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Posts posted by jake3991

  1. 32 minutes ago, Zanzou said:

    Can someone explain to me why the Arch-Revenant keeps getting a mentioned as a major alarielle buff when the majority of her damage (her mount) cannot be affected?

    Can you provide an FAQ/rules citation for this? You'll find that is is command traits that do not effect mounts NOT command abilities. 


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  2. I have to say, I still think Allariele is relevant here. She has 3 casts, give here throne of vines and she can definitively pump out one of the move buff endless spells.  Plus with her solid combat ability and some combat buffs (winterleaf, archie, etc.) she can still be an amazing center piece!

  3. 32 minutes ago, Requizen said:

    Like I said, if I stick with Anvilstrike (might need to for my next big tournament), I'm thinking of jumping to 2, 3, maybe even 4 units. There's lots of ways to get overwhelmed by fast melee, and we need all the slowdown we can get. 

    The battalion vanguard justicar conclave might offer a good route.  It not only contains the units of interest (raptors and aetherwings) but it reduces drops and re rolls 1s!

  4. 16 minutes ago, jake3991 said:

    Just to be clear, as it is not in the FAQ.  When a unit of aetherwings makes their beginning of the charge phase move, they can in fact move inside 3'' therefore tying up that enemy unit? 

    My apologies, I found a very detailed thread covering this, link below. 


  5. 3 hours ago, PJetski said:

    This is correct. It doesnt matter how fast or strong your opponent is if you can get one little bird within 3" before they get to declare a charge

    Just to be clear, as it is not in the FAQ.  When a unit of aetherwings makes their beginning of the charge phase move, they can in fact move inside 3'' therefore tying up that enemy unit? 

  6. 9 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    From my opinion, the key for using longstrike is never let your opponent have a chance to charge it, you can relocate them when really necessary, SCE have many heros can do that, priest, lord-aquilor, vexillor.

    Agreed, its also pretty easy to keep them out of combat or away from enemy shooting given their 30'' range.  I find that 6 at 360 points (compared to 3 ballistas and a hero for 440) is a steal as they reliably do damage, sure it doesn't have the upside of the ballista, but it also doesn't have the downside and isn't 4 drops including the ordinator.  I think I've just been repeatedly let down by the ballistas and long strike raptors always do what I'm expecting them to.  

  7. 45 minutes ago, crkhobbit said:

    I've been having good results Anvils with:
    Arc on foot

    I think this is the exact same as Nathan Princi's list?  10 sequitors seem to be enough when you're hitting hard enough with the dracolines and ballistae.  Honestly, the sequitors haven't been doing much because they don't need to.  Often just sitting on an objective and not getting to attack.

    Target selection is super important (not that it ever isn't).

    Ideally, ballistas drop in and take out a problem.  Then Dracs run+charge to get an alpha on something.  Hopefully positioning so that enemy pile-ins are awkward at best.  They're not super tough, so you still need to be careful with them.  If they survive the turn, Anvils CA (if you can have something in range) them to clear whatever they're engaged with so they can charge again.

    In the games I've played, Castellant and Vexillor have done almost nothing.  I keep imagining the vexillor teleport winning a game, but it just hasn't come up.  So they're currently on the chopping block.  Moving back to a 20 block of Sequitors makes me want the Castellant back.  But kinda thinking he's just an unnecessary tax.  A win-more, if you will, because the list isn't relying on the sequitors to never die. (and because the things that kill 20 sequitors still do-so even with a +1sv).  Instead, the list is relying on the ballistae and the dracolines to put enough pressure on the opponent that the sequitors aren't really a focus.

    Next iteration I'll be using is:
    evo on d*6

    I tested out exactly what you just posted (both lists actually) and found a couple things.  As for the first list I just felt underwhelmed by the serious lack of models. the second list with a block of 20 sequitors gave me the anvil unit I was looking for.  My big experiment was using the ballistas, I've never been a fan of high variance damage and found that it was simply unreliable in a pinch, thats why I went for the long strikes.

