 box will give me 2 5 man sword squads and an Incantor then I can add in staves when I want to expand to 10.
  12. Unless it's changed doesnt the Aquilor redeploy mean you appear in the movement phase and thus you couldn't then shoot with the raptors using the command ability.
  13. Yeah it'll be great for those of with 2 starter sets worth of Evocators. Use 4 to bring both squads up to 5 models and make a Knight Incantor.
  14. Arcanum needs to be general for the Sequitors to be battleline.
  15. So you can name yourself hammers of Sigmar to use the characters but you don't have to take it as a stormhost? I didn't realise you could do that
  16. Don't you need to be hammers for Gavriels charge ability which means you wouldn't grt staunch?
  17. I've used the hurricanum in a gunline before. Alongside an Ordinator and 2 Helstorms along with longstrikes and judicators and at one point 30 Handgunners in a mixed list. It's an absolute mortal wound machine in addition to its buffs.
  18. Yeah im. Just always wary of the 5+. In my head you pick off at long range untill they get close. I hadn't considered just dumping them down at 18inches and letting rip turn 1. Have to try it though.
  19. Point 3 - is that how we want to field ballista? I hadnt really considered dropping them close. I had decided I would keep them in the sky and drop them turn 1 so my opponent can't deploy away from them but I was always planning to keep them back
  20. Im going to try concussors I think. I liked Fulminators because of the breath attack but with them all the same I wonder if concussors will work out better in extended combat. If you have a heraldor then maybe Fulminators are still better. Maybe they are still better even without the improved breath. I really just want to run like 8 desolators one day haha.
  21. I think it be worth trying him and a unit of concussors/Fulminators in the sky and time their drop with the turn you want to charge your Sequitors in. Then charge in all 3 units and buff. Or Evocators on dracolines since they can reroll their charge rolls. Probably want to take the cogs in that list aswell
  22. I'm now wondering if Vandus is now a good shout if you play hammers of sigmar. To me he seems to be as he's stronger than a regular LCoD but his 24inch don't take battleshock ability isn't a command ability so you don't need a CP for it. Also being able to add an attack to units around him for 1cp seems good. For only 60points more.
  23. Yeah I love the model but so far I see no reason to actually take him.
  24. Yeah its actually ridiculous. I think the whole 50points per command point might have been a mistake. Time will tell though I guess
  25. I'm guessing we will know about stormhosts on Saturday since youtube reviews would go up then?
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