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Everything posted by Nicholunch

  1. Agreed! Although a tournament...I had the admiral painted and ready go. I didn't have the 10 extra Arkanauts painted yet. The army had to look badass.
  2. Another equally good option. I think if I take Thunderers, I want to take them as 10, all rifles. Their ability to run out of combat would come in very handy. Let the Arkanaut pistols shoot the guys who charged your Thunderers and use the Thunderers to then shoot down special targets/mass infantry. The think about Arkanauts is they are +1 to hit heros/monsters making their skyhooks 3+,3+. Those big 10 wound monsters can't take look out sir, most players were bringing 2 of them, and the 24" range is glorious. If I dropped Brokk and the admiral, I could add a khemist and 10 Thunderers. That would be some scary shooting turn 1 and 2. If I kept Brokk, I'd do 10 Arkanauts. (Brokk is great for deterring charges and dealing an average 9 damage when supercharged tho). A few good choices is always a good place to be in.
  3. Glad you asked. No, the admiral did very little with the Navigator already in the list. He was essentially another hero. My thoughts were he'd be another scorer and allow the ship to run and shoot. Rarely came in handy to run the ship with the Navigator doing a d6 extended move. I rathered another 10 Arkanauts with skyhooks to buff with the khemist when the riggers got out of range.
  4. Played in a 5 game 2000 point GT this past weekend at Crucible Orlando. Had a great time and I'm more confident in KO after the weekend than before the weekend. I know, and understand (and agree) they have been heavily nerfed this past edition. This was just my experience and I think they are still quite good. TL;DR: I went 2 - 3 but I could've done better if I was a better player. I killed 4 out of 5 generals, and never lost my general. Majority of the games I scored more table quarters than my opponent. Killed a Thudertusk, Stonehorn, Zombie dragon, Terrorgheist, Unclean One, hordes and hordes of night haunt skellies, ghouls, daemonettes, plaguebearers, and more. And ALMOST killed a Keeper of Secrets, even after putting 20+ wounds into her (she kept healing herself from Shyish Realm Command Ability). My list: Barak Urbaz Swapped Artefact of Power for: Aethersight Loupe (unbind ability) Footnote: There's No Reward Without Risk Realm of Metal Aetheric Navigator - General, Fleetmaster Aether Khemist - Alchemical Chain (Chamon unbinding artefact) Arkanaut Admiral - Aethersight Loupe (KO unbinding artefact) Brokk Grungsson - 20 Arkanaut Company - skyhooks 10 Arkanaut Company - volley guns 10 Arkanaut Company - skypikes - Arkanaut Ironclad - Magnificent Omniscope - 12 Endrinriggers - 2 grapnel launchers 2000/2000 Game 1 vs. Beastclaw: Major Victory playing Starstrike I let him go first, deployed my army out of charge range. He moved up did 1 mortal wound to my ship. My first turn, I shot his Thundertusk and calvary down a bit, charged with riggers, killed off his Thundertusk. Got turn 2 priority, dropped my Admiral off and he ran to the objective, shot his Stonehorn down, charged the calvary and Stonehorn with riggers and Brokk. Wiped most all of them out, killed Stonehorn. He conceded after round 2. General was in reserve 'hiding' and died for not deploying. Game 2 vs. Nighthaunt: Minor Victory playing Duality of Death I didn't think I could hold 2 objectives against a horde army. I took first turn. I deployed heavily to one side of the board. Parked the Ironclad on one and held it for the entire game. He took the 2nd object by teleporting there. It was a draw on VP and destroyed 1600 points of his army. He killed 120 points of mine. Game time ran out after round 2. Given another battle round, I would've been able to shoot my riggers to his object and take it over. Game 3 vs. Flesh Eater Courts: Major Loss playing Places of Arcane Power It was his 6 wizards vs my 2 heros with artefacts for scoring (That's where I feel the unbalance). I let him go first, he ran everything on the board forward, had a bunch in reserve that he dropped in my backfield (diagonal deployment sucks for defending that). I put 10 in the back to block his mvmt. My turn, I took out his Zombie Dragon hero and almost his Terrorgheist hero. Couldn't shoot off his wizard near the middle objective. Turn 2 he got priority. He took the middle object and one outside objective, did a crazy 10 mortal wounds to my riggers from the terrorgheist and knocked all but 1 off. He pushed some ghouls into my hero with an artefact to keep him from contesting middle object (3 inches away!). My turn 2, I killed the terrorgheist and took an outside objective. I shot in the hero phase at the unit holding my hero with an artefact. Killed all but 3 and couldn't run out of combat to secure the middle objective. 