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Posts posted by RuneBrush

  1. Think I've managed to crack the Google log in (though not uploaded any changes yet).  Currently unsure if it's best to save Warscrolls to your Google Drive or to a local database...  Any preference - only disadvantage of using Google Drive is that it'll be completely private to you, whereas a local database has a bit more versatility for sharing or similar.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Turgol said:

    Rumoured massive changes: Primarchs coming back and having models; daemon primarchs coming back and having models;

    This was pretty much confirmed during the FW Open Day, there will be daemon primarchs designed outside of FW.  Reading between the lines this means they'll be handled by the main studio (highly likely in plastic) which in turn means they'll have rules for 30k & 40k in the same way that the contents of the Calth boxed set does.

  3. Cool - I'll have a look into how to integrate Google login :)  I'm always cautious about FB as I always feel it contains a lot of private information!  Don't think I'll have much time this week though as I'm rehashing the mobile website for the company I work at (flipping working getting in the way of fun things).

    1 hour ago, Tozon said:

    As a side note @RuneBrush as you seem to be a whizz at this, any thoughts at tackling a Battleplan Designer?  I for one would love one of those (though it could be arkward with deployment zone requirements unless you set a whole chunk of them as default selectable?

    In theory it's entirely possible, would need some form of cleverness to work out page breaks (which I need to work out for the warscroll tool too).  Deployment zone is actually easier than it seems as I've extracted out a plain "board" from somewhere so it's just a matter of overlaying the coloured zones in whatever configuration you fancy.  Another thing I'd love to do is to combine the data from Scrollbuilder and the printable PDF GW have produced.  Would mean that we can quickly spit out a nice looking army roster.

    • Like 3
  4. Hi all :)

    Was just having a think about the best way to tackle Warscroll sharing.  My original thought of a copy/paste link isn't going to work very well, with just some filler text the "optimised" link is around 1800 characters long :|  So I'm thinking about alternatives.

    One option is a "free-for-all" that simply saves the Warscroll and gives you a link.  All well and dandy but you'd have no way of ever editing it and it's always open to abuse...

    Another option would be to allow you to log in using Facebook or Google, and your Warscrolls are saved alongside your login.  Not everybody has FB or Google though and some people (e.g. me) are quite apprehensive about signing in on an insecure website for what is in essence a novelty.

    I could hook registration into my blog - so you could sign up there but it means another account in a world where every website needs a different log in.

    Final option would be to enter your e-mail address and get sent the sharing & editing link (or something along these lines).  This would actually be the easiest but would people be happy at doing this?  Again there could be questions over data entry security.

    Thoughts?  Happy to take suggestions too!

  5. 1 minute ago, AdHocGames said:

    New releases will be announced first via social media, White Dwarf itself will be looking back on the past months releases, talking about the hobby etc. The goal is to move it away from just being an advertisement, and instead a must buy for hobbyists again.

    Nice!  Quite curious about the free mini - I actually hope we don't find out until it arrives through the door if I'm honest, there are times where I miss that "wow" moment from finding something out in a magazine for the first time.

  6. On 22/07/2016 at 3:45 PM, Bowlzee said:

    What format would you need the other keywords in etc?

    Here's how it's currently formatted.  This hooks in with a fuzzy lookup routine which provides the autocomplete functionality :)

