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Posts posted by heywoah_twitch

  1. Well the call for points recommendations has begun, so let's get to it!

    Stated Goals:

    1. Make Beastclaw competitively viable without giving the opponent a negative play experience (thundertusk spam). 
    2. Encourage players to actually use our Faction instead of taking the 2 good models and dumping the allegiance for GA: Destruction. The ways this is possible are by unlocking battleline-ifs and making the battalions a central part of lists.
    3. Disincentivize other armies from just poaching our stuff, similar to the above.
    4. Make sure the Start Collecting box is worth buying, both to help people pick up the army, but also to avoid the new player bad experience of getting the obvious box and then later realizing the units within are real bad.


    • Skal: 150->60 - Attempts to make this worth it are pure sunk-cost fallacy, even at a low price, but it's possible to try now. Whatever the cheapest a battalion is allowed to cost is what Skal should cost.
    • Eurlbad: 170->130
    • Jorlbad: 160->120
    • Torlbad: unchanged - this battalion is so bad it doesn't matter what it costs, but in an effort to curb 'tusk spam keeping it pricey.
    • Olwyr Alfrostun: 190->100 - taking a page from sylvaneth on this mega-battalion with lots of reqs.
    • Braggoth's Beast Hammer: 230->290 - this may seem like a lot, or strange to go up in cost, but I'm concerned about it being too good after the other points updates.


    • Icebrow Hunter: 140->80 - Simply one of the worst heroes in the game. Comparing him to soulscryer, runesmiter, warp-grinder, etc is pretty depressing.
    • Huskard on Stonehorn: 340->280 - This guy is better than magmadroths, which themselves are very bad and expensive. Can't hold an artefact well due to lol punches and kicks and a 4+ save.
    • Stonehorn Beastriders: 320->260 - Rend -2 and fast is good. Fragile and inaccurate is bad. 2 morghasts with same wounds and save do better damage but slower and no charge mws for 220, both battleline.
    • Mournfang Pack: 160->120 - Yes, 60pts per guy, which for what they do is fair. Two of them do the same damage as 3 Ogors, slightly faster, worse banners. Model count and base size are both huge disadvantages, and so 10 points per wound is right I think. Still worse than the "great" battlelines in AoS that aren't about to get nerfed (Skeletons, Sequitors, Arkanaut, Blightkings, Bestigors, etc).
    • Frost Sabres: 40->40/200 - Battleline-if BCR allegiance plus a nice little massive reg discount.
    • Both Frostlords: 420->400 - basically just to give Gutbusters a cool ally choice, ogor bros stick together.
    • Thundertusks of all types: These are all extremely overcosted competitively, but to avoid NPE I'm keeping them as is. 



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  2. Did a lot of testing and came up with this list to run at Dragonfall Con last weekend, 2-day 5 round event:

    FLoSH general, wild fury.

    FLoTT, thermalrider cloak

    Butcher w/ cauldron

    Fungoid Cave Shaman

    3x3 Ogor battleline w/ iron fists (to kick back mws against skeletons/witches/etc. Also as cheap msu to throw in the way of alpha armies that can kill any unit in one go regardless of size, they at least waste a turn killing 120pts)

    6x Yhetee

    4x mournfang w/ gargant (I've been real hard on mournfang and so I gave them one last go as sort of a gore-grunta style fast-fat anvil)

    1980 (no endless spell since we can't use them effectively and triumph is so very important)


    Long story short I got dead last. I'll do a report on my show, should be recording tonight.

    Cliff Notes:

    Mournfang do indeed suck at whatever job you give them. Frostlord on Stonehorn missed a lot and died very quickly always. Thundertusk with flying is sweet, but due to just about every opponent's mortal wound saves/hordes he was largely just a distraction. Extra wound and 3+ save was a good trade for no healing, and I never wanted the coinflip heal really. Ogor battleline probably performed better than any other unit I played, though zero mws kicked back all day. Yhetee did cool pile-in tricks and survived longer than they should due to -1 to hit, but always missed so many of their attacks that they didn't really accomplish much besides being annoying to deal with. Butcher almost never rolled the +1 to hit bonus, and Fungoid was surprisingly durable. Realm Spells are cool.

    It may sound like I got unlucky to not hit often with yetis/frostlords, to not kick back mws on 6s, to not roll hit bonus with butcher, etc. But all of these things are very unlikely to happen, and so the variance was normal. That might sum up half of the reason why beastclaw aren't any good. 'Unreliable everything, expensive everything, bad on objectives' is probably the worst 3-fact combination you can have in AoS. Boy do they look great tho


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  3. I don't think so.

    I think they saw a destruction army doing well in the first half of 2016 and decided that this was unacceptable. Not the best army in the meta by any stretch, but people didn't like playing against it so it had to get some nerf. Then the teams split off and worked on GHB17 individually.  My guess as to how it went:

    The main rules team knew the clear problem was artefacts giving mounts +1 to hit, so they decided that game-wide would no longer be allowed. This was a massive blow to BCR, and enough to balance them out fully without making the army trash. I think this team was right. BCR would be middle of the pack, maybe a touch lower, but still good for all game types.

