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Posts posted by svnvaldez

  1. I would not recommend going and buying that list if you don't have the models thou. No way it will be around in the next tome which I hear will be between now and next spring. In the mean time if you want to play BS competitively start with this core and fill out the rest with whatever models you like.

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz
    Mortal Realm: Hysh

    Savage Big Boss (120)
    Maniak Weirdnob (120)
    - Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch 
    - Lore of the Savage Waaagh: Hand of Gork or Mork
    Maniak Weirdnob (120)
    - Lore of the Savage Waaagh: Brutal Beast Spirits

    30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)
    10 x Savage Orruks (120)
    - Stikkas

    Kunnin' Rukk (200)

    Total: 1100 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 98

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  2. The brooch is pretty bent. You spend 4 CP on the alpha, regen say 2, then immediately spend them since there is no order to it.

    Each 5+ to hit from the 90 arrows procs 4ish more attacks.

    Threat range of the alpha is about 35 in. Then you charge 1 model in to pin them in their deployment zone.

  3. 50 minutes ago, Wazzuli said:

    Has anyone seen the list for the guy who got 2nd at heat 3? The guys name was Byron Orde if that helps lol.

    Yea he’s using the standard 1 drop Krukk build talked about in this chat for the last  2 years.

    Here it is with new points and what I play (Heat 3 was with the GH18 so he had 20 more points which he spent on the 140 caster rather than the boar swap I have)


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  4. 6 hours ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Another thing worth mentioning is that Legion of Grief and Lethisian Defender is not listed in the GHB pitched battle profile, so is it really legal to use those allegiance? I can find them in the warscroll builder though. 

    And forbidden power endless spells/mercenaries . I think there will be a difference between the GH and what TOs do but “default AOS” seems to be GH19, Corebook with realms, and MS...

    Says as much in #1 of pg 70 of the GH19 PITCHED BATTLE TOURNAMENTS. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Fulkes said:

    From what I've seen from the internet, GW is more competent at writing this game than the average player is.

    The game rules could be better but it is my firm opinion that 40k/AOS are by far and away the best table top games out there. No one is going to find a better combo of rules/models/lore than Warhammer provides.

    I find it very ignorant when people think they can do a better job with their own houserules etc... 

    We can all agree that there are some areas of the game that are complete oversights... and then be frustrated that they are not fixed with an FAQ or digital pointing. But Warhammer is an amazing game and not something every Tabletop company provides.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  6. On 6/21/2019 at 5:27 PM, Forrix said:

    On a side note, if anyone knows of a Youtuber or Podcaster who plays a lot of Nurgle by all means let me know as I don't know of any currently.


    38 minutes ago, PlasticCraic said:

     I think Terry Pike from Facehammer still plays Nurgle, specifically Thricefold?

     Must admit I don't listen to the show any more, so I'm not sure how much he talks about Nurgle on there if at all.  But it could be worth exploring.

    The episode above is over a year and a half old but Terry did a good job talking about the book and not a lot has changed for Nurgle since then. I think one of the Event reviews after this episode, Terry took Thricefold and talks about it. 

    I also stopped tuning into Facehammer as well! Literally my favorite AOS podcast for 3 years and I haven't listened for maybe 9 months now. It's not a bad show but I like to think of myself as a total GW fanboy and they have become overly GW apologist even for my taste. 

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Paniere said:

    On page 3 of the pitched battle profile booklet it states: "only units the are included in this book  , or that have a later publication date, can be used in a pitched battle game without your opponent's consent". Sounds pretty clear to me, some profiles have been discontinued

    Thank you. I did not see that section on first read.

    TO can always modify the rules... even says as much in bold on pg 70 but in "Default AOS" this is spelled out clearly on pg 3 of the booklet under OFFICIAL PITCHED BATTLE RULES.

  8. 2 hours ago, broche said:

    Really excited by the new change. I'll likely start playing an updated version of my LVO ironsunz. With the point drop i'm able to fit an extra 10 arboys/3 pig. I'm thinking running something like this:

     Maw Krusha    420    daubing of mork
    warchanter    80    Aetherquartz brooch
    Weirnob Shaman    120    Golden tooth
    fungoid    90    
    5 brutes    170    
    5 brutes    170    
    10 ardboys    140    
    10 ardboys    140    
    10 ardboys/ 3 Gore gruntas    140    
    3 Gore gruntas    140    
    3 Gore gruntas    140    
    Ironfist    160    
    ironsunz    80    

    I'm thinking the exact same list (drop fungoid for 1 drop) but with the 10x3 combined to 30x1. Like others have said above you can hand the 30 T1. I think it cast on an 8 ( 6 with +2 from the weirnob). Then the army gets +1 to charge, +2 from the drum, +d6 from Ironfist. 

    Result is a nice wall deep in the board and leave a tail for IP

    • Like 1
  9. From an in game (AOS) prospective the gaps between models for a cloud formation makes no sense. I would never waste my money on that product. 3rd party ones primarily come in 2 formations... clouds as close together as possible and lines 1 inch apart. 

    There is a reason they come in those formations.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Lardidar said:

    Hey all, was wondering if you could take a look at a list I've cobbled the miniatures together for...I know mass gitz is our power play but I find them so dull so I'm looking for an ok list a 3-2/4-1 event list if played well.


