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Posts posted by Frozenbeast

  1. 9 hours ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    Such a cool minotaur/Doombull! What model is it?


    It is a Zealot Miniature model from a Kickstarter they had in October last year. They are still delivering to late backers and they should be done with them around Sep/Oct time and after that they should have all those minis (the Kickstarter was actually featuring about 20 different models) in their online shop. Be ready to spend your money!!!




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  2. On 8/10/2018 at 3:40 PM, Popisdead said:

    No not Kholek.  I was hoping the big kit that turned into the Mutalith had been KHolek.  He could comeback now in a freak lightening storm and it could be a good release in AoS.  

    What I really hope is that they bring back Morghur, it would be soooo good to have him spawning chaos spawns in front of enemy units (maybe give him a bolt-like spell that when it kills a model it turns it into  chaos spawn that has to be set up within 3" of an enemy unit). Also would be cool if his aura of mutation would protect him from shooting (like a 3+ against all non-combat attacks or damage that come from more than 12" away from him and 5+ when in combat). I mean he is the incarnation of Chaos and as per lore he cannot die. He just weakens and rises back (bit like Alarielle with her seasons) no matter where or when, he is an entity not a living being, he takes mortal form just to manifest himself so he could be explained very easily how he survived the end times and the explosion of the world-that-was. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, Cambot1231 said:

    Hey Shinzra, off the bat a small but effective change might be to combine two units of glade guard to get the +1 to hit. You could break up eternal guard into two 10 man units to cover the battleline requirements (wanderer battleline only)

    He won't have the requirement for the battalion if he does like you say. On the flipside though I like more what you said as otherwise I cannot find a reliable form of dmg in that list.

  4. I am pretty sure the definition DOES NOT say "the weapon inflicts 1 MW to an enemy unit within 20" instead of its normal attacks" so I am quite sure you get to keep all your attacks with the bearer.

    I was wondering though, have you guys tried other artifacts a part from the Wanderers ones? Is there any realm srtifact that goes well with our lists (I am talking pure Wanderers but whichever it would be)?

  5. 1 hour ago, Ailuro81 said:

    Hey all

    I have decided to take up the underdog mantle and start a Wanderers army. I have to say I absolutely love the models and am doing a 'Winter Hunt' army. I have written up a few lists but feel the Waystone Pathfinders Battalion could be very useful. That being said I am unclear on the actual use of it. 

    My question is, do I have to put the entire battalion in reserve ready for a first turn deployment? Or do I get to choose which units I would like to put in reserve and which to start on the table?

    Welcome to the Wander Wagon (we need a freacking logo for that!!!!!?) friend. I was about to write something but I got interrupted and some other very handsome tall elf did it for me.


  6. 6 hours ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Hi guys,

    Was wondering how useful the Devolve spell on the shaman is proving to be for you all. Good enough for you to ally him into a different army perhaps? (As a 100 point ‘endless spell’ that can cap objectives etc. since he’d lose use of the movement buff). 


    Personally I did not think it was much of a help before using it and still after 4 matches I think it have a very limited usage. I ll explain:

    It has 18" so you cannot use it turn 1 unless the enemy goes first and plays brave so he ends up being within range. And if he does play brave maybe he is playing one of those turn one charge lists like khorne so you cannot use it as they are already within 3" of one of your units ;

    Again, if the enemy is within 3" you cannot use it;

    If they are too close to you and the closest friendly unit you don t want it to be charged but you are thinking of moving it, you cannot use it as you risk theenemy unit to get within 3" of your unit. 

    They only time I could use it is in the very late game or in very specific situations. It is a tool more than a reliability. And now we cannot build around it while before we could build around summoning. 

    Did not like it on paperwhen they announced it and still don t like it. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Yokai said:

    It's tuesday! So that means Rumour Engine time.


    Looks dark elvish, innit? Or Slaaneshy, possibly.

    In the previous rumor engine there is a similar pattern on the sides of the oval shape. I say they are related and if the last one is a noise marine as somebody say this is definetly Slaanesh. 