4 - 2, his win. Game time ran out at the end of 2. What I could have done better: focus Brokk shooting and combat on his middle Wizard and round 3 I would've taken the center objective, securing the Major win (getting minor if we had to stop after turn 2). It came down to such a simple change of who to charge and attack. Priority turn 2 would've ensured a major victory since I wouldn't have been tied down by his ghouls for the middle objective. Game 4 vs. Nurgle: Major Loss playing The Relocation Orb I gave him first turn. He ran 30 plaguebearers on the objective. Moved his army closer to the middle. He dropped his Gutrot hero and blightkings on my back right deployment area. I retaliated turn 1 by taking out his unclean one in the shooting phase. Attacked his plaguebearers with riggers and Brokk and killed about half. Not enough on the objective to win it back. Killed off the blightkings in my backfield. I won priority for turn 2. The Orb moved to my bottom left and I ran a 10 man unit to it. My riggers/Brokk were tied up and my ship was too far away to get close enough. I tried shooting down his flies but couldn't take enough down before his turn. His turn 2, he flew his flies and a daemon prince down to the objective. His daemon prince was enough to sway the total in his direction. 4 - 1, his win. Game ended after round 2. What I could have done better: Swapped my charge of Brokk and riggers. The riggers charged too many outside the center cluster of plaguebearers to score on my round. STUPID mistake. Shoot the prince, not the flies. I played to the 50/50 chance the orb was going to roll the other way. If it had, I would've had a much much better chance of parking the ship in the way and jumping on the objective with two heros with artefacts (counts as 40 models). Unlucky orb roll. Game 5 vs. Slaanesh: Major Loss playing Gifts from the Heavens I took first turn. Charged everything up, shot out a 20 unit of daemonettes, layed 10 wounds into his Keeper of Secrets. Grapnelled in and charged her with 12 riggers. She had the doppleganger cloak. I TOTALLY FORGOT. Riggers were shredded to pieces. I took out a couple chaos knights. His turn, he charged me a bunch of places, I held him off. I took top of round 2. I took one center line objective and my objective. Killed a bunch more of his models. His turn 2, deployed 30 daemonettes with his 31 depravity points and took my objective, his objective, and the new center objective. 6 - 4, his win. Game ended after turn 2. What I could have done better: OMG I could kick myself till next year. I knew he had the cloak, and then once I got into my turn, totally forgot. I went straight for the throat and couldn't even attack in combat. almost 500 points GONE! If I had just focused them to one side of his army, they would've shredded his units for two turns straight. Slaanesh is very squishy. My conclusion... Kharadron Overlords, if played correctly, will lay waste to most of these armies. Understanding their army strengths and targeting them before they are effective is key but very doable with the ability to Fleetmaster and decide who goes turn 1. I could've decided who went first every game with a 2 drop army if needed. I never played Nagash, but I know that would've been a lot tougher. There were a few Nagash armies, lots of stormcast, lots of nighthaunt, and a mix of all others. We aren't top 3, but if I played as tactically as I know some of you are, I could've been top 5 of 30 armies. Maybe my sampling of opponents isn't typical, but I came away from the tournament satisfied with how good the army is, but unsatisfied with my tactical ability. And OH MAN, I killed lots and lots of monsters. ?
  5. Anyone have experience playing idoneth deepkin? Wondering what the weak spots are... Quantity of wounds over quality of wounds (high rend)?
  6. I have a decision to make. Any suggestions??? Brokk to run with my riggers and 20 Arkanauts with skyhooks Or Navigator, Admiral, 10 Arkanauts, and 10 Thunderers The slight modification would finish out my army...either way has it's advantages.
  7. Yeah, totally get that. Appreciate the feedback. You did a great job! I'm guessing from your report, a round of buffs/magic didn't matter/bother you that much.
  8. It sounds like going second was a huge win for you. Would you recommend going 2nd or did you choose that based on their deployment? I usually default to going first to shoot as much as I can and charge with my riggers before opponent has a chance to cast any buffs. But after reading your report, sounds like going 1st wasn't the right thing to do. Thanks for the detailed report!
