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Posts posted by RuneBrush

  1. 15 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

    It's pretty much a lose-lose situation for me at this point. Whatever I decided upon at this late stage would (understandably) have it's detractors I'm sure. Whilst it's all well and good saying how cool it is to have the first GH2017 event etc, I will certainly avoid this time of year in future to just avoid such issues and get a pack out well ahead of time so no one can be disappointed!

    Completely agree - it's damned if you do, damned if you don't for you because of the timing of the handbook!  Last year was end of July time so hopefully they've now fixed this time of year for the handbook update :)

    • Like 2
  2. 37 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    Certainly don't like the direction wich is to mix armies. Firstly this ally mechanic from ghb2, now this. I'm afraid we might be seeing less thematic armies like Fyreslayers and Kharadrons in favour of some big, old, boring dwarfs empire. Hope this is made as somethind additional to new concept armies. 

    I think these particular boxes are very much in keeping as a representation of defenders of Sigmar's cities (they're old school faction plus stormcast rather than the other way round).  I can see what you're saying, but would guess that as they're being brought in for what appears to be a narrative expansion it's not necessarily going to be the "norm" - though time will answer that one.

    • Like 4
  3. Quote

    Horticolous they call me, that is the name sung, those same songs tell that I am the first of Nurgles creations.  The Realm Gate War is over the Grandfather is displeases, thus begins the Blightwar.

    Come Black Talon, Sigmars chosen Assassin, your blood shall water my masters rotten earth, your storm-forged bones shall be planted in the poisoned soil of Nurgles great garden

    Quickly transcribed the audio from the video.  I'm not 100% on the name though, could have been Forticulous or something else entirely!

    • Like 1
  4. Slightly gutted there's no soft-scoring, was looking forward to playing an event that wasn't as heavy "win" focused and had used your soft-scoring as a justification to get my brother to agree coming along.  Completely appreciate the reason behind the decision (please don't think I'm having a go - organising an event isn't easy).

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed on Forgeworld else my brother is going to be running under points ;)

  5. 3 hours ago, Chikout said:

    Complaining about the bloodbound and Stormcast books being made obsolete so guickly is a somewhat valid, but the index books, like the grand alliance books, were clearly and deliberately designed as a stopgap.

    I think my only complaint was BoK didn't syngergise the three Khorne factions particularly well ;)

    However back on the "rumour" front (not read it on this thread yet), Warhammer TV are broadcasting a show each day next week at 3pm UK time to showcase the factions & rule changes within the Generals handbook.  Yesterday we had Blades of Khorne and Soulblight (Vampires) which covered how some of the allies rules work, some of the new allegiance abilities and a new battleplan (which looked amazing).  @Antipodean7 is compiling all of the confirmed handbook rules too.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Captain Marius said:

    Ill be interested to see if Kharadrons and Khorne also get points changes. If theyre going to invalidate books ive paid a lot of money for within 6 months id rather they dont put points in there at all and give another page of fluff.

    I think im finally sold on the idea of just hosting points values on the app or web store, so they can be updated without invalidating recent battletomes - this issue is magnified in 40k where my £75 of index books i bought less than 2 months ago are rapidly becoming worthless.

    I would be up for paying a subscription to have access to points, and i imagine the competitive herd could be convinced to buy in (to be fair i dont know anyone except me who is annoyed by too frequent faqs and points changes!)

    I've never quite understood why points were done hard-copy in the first place in truth.  I've said for some time that they'd be better off with a living document online.  It would allow them to tweak and modify points during the year rather than at one fixed point (possibly with errata).  It would require some version control however.

    In fairness though, you can gain access to points for free using the Warscroll Builder which is now part of the community site, so no money needs to given, though your Battletome provides a whole host of other things beyond points which aren't changing in the new handbook.

    1 hour ago, someone2040 said:

    Personally I think it's appalling what they did with the Indices in 40k. 

    On hey guys, grab the indices, you'll need them to play! Oh, just kidding, we've got a new Marine dex coming for you in 3 weeks time and half the content in the indices are going to be out of date in 6 months time.

    Sorry to be harsh here, but GW were very upfront with saying that they had Codexes ready for release and that Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines and Death Guard were amongst the first ones to be released.

    The Index books provide a massive amount more than just one armies worth, I've picked up the two Imperium books to cover my active armies and it's meant I've got the rules and points for a whole host of additional units that previously I didn't have access to - I can add Assassins, Inquisitors, Sisters of Silence - I can even add in additional chapters if I fancied painting something different.  Not only that, but it's the first time you've been able to actually read the rules for your opponents army, previously you'd have had to fork out £30+ for their Codex or obtain it through other means.

    I believe that GW have a "cool down" period if you've purchased something that then gets replaced.  I know they increased it to cover any Codex/rulebook purchased for 7th edition providing you have proof of purchase.