  8. 15 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    I'm fairly sure that GW have no intentions on creating any of the actual Chaos gods in miniature form - at the moment at least.  I'm thinking it a mutation more than a daemon limb, so possible Chaos Space Marine or new Rogue Trader.  There are lots of possibilities though :D  I think 12 is some kind of Slaaneshii harp - if 40k is getting a Slaanesh release then we're likely to have Noise Marines back (which is also my punt for 15).

    Of course I don t really believe they will release a Chaos God as a model, mine was sarcasm due to the fact that that picture is pretty clearly something related to a Slaanesh army release.?

  9. 10 hours ago, WarbossKurgan said:


    I <<think>> these are all the current unsolved Rumour Engine images. let me know if I have missed one!


    1,2,9 and 10 to me look like 40k (orks i would say). As per the others:

    3- something restricted(monster? Overgrown goblin on mushrooms?) that is about to snap. Gobbo

    4- looks like a vapour coming out of sometgung living but like a toxic plant (mushroom?). Gobbo

    5- definently a monster (giant squig? Akelian monster? ). Gobbo or deepkin

    6- Slaanesh. HIM/HERSELF!!!!!!

    7- as said by somebody else, that is a Goblin sword no doubt. 

    8- again something that might be a vapor or an overgrowth. Looks a bit like a brunch though... Seems like it is stretching from rolled. 

    11- goblin shaman. 

    12- looks aelvish to me maybe the arm of a ballista with the strings tensed (mounted on a monster?). Deepkin second

    13- definetly a cape and definetly sued by somwboy either not good (golbin) or not interested in esthetics (barbarian). Gobbo or Darkoath

    14- it remembers me the shields on the Deepkin eels. Deepkin second wave

    15- it s a gem or a small mirror... But from there to tell you what I think it is... 

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    This is an overstatement of a declaration.  There were a multiple people who knew about AoS.  Both Hastings and Harry as well as lots of others knew AoS was coming.  

    I'll stay skeptical given the rumour thread is mostly discussing stuff GW has released.  In the end I would be pleasantly surprised for a Brayherd book but I'm not holding my breath.

    Also anyone can predict Slaanesh (early) 2019.  Just look at the pattern of the other chaos armies.

    well yeah, I did not know others knew, I did not mean to say he was the only one altough. ?

    Exactly, the pattern is absolutely that one (again guy at the store in my home town said it right before nurgle got announced and it make sense) so I am not expecting Slaanesh before 2019.

    I have to say after the initial euphoria (everybody had a moment at least) I am getting a bit skeptical on what Beastmen means. If actual Brayherd or just monsters (remember Warriors of Chaos came out with all the monsters that have been moved from the Beasts of chaos 6th ed army book leaving Beastmen with just pure Beastmen).

    Although let dream a bit...not too hard though they might hear us?

  11. 2 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    Where did you guys read this?  

    I've been to the dakka dakka rumour tracker thread and I've found things have pretty much dried up regarding rumours.   Even if something is leaked (like Rogue Trader for kill team) GW does the official news an hour later. 

    So, some our ago in the Rumor Thread this got dropped:


    Moonclan, New terrain, darkoath/beast-men

    sorry slaanesh you’ll have to wait till 2019....


    This guy apparently is one of those if not THE one that predicted AoS as it is before AoS was even a thing in 2015 (when all the rumors of a new edition came out). And then in random times he "predicted" (it seems pointless to say "predicted", it really looks like the guy knows) other releases that ended up being true releases!

    And yesterday/today he dropped that....and the forum went BOOOOOM!!!!!

    At the end of the day it kind of make sense; not the Beastmen part, which although I am really glad to hear, but all the rest does. We know that with the release of Malign Portent and the Harbingers we would have had one release per Allegiance during 2018  and SCE and NH already happened. We also know that a Destruction release was going to happen at some point as they did not receive a Battletome for ages and Moonclan (or anyway grots) make sense. Therefore Darkoath (AND BEASTMEN!!!!!!!!!!!) make sense. Rumors that Slaanesh was coming we all heard about. Although insiders rumors last year (when urgle got announced) told me that GW plans at the beginning were to release one Chaos god per year and we already had Khorne 2016, Tzeentch 2017, Nurgle 2018 so it is pretty clear  Slaanesh will come il 2019. Therefore, again, it make semse we receive other releases in the meantime like Moonclan and Darkoath (AND BEASTMEN!!!!!!!).

