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Posts posted by AlmGandix3

  1. On 5/9/2022 at 7:36 PM, Tenebris said:


    Much like the Bonesplitterz themselves I feel the call of the Waagh and I have thrown away my armour and my puny steel weapons and I have embraced the visions of Gorkamorka. 

    I currently own a single box of savage orruks which I initially intended to build as a Warcry warband but upon pondering I have decided to collect a proper Bonesplitterz tribe. 

    I call upon you Mork and Gork Bosses to help me on this journey. How should I assemble this box of models? Where to go from here on? Is Contrast a good method to paint this army?

    Can you help me assemble a 1000 points list so I can begin cracking some skulls and taking some teef...

    I am eagerly waiting the words of your Wurrgog Prophets.

    Hey, welcome to the best orruks (naked ones). Contrast is definitely possible, I haven’t painted in a long time since I had to build a lot to play and heres my first orruk after years of no painting. Only used contrast and shade over wraithbone basecoat. Sure it’s not perfect but good enough in a horde. I may change some of the browns arround though to gain more contrast.


    as for a proper 1k List I’d say a wurgogg would be nice. A box of boars also gives you two units of 5. I would stay away from arrowboyz and big stabbaz for now. Arrowboyz because their are not that good right now and big stabbaz since you loose 2 orruks each and can only build 2 out of the infantry box. You could still build them and have 6 orruks for hero conversions if you don’t like finecast. 

    other than that I’d say go for what you like hero and unit wise. Boars are especially good right now though. Boarboy maniaks for damage and normal boarboyz for battleline, screen and better staying power.



  2. 21 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Kharadron do not need Grungni, and Disposessed and Ironweld did not get any news recently. With Fyreslayers having a tome, I don't see a reason for it going further.

    It could be a good place for the old dwarves if and when Sigmar's fundamentalists take off, Wanderers get back to Sylvaneth (they are already forgiven), Dark Elves are absorbed by Malarion and what remains of the Phoenix Temple is canned (after which Lumineth get halberds and birds).

    Don’t know how important books are in the context, but in gitzslayer KO and gotrek where highly interested in The Khazalid Empire and now in soulslayer fyreslayers also got more interested.

    Gotrek also wanted to do something with it at the end of both books.

    But who knows how much this matters. Maybe the next book will be about Karaz-a-Zaruk, Barak Urbaz and Karag Varr.

  3. 17 hours ago, Cdance93 said:

    I missed the Bonegrinz list, what was the tactics behind tying up a unit with 30 arrow boyz

    In 2.0 enemies couldn’t retreat from your units. So you could shoot them with your arrowboyz without fear of charges. Especially nice with the kunnin rukk

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  4. On 3/10/2022 at 4:53 AM, Lord Krungharr said:

    I was thinking about Gyrocopters today, and a pair of them with the Runelord's Forgefire prayer on them for rend-2....that could get pretty good actually vs any units of 10 or more models.  The Copters' speed could easily put them both in range of a whole enemy unit turn 2, or bottom of 1 if the enemy moves carelessly.  Of course not as many armies have super big units anymore, but units of 10 are prevalent, and plenty take in 20s.  Except Sons of Behemat, but they could still zip over their heads and drop bombs probably.  In Tempests Eye near a Hawkeyed General (like a Phoenix perhaps) and All Out Attack, ooh yeah !

    Sadly the runelord doesn’t work the copter or bomber, because they don’t have the dispossessed keyword

  5. 11 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Anyone been using Hammerers lately?  It's the last unit I don't have for the Dispossessed.  They look pretty awesome, that's for sure.  Just wondering if a unit of 10 is viable, or if I need 20.  On the fence mainly because they're so old of a unit and have not been reboxed yet....seems like they could be destined for Legends someday?  GW doesn't like Duardin very much I don't think.

