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Posts posted by Skyeline

  1. 10 hours ago, Zimagic said:

    Thoughts on the upgade that gives you Dodge X, where X is the round number, on Fecula?

    Gives her benefits on dodge, shield & crits & more defence dice rounds 2 & 3 than she has on her card as well as dome Cleave protection.


    Are you referring to Substance Siphon? That card won't allow Fecula to maintain shields as successes on defense rolls as it overrides the defense characteristic printed on her fighter card. She'd be changed to Dodge 1/2/3 based on the round number which can't be modified or subject to re-rolls. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Zanzou said:

    What do people think about how early this was announced?

    No idea what to make of it. It strikes me as premature since there's virtually no substance to it, but maybe gauging the reaction was largely the point. Trying to build hype for something SO far away feels downright silly. 

  3. The timing of this seems odd to me considering all of the cities of sigmar / greenskins models that were discontinued this year.  I don't envision GW firing up production of those plastic kits again.  Who knows what this means for Tomb Kings / Brettonians.

    The biggest question for me right now is who is spearheading this? Is this a GW or Forgeworld project? I'm assuming the latter, but we don't really know for now. 

    Overall, I'm skeptical about all of this. I suppose if this gets me new sculpts of old models I really liked then I'll be happy. It'll certainly be interesting to see how this plays out over the years to come given how far away all of this realistically is.



  4. On 8/29/2019 at 12:35 PM, Requizen said:

    I've had some great games with the Cabal so far, but I'm thinking of a second box for another Shrike Talon and more Spear Cabalists. I feel that these guys are quite good out of the box, but I might optimize to something like:

    Shadow Piercer
    Shrike Talon
    Shrike Talon
    Spire Stalker
    Cabalist with Familiar
    Cabalist with Spear
    Cabalist with Spear
    Cabalist with Spear

    Lose out on one model comparatively, but gain mobility and positional flexibility, which I think is worthwhile. Could even drop another Cabalist and Stalker for a third Talon, but that might be going too Elite for my tastes.

    This seems like a solid call. Most of my games have felt like the Shrike Talon and Shadow Piercer show whilst the rest of the team tries to just hold objectives.

    In particular I haven't been that impressed with the Spire Stalkers. More often than not it hasn't been their damage that was useful to me but simply having the extra life tacked on to make sure they don't die and cost me an objective.

  5. Another more niche use of the raven is making sure a fighter doesn't get to where they need to be. If you harrying raven a model who you know your opponent wants to disengage with then move to an objective or something like that, then that raven may allow you to secure an objective that you would otherwise be contested on.

    Obviously there's a ton of factors there which revolve around when you activate your shadow piercer or cabalist w/ familiar, if the model you want to stop is already within 1" of one of your fighters when your activation comes up, if you think the model that is keeping the enemy engaged will just die anyways by invoking 2 attack actions in retaliation, etc. etc.

    I've only got 3 corvus games under my belt so far and haven't had the harrying raven ability result in any big plays for me yet, so I'll see over time if it's worth it or not. 

  6. 12 hours ago, pseudonyme said:

    Are you saying that we even should work on specific 3 players victory conditions ? 🕵️‍♂️

    I don't have access to my cards at the moment, but I'd hazard a guess and say that the following would be generally true:

    1. Conditions involving killing X thing (Group, Chosen Fighter, Leader, etc.) will work just fine for 3 players
    2. Conditions involving placement and control of objectives will need tweaks on the # placed and the restrictions around where they can be placed
    3. Conditions involving an attacker and defender would be very difficult to make salvageable for 3 players

    This reflects my experience of trying to pull several Victory Condition cards during the games this last weekend and trying to figure out if we can use them or not without putting a lot of thought into it. 

    Given however that I haven't sat down to actually peruse all of the victory conditions while keeping 3 players on the brain, I could very well be off base. It sounds like a fun thought exercise though, so I'll probably give that a shot when I have some free time.