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    If I was not at work right now I would be shouting out the window. Sooo long we have been waiting for Beastmen to come out and have their revenge since 6th ed book was violated!!!

    Beware the next ascendence of Morghur Lord of Skulls and the ruin of all mankind once and for all!! I really hope they come out and they mada a model for Morghur as he deserves vengence! 

    • Haha 1
  13. I second all that has already been said. Even though I don t even think we need a centerpiece (Bonesplitterz don t have one as they are not designed to have one and we might be the same kind of concept as per types of unit in the roster), I do strongly want a couple new units (maybe just one) and the ones we have receiving a bit of love (really WR in GHB 2018 didn t even need the point reduction, I was happy with just rend -1, they would have made a fantastic flanking unit). It is frustrating because it is soooo easy to make them a very viable army, they already have a solid backbone that just some twicks will be enough. A nice battalion might include CC units making them be able to bypass the movement penalty for their abilities while within 3" (6"?) from Waystrider (Waystrider, 2 units EG, 1 WWR 150pts); or "units in this battalion can stil roll a dice to run after they have been set-up deployed onto the battlefield" (3 units WR, 180 pts ); more could be "one unit per turn in the shooting phase can be selected as the swift patrol. When you do so do not count this unit as being moved for the purposes of its ability" (1-3 Waywatchers, 2-3 SotW units, 120 pts); or the classic "in your hero phase you can pick one enemy unit within 12" of the Nomad prince and shoot at it with all your shooting weapons from the units in this Battalion" ( NP, 0-3 Wayfinder, 1-3 GG units, 1-3 SotW units, 200 pts); "Spellsingers Congregatoin" "anytime a unit from your army which is wholly within 12" of at least 2 units from this Battalion suffers a Wound or MW roll a dice, on a 6+ the damage is ignored (2-3 Spellweaver, 1-3 SotT units, 90/110 pts). All these Battalions can be deployed "in ambush" like the Waystone pathfinders now. I could go on all day and night, I am enjoyng pulling out these things nut I ll stop because I feel particularly stupid writing up something as easy as this but still not having it.

    Any suggestion or critique to what I wrote is welcome, NOTHING CAN STOP US FROM DREAMING!!!!?

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  14. 13 hours ago, Saiken said:

    Very interesting list, and definitely along the lines of what I was thinking with my previous question.

    I'm just wondering about including Tzaangors in such a list. They do fit the general style of the army ( they're gors after all) and they seem pretty deadly ?
    Any reason why you chose not to include them at all ??

    Never had the models to start with?

    Second of all I need bodies so bestigors are better from that point of view (more wounds and more armour for the same points). 

    Tzaangors are BL but cost too much: with the same amount of points I could field three times at least in wounds and models with gors. 

    One solution might be replacing the minos and the doombull for a maxed out unit of tzaangors which I see very well as they will definitely be more durable and hit harder than the bulls for sure but the problem will present again: I don t have the models?

  15. I am ultimately thinking abouti mixed chaos beastmen. With the changes to the terrain rules I find the herdstone difficult to utilize properly and ambush can be useful for chariots but I think nothing else as we are sooo quick we can get within charge range anyway. 

    What I really like are the changes to magic that make Cygor a bit more viable (thinking about 2) if not a must take. With the pile in now being compulsory one jabberslythe is auto include in every beast army imo: if they target that with the shooting you get into combat with something else if not everything elsee. I was thinking to a list like this:

    Allegiance: Chaos

    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    - General
    - Trait: Malicious Conqueror
    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    Doombull (120)
    - Great Axe
    Doombull (120)
    - Pair of Axes

    10 x Gors (80)
    - Gor-Blades & Beastshields
    10 x Gors (80)
    - Gor-Blades & Beastshields
    10 x Gors (80)
    - Gor-Blades & Beastshields

    30 x Bestigors (300)
    6 x Bullgors (320)
    - Great Axes

    Cygor (180)
    Cygor (180)
    Jabberslythe (140)

    Endless Spells
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)
    Prismatic Palisade (30)