  9. My experience is 9 Riggers was enough to take down the hero and mawkrusher. Was also able to keep the rest of the army at bay with my ranged shooting and boats for cover. It took a few turns but -2 rend from skyhooks and d3 damage was key!
  10. Gearing up for a local tourny next month. Crucible Orlando. I'm trying to put together the most potent list with what I've got. Here's what I'm thinking...would love your critiques. Mhornar allegiance abilities Aether Khemist x2 Brokk Grungsson Arkanauts x20 - skyhooks Arkanauts x10 - volley guns Arkanauts x10 - skypikes Ironclad - sky cannon Riggers x12 - 10 saws, 2 grapnels Khemist as the general. 2 drops. Brokk, 2 khemists, riggers, 2 units of arkanauts on the ironclad for 1 drop . Other Arkanaut close by for 2nd drop. 2000 pts. Riggers and Brokk jump out and alpha strike main target. Run, shoot and charge first turn with Brokk. Single arkanauts deploy from ironclad to take objectives. Khemist general drops near 20 arkanauts to buff skyhooks and buff for rerolls. Turn 2, riggers pile in during hero phase for an extra fight if they are still alive ?. Wondering if no unbinding is gonna hurt. If I inflict lots of damage quickly, opponent may have trouble keeping afloat and magic won't matter. Have 2 frigates, 10 Thunderers, admiral, navigator, and 10 more arkanauts on the bench.
  11. Last year a player ranked in the top 10 at some GTs using dispossessed with an allied celestant prime. They can drop in anywhere and have like 12" mvmt. That'll add some punch and mobility. I also second the Riggers. They are quick, lots of shots and good attack, 2 wounds, 4+ save. 9 Riggers is 18 wounds, 27 shots, 10 chainsaw attacks for 360 pts.
  12. @High Overlord Xenuand and others, how many drops are you seeing with other tournament armies?
  13. I understand. That's how I felt with the old dwarves in 8th Ed. They were always a gunline. But I'm so impatient, I'd be charging by turn 2 or 3 cuz I just couldn't wait any longer. I think KO match up to my instinctive play style and aesthetic. But I understand that's not everyone's play style and would like more options.
  14. That's why it's essential we go turn 1. We shoot before they get a chance to buff and protect. Our army isn't going to be the perfect aggressor to every other army, but most armies need that first round of buffs to keep their main units alive.
  15. @Cannonball Agreed! I usually run a 9 model unit of riggers but what do you find is helpful if playing just a mobile screen to delay access to your shooters? I've toyed with doing x2 6 model units of riggers. Yeah, I usually see people starting to make mistakes when they try to then play at keeping their special models from being shot down.
  16. I think most people here are playing to the narrative that taking Allies is not the Duardin way. I think that if you find a hole in your strategy, then there are numerous options with allies to fill that void. Like afore mentioned: meat shields, tunneling support, artillery, etc. And by all means, I love the narrative. So kudos to those holding to it and those that break the mold with their own narrative! I personally find that 400 pts is not a whole lot to take a sizable force to do more than just one simple thing for you. People of other factions often take a big beefy hero just under 400 points, spell casters where they don't have good options, or a hero that buffs a general allegiance over a specific one. I've taken a unit of Bezerkers and a Smiter to add additional offense to the alpha strike, or an option to take objectives, etc. I find that the most useful with what I have available to me. Regarding sky ports, I think Sigmar promotes maximizing on one strategy. Whichever strategy that is, I think there are sky ports that can assist with any of them. My reasons for the different ports are: Nar: This is anti-magic spam-a-lot! Zilfin: Deep striking alpha. Zon: Extra chance for the epic charge. Killing Nagash/Cauldron/Drake/etc. out of the gate will cripple an army. Going for that hero/monster also gives you buffs! Urbaz: Double my khemist abilities. I was planning for this one to do Riggers and Thunderers and Company in an Ironclad w/ 1 Khemist. Then do 2 units of skyhook Company in the back w/ 1 khemist. The Khemists can buff 2 units a turn. Mhornar: In your face shooting. Party bus with the general works great for the general's posse getting to reroll hits. Thryng: Really good shooting buff if I get 2 or 3 on the roll.
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