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Posts posted by MarkK

  1. 3 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    I haven't played it, and it came out at the awful timing of April this year, but I have yet to read a negative review of Oathmark, for people that like games bigger than skirmish.

    Interested in Oathmark too, quite like the range, especially the light infantry elves. The previewed skeletons look great.

    I recently got the Warlords of Erehwon rulebook after hearing good things. Haven't played as game yet, but liking the look of it. As I said in the rumour thread I could probably build two armies using Oathmark mini's for the price of one new giant.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Soolong said:

    Nice, I picked up the Mjagnir, Jötunn and I really hope the rumour engine is mini fyreslayer mounts of some kind hopefully a unit but more likely just a new hero.

    Good stuff! Got the shieldwall choloch myself, should be a good proxy for a ogroid myrmidon in Warcry


    Any word on when we can expect to see the new season of Underworlds?

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  3. I don't normally comment on prices as everyone has different opinions on what is good value to them, but personally, I haven't purchased the Lumineth and will probably won't get the new giants either purely based on price. I'm mostly a painter anyway and don't collect big armies, but even then, the sticker shock is putting me off.

    Especially when there are quality alternatives available for giants right now (see spoilered images). And looking at it another way, I could build a whole 2 armies for Oathmark or Warlords of Erehwon for the same price as one giant.

    To be fair, I thought the Gloomspite and Ossiarchs were fairly priced, and the start collecting sets are still good value. But the prices are making me look at 3rd party options. I think the troop choices for every army should be solid value, like the Ossiarchs, it would make it easier to justify starting and then adding to a new army. 


  4. I was going for a similar effect on the skin of my blightkings; base coat in Army Painter Grimore Purple, then later with Grimore Purple and Rakarth Flesh, then pure Rakarth, final highlight of Pallid Wych Flesh. Added glazes of Screamer Pink and dark purple to wounds and tears

    You could try something like a pinkish red as a base coat, then layer with mixes of the red with cadian fleshtone or Rakarth Flesh


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  5. I think the Narrative rules could borrow from the new 40k rulebook. A similar Crusade system for AoS would be appreciated.

    Not critical, but in the new 40k book I really like the text box at the end of a rules section that summarises the relevant rules into bullet points. Makes it very clear and concise for the reader.

    More battle plans and rules for multiplayer games (either core book or GHB)

    Happy in general with the rules, only thing I want to see is warscrolls updated between books.

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  6. 40 minutes ago, ogarrah said:

    Yeah I think the color on the leg will "fly" (ha ha get it.... *sigh* I'm a disgrace) I think it'll look fine.


    I definitely think you should have the khaki color as the darkest color on the wing. Also that is a ridiculously smooth blend if you're drybrushing it like you say. Teach me your ways!

    Thanks, wasn't sure myself!

    Ya, I thought that just as I was finished.

    I have to credit the Artis Opus videos on Youtube, great tutorials. Basically don't wash the brush until done, keep it slightly damp to stop it looking dusty and use different movements of the brush, eg swirling, stippling and buffing to tie colours together.

    This was my first time actually trying it, so definitely impressed with how fast and easy it was, took about 10 minutes with a big wash brush


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  7. Haven't had much time to paint the last 2 weeks, but made some progress tonight: progress made on 4 blightkings and some tests done on a pusgoyle blightlord.

    So, looking for some feedback on the colour scheme; middle leg painted as a trial for the body of the fly. Does it work or does it look off? 


    Then I drybrushed the wing, blending from green to white, but maybe using the khaki colour of the body as the darkest colour would tie  the model together better?


    Thanks for any feedback 😊

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  8. Haven't done much painting in the last month, so I think a pledge is in order to get things moving! 

    1. Pusgoyle Blightlords (2), just primed

    2. Putrid Blightkings (4), about 50% done

    Stretch target of starting a unit of bretonnian bowmen with some Nurgle conversions (still need to be based and primed)

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  9. Test Hallowed Knights Stormcast finished, took awhile before finding a colour scheme I liked, pretty happy how it turned out, although the hair could  have been better. 

    And it was pretty tedious individually highlighting the squares on the tabard, would love to hear a faster method!



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  10. For an example the edges of the cloak and tabard have been painted as shiny black leather using the paints described above with just the addition of a tiny final highlight of white

    I leave the highlighted area fairly small to keep enough black to ensure the part still looks black rather than dark blue

    Edit: pretty much any bluish grey with white or black added will work for this method, just use thin glazes for the first few highlights

    BTW, good job on the model so far! 


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  11. Went for stone and metallic for the head crest, first I done a zenithal prime using black, grey (at 45 degrees) and white (straight down lightly). Then I drybrushed with white. Finished stone with thinned Sap Green oil paint (any green wash would do) around the bottom and anywhere  thought water would collect, after a few mins I cleaned some of the green off with white spirits and a cotton swab.

    The crest was painted Balthazar gold, washed with agrax, then nihilakh oxide in spots, highlighted with scyorax bronze and finally runefang steel.

    For some reason, the green is way more intense on my phone camera than in person!


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  12. Been a while since I've updated this thread, but the last month has been productive, so hopefully won't be as long between updates!

    Finished 10 Chainrasps, 4 glaivewraiths and most of the Warcry starter box terrain last month

    Work in progress: Thorns of the Briar queen, 4 Myrmourn Banshees and remaining warcry terrain. Started end of February, still WIP: 5 Blightkings fairly far along now and 1 converted Nurgle to finish painting.











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  13. I had a very productive April, considering work is unreal busy, but with working from home and not allowed go too far I've painted:

    • 10 Chainrasps

    • 4 Glaivewraith Stalkers

    • Most of the Warcry terrain

    WIP: 4 Myrmourn Banshees and the thorns of the briar queen basecoated

    Rest of the terrain only requires painting of small details to finish (which will probably take longer than the rest of it!)

    Tried the loaded brush technique to paint the ghostly effect which helped speed things up. Also use oil washes on the metal areas for the first time, thought it worked well.



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