    Just figured I'd give you my experience with what you're doing! 

  8. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    I think the Dracoline list is good enough to be considered alongside Anvilstrike, but it has some problems.

    Armies that fight first (Gristlegore, Hermdar, Khorne?, Idoneth) are a problem for it, especially if they have something like a Gristlegore general with Ethereal Amulet. Ballistas should be shooting at big targets with the rapid fire and foot heroes with the single shot to increase accuracy.

    Running Astral Templars instead of Celestial Vindicators is a viable alternative - the ballista drop gets really nasty, but you lose that sweet command ability for bonus attacks.

    Astral Templar Dracoths is also a good choice against Gristlegore. A bunch of breath attacks on 3+rr1 can really mess up the terrorgheist, freeing you up to fight something else in the combat phase.

    I've been running dracolines and find that anvils command ability is great as I can use it to fight in the hero phase, thus bypassing any issues with always fight first.  

  9. 1 hour ago, jhamslam said:

    Our points cost and lack of bodies really makes me mad sometimes. like wtf is GW thinking. a 10 man sequitor squad with 20 wounds costs 240 while a plague monk 40 rat brick costs the same.

    When this game started out,horde armies were weak to battleshock and elite armies were weak to mw .

    But now NO horde armies take battleshock, it basically isnt a thing anymore. Beasts of chaos? Herdstone that ******. 

    Rats? Oh just take the auto include bell, no battleshock for you

    Witch Aelves? have a 60 point hag queen

    Gitz? Have a free moon terrain piece.

    Meanwhile Mortal Wounds are becoming more and more common, everything and their mother gets mortal wounds now on charges, on 6s what have you and the best we can do against it is a 6 up with Hammers of Sigmar in a 9 inch bubble.

    Honestly idk if writing to GW helps, but it will be so disappointing to see evocators get an increase. All because of some loud weirdos who are ok with every other overpowered thing in the game (cough cough skaven gristlegore) but hate seeing sce for some reason.

    Could not agree more, I for one wish GW used open source statistics to motivate their balancing (honest wargamer). It's tough to justify tweaking an army if they don't have a win rate far and away better than the rest or have a mechanic that is not interactive to play against.

    • Like 2
  10. 17 hours ago, Requizen said:

    There's also the rounded TAC list: mostly Sacrosanct + some other things, mainly focusing on a 20-Sequitor Brick with Arcanum and Castellant, 3 dropping Ballistas + Ordinator, and 10-15 Evos for counterstrike. It doesn't have any really hard counters but also lacks a solid win condition.

    We've also seen some success with 6+ Dracovator star units, though that can be fairly fragile to counterstrike and has little to no way to deal with Gristlegore other than trying to table the rest of the army and ignoring the ASF General. 

    As for Stardrake, I don't think the Les Martin Stardrake + 2x2 Fulmis is the way to go, I'm far more interested in Stardrake + scoring bodies in Sequitors and Skinks. 

    Either way, I think GHB19 will be a big shift for Stormcast, any point changes will change how we approach list building.

    I've been testing the following

    Anvils of the heldenhammer:




    20 sequitors

    5 sequitors

    5 sequitors

    6 longstrikes

    6 evos on dracolines 


    So far I've found it very effective, I was not a ballista fan so I incorporated some more reliable shooting.  Its pretty much about tying up the midfield with the sequitors and then counter charging with the dracolines as well as shooting some key items.  I'll keep testing but I had a good game against deepkin eel spam last week.  

    • Like 1
  11. I honestly hope the woods change, I think a big re work would be required but it would be for the better.  Although I love the mobility there is certainly a way to maintain the dynamic play style without the clunkiness of the woods.  The other big issue with the woods is AoS does not have well defined terrain rules when I comes to movement.  When my opponent (or me ) is trying to engage in combat in a wood it becomes a nightmare or trying to figure out how to handle models that may have moved vertically etc.  

