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Posts posted by Lysandestolpe

  1. 8 minutes ago, Mengel Miniatures said:

    That's awesome to see a Warherd army, and a well painted one too!

    Do you have any more close ups of the models. Just added it up, thats about 1,500 points. Are they going to have you paint any more models to beef it up to 2,000?

    I know right? Super fun army. 

    I don’t, unfortunately. Working out of my studio makes it harder to get good light, and the only light at the game club was a basic overhead fluorescent...

    i’ll ask client if he or anybody else there can grab a few pics with a lightbox sometime soon, and ill post it then. 

    I know he’s adding two more larger monsters, the ones that throws rocks, and a breyherd shaman. But i won’t do those as i am fully booked for this spring and his tournament is in May, he found out about thr tournaments being 2k a little too late. With shipping and handling, its too tight to get it done. But a good friend of mine will get them done for him and i have shared the imfo he needs to match them :)

    thanks for looking!

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Tzaangor Management said:

    Awesome work and congrats on the painting nom at Heat 1. In great company there looking at Twitter!

    Thank you! Yes, Heat 1 had some fantastic armies which i very much enjoyd seeing. The Nurgle bone splitta army was definitely my favorite as well as a super nicely painted seraphon squad and nurgle/tzeentch army!

    9 hours ago, BangDoll said:

    Wah! Fantastic conversion !!! Stunning !! 



    15 hours ago, Josh said:

    thats rad! nice colours!


    On 1/14/2018 at 12:44 PM, Turragor said:


    Thanks you all!

  3. 17 hours ago, Mr. White said:

    I live in the US...not like I can swing by and pick either up. :/

    Dm me a pic of it and i can pick one up for you in appropriate size you want and mail it to you from home. I’m going there on there’s 13-14th of this month. 

    • Like 2
  4. Merry Waaaghmas everyone! Here are freshly taken pictures of my christmas present from two years ago. Ten Boar Boyz. I also threw in my Warboss and Shaman riding boars as well. :)

    I'm thinking about selling my Greenskins/Gitmob Army for a pretty descent price, if anyone is interested in getting into them.



    Some of my 40 Boys Added. I'll add more here as I get the photos taken:



    If you are on instagram you can find me @oscarlars

    • Like 7
  5. @Chris Tomlin These are looking great! I have one suggestion, one that I learned the hard way: When you do flames, try to exaggerate the curves more than you'd expect to.  It gives the graphic element of them a lot more life and they become more visually interesting. Especially when they're on a cape that is quite vertically draped.

    I really think you nailed the blue hue with that pale gold. Gorgeous combination. :)

    Keep it up!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Sheriff said:

    I followed these exact steps for my dudes, and it works great! Super easy. But I found that first paint layer takes ages to dry, and the wash takes even longer - I leave it over night. 

    The first layer shouldn't take too long to dry unless you use a lot of paint or its mixed with water. The was shouldn't take more than an hour, unless you also glob that on. So if you do an individual base or 10, yeah its a pain.  the first layer of paint needs to be straight out the tube as it helps to bond the sand to the bases, but it doesn't need to be super thick either. just an even coat is enough. :)

    In any case, to speed up the process you can use an old (or new) hair-dryer to speed up the acrylic dry-time. then it should be dry within minutes. Just make sure if you use heat, to blow it from a little bit of distance and also cool the base off before applying more paint, either with the cooling system on the hairdryer or just let sit for a few minutes. :)

    • Thanks 2
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