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Everything posted by Skyeline

  1. @Red_Zeke I've only played against an agro skaven deck twice. Unfortunately I didn't glean much from them. In both cases my opening hand came up with inspiration strikes, which led to me being able to snipe Skritch in the opening turn of Turn 2 on each game with an inspired Sanson. Removing Skritch so early and scoring Victorious Duel put me so far ahead that I didn't feel like the rest of the game was too much of a struggle. Inspired Sanson was a big threat for just about the entire warband though. A crit Star Falcon can down any of the 2 health skaven on its own, which would leave room for Trap or Shattering Terrain to be used in situation where I wanted to confirm kills or take down something with 3+ life. @Malakree I'd never considered both Dauntless and Sigmar's Finest. I can definitely see the synergy with Army Of One. Given that the deck you're running is hyper agro, are you running any sort of defensive ploys at all? Even something like Healing Potion or Warning Cry? I tried running a deck loaded up aggression ploys and a couple of movement ploys at first, but just about always lost a member of the warband by the end of Turn 1 to other agro warbands. I suppose this just plays into the Dauntless and Sigmar's Finest gameplan for you if it goes down that way?
  2. I'll have to experiment with some more passive objectives and see if that makes the defensive playstyle less nerve-wracking. Winning games with 4 or 5 glory doesn't feel particularly good, or safe for that matter. Using hidden paths to sneak an inspiration is interesting, I haven't experimented with that ploy as of yet. Looks like I'll be putting together another variant of the deck this weekend. Also glad I'm not the only one who favors getting Sanson inspired first in most cases. The star falcon has netted me quite a few clutch kills. This warband in particular really warmed me up to triple sword attacks.
  3. The more I play with this warband, the more they grow on me! Given how slow this thread has been moving, I'm curious how other folks out there are feeling about their Farstriders. I've personally been trying to nail down a good agro deck to some mixed results. Against Objective-heavy warbands it feels quite strong given the utility that drivebacks from boltstorm pistols offer. These warbands also seem to typically open me up to earlier inspirations by pushing into their side of the board turn 1, which just adds to the overall strength. The flipside however is that I haven't really figured out the best approach to dealing with other heavy agro warbands (such as Magore's or Ironskull's). Beating them at their own game feels risky given that it doesn't feel like the Farstriders inherently pack the same turn 1 punch that these warbands do. It also seems to simply feed these warbands Turn 1 inspirations that can get things snowballing against me. Deploying a single farstrider (or sometimes none at all) in charge range turn 1 and baiting agro warbands to come to me has worked reasonably well. The goal being to soften someone up with a boltstorm shot or two, then snag a kill either at the end of Turn 1 or in the beginning of Turn 2 to then snowball from there. The problem here though is that inspirations became very scarce due to playing so far back and the games become very low scoring for both sides. My gut is telling me to accept that inspirations will be rare when going up against agro warbands and to simply play around that fact.
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