    	"ga": {
    		"chaos": {"name": "Chaos"},
    		"death": {"name": "Death"},
    		"destr": {"name": "Descruction"},
    		"order": {"name": "Order"},
    		"scenery": {"name": "Scenery"}
    	"matched": {
    		"leader": {"name": "Leader"},
    		"behemoth": {"name": "Behemoth"},
    		"artillery": {"name": "Artillery"},
    		"batt": {"name": "Warscroll Battalion"}
    	"allegiance": {
    		"khorne": {"name": "Khorne", "ga": "chaos"},
    		"nurgle": {"name": "Nurgle", "ga": "chaos"},
    		"tzeentch": {"name": "Tzeentch", "ga": "chaos"},
    		"slaneesh": {"name": "Slaneesh", "ga": "chaos"},
    		"skaven": {"name": "Skaven", "ga": "chaos"},
    		"zharrgo": {"name": "Zharr Goroth", "ga": "chaos"},
    		"build": {"name": "Building", "ga": "scenery"}
    	"faction": {
    		"bloodbound": {"name": "Khorne Bloodbound", "allegiance": "khorne"},
    		"slaves": {"name": "Slaves to Darkness", "ga": "chaos"},
    		"rotbringer": {"name": "Rotbringer", "allegiance": "nurgle"},
    		"tamhorde": {"name": "Tamurkhan's Horde", "allegiance": "nurgle"},
    		"mastclan": {"name": "Masterclan", "allegiance": "skaven"},
    		"pestilens": {"name": "Pestilens", "allegiance": "nurgle"},
    		"verminus": {"name": "Verminus", "ga": "chaos"},
    		"eshin": {"name": "Eshin", "ga": "chaos"},
    		"skryre": {"name": "Skryre", "allegiance": "skaven"},
    		"moulder": {"name": "Moulder", "allegiance": "skaven"},
    		"legazg": {"name": "Legion of Azgorh", "allegiance": "zharrgo"}
    	"unit": {
    		"bloodletter": {"name": "Bloodletter", "allegiance": "khorne"},
    		"plaguebearer": {"name": "Plaguebearer", "allegiance": "nurgle"},
    		"horror": {"name": "Horror", "allegiance": "tzeentch"},
    		"flamer": {"name": "Flamer", "allegiance": "tzeentch"},
    		"daemonette": {"name": "Daemonette", "allegiance": "slaneesh"},
    		"dogre": {"name": "Dragon Ogre"},
    		"duardin": {"name": "Duardin"},
    		"ogor": {"name": "Ogor"},
    		"trog": {"name": "Troggoth"},
    		"gargant": {"name": "Gargant"},
    		"greyseer": {"name": "Grey Seer", "allegiance": "skaven"},
    		"skavwar": {"name": "Skaven Warlord", "allegiance": "skaven", "faction": "verminus"},
    		"warlocken": {"name": "Warlock Engineer", "faction": "verminus"},
    		"packmast": {"name": "Packmaster", "faction": "moulder", "tags": ["hero"]},
    		"plaguepriest": {"name": "Plague Priest", "faction": "pestilens", "allegiance": "skaven", "tags": ["priest","hero"]},
    		"skaass": {"name": "Skaven Assassin", "faction": "eshin", "allegiance": "skaven", "tags": ["hero"]},
    		"bahai": {"name": "Ba'hai", "allegiance": "leg"}
    	"tags": {
    		"hero": {"name": "Hero"},
    		"daemon": {"name": "Daemon"},
    		"monst": {"name": "Monster"},
    		"wiz": {"name": "Wizard"},
    		"human": {"name": "Human"},
    		"mortal": {"name": "Mortal"},
    		"celst": {"name": "Celestial"},
    		"totem": {"name": "Totem"},
    		"priest": {"name": "Priest"},
    		"mach": {"name": "War Machine"},
    		"crew": {"name": "Crew"},
    		"dragon": {"name": "Dragon"}


  7. 16 hours ago, Bowlzee said:

    What format would you need the other keywords in etc?

    They're in a bizarre JSON format currently, I'll post up what I've got so people can see how important tackling it :)

    I'm currently toying with the thought of pre-populating all of the Warscroll names with keywords but not sure if that would be useful or crossing the line on IP?

  8. Very quick update (managed to knock this out in my lunch).

    I've branded up the web application with 'unofficial' and a GW disclaimer as I realised I'd not done it (and don't want to get in trouble after all).

    I have also implemented the initial part of Keywords!  This is currently quite limited and you can only select from my pre-defined list which is exclusively Chaos at the moment.  I have added in some advanced pre-population however - for example if you select "Khorne Bloodbound" it will also add the Khorne and Chaos keywords :)  I think I've managed to get everything worked out for Chaos but it'll need the other GA's added - of which I will likely need a bit of help.  The new Generals Handbook keywords of "Leader" and "Behemoth" are there too.

    Have a play and let me know any issues.  I know the display of the keywords on the Warscroll does need a little improvement

    • Like 3
  9. 52 minutes ago, polarbear said:

    The hotdog-bun problem has gone off the chain with the matched play structure. Leadbelchers come in boxes of 4, but you'd need to buy 3 boxes to have an even split of groups of 3, unless you want superfluous models. In a weird way I'm actually coming around to it though. It basically means you'll almost never build an exact force, buy it and be done. You'll always have extra models and that will breed different ways to construct your army as you go. Steers you a bit more to building your army in a general sense and not specifically for that one competitive list.

    I fully expect a reboxing of Leadbelchers in the future.  I've still got a box in a cupboard and quite fancy doing an army next year once they get updated (Chaos this year).

  10. 2 minutes ago, Ogait-Nas said:

    We know that 10 ardboyz are 180 points. OK

    So, if I want to field 15 ardboyz (there are 15 of them in the new box!), do I have to pay for 20 -that's 360 points- because the minimum I can add is 10 of them, or can I just add 90 points for 5 and pay 270 points to field 15? Of course I know they would have to be a single unit.

    Thank you guys!

    You'll have to pay for the full 20 if you're playing an "official" matched play battle.  Of course you there's nothing stopping you and your opponent agreeing to split the points cost :)

    • Like 1
  11. And another update.

    I've added page margins for the PDF and added various graphics to make it look a little less like a dogs dinner.  I've also properly fixed the abilities bug where they wouldn't reload from a saved profile.  Abilities also display more like a GW Warscroll - so they're headed up with Abilities and each ability is inline with the descriptive text rather than a heading above it.

    Keywords are likely to be the next update as this will make the tool useful for games.

  12. Just done a bit of an update, it's now possible to generate an A4 PDF page with a single warscroll on!  This should be a pretty decent quality version (easily good enough to print out).  I've added in a third of an A4 layout size.

