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Posts posted by flowerpot_chimp

  1. 1 hour ago, Hannibal said:

    Can this also be done in a pure NH list?

    I´m still not sure wether to start NH or LoG. What are the pros /cons to both of them? Why / when should I run LoG instead of NH?

    LoG has access to vassal of the craven king + the aetherquartz brooch combo, which lets you farm the CP you need to fuel them. You *can* do it in NH, but I doubt it would be as good.

    I also prefer LoG for banshees because their small size means they can just all die to some bad 4+ rolls and gravesites make this less punishing. The main benefit of NH is deep striking and wave of terror, both of which are effects LoG can kinda semi-replicate with gravesites and vanhels plus having other benefits. 

  2. With regards Myrmourn Banshee chat: they're very very strong but they're not point and click. If you build your list around the idea of them being a hammer, they will deliver if you can set it all up correctly. The unbinding shenanigans is almost a side-benefit if you're running 12, their real objective is to stab things to death. Farm CP, take both KoS and stack +1 Attack, +1 to hit and reroll 1s to hit. They will kill what they touch, even 2+/3+ save targets get run over, especially if you can get dread withering off.

    Are they as easy to use as Bladegheists/Harridans? Absolutely not. Can they be an effective hammer? Absolutely yes!

    12 die very quickly, which is why you often see two units. Also, you're running LoG, spend the CP to bring them back. Shooting will clear them off of course, but I find people tend to shoot your heroes, not your units anyway. A benefit of being a smaller unit that still hits hard is that if they don't all die, it's easy to bring them back to fighting effectiveness with gravesites and necros.

  3. On 9/25/2019 at 3:52 AM, IkedaT said:




    So how do you think I can tweak?  Any advice to try to play this list better?  Maggotkin's 5+ is so much better than their 6+ and this is so very reliant on hero's being RIGHT behind troops (which makes charges hard to manage, IMO)

    I'm normally a Chaos/Maggotkin player so this is a list I'm trying to paint/ready for upcoming tourneys.


    I think the basis is alright but you've spent too many points on stuff that doesn't really do anything. You've only really got one unit that can fight. 3x20 chainrasp is probably overkill, they'll probably do you well as 40, 10 10. The 40 blob can fight and takes ages to kill, the 10s are great objective holders and aren't too unwieldy to use. They're much better than skeletons for what you want them to be doing, I think.

    You don't really need both the guardian of souls and the necromancer, I would personally drop the guardian and the tomb banshee out the list. If you want a hero to buff your ghosts, the KoS on steed is better at it and you don't really need the guardian's spell in LoG. If you drop the guardian and do the 40, 10, 10 you gain enough points for 10 bladegheists!

    I'd put all the banshees into one unit, makes them better at dispelling and means they can actually fight, but you have to buff their attacks first really. They're not really worth it just as an 18" unbind, like you mentioned. 

    I like spirit hosts but you have to commit to bigger units of them to be worth it, otherwise they're just a roadblock and your army already has plenty of that with all the chainrasps.

    Finally I reckon you can afford to be much more aggro with kurdoss than just objective holding, you can do that with chainrasps. Even without the buff for fighting the enemy general he's pretty pokey and can do a lot of damage. He has to be fighting because he's expensive and you can't afford to spend 200 points on maybe stealing a CP. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. Yeah I think the way the Legions book is written cuts against a lot of how armies in modern AoS are built, which makes me hope we'll see a v2 sooner or later (not being able to take the obvious soulblight battalion in a soulblight allegiance army and the Deathmarch being keyword "Death" is just bizarre). I still think what you gain from running Grief is worth what you give up, so long as you take the right units.

    For content: I took LoG to the LGT singles the other weekend. I went 3-2 over the weekend and got best LoG player (there were 2 of us). I could probably have won one of the games I lost had I played it better, but then that would have changed my other matchups afterwards so who knows. List was:

    Allegiance: Legion of Grief
    Mortal Realm: Hysh

    Dreadblade Harrow (90)
    - General
    - Trait: Vassal of the Craven King
    - Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch
    Knight of Shrouds (100)
    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)
    Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King (200)
    Necromancer (130)
    - Spell: Shroud of Terror
    Reikenor the Grimhailer (170)
    - Spell: Dread Withering

    10 x Chainrasp Horde (80)
    10 x Chainrasp Horde (80)
    40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
    - Ancient Spears

    12 x Myrmourn Banshees (210)
    12 x Myrmourn Banshees (210)
    15 x Bladegheist Revenants (270)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 134

    So pretty standard CP spam build, I wont batrep unless people want but I do have some takeaways that might be useful. 

    Myrmourn banshees are really difficult to use right, but when you do set them up to succeed correctly they're absolute monsters. Over the weekend they one-rounded a maw-krusha, a unit of 10 brutes (who attacked them first!), multiple units of sequitors and a bunch of rats. 

    The Dreadblade general is an obviously good combo and he never died in any of my games. Teleporting to gravesites is brilliant, when the CP farm works it's great but it's very random on an army that's already very reliant on rolling lots of 4+s! 

    Reiknor without an endless spell to cast is rubbish, I found I was mostly using him for his super fast movement more than his spells. In some matchups dread withering is fantastic, in others it doesn't do anything at all. Even against hordes, his effectively 2d3 mortal wound default spell doesn't feel impactful enough.

    Kurdoss is hilarious. You absolutely cannot count on him to do anything at all because his ability only activates on a 5+ and he's super slow. However, people absolutely love to target him, and he soaked a lot of firepower that could have gone elsewhere. I stole the CP of an anvils player for two turns in a row, which was hilarious. If he actually makes it into combat he dishes it out fairly well. Not worth 200 points at all, but he's really fun.

    I wish I had another 40 chainrasp painted instead of the skeletons. Their theoretical damage output is great but in reality it never really materialises. Chainrasp would have had better synergy with the knights of shrouds as well.

    • Like 1
  5. @RuneBrush I was the Legion of Blood player in game 3, think you're underselling yourself a bit ! It's a really hard scenario to be forced to go second in, because if you get the double that you sort of want you're then massively behind on points. Plus, the orb wasn't very helpful to you.

    I'm gonna be taking Grief to the LGT and am definitely stealing your trick of using the Harrow general to do an unexpected gravesite summon, that was something I hadn't considered after writing off the Harrow outside of Nighthaunt.

  6. Given the lack of FAQ/errata for Forbidden Power has there been any kind of community consensus on how gravesites are played in LoG? Do we know how it was ruled at Heat 3 etc? Don't really want to invest the time & money in certain units if you can only use 1 a turn.

  7. 1 hour ago, Diablo said:

    Sorry, but do you say: Zmbie Dragons are better then Terrorgheists ?

    Both of the monsters are good, it depends what you want out of them. Unless you're against another bravery 10 army the 6+d6 from the Terrorgheist shooting usually does a decent number of mortals, and it's maw attack comes up often enough that it's respectable in combat (the dragon is obviously more consistent there). 

    Which you pick I think mostly depends on what you want out of its summoning and spells. Personally I really like the Terrorgheist's spell and would rather summon in units of crypt flayers than more courtiers, but I can imagine someone else paying for big units and wanting to summon more courtiers. 

    The dragon is also 40 points more expensive, for some reason, and that's a real consideration with how tight on points FEC can be given you're wanting extra command points.

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