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Posts posted by DanielFM

  1. 47 minutes ago, Tip4Tap said:

    So I have another question. Which do people typically think are better: Fulminators, Concussors, Tempestors or Desolators?

    From my point of view and experience, Tempestors and Fulminators are the best. The former for cheapness and being a tough annoyance in small units, and the latter for resilience and general close combat potential.

    Some people dismiss Tempestors and Fulminators in this as their breath attack got changed, and see Concussors as a viable alternative. But I don't really see the merit in their argumentation. 12" Lightning Breath is weaker but far easier to use in a turn you charge or arrive from Scions. And Concussors lost the possibility of triggering their mortal wounds on 5+ with to-hit buffs.

  2. 3 hours ago, Ranwulf said:

    I am a new player of AoS, and would like to know what you guys think of the Vanguard army. Are they better in this edition? Many people said they werent good last edition.

    They are better indeed. Cheaper Hunters, Palladors, Hurricane Raptors and even Aetherwings. Shock and Awe (-1 to hit if you charge the turn you come from reserves) helps them a lot as they come closer to the enemy and get easier charges.

    Even Longstrikes, while they stayed the same in points, got Headshot on unmodified 6's, so they get mortal wounds regardless of Look out Sir, Artifacts and other protection for characters. Plus the Command Ability of Anvils of the Heldenhammer gives them extra shooting easily.

    People will tell you they are still bad. But they can't deny that they are better than before.

    • Like 3
  3. 4 hours ago, Malakithe said:

    I dont think they are underpriced. Any more points and they become useless as battleline. And if they arent battleline then they have no role to fill.

    Libs are overpriced compared to them but not overpriced compared to the rest of the game. 

    Thats the problem right there. GW backed themselves into a corner and soon something big and probably bad will happen to one or both units

    Libs are not overpriced compared to the rest of the game, but they are really average. Nothing that stands out. Longbeards are way tougher and attack better with greataxes. Orruk Ardboys are cheaper per model and not really softer (rolling 6 in 1 dice is equivalent to rolling a 1 and rerolling, if not better), with the Orruks not armed with shields attacking way better. Tzaangors are once again cheaper by model, way faster and their offensive output is insanely better. Direwolves are a lot  cheaper, faster and hit similarly on the charge. Even Sword& Shield Freeguild Guard offer the same resilience for less points, only by wounding on 4+ instead of 3+ (you don't bring Liberators for those punny attacks anyway). I could keep going on and on.

    2 hours ago, Hanners said:

    Ok so I am very new to AoS and have been perusing this topic and the old Let's chat thread for ideas.  Thank you everyone for your thoughts and analyses, it helps a newbie out a lot!  While I don't envision me ever going to a tournament - I'm much more of a beer and pretzels player - I do like to make "Friendly-Competitive" lists where I at least have a shot at winning, or barring that, my opponent isn't put to sleep playing me / tables me turn one.

    The trouble is - I really like the Stormcast Vanguard models.  I gather from the last lets chat they are...not good.  Which is fine, like I said, but I am hoping I can at least make something that is 1) fun, and two) at least viable, (I recognize it won't be optimal).

    Here's what I have to work with:

    1 Stormcast Vanguard Brotherhood box:

    • 1 Lord Auquilor
    • 10 Vanguard Hunters
    • 3 Vanguard Raptors / 3 Aetherwings
    • 3 Vanguard Pallidors
    • 12 Gyrph Hounds

    Neave Blacktalon

    Soul Wars (You all know what comes in this :) )

    My main question is - is there anything I can put together to make a workable army here?  Some sort of Mix of Vanguard and Sacrosanct? My local GW store was sold out of the Battletome but I should be able to pick one up tomorrow so I am not sure of what does what at this point.

    Is there anything else I should be looking to pick up right away? The old thread recommended running Pallidors in units of 6 to get the most value out of them, is that still the case?

    Thanks all, appreciate the help. Looking forward to building and painting all of this!

    Hi! There is nothing wrong with Vanguard, and with the changes un the new battletome they are at the very least a bit better. If you think outside of the box and get the most out of their flexibility and deployment tricks, you can surprise many players and do a lot more than they are supposed on paper.

    Look here for an example of a list combining Vanguard and Sacrosanct units: 

    In my opinion, the Soulstrike Brotherhood Battalion is a nice, easy way to get a Command point, extra Artifact, less deployment drops and a rule that takes Castigators from meh to interesting.

    Don't be discouraged and don't follow the clone netlists blindly! ;)

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, AwareTheLegend said:

    Redeemer keyword would be crazy with Evocator backup.  I could agree that a 3+ would make sense in the context of Evocators at 200 points

    Yeah, 3+ save would have fixed them. Come on, they move 4 and get nothing in return!

