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Everything posted by Keldaur

  1. If you are using the nighthaunt loyalty, no, since it clearly states a model in a unit wholly within 12".
  2. I have been playing extensively this weeks. Really liking the army thus far. Planning on getting an execution force battallion rolling for regular games.
  3. They cost 90 points 5. 18 Point vs 15 points per model. Another difference is range.
  4. Because: - 2000 point games for newcomers take around 3+ hours. - You have to invest blindly since you don't know what you really want and how it works, you only have some ideas in your head that are likely to be based on wrong assumptions. You will make a lot of mistakes on your purchases. - Your learning of the game will also be much slower due to information overload and time sinks. A few quick 1000 games will go miles ahead of playing 2000 games to learn the basic mechanics, tricks and timings. - 1000 point games are perfectly reasonable to play and start with. So why go 2000 points. Even for newcomers? It sure sounds kind of weird. If you want to play 2000 points right off the bat, go for it, i am just giving out some advice.
  5. To be honest, if you are starting out don't play 2000 games.
  6. 1. It depends. I can see us playing 2 spirit torment or guards. Anyways there will be alternate models, but if you don't mind to have some monopose heroes it's fine. The chainrasp horde you can get it on ebay etc for a cheaper price. 2. Spirit torment, Guardian of souls. Spirit torment's heal is pretty neat (much better than guardian's), but it's useful to have wizards for dispells. 3. Look, the difference in power level of units doesn't kick in until you really know to play the game, you can play whatever you want most of the time and be fine. If you are asking if you "must" put them on the shelf, the answer is no. But i would say that spirit hosts are the only ones that fullfill a role that nobody does well, MWs. Tomb banshee requires a lot of set up, luck and/or pre-conditions to work off The cairn is a big meh, except if you are short on heroes in your list and need somebody else to expand the 6++ bubble, otherwise you are better off using those points for an endless spell. The mourngul is decent, nothing to write home about, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. It suffers vastly against MWs tho.
  7. I understand that most of the time is unconscious, but it tends to happen with new releases since we all want to play all the shiny new stuff, but you have to look at your list and check how you are going to score objectives afterwards. I mean, seriously, you say you aren't doing it, and you are pretty much spending 200 points in your battleline... again. About the latest list, i would lower the bladegheists to 10, and increase the chainrasp to 20. I would also switch the guardian of souls for to increase the spirit hosts to 6, since you are set on playing Olynder. The Guardian of souls spell is very good, but magic (buff, damage or debuff) is way more inconsitent now than it was before due to the new dispel range, if you already have ways to unbinding 2 spells per turn at 1000 points you should be fine. You can always equip the spirit torment with an artifact to make him a wizard if you wish to get a second source of dispells. If i am not wrong that list would be 940 points, from where you could get a command point or an endless spell (cog, geminids, suffocating would be some of my choices, suffocating works good with olynder to get -2 bravery on units and then use the aura scream).
  8. Low on bodies. You are not going to outscore anyone but the most terribly built lists. I will never understand this need to treat battlelines as a tax. 2x3 units of spirit hosts are much worse than 1x6 due to how buffs, combat and revival works. Get a decent core, around unit and synergies, and then work from there. Don't just add units and then see how you can fulfill the battleline restrictions. For example 2x6 spirit hosts + 1 Spirit torment + 2 chainghasts are rock solid at 1k. 680 points. Add in a mage 820 points Now you have 180 points to round up the list. But to be honest, i would get 2 spirit torments before the chainghasts, they are so good. Alternatively you can switch one of the spirit host units to chainrasps or use the 180 points for chainrasps (leaving 20 for a endless spell or just triumph, which isn't bad with the spirit hosts), which are better at screening (and we fly which is awesome when you can fly over your screen to charge with the unit you want).
  9. Low on wizards and i don't understand why you want to get a second battallion which doesn't fulfill a role to help the alpha strike. I am sure you would be better with the chainguard or condemned as a secondary battallion (and i am not even sure if a second battallion is wanted). Also if you are planning to get charges off deep strike, where is the chrono ?
  10. For people who don't care that much about details so we they can get a decent end result with low effort.
  11. It works because even with those unusuable units, you are getting a lot of bang for your bucks. I don't think it's smart. If the box came with 5 grimreapers i would have purchased 2 boxes, this way there is no way i buy a second box. And as some people have stated, if you are starting out, playing regular games etc (but you are not playing in a tournament), nobody will give a fly about it, just ask your opponent beforehand to avoid the possibility of it coming off as rude and move on.
  12. Command ability pls. I am starving for those.
  13. If you roll a 10+ withouth modifiers you get them to pile in and attack in the charge phase, so you can attack again in the combat phase. For people wondering, 10+ withouth modifiers is 1/6. Nice ability but too random to depend on it, command rerolls gets it on the 3/10 territory. The command skill seems very nice. The best thing i am seeing about nighthaunt is that all of them fly. You can screen any unit with chainrasps, and then charge/move/pile in above them. Also flying on small bases is very good with the new pile in rules, since it allows you to jump around even when you are in base to base. And no FT army wide was completely expected. And i am grateful, atleast we get some random fun and tactical tools. I wonder if we will be able to get more bravery debuffs through magic and/or artifacts (or command traits). Those debuffs get better and better now that inspiring presence isn't nearly as a strong as it was before because it is only a one time thing, rather than until your next hero phase.
  14. It can't be, it has the summoning spell.
  15. There is a lot of pointless whining either way.
  16. Correct, i am thinking about using two instead of one, it's just so darn good. The 1s reroll is just the icing on the cake.
  17. Glaivewrath stalkers we will have to wait for the loyalty rules for nighthaunt. If Nighthaunt keep the "teleport", they are cheap units to get objectives with. Normally you would have them behind the horde, so they pile in and attack with their range 2", while also easilly getting the +1 to wound. Nothing amazing, but they are cheap and can keep retreating and charging.
  18. And to stack up bonuses. But to be honest, people really undervalue rerolling charges, or getting auto 6s to run.
  19. To be honest, 2 starter boxes are only worth it if you want duplicate heroes and +20 chainrasps. To me, the grimghast reapers that come with the box, just don't exist. Also, i would find it very weird if the grimghast reaper box isn't a multiunit box, since bladegheists atleast are practically the same. We will have to wait for the the scythes to see if they can also built from that kit, or if they will be a different multikit from where you can also build myrnmourn banshees tho.
  20. Something tells me that the Spirit torment will be avaible to build with the chainghasts, akin to pusgoyles.
  21. There are 3 models for GoS thus far. The one in the box, another one and the anniversary one.
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