    But then some other team that maybe works on individual armies also felt there needed to be a nerf, and so decided the clear problem was thundertusks stacking and stone skeleton was the most complained about ability. So, they made tusks too expensive and changed stone skeleton into complete garbage. In return they made mournfang cheaper, but this left the beastclaw allegiance with really nothing to do. Their allegiance abilities were already bad (and just about exclusively played as mixed destruction for this reason), but now their best guys were also bad. The painfully low army-wide wound count that stone skeleton helped to balance was now code-red. The real culprit for tusk stacking was blizzard-speaker getting +1 per tusk around. In a vacuum even 300 for a thundertusk that can't heal is hardly worth it, so crippling is his chart.

    Then some other guys working on GA decided that destruction's allegiance were too good, and really pushed players to ignore their faction for soup. This is correct, but their fix was the opposite of the right solution. Sure GA:D allegiance was good, but the root cause was that the destruction armies themselves had trash kits. Instead of update these they essentially just made all the choices sad.

    Then some other team felt that BCR's nightmare scenarios were all the ideal way to play AoS and needed to be pushed hard (obviously this wasn't on purpose, but it's how it panned out. Massive regiments and high-model auto-capturing battleplans, with a bigger emphasis on scoring points). This is the one where you might have a bit of a point. New players love the idea of low model count armies because they're cheap and look amazing. Obviously that shouldn't be the strongest way to play or they are pushing themselves out of a job, but does it have to be the weakest way to play?

    I don't think anyone took a few steps back and checked out the projected state of BCR after this meteor swarm of nerfs from all angles, and furthermore I don't think anyone in GW paid too much attention to BCR from then till now. If they did, they would note near total lack of representation with the worst win record and most bottom 5 finishes of any battletome army up until 2nd ed, without much improvement in the new edition. Whenever they thought about them it probably just brought up memories from 2 years ago about their guy getting shot by frost-wreathed ice and figured 'man that wasn't fun, I'm sure they're still scary'. 

    Flash forward to 2018, I'd guess that there was maybe one game of beastclaw played by in-house testing for 2nd edition that featured FLoTT, Skal with some cats, and 27 yhetees. Now that the most expensive and worst looking models in the line were playable so people would buy them they dusted their hands off and said good game (but that's a tad cynical I admit).

    A brand new allegiance kit could fix everything - look what happened with Seraphon - but they didn't have one before, and I think they're loathe to make a book irrelevant by changing all the rules in it. Even if the book sucks, and is arguably irrelevant in its current state. If you try to fix this with points then people just steal a behemoth or two for GA:D and the actual faction continues collecting dust on a shelf. Which, with exactly one frostlord at 420 with ethereal amulet, is the case today.

    tldr answer: maybe slightly, but probably not too purposefully.

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  4. If the event is using realm spell lores I take a fungoid, yeah, can't argue with his cost. If the event is not using realm spells I don't take any wizards at all - 12 gutbuster ogors all day. Though tbh the last several games I've played I have been on Destruction allegiance, as it's better than beastclaw's kit entirely and you don't have to contort around ally restrictions.

    Current list:


    Frostlord on Thundertusk - General, Wild Fury

    Frostlord on Stonehorn - Ethereal Amulet

    Butcher w/ cauldron

    Fungoid Shaman

    3x Ogors w/ paired weapons

    3x Ogors w/ paired weapons

    3x Ogors w/ paired weapons

    6x Icefall Yhetees

    6x Icefall Yhetees

    4x Frost Sabers



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  5. On 10/5/2018 at 5:47 AM, Kyyn said:

    One question from a newbie :)

    the other day i was said that when capturing objectives big models monsters count as 5 normal ones.

    I was playing against beastclaw raiders.

    I dont know if that is something only for beastclaw raiders or any big monster in the game ?

    do you know anything about this and where is that explained ?

    There is no such rule.

    On some battleplans wizards count as 20 models but it will explain that in the battleplan. It could've been a custom battleplan the guy made up or a narrative one that I'm unaware of. Or some house rule the locals cooked up to give beastclaw a chance, however minor.

    Total number of wounds near an objective has been suggested a lot, not only for beastclaw, but for honestly a more balanced game (as hordes of bodies are imo too incentivized atm). 

  6. Played the GA: Dest version against Ironjawz today, though I didn't feel confident considering they are a hard counter to beastclaw. They beat us in any straight-up fight, faster and have flying, lots of buffs, and better on objectives. An uphill fight is nothing new for beastclaw though, so let's do it.

    My list:

    Frostlord, General, Wild Fury, Ghyrestrike

    2x Huskard on Thundertusk

    Fungoid Cave-Shaman

    3x3 Ogors, double weapons, full command

    9x Icefall Yhetees

    Emerald Lifeswarm


    His list:

    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha, Aetherquartz Brooch

    Warchanter