    But the time for that went away. It sounds quite unlikely that GW would change them until the next battletome (in 1,5-2 years?). 

  5. 31 minutes ago, Mark Williams said:

    Liberators make decent “bait” and also “shells” as well. Everyone knows they suck and thus no one is afraid of them. The goal is to put something in range of them to punish anyone who decides to kill them for easy points. They are basically a “combo” unit imo. I agree they are weak and overpriced for what they do, but I also feel that they serve a purpose in allowing you to protect more important units and to prevent direct charges. We could certainly talk about whether sequitors do it better, but I’m not arguing that libs are better at anything, just simply that they do have a good battlefield role other than sitting on an objective.

    That's sounds awfully a lot like "they are good at dying" ? 

    Why not invest just a bit more to get a unit which can do the same role but better? You don't really have a role (at least in Matched) if you are not the best at it.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Kevin K said:

    Why better?  They seem like they got worse with their -1 to hit changed to "in cover" and a major distance restriction to get it. 

    Their 6+ ability trigger in to hit rolls. More rolls=better.

    Plus Celestar Ballista(s) from Scions+cover=2+ save is a really cool combo.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Luke.w said:

    How is this for a Stardrake List in 2.0 ?


    Drakesowrn Templar  460
    -Armour of Silvered Sigmarite

    Lord Arcanum on Gryph Charger  240
    -Staunch Defender

    Lord Castellant  100

    Knight Heraldor  100

    10 Sequitors  240

    5 Judicators  160

    5 Judicators  160

    4 Fulminators  480

    Chronomatic Cogs  60


    It seems like a cool update that takes advantage of the new toys.

    Drakesworn can get reroll 1's from Mystic Shield, so why not giving him protection against MW? 4+ nulify spells is not bad, and 4+ save against MW from Aqshy is better (even if I hate Realm Artifacts, for that very reason).

  8. Random note: with a +1 attack CA on them, Retributors (without Starsoul maces) and Evocators deal practically the same damage (12,4 vs 12,7).

    Stacking 2 +1 attack CAs would probably make Retributors actually better than Evocators. Worth it? Maybe not. But it's there if you absolutely must use those Retributors.

    Additional note: tear those hammers and stick glaives, Protectors are even better than they were before!

  9. 3 hours ago, Requete said:

    Is there anything that makes Retributors good? I have both Retributors and Evocators and the latter just seem better in every way (cheaper, more attacks, move faster, are braver, are wizards, etc.). I like both types of model, but I feel like I must be missing something.

    Nope. They are objectively worse than Evocators.

    GW messed this time, hard. Ideal world, they would lower their points in a FAQ/GHB. If we get unlucky, they will up Evocators and leave us with not one but two overpriced units ?

  10. 24 minutes ago, Shinzra said:

    Came up with this list, in reply to DanielFM,  I think the tax of the Arcanum for Sequitors (Who I admit are better than liberators), can eat up a good ammount of points, and liberators just need to hold the line really, which I reckon for 100pts per 5 they are pretty good at.

    +++ Stormcast Eternals (Age of Sigmar) [1960pts] +++

    ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Stormcast Eternals) ++

    + Leader +


    Lord-Celestant on Stardrake: General

    + Battleline +

    Liberators: 2x 5 Liberators, 2x Grandhammer, Warhammer and Shield

    Liberators: 2x 5 Liberators, 2x Grandhammer, Warhammer and Shield

    Liberators: 5 Liberators, Grandhammer, Warhammer and Shield

    + Other +

    6x  Vanguard-Palladors, Starstrike Javelin

    6 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows

    + Allegiance +

    . Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals: Anvils of the Heldenhammer

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

    A lot better!

    But, what you mean by 2x5 Liberators? Are they 10? I still see too many of them, they are a deadweight IMHO. 5 of them to hold a objective are ok for 100 points, but more seems too much.

    I would change them for 5+5 and 5 Judicators, and use those 140 points elsewhere.

    You have 40 points left, enough for an Endless Spell. Take advantage of it! ;) (Together with the other 140 points you could even get 3 more Longstrikes!)

  11. 7 hours ago, Shinzra said:

    For me I have not played with Stormcast yet so it's all new :)

    Oh sorry, it really felt like a AoS1 list. 

    I would recomend the Drakesworn instead of the LCoSD. He won't be unkillable, sure, but he has a really good buff for Fulminators (better than LCoSD), +1 to bravery in a decent range (currently very useful against Nighthaunt or DoK) and is a nice 100 points cheaper. 

    Liberators have completely been made obsolete by Sequitors. I understand they are here because you need the LCOSD as the general for Staunch Defender. But the opportunity cost of doing so is currently huge. No Sequitors, no good CA from Stormhosts...