    Units of 20 are nice because you can fight in two ranks due to the 25mm base size. The cool thing is you can get mortals on hit (curse prayer) and mortals on wound (warscroll) and many other buffs like rend and extra attacks. 

    haven’t tried them myself yet, but they seem pretty good.


    as mentioned before they are the same kit as longbeards so they gave to squat all of dispossessed to get rid of them.

    I got the doomcrushers from avatars of war since I really like their poses, looks and found a box of 30 for less than 10 from gw at my local store back in the day.

    • Like 2
  6. 12 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    I'm on the fence about Endless Spells in general unless they're taken with some dedicated wizardry augmentation.  For Bonesplitterz I think a Wardokk or two would help out a bunch, a Rogue Idol even more, though that's a bunch of points.  But Emerald Lifeswarm is pretty darn good in general.  Soulscream Bridge would make great terrain even if not used as a spell.

    Looks like taking Kragnos does not negate the Bonesplitterz subfaction abilities?  Hmmm, something to consider for sure.  Wouldn't more Boarboyz w Stikkas be better than more Maniaks, maybe take the Maniaks in 5s?  I think overall with the 2" range the regular Boars would get more attacks.  If Glowy Green Tusks fails don't the Maniaks tend to suffer from 1" range?  Guess if it's winning can't argue with that ☠️ 

    I thought so aswell but after some people posting how to get most boars into combat maniaks come out on top regardless. If you struggle a lot to get in all possible boars that might change.

    The breaking point is when you can only get in 6 boars, but all 10 stikkas can attack. (Around 0,5 dmg before saves though)

    all out attack not factored in, with all out attack boarboys never overtake them in dmg. 
    if you include the tusk spell and icebone maniaks will be even better since you are forced to get into 1“ range, so the extra range of stikkas doesn’t combine that well with the spell.
    all calculations treat them as charging. You also have to consider the extra save though.

    in my head boarboys are very independent objective grabbers, tarpits and ok dmg dealers

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 2/7/2022 at 10:06 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

    I think I found the proxy we need to run Dwarvish Stormdrake Guard.....


    dwarf batrider.jpg

    Wow you gave me an amazing idea. I got a dwarf riding a owl griffon with lance from reaper and he fits stormdrake guard very well.

    was really disappointed since he is too small for the general on griffion but this should be fine.

    • Like 2
  8. 13 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    I've bought an army (still in transit) that has 14 Savage Big Stabbas.  Is that more than I'll ever need, or just enough?!  Comparing it say a Rogue Idol and a Wardokk points/function-wise....not sure if I should sell off some, or give that many a go.  Low drop deployment seems pretty important for Bonesplitterz with their crappy armor (warpaint is good and all but not that durable overall).

    Then I'm thinking maybe the Big Stabbas are perhaps better used in Drakkfoot instead of Icebone; seems almost every army has something with half-decent bonez hiding withing a ward save.  For Icebone I will have 2x10 Boarboyz available + 1x10 Boarboy Maniaks, and 60 Stikka Orruks.

    I'll have 30 Arrowboyz too but honestly, don't want this to be my shooting army (that's what my Dwarves are for).  Think I'll sell them off for sure.  Seems like they coulda attached ice-arrowheads to the shafts but alas, the rules for Icebone don't pan out for them.  Too high-tech probably :D

    Forgeworld is out of stock on the Rogue Idol, seems like a decent price if it was in stock.  But I found an Orc Stone Golem file on Thingiverse for a proxy.  Anyone know how tall the Rogue Idol is supposed to be?  I want to make sure it's the right scale.  I see the base is a 170x105mm size on the January 2021 FAQ.  Is that correct?  Cuz that's HUGE!

    I would definetly not sell of any big stabbas, since you can only build 2 out of a 20 Box and are then left with 16 orruks.

    Arrowboyz were good in Iceborne in 2.0, but bonesplitterz shifted a lot since then. Depending on how you want to handle the army (do you want to try everything out or just want a second army for fun) Id also keep them since you can run high body count bonegrinz lists.