  7. They were great. It was treated in a pretty standard fashion:

    • Everyone determines their dagger/shield/hammer
    • Draw a terrain card
    • Roll a d3 to determine which of the 3-player deployments we use instead of drawing a card
    • Draw a victory condition (we needed to redraw a couple times as some just don't play nicely with 3 players)
    • Draw a twist
    • Start killing each other

    The first victory condition we settled on was bloodmarked, which simply meant everybody picks a model from their first wave and if that model dies, they lose. We also opted to allow the first player to "lose" to stay in the game and continue playing until the end. Since we were using Deployment 3, Bloodmarked models were generally in a really scary position by turn 3. The arrival of daggers on the flanks of your initial starting positions put the two remaining bloodmarked models in very dangerous positions.

    The second victory condition I can't recall the name of, but it was if you lose half or more of your warband, you lose. Same deal as the first game, the first player to get knocked out still gets to continue fighting until the game is over. This one I imagine could become unfun if you have a player who refuses to leave a "corner" so to speak so they don't lose models excessively or get ganged up on, but we were all sporting about it and picking fights with each other. Nobody camped a corner and everybody was happy.

    • LOVE IT! 2
  8. @pseudonyme

    To be fair, the 9.3" doesn't stand out as so egregious when things like 8.6" and 2.3" are in these deployments too ;). I definitely contemplated fudging the labels to simply round down or up as needed (9", 8.5", 2.5"). In the grand scheme of things this isn't cutting edge matched play stuff anyways and differences of .3 of an inch at most are hardly much to worry about.

    Much to my delight I actually ended up playing some three player games this weekend without even planning to do so, so I actually got to use these. I've also got to throw some thanks/credit right back to you since I wouldn't have had anything to make pretty if you hadn't put in the initial legwork to draft up 3 player deployments in the first place. 👍

    • Haha 1
  9. You may want to try a hurricane in the place of a longstrike. Given that they have a minimum range of 3 you can shoot after a full 3" disengage which means they're much tougher to die down than a longstrike. Rapid Fire on a high triple also edges out onslaught, which can give a use for your triples.

    I've definitely 1-rounded several leaders with a hurricane who uses Rapid fire for 6 shots on his first action, then follows up with another 3 shots on his second action.

  10. Think this is pretty close to the real thing. Lacks the fancy trim / correct font / textures / and 1-to-1 symbols they use on the real cards. Also had no idea what dramatic name to call it, so it got a placeholder.

    Edit: Whoops, forgot to mention this is for the first deployment only. If folks are interested in having the others mocked up like this I can do it.


    • Like 3
  11. Chosen Axes into Mollog is a rough match up given that the duardin generally need a turn to pick up steam and get those solid combat stats onto the field (Inspiration Strikes and Blazing Soul are your best friends). Playing objectives on top of that isn't going to make your life any easier, unfortunately.

    The profiteers however are a decent match up against Mollog in my experience. Some movement ploys + the 3 hex range of the profiteers means it's time to hunt some squigs with anyone who can Faneway Crystal, Hidden Paths, or even Spectral Wings into the backfield. Feast on them for some easy score immediately objectives then feed the upgrades + inspirations back to whoever you plan to anchor with.

    I also can't help but think that if it took all 12 activations in the game to bring him down then something had to be going very wrong. I've been able to kill Mollog with fairly regular consistency, but typically it relies on knocking him down only 1 or 2 life and then stalling until major spike damage is lined up.

    Fighter's Ferocity, Gloryseeker, Trap, Pit Trap, and Toxic Gasses are all very powerful tools that you can utilize to lay the pain on him whilst maintaining spacing and making it harder for him to capitalize on cards such as Aggressive Defense (which is damn well near an auto include if the Mollog player isn't being cheeky and running tomes).

  12. I do think that the risk of Denial clogging up your other cards is pretty notable, even outside of the opening hand. Drawing it in turn 1 or 2 isn't just frustrating for lack of pulling something you can't utilize yet, but also because it will hurt Victory After Victory and Combination strike.

    I'd lean on putting something more low-risk in it's place, though it will lower the overall glory potential of your objective deck. Shining Example or Master of War come to mind as low risk examples that don't force you to land deathblows. Another small bonus is that they can also contribute to VaV during any end phase rather than Denial only playing nicely with VaV in the third.