    • Like 2
  7. 24 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    Onto more important matters, do we have any more news on the khorne dragon from Forgeworld with skeletor as it's rider? :)

    The FW Open Day is this weekend, so it's possible we might find out a bit more information there (not that I can make it this year sadly).

    • Like 1
  8. 18 hours ago, Uncas said:

    Hey, I may have misheard, but i think they said on warhammer tv today during the second game that the general's handbook 2 had already gone to print. Did anyone else hear that? 

    Wouldn't surprise me - the lead time on most hard copy publications is up to 3 months though as they're normally printed in china and shipped back.

    • Like 1
  9. It certainly looks armour-esq.  Could be a shield but the bottom looks too angular (Duardin shield possibly).  Could be a new Ironweld artillery piece.  I'd say that it's from Azyr in some format because the lion head features a lot on Stormcast (shoulderpads, Dracoth armour etc), the anvil does suggest Duardin/Ironweld though.

  10. On 2017-6-25 at 2:23 AM, bsharitt said:

    Assuming that's real, the "2017" naming makes me think that this will be a point tweak and FAQ integration update rather than a 2nd edition of AoS. Which is what I've though before, but this shores up my thoughts on the matter.

    Very much so - I think we all got a bit excited when GW asked for feedback for the new handbook and started talking about rules changes ;) 

    What's interesting is that it very much backs up the thought that this will be an annual update rather than an update when GW feel it needs one - keeping fingers crossed for new battle plans

  11. 9 hours ago, Greasygeek said:

    4. In the Blood Bowl Deathzone season 1 the Nurgle team is included so we know that they remain official and has been updated with new positions too. 

    I completely agree with what you've said, but would say to be cautious when looking at anything in Blood Bowl as GW have confirmed that it's set in the old world and they're aiming to replicate all of the old teams for the updated version.

    At Fest GW said that they've probably 3 or 4 months' worth of releases for 40k during which the AoS releases will be lighter - not saying we won't get Nurgle, but not entirely sure it'll be next month (but we can keep our pus-ridden fingers crossed)

  12. Just now, The Door Master said:

    Since AoS is going through a bit of a dry period at the moment due to all the New 40k stuff, does anyone have any speculation as to what AoS releases could be coming?

    I'm putting my money on green and reckon Nurgle as it would neatly tie in with the Death Guard releases.

    • Like 3
  13. I think GW have purposely used the intense 40k production schedule to run down the stocks of a lot of key models that need a rebox.  They're probably treating it as a form of "housekeeping" which is why we've not heard more about it - what is nice is as has been said, is that it does suggest that the reboxed models are here to stay.  For me the big question is if the new instructions have a mini warscroll in?

  14. 9 hours ago, Vaux said:

    Hm could be yeah, just looked at the "snout" that is a MK4like. Anyway... time will tell.

    The background goes that the MK X armour originates from MK IV (being the pinnacle of power armour) and pulls the best bits from the later marks.  It does suggest Mortarion - which also suggests we may be one step closer to a new Great Unclean One and the new beast creature (the three of them are all in a new piece of artwork)

    • Like 1
  15. 29 minutes ago, Killax said:

    Old news brah :P 

    Gah, always late to the party ;)  Here's a list of what's changed - and it's a lot.  Destruction appears to have benefited the most and Legion suffered the most.  I am hoping we'll see some warscroll changes to justify some of the point changes (or not point changes in the case of some)

    Tamurkhan - 500 -> 680
    Daemon Plague Toads - 120 for 3 -> 60 for 1 (max of 7)
    Daemon Pox Riders - 200 for 3 -> 80 for 1 (max of 7
    Chaos War Mammoth - 320 -> 400

    Infernal Guard Battle Standard - 80 -> 100
    Infernal Guard Ironsworn - 100 -> 180 (max of 30)
    Infernal Guard Fireglaives - 100 -> 160 (max of 30)
    K'daai Fireborn - 100 -> 180
    Blackshard Warhost - 80 -> 100
    Hashut's Wrath Artillery Train - 100 -> 140

    Basilisk - 320 -> 260
    Bonegrinder Giant - 360 -> 300
    Carmine Dragon - 480 -> 340
    Colossal Squig - 300 -> 360
    Dread Maw - 440 -> 300
    Incarnate Elemental of Wrath - 300 -> 360
    Incarnate Elemental of Beasts - 300 -> 360
    Magma Dragon - 520 -> 600
    Mourngul - 400 -> 280
    Rogue Idol - 480 -> 400
    Skaven Warlord on Brood Horror - 200 -> 240
    Troll Hag - 400 -> 300
    Warpfire Dragon - 200 -> 280
    Exalted Greater Daemon of Khorne - 500
    Exalted Greater Daemon of Nurgle - 400
    Exalted Greater Daemon of Slaanesh - 480
    Exalted Greater Daemon of Tzeentch - 480
    Mazarall the Butcher - 360

    Dread Saurian - Gone!

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