    I would also state that even though its s totally valid tactic to zone out the board with a combo of woods and troops, its pretty un-interactive, and that seems to be what GW is trying to eliminate.  Lets hope for a rework that makes our army great, more fun to play against and eliminates some of the gray areas!

  12. 10 hours ago, Requizen said:

    Skinks aren't necessary but are nice bodies to have. Substitute them with whatever feels best imo.

    CV is pretty straightforward, you run LA on Dracoline with a unit of 6 Dracoline Evocators, make her the general for 20 Sequitor Battleline, take a Castellant and Heraldor, then everything else to taste. 20 Sequitors with Castellant hold up the midfield while Dracoline Ball runs around the flank punching everything else in  the face. You could fill the rest of the points with Judicators and other shooting, or any other Hero type units (actually a second LAoD is not terrible in this situation). 

    Also similar is Dave Kerr's list he won the 2018 Australian masters with it (though he ran anvils)! I'm a big fan as it doesn't rely to heavily on just combat or just shooting, a great combined arms list with plenty of built in mobility.  


    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    – Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer


    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240)

    – General

    – Command Trait : Deathly Aura

    – Mount Trait : Wind Runner

    Lord-Castellant (100)

    Lord-Ordinator (140)

    – Artefact : Soulthief

    Knight-Vexillor (120)

    – Pennant of the Stormbringer


    10 x Sequitors (240)

    -Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields

    – 5 x Stormsmite Greatmaces

    5 x Sequitors (120)

    -Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields

    – 3 x Stormsmite Greatmaces

    5 x Sequitors (120)

    -Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields

    – 3 x Stormsmite Greatmaces

    6 x Evocators on Dracolines (600)

    – 4 x Grandstaves

    War Machines

    Celestar Ballista (100)

    Celestar Ballista (100)

    Celestar Ballista (100)

    Total: 1980/2000

  13. 3 hours ago, Requizen said:

    If you want netlists - there's some but not many. The Stardrake list we talked about a page or two ago uses 2x2 Fulminators alongside a stardrake, and there's some popular Celestial Vindicators lists that use 6 Dracolines + a Lord Arcanum on Dracoline. That's all that I've seen for the most part, though I've tried some theorycrafting with multiple Dracoth units, nothing solid yet.

    I think it highly unlikely we get a new book this year. The "1 SCE Book Per Year" trend is probably done now that they're focusing on getting everything caught up for AoS2. 

    Awesome, I'm always a bit hesitant to buy new stuff but now after GHB I should be all set!

  14. 1 hour ago, FractalRain said:

    Thank you for sharing your list, your pics, and your thoughts!  I like Barak Urbaz for many of the same reasons you listed.  One comment I had about the Earbuster is that the trick is to use it after you have shot a unit.  For example, if you shoot a small squad of AC into a unit of 20 models and kill 8 models, then shoot it with the Khemist with Earbuster and kill 1 more model, then all 9 casualties are counted for that immediate Battleshock test (all casualties for that phase).  Then of course they take another Battleshock test at the end of the turn.  So maximize the damage on the unit, then hit it with Earbuster.  It works really well against those high Bravery armies to get rid of models.

    I think the tricky thing with the earbuster on a chemist is it's only 10" range. So if you kill 9 models it's easy for your opponent to remove models to pull it out of range. Also a lot of armies have battleshock immunity now without inspiriring presence which negates any effect the earbuster might have.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Grudgebearer said:

    That would be sufficient for me :) If they adjust some points and make the ships more playable I think we are in a fine spot.

    Agreed! KO has an awesome range, it's not that the book is stuck in the past, it has been subject to a nerf at every juncture since its release.The biggest thing is skyhooks going from 3 damage to D3 combined with new books power surge, KO got left behind on the damage output train. I think a slight tune up on points and  we are off to the races.  

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