    Overall though I like the look of it. You've got extra redundancies on all of your riskiest conditional objectives (Get Thee Hence, Cover Ground, Shortcut) and the rest of the gear/gambit selection looks good. Ancestral Might is iffy for me since it might as well be a Drakkskewer specific upgrade, but I can see your deck leaning on him making plays given all the movement shenanigans that you're packing.


  13. The reaction would take precedence and happen before the attack. Charging is explicitly both a move and attack action which happen in sequence (albeit in a single activation). This is why a card like quick thinker before it was banned could move you away from an opponent's charge, since the move portion activated the card before the attack.

  14. Now there's a team that wants to inspire to really get the most out of their stats. 3 Range firepower across the entire team and some potent cleave on shooting for Lund and Inspired Thundrik.

    Really liking the objectives they showed off too. Headshot might have you cursing the dice gods, but the odds of landing a crit before the action phase is over should be pretty good. Focus Fire should also be pretty reliable unless you're exclusively shooting 2 wound fighters and never missing.

    The one gear they showed off appears underwhelming. Fighter specific upgrades usually have to be pretty damn great and/or for a linchpin fighter in order to be worth it. I don't think Rapid Reload is going to make the cut in most decks.

    The gambits are a mixed bag.

    • Timed Charge being saddled with a dice roll knocks it way down in usefulness.
    • Toxic Gases looks like it aligns well with the warband. I can definitely see adding it in alongside Distraction.
    • Protect The Boss feels tough to justify. I feel like in a lot of cases I'd rather just have sidestep, but maybe it'll prove more useful in practice.

    Overall I'm expecting this to be another team that is hungry for Trap / Pit Trap and probably encroaching shadows. Anything that adds to the chipping away at fighters from the safety of range.

  15. 2 hours ago, PJetski said:

    Her reaction is going to be nuts with attack upgrades like Daemonic Weapon.

    Missed this earlier! It's got some big potential as a high risk high reward play. Get into adjacency with two fighters, swing it twice, land two kills in the best case. 

    I'm eyeing Nullstone Spear as a more mild yet reliable/safe alternative. Two range will make the reaction effect more likely to go off and a damage upgrade layered on top could get pretty mean (though this is starting to enter combo territory where the odds of drawing all the right cards is lower and lower). 

  16. Mesmerizing gaze feels worth messing around with, though I am skeptical about it. You'll only take it if you're already taking transfixing gaze and you'll probably want at least 1 push card in the deck to try and mitigate the adjacent requirement.

    At that point though your gambits are going to be getting very strained in a team that looks downright hungry for gambits since you need to splash in heals for inspiration (Healing pulse is a great call out as an avenue for inspiration). 

  17. Initially I was worried about the inspiration condition, given that I don't think stacking healing effects in a deck is generally a good idea (particularly for fighters with 3 wounds), but looking again I'm not as concerned now.  The inspirations don't appear to be a make or break for most of these fighters.

    • Ylthari picks up +1 move and +1 damage on her spell attack action
    • Ahnslaine picks up +1 defense on dodge and +1 range to her bow 
    • Gallanghann picks up a questionable target all adjacent attack action on 2 fury and 1 damage
    • Skhathael picks up +1 dice on his attack and cleave

    I suspect that Ylthari and Skhathael are going to be the typical top targets for inspiration.  The other two will have their uses but feel more niche. 

    The unique reactions across the team also just look like a ton of fun. I think the potential of Gallanghann and Skhathael's reactions in particular are easy to miss. 

    • Ylthari can crit spellcast into a free heal and inspiration if she isn't inspired already.
    • Ahnslaine can net you a free attack (though the circumstances are pretty narrow)
    • Gallanghann can crit defense to deal 1 damage (don't forget that you can roll defense even if your opponent totally whiffs!)
    • Skhathael can crit attack roll to deal 1 extra damage (which goes off even if the target successfully defends!)

    Can't wait to see this team hit the board.

  18. 37 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Keep Them Guessing requires fighter card actions. Actions gained through equipment do not count towards it.

    I had a feeling this was the case as I thought about it more. I've been on the road and haven't been able to look at the card. Just read KTG again and sure enough you're correct. 

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