    As for the rogue idol I got a original and a 3d printed one. There are free Total war files and someone printed one for me in one piece on a saturn. 

     The 3D printed one is 15-15,5 cm high, there are multiple poses aswell.


    My original looks a little wonky since the pins got loose, I want to strip him and paint him like hes made of Ice both actually.

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  9. So the faq is out and gw did nothing for bonesplitterz apart from nerfing unleash hell (buff to all none bonegrinz), buffing kragnos with bo points increase as far ad i can tell. They also nerfed amulet of destiny so no seconded wurgogg with bettet ward. 

    I like the idea of a bonesplitterz horde with kragnos, since he now counts as 30 modeös at full health, got a 6+ ward and hits like a truck.

  10. Personally I’d love to see the exploding 6s to work universally (ranged and no minimum models). It would make it less of a hassle to remember and would make it flow better. Coalition would be really nice, I want my orruk on troggoth(mini idol). As for kragnos id love him to get the rumor warscroll changes instead of a big points drop. He should play like a god and not be cheap, you could make lists arround him. As for bonesplitterz points I’d love to see some drops, especially the savage orruks.

    BUT id increase the points of arrowboyz slightly to 150 with the exploding 6s buff. As for the wurgogg, I don’t think I would drop his points, but I have too low experience with him.

  11. 2 hours ago, Enwolved said:

    Hey fellow Bonesplitterz-friends,

    do you have recommendations for an alternative model for the Wurgogg Prophet? 
    I already own the original GW model and the Underworlds model. 
    But as we know, for the ultimate mask-madness, you need more than two!


    Depends on if you have a 3D printer or someone who can print for you.

    I really this one since he has the signature spell in his model.


    There are other options like avatars of war or diy from a savage orruk

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  12. 7 hours ago, Shirtripper said:

    I went 3-0 again at a local tourney! It was supposed to be a more casual event, but I did end up playing Legion of the First Prince, DoK w/ Morathi and Bow snakes, and IDK with 60 Reavers. Highlight of the weekend was the Wurrgog Prophet winning his staring contest with Kairos, followed up by tabling the DoK player in the 3rd by killing Morathi with an arcane bolt in his charge phase.


    SUPER happy with back to back 3-0s with our naked idiots. :D


    Could you share some more details? How did you win against these lists? Do you think the opponents misjudgement or cockiness played a huge role? (many people in my area thin bonesplitterz are really bad after the new tome so this is a big factor for me)

    sorry If I bombard you with questions, but i didn’t have any chance to play with the new tome and am happy to get every information I can get.

  13. With the new gore grunts buff and them being able to delete a mega gargant without +1 to save in one combat (aoa and warchanter buff, unit of 6) I got inspired to calculate icebone boars and compare them to gruntas.

    10 maniaks with aoa get close and tie with the boar spell. Boars with stikkas do less obviously. 
    My question now is, how easy is it to get all 10 into combat? 
    Sadly I had no chance to try this myself, so im happy for all your input.

  14. Just now, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Nearly character model level pricing right there. I get why GW does this, but it really makes you think about kitbashing those guys.

    Yeah I got 9 dominion ones for a little more than that and am going to convert the champions

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Landohammer said:

    Hey guys, if any of you are struggling to find Bolt Boyz at decent prices, i have found the Killaboss on foot to be a decent base for conversion. Bolt boyz are going for $44+ USD per 3 while killa bosses on foot are much cheaper and i know many of us have extras/unused. 

    Just a small ballista from my 3d printer and some spare gutrippa spears and boom: Discount bolt boy champion.





    Very nice idea and the look is really cool and unique.

    I didn’t know they were that expensive nowadays😳

  16. 1 hour ago, Fuchur said:

    Question, do you think there is a place for the rogue idol in a competitive KB list? Maybe  with Supa Sneaky?

    At the moment I think it’s too expensive considering all the other units prices and what you need. Maybe with further testing that may change.

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