    5 hours ago, Mark Williams said:

    I do feel it's pretty solid case, but the FAQ doesn't list them specifically, which I would feel better if it did. I've tried dropping and using rapid fire one game so far, and it pretty much blows at least one unit completely away in a single turn, which I admit is pretty fun. You have to pick a good target though because they are really bad at taking damage, and if your target has a 3+ save or better they can't seem to convert enough wounds.  :( Their best use seems to be picking a really big unit of little guys with bad saves.

    Do you really expect each specific unit to be mentioned in a FAQ answer?

    If the wording explains exactly their case, they are included. I don't think you should feel bad about it.

  12. 1 hour ago, Shinzra said:

    Hey everyone, how do you think a list like this could perform?.

    +++ Stormcast Eternals (Age of Sigmar) [2000pts] +++

    ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Stormcast Eternals) ++

    + Leader +


    Lord-Celestant on Stardrake: 2. Keen-clawed, 4. Mirrorshield, 5. Staunch Defender, Celestine Hammer, General

    + Battleline +

    10 Liberators, 2x Grandhammer, Warhammer and Shield

    10 Liberators, 2x Grandhammer, Warhammer and Shield

    5 Liberators, Grandhammer, Warhammer and Shield

    + Other +

    2 Fulminators

    2 Fulminators

    Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows: 6 Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows

    + Allegiance +

    Allegiance: Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

    I think it should work as well as it would have done in the previous battletome. That's the problem, though: it doesn't take advantage of any of the new upgrades (except potentially new Scions and Shock and Awe).

    There is nothing wrong about it except being too traditional.

    Just an example: Anvils of the Heldenhammer Stormhost would allow you to throw terrifying firepower with your Longstrikes.

  13. 27 minutes ago, Martijn de Bruin said:

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar

    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (240)
    - General
    - Trait: We Cannot Fail 
    - Artefact: God-forged Blade 
    - Spell: Celestial Blades
    - Mount Trait: Pride Leader
    Lord-Castellant (100)
    Gavriel Sureheart (100)
    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240)
    - Spell: Celestial Blades

    20 x Sequitors (400)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 9x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows

    6 x Evocators on Dracolines (600)
    - 4x Stormsmite Greatmaces

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 113

    Are Greatmaces the better option for Evolines when you take into account the possible buffs provided through:

    Pride Leader: +1 to hit

    Celestial Blades: +1 to wound

    Empower: re-roll failed to wound rolls


    Also wondering if a Heraldor might be better then Gavriel here, because I feel like I'm starving for CP's and when needed could select a CA 6" run coupled with Heraldor's run and charge ability.

    Feedback would be appreciated.

    Why two Celestial Blades? You can only cast It once.

    Plus greatmaces for Evolines is a bug. They can't use them. Their only option is Grandstaves (2 for each 3)

  14. 8 minutes ago, Shinzra said:

    I have a question regarding artifacts and weapons etc.

    If I take a Lord Arcanum, who can take a stave item, is this a artifact?.

    Same with the scrolls etc for knight incantors are all the items artifacts so can only take one? 


    Yes, they are artifacts the same way Treasured Standards and Lights are. They are simply extra categories.

  15. 2 hours ago, CountryMou3e said:


    With the change to the fulminators storm breath and the points decrease of concussors. Concussors are by far the better choice now. Even previously, the damage was comparible between the two with concussors becoming better the longer they were in combat. To top it off, preventing pile ins is great and the unmodified 6s mortals change means that will go off even if debuffed to hit. 

    They should be highly recommended as a decent bit of kit ;) 

    Fulminators (riders) do 5,33 average unsaved wounds against 4+ save. Concussors do 4,55 including the mortal wounds. 

    As you can see, Fulminators do more damage while being cheaper, and are more resilient against shooting. Concussors only have the pile-in stun going for them. With access to Heraldors, Fulminators should be charging every turn if you want to comit to protracted combats.

    With all this info, do you really see Concussors as highly recomendable?

  16. 20 minutes ago, Richelieu said:

    I think that an easy fix to the soul wars evocator unit size is to just buy two of the new magazines that come with alternate sculpt knight incantors.  The armor and tabards look almost identical to an Evocator and your allowed to mix and match weapons.

    Only problem is identical pose and head (this can be easily solved by head swap though).

  17. 1 hour ago, Trajann Valoris said:

    I don't understand why so many people keep saying that  Cycle of the Storm is broken. I only find it useful if you get the same damage as wounds to heal one of them and survive, any additional damage would kill the model so I find it quite useless.

