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Everything posted by Enoby

  1. Not a huge fan of the face of Firestrike's mount; I get what they're going for, but it just seems a bit off to me. Maybe it'll grow on me.
  2. Almost certain it's AoS, and the ramshackle nature of it makes me think Destruction.
  3. Some Warscrolls from the FB page. Sorry for the photo quality, but they're readable if you squint ?
  4. I think the issue, at least for me, is that they've gone from overly oppressive boogie men to Saturday morning cartoon villains with almost 0 room for characterisation besides exaggeration of their god's traits. In the Realmgate War saga, Khorne suffered from this the most; for servants of the Blood God, they didn't seem all that amazing at fighting and were easily destroyed by the Stormcast. It's no fun having Chaos being an inevitable defeat for everyone else, but similarly it's not always fun being the Skeletor or Team Rocket of the setting. A bit of balance would be nice. It's been a while since I read the books, but the Realmgate War saga was one of the reasons I stopped playing Khorne - their fluff seemed so dry. With how good Malign Portents has been, I'm hoping that Chaos gets a similar treatment - a way to make them less black and white. It seems like the Darkoath may be a good way to do that, or maybe during a Slaanesh focused campaign when s/he gets released.
  5. I'm quite happy with the darker angle they're going for with the Stormcast; it's good to see them struggling. They may be very powerful, but it's not a very engaging narrative without a struggle. It seems like things are going badly with their reforging, so I hope they go into this a bit more - maybe with Stormcast that come out totally shattered and destructive, in need of being put down. Either way, I quite like the darker tone they're going with in AoS at the moment.
  6. Nothing too concrete, but we're expecting Moonclan, Slaanesh, and maybe Darkoath. The first two are based on rumour engines, the last is based on harbingers.
  7. I don't think it's real, one of the artworks is from League of Legends and I doubt GW would use art that isn't their own.
  8. I wonder if we'll get two Chaos releases (Darkoath and Slaanesh) or just one.
  9. Unfortunately I don't think it's Slaanesh I'll still have hope though
  10. I don't have the photo editing skills to combine the images, but maybe the new rumour engine is the top part of a slightly older rumour? The material looks different, but the design is kind of similar.
  11. Kind of by the by, but Total Warhammer created mirror guard for Sigvald. I would love it it this was the style of the new Slaanesh release; they'd have a very unique look while still remaining true to Chaos.
  12. *Really really hoping this signals a Slaanesh release in the near future*
  13. Would it be acceptable to leave those models grey if you couldn't be bothered to paint them?
  14. I don't think we know enough to say whether it's exploitable or not; sure, if it only takes 6 points to generate any daemon then yes, that's broken. If it takes 18 points to summon 10 daemonettes, the daemonettes are summoned within 6" of the table edge you deployed on, and you can't kill the models you damage otherwise you lose the points, then it will be pretty weak. Sure, maybe there will be loopholes that allow the excessive summoning of hordes of greater daemons, but there's no guarantee - there's also an equal chance that it'll be useless or at least very situational. I think you have a bais against the Hosts of Slaanesh, and that's affecting your judgement. It's fine to be worried about it, but at the end of the day we don't know enough to come to the conclusion that it's already broken.
  15. Is this new art? I've not seen it before. It's getting me excited for a Slaanesh battletome
  16. Looks like a similar design to me. (Pic is the claw of my FW Keeper of Secrets)
  17. Assuming that Darkoath will get a release (I think it's a pretty safe bet looking at the Stormcast and Nighthaunt), I wonder if that will take up the yearly Chaos release they do (instead of Slaanesh) or if it'll be its own thing.
  18. Sorry if it's already been mentioned, but I think rumour engine no. 20 belongs to the tail of this guy (but from the other side):
  19. I saw someone mention that Forgeworld were going to be redoing all of their rules for AoS but they didn't provide a source. Anyone know if there's any validity to this claim?
  20. A little by the side, but I find it interesting that it is a Nighthaunt release as they got allegiance in GHB2017 and I really doubt they made all of these models in under a year. Wonder if that means we'll see some other armies that were in GHB2017 soon...
  21. I wonder if the mean that all heroes in the battle can use their command ability regardless of whether they're the general, or if they're adding command abilities that anyone can use (though they already had inspiring presence for that)
  22. I'm thinking this is going to be the announcement of AoS 2nd edition. Probably include the new Stormcast, Nighthaunt, and magic system (maybe all in one big boxset) - maybe also the end of (the first part of) Malign Portents. Considering that a lot of GW stores have been changing their AoS displays to death related things I imagine this is going to be pretty big. That said, the marketing team has really outdone themselves here - no other advert has managed to make me that frustratingly interested.
  23. Apparently those diseased looking guys from the Rogue Trader set aren't actually Nurgle at all but something called Slaugth.
  24. They look awesome; I wonder if any of it will be imported to AoS. Seems unlikely as we already have our full Nurgle battletome, but you never know. Kind of strange it didn't come with the rest of the Nurgle stuff this year. Edit: where abouts did you see this by the way? Was there any context to the army?
  25. I certainly agree that the armies that get the most love sell the most, but I feel Stormcast sell well for a few other reasons. I think it was Josh Reynolds who said this, but Stormcast have very simple designs because that makes them easy to paint and accessible to new people (to paint the Hammers of Sigmar you just need to spray gold, shade, and add a few blue bits here and there - very nice for new players). In addition, some of the chambers are very generic paladin-like good guys that are all super strong; I think this is appealing to those who don't care too much about the lore as it's simple to grasp the basics, or to those who happen to like epic fantasy. That's not to say that all their lore is like this or that they don't have deeper parts of their lore. I totally agree that it's disappointing to have GW ride on their cash cows while neglecting other armies. There seems to be quite a lot of ill will about Stormcast even now, and I don't think it's coming from WHF fanboys, I think it's coming from AoS fans who'd like their armies to be playable but instead have to sit through the forth SC battletome. I'm not sure whether releasing more Stormcast or Space Marines will ever be a financially risky move on GW part, so I'm expecting to see them get triple the number of releases of all other factions in the future. That said, it does make sense - if everyone has a SC army somewhere (because of how easy it is to end up with one from starter sets) then new releases of less popular factions boxed with SC become less financially risky as the large base of SC collectors may buy this box too; hopefully this makes the release of unpopular factions more likely. I think I might be getting a little off track of rumours, though. I actually came to this thread wondering how long there tends to be between a rumour engine and it's actual release. From what I've seen, there tends to be quite a long time for everything but scenery. Makes me wonder if we have much left in the way of AoS releases this year because the past rumour engines are running dry (iirc). I'm hoping we do have more to come besides the SC vs Death box, but it's already been a great year so far.
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