    Total: 1890 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 148

    Even though I am not sure on the atrifact (although not having to take BS within 6" is juicy as I won t spend in CP saving them for re roll charges for example) the basic idea is always the same: target saturation (minos+monsters) and bodies flood (even if the amount is not that high). The cygors are pretty scary for wizards as I reroll hits against them and the have to be sure on the casting or they suffer MWs. The jabber is the jabber, blindly marching forward agains a key target and the quicker it gets into combat the better. My punch will be minotaurs buffed by the doombulls (CA stack) and bestigors with mistic shield to be a bit more tank-y. Gors to capture obj or as chaff to block the path to enemy units. The endless spells might be optional especially the cogs. Palissade is to force opponents to go and fight where I want and to protect from shooting (paired with Devolve spell can get me a bit of time). The ultimate goal is always to play the objective and pick my fights hitting hard where I can. 


    P. S. : keep in mind I don t have the availability of models to field the battalion. 

  16. 15 hours ago, Kramer said:

    I don’t own the endless spell box yet. But there must be something helpful in there and the plus 1 form the braystone might prove invaluable for that :) 

    One thing I thought about is the palisade. It is a big template on the field and forces the enemy to move their shooters to see our units which might pull them out of position. Paired with Devolve spell might result in a powerful tool. 

  17. 43 minutes ago, Aezeal said:

    10 wounds on general and killing 3 warmachines. ... did you have good dice or is that juat average?



    4 minutes ago, adreal said:

    Arcane bodkins put the hurt on the general, so i would say thats average if you get the shots.

    The warmachines was two waywatchers and 1 unit of sisters.


    I dont think my dice were all that hot,  but i had the right targets and the first turn

    Also your opponent did not deploy very well right? I mean for your sisters and the GG to be in range it means he deployed basically on the 24" line without keeping in consideration that artillery normally shoot further away then some archers. 

    Still, good job man. How did the new rules seem to you? Did you find it harder to play? 

  18. 3 hours ago, someone2040 said:

    I think you might be mixing a few things up.

    Ungor Raiders have always had can move as if they are in the movement phase. Additionally they have always had a banner bearer.

    The GBS having Savage Dominion in it's list of spells is probably just an oversight from when they changed him to have Devolve. 

    Chariots never had +2 attack on the charge, it's always been re-roll charges and re-roll hits which is why they made such good ambushing units.

    Note I checked the compendium, grand alliance chaos book and the app for Ungor Raiders and Chariots, so definitely think you might be mixing them up with some other warscrolls.

    I might be mixing the chariot up then. 

    I know the raiders could move but I thought I remembred they could move "up to 12"" and not just normally which is a big difference. 

    As per the GBS I also think it is an error I was just checking if somebody else had it. 

  19. I noticed a couple of different things in the app and wanted to check if I am the only one. Some seem wrong others just seem changed but idk if the change is wanted or what:

    - Ungor raiders have their movement after deployment changed to "... Can move as they are in the movement phase." instead of "... Can move up to 12"" which is highly significant I think and looks like a proper change rather that an error. Plus, have they always had the banner bearer? 

    - GBS still have Savage dominion in the list of spells they can cast but then theyhave Devolve as a spell so thatis definitely an error;

    - chariot seems to have lost their +2A on the charge but they gained re-roll charges and re-roll hit rolls on charge which is a huuuge deal!!! (is it just me or they changed this too. I don t recall them having it). 



  20. Thing is that with small units you ll end up not being effective in my opinion. You will have 2/3 units scattered along the board that will die to anything. The cost reduction make so that if you are playing pure breyherd you can have them as battleline and can have 2x30 if you want!!! And if not you will be able to field other big threaths still having a very beefy unit that can deliver very well. My point is that smal units may be good at lower points. But if not go for the big one, they hit very hard!! I managed to hold 3 turns to 30 namarti thralls and my opponent was resus them every battleshock phase instead just on his meaning they were a lot more resilient then they should have (I would have smashed them in 2 turns). Plus with the Brayherd allegiance you will be able to maybe get the "damned" bonus from the braystone as i don t think our shaman will really benefit from the +1 now that we don t have the summoning spell so maybe we can deploy the stone a bit more forward. 

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