    For example, my Knight-Incantator (Wounds 5), takes the attack from an enemy unit, and deals 7 damage (4 from one weapon and 3 from another). The Knight-Incantator suffers 5 damage but does not die because he heals one wound with the  Cycle of the Storm, yet there are 2 damage/wounds left to assign and he dies after healing.  Is that correct or am I misapplying the rule?

    It's either OP for people who interpret it as "excess wounds are discarded", weak for people who understand it like you (and has no experience with it, me included), and nice for some people who has already played it according to that interpretation yet they have found it deceptively useful.

    8 minutes ago, barjed said:

    Ignoring the obvious superiority of Sequitors for a moment - let's say I want to run two units of 5 Liberators in my list. They are going to be using the Celestial Vindicators rules. Paired weapons used to be a bit average choice in the past but I am trying to eveluate them again. So what do you guys think about the dual wielding Libs? Worth a try in a close combat list?

    What can be said? They do less damage than Sequitors (you already know), they are more frail than Sequitors (same) and Libs with shields.

    Buffed with Mystic Shield and Empower they could be decent. But there are better choices.

    Their only saving grace is cheap Battleline filler. You get 40 points VS fielding Sequitors: use them well.

    • Like 1
  18. 34 minutes ago, Bellfree said:


    Tempestors aren't really shooty...or cheap though. At 220pts I can't see them being more useful than concussors on a per point basis. I've used them for a long time(back when they had their nifty -1 to hit thing and a useful breath attack) and after a while it becomes a celebratory moment when the crossbows actually manage to land a wound. Concussors do 1 less wound on average(total across the unit) in shooting and do 4ish more wounds per turn in melee while also having decent mortal wound output.

    I know you hate the unit now Bellfree ;) but they are quite cheap for what they bring. 10 3+ rr1's, 8 3+4+ shots, 2 4+ MW shots and some moderate punch in CC with (your hated) hit debuff aura on top is quite a lot for 220 points.

    40 points less than Concussors justify the difference in CC output, but you don't bring Tempestors for that. Fulminators beat both them and Concussors at being a tanky beatstick. They are a tanky annoyance that can do decent damage without engaging (with the help of a Drakesworn bow) and kill/block weak/shooty units in CC. They are slower, tankier (except against MW) Vanguard Palladors.

    I accept that your experience with their new rules can be underwheelming. But it's not my case.

    And I can't bear myself to recomend Concussors, sorry. Their Hammers no longer interact with the Drakesworn buff, they cause less MW per point than Retributors and perform worse than Fulminators.

  19. 1 hour ago, Rhargar said:

    Hello, I have two boxes left with Dracoths, but I'm not sure how to assemble them. What is the new way to go? Still Fulminators or something different like Desolators perhaps? Who can help me?

    It's either Tempestors (cheap, shooty) or Fulminators for me. Concussors and Desolators aren't good enough even after the points drops.

  20. 3 hours ago, mystycalchemy said:

    Honestly I dont really get all the negativity towards the Tauralon's command ability. To me it looks like one that i'll pretty much use first turn every game that I run the Tauralon, with occasional use on later turns to grab objectives. Not to mention it can be used *with* the 6" auto run to have a unit run 8"! So sequitors moving 13" or evocators going that far and charging with a Heraldor.

    Good point. It's two CAs, but if you are playing Tempest Lords and swimming on CAs, you can make a unit run 8. Or make several units run more (50% if the time as much as the auto 6 run) with a single CA.

    It's just that it's a mobility boost, and a subtle one. Damage and defense buffs tend to catch the eye more.

  21. 19 minutes ago, Richelieu said:

    I agree it's a pretty disappointing CA.  I'll mostly be using Stormhost CAs anyway, but when I'm not, I'd still rather make a single unit guarantee a 6" run than a bunch of units getting +2" run.

    I guess with a good Stormhost CA (f.ex. Anvils) it's not as bad. 

    It could be another useful tool from time to time. 1/3 of the time it's better than a 6" run, with the plus of affecting more models. If a pair of Sequitor units have to leg it to an objective after killing a target, +2 to run could be very welcome.

    You know, I'm an incurable possitivist ? that's what we got for our mystic space goat. Let's deal with It!

  22. 1 minute ago, Richelieu said:

    I know it's expensive, but the dracoline version with pride leader trait accompanied by a unit of Dracovocators is a really mobile, reliably hard hitting strike force.  I am a big fan of the heal on the GC version though.  

    The CA really ruins the Tauralon version for me (and yet I'm fielding it ?). Was it that difficult for GW to give him a decent command ability? 

    I would really like to have the LAoGC CA while using a Tauralon, but that's so many points... I can't justify both.

    It doesn't help that I most of my lists include the Tauralon together with a Lord Aquilor or even a Drakesworn :D

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