    I think its a list that you can go low 2-3 to high 4-1. If a buddy of mine wanted to run that I would say go for it... should be fun and not bad. For a 80 point swap you can get 1 unit of 60 grots in there which is clearly a good choice but you will be fine with the above imo.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Zanzou said:

    Anyone else find stuff like buffed deathrattle and bloodknights appearing in any army super immersion breaking...?  

     Realizing that my Sylvaneth will be allowed to play with blood knights, but not a lore master....? 


    The more I look at it, the more it seems like a cash grab...  


    "The most common tales revolving around Richter Kreugar's tragic curse tell of a young mercenary captain, proud, talented, and ruthless. He hired out his services freely, uncaring whom he fought for as long as the price was right. Centuries ago in the history of the Old World, Richer was said to have allied with a powerful Necromancer, aiding him in his diabolical campaign against the Empire, terrorizing the heavy forested area around Wolfenburg."

    Alot of these mercenaries are reworks of old dogs of war.

    • Like 1
  12. On 6/6/2019 at 8:30 PM, PlasticCraic said:

    Side note: are there any plans for WSD to start putting out content @svnvaldez?  I'd love to hear Frank behind a mic!


    Maybe one day but we don't play even close to enough to justify a podcast! We burned out hard after making our ITC run and then we lost some local TOs who were running regular small events. There were about 10 of us who were playing all the time. Now there are only 2-4 who play sometimes.


    I'm super excited about this picture thou. Hopefully the tournament templates and meeting engagement make it easier for TOs to run events and then maybe the small 16-24 monthly tournaments that kept everyone energized will come back.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, HollowHills said:

    I had to play them in a local tournament and it genuinely put me off the hobby for a month. It's made worse by the fact they seem to enjoy taking competitive lists and then cheating on top

    I only play tournaments with a players pack. This pack needs to layout things like models must be on rounds and what to do if there is a dispute, cheating, slow play, etc and how to call a judge.

    It then falls on the TO not the players to enforce this. It should never fall on players to shame/punish each other.

    Everyone has a different personality and get different kinds of enjoyment from the game. No one is right and no one is wrong... but in a tournament the rules need to be enforced. 

    Here is an example of a long winded sportsmanship section from a players pack (it doesn’t not need to be this long). 



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  14. 1 hour ago, Malakree said:

    Ritches 3rd place list for BOBO and his commentary on a podcast afterwards.


    Justsaying has us at T2 fellow loonbosses! time for us to all build 160 grots and win some events :) Last 2 episodes have been very good. If podcasts are your thing, give them a listen.



    Justsaying Podcast Age of Sigmar Tier List June 2019

    • Like 2
  15. 5 hours ago, Dead Scribe said:


    I play tournament rules as written.  If the tournament rules would allow it, so would I.  That being said I went with option #1, but thats because all of my games are tournament games or prepping for tournament.


    This ^ .

    In a friendly game I would not mind you using any model you want (as long as it is on the correct base). If it’s a tournament then it’s not up to me... I’ll play the players pack so see  what the TO says (I’d probably not attend an event that allowed proxies or had houserules but that’s my choice and that would have no effect on you)

    Last bit is that matched play is not “competitive/tournament play”. Matched play rules are simply rules on list construction/standard battleplans in order to play a semi balanced game ( relative to open/narrative). Since you are looking to modify matched play list construction you are not playing matched play as presented in to book. You are playing Open play.

  16. 2 hours ago, Requizen said:

    That said, I think most of the feel bad from Kunnin Rukk is that your opponent just kinda just watches you buff up and roll dice, and your shooting takes a lot of time, so if the Rukk player doesn't know what they're doing, they can monopolize game time quite a bit. 



    2 hours ago, Mogwai Man said:

    I'm not saying other builds aren't boring. I do think Kunnin Rukk is one of those boring builds though. That's just my opinion of it. 


    I normally say Kunnin Rukk is boring but that is probably the wrong word. If you don't use a dice app the rolling is awful for both players. It's too long, slow, dull; tiresome and monotonous. With all the buffs and broach you are throwing like 200 dice (afterrerolls and procs) for 20-40 wounds.

    FEC are more "fun" since its so quick... clearly "fun" is the wrong word.

  17. Imo England's 6nations lists are the best templates to net list off of since each team has the restriction that they can not duplicate warscrolls across the team. This forces each team to come up with what they think are the 8 best archetypes for lists. It is a team event so  teams will try to pair lists into good match ups and avoid poor match ups... but if you want to go undefeated in a singles tournament your going to need to get a good draw as well. 

    This year Byron Orde is taking the Bonegrinz Kunning Rukk. This is a very good list and you can easily place at the top end of an event with it. It has been shown to be a good list for a while now. You can also drop the Bonegrinz and just take min krukk, you'll do just fine with that as well.


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  18. 57 minutes ago, blubearbare said:

    New to Gloomspite Gitz like having a Troggoth/ Squig army theme heres my list. Leave comments or concerns.

    I love it. That will be a sick army on the table. Won’t be amazing but def won’t be awful imo.

    Add skittertide or geminids with those last 40 points.

    If you don’t already own all the fellwaters and want slightly more bodies for objectives I’d swap 3x2 Fell for another 24 squigs. But these are all marginal changes. The core of the list is functional and should be a blast to use.

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