    One pretty large "under the bonnet" change is I've modified the zoom component.  Originally the card was rendered huge (300dpi) and then shrunk down (hence the zoom being at 30% initially), this didn't actually work when I joined it up to the PDF tool so I've had to reverse that and instead scale it up to 300dpi when I generate the PDF.  The only thing you should notice is that the zoomer now starts at 95% and goes up to 150% :)

  13. The issue with printing has now been resolved and everything should render nicely and print out at the designated mm size :)  Printing does need some improvement which I'll tackle at some point - likely at the same time as handling multiple Warscrolls on a single sheet.  I may add an A5 size too as that could well be quite useful.  That said, that's all for another day - unlikely to do any further changes until next week now!

  14. I've just rolled out an update with a few fixes.  I think I've resolved the issue where the card would occasionally not be tall enough when you first load, resulting in you having to refresh the page.  A few people with old browsers may however find this hasn't worked - please let me know!

    I have also noticed an issue with the print format, in that it didn't actually size properly.  The issue is related to the way browsers scale the content for print and I hope to have a resolution soon.

    23 hours ago, pforson said:
    • Heading 'Description' doesn't appear unless you manually re-type 'Description'
    • Can you maybe add a little bit of space between the sections? - I've taken to adding a line with a full stop in order to create breathing room, otherwise it's all a bit cramped.

    I've fixed these two items, let me know if the gap between sections is enough.

    23 hours ago, pforson said:

    How are you going to handle Warscrolls that are full page?

    Not a clue yet :D  My hope is that once they hit the limit of the card I can get it to automatically scroll onto a new one.  That also reminds me that I need to do a wounds chart too

    • Like 1
  15. I don't think GW has got a formulaic rule for what models to keep/ditch.  From a practical aspect I would imagine the mold and model quality plays a part and it's popularity on the sales front.  Beyond that it'll be down to a few conversations on what works with the new vision of that faction.  Sylvaneth have had a mountain of new releases - but dryads are still there without any changes (they're 9+ years old).  Nothing has really been done for Aelfs yet so we don't know.

    I would be surprised if some foresight hadn't gone into the End Times models though for use in AoS.  Bearing in mind End Times was the prequel to the Age of Chaos from a game perspective (fluff wise it was Age of Myth) I can't imagine any company not taking the changes into consideration with new releases.

  16. Thanks all.  I've just started looking at keywords, though need to give it a bit more thought on the best way of tackling it - doing a autocomplete tag seems like the best way, but is quite a bit of work to get it right :)

    15 hours ago, StoneMonk said:

    Digging this! Would love to use this along with the path to glory. quickly update/change my general's stats and abilities between gameplay.

    One of my original ideas was to add in a "Name" option that will allow you to give the unit a custom name in addition to the actual unit type.  With Path to Glory being added as part of the GHb I may resurrect that idea - so you could have "Bob - Mighty Lord of Khorne" ;)


    9 hours ago, mhsellwood said:

    Hi @RuneBrush.

    Have had a little play, and it is really good so thanks for all the work. If I could make some suggestions they would be the following:

    • Could you put missiles above melee? A very nit picky thing I just find it a bit distracting that it is the opposite way to the normal layout
    • Would it be possible to put in a button to clear all fields? Currently it is little bit fiddly to do lots of different warscrolls.
    • Last one: I have saved a warscroll with two Abilities. When I bring up the saved version I have to manually add a field to the abilities area before it will display both of them. Not sure how easy this would be to solve though?

    Again, really nice work and a boon to those of us with distinctly average IT skills!

    Well spotted!  I've fixed all of these (Ctrl + F5 to make sure it refreshes fully).  The abilities loading was purely me naming something incorrectly and not checking it :D

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Leviathus said:

    Oh by the way (I was testing for a bit); if you insert values into wounds and bravery, the output is mixed up. So if you insert "10" in the Bravery box, the Wounds stats changes to 10 (and the other way around).

    Nicely spotted :D  I've just fixed that and uploaded it (you may need to Ctrl+F5 to force refresh it)

    • Like 1
  18. Change Log:


    • Fixed an issue with loading rules (caused by tidy up)
    • Improved layout of abilities to match genuine warscrolls
    • Implemented a pre-loader
    • General improvements to style
    • Overhaul of layout change handling, should now be a lot more reliable
    • Added a basic margin functionality for the PDF generation


    • Added the foundation part of a decent quality PDF
    • Added a new third-page format that allows 3 warscrolls on one A4 page.


    • Warscroll Name no longer populated
    • Improved rendering of the Warscroll at load
    • Form now reset at load
    • Unit description header now displays correctly without having to change it
    • Rules & Abilities now tidy unused rows at reset or load


    • Fixed an issue when loading abilities in a saved profile
    • Moved Missile above Melee (as it should be)
    • Added in a reset button for resetting the form


    • Fixed an issue where Bravery and Wounds displayed the wrong way round


    • Added the much needed save option*


    • A6 layout now added, this is marginally longer than the large card layout
    • Fixed an issue with the description header
    • Large text blocks can now enbolden text by wrapping with the asterisk character
    • Implemented unit rules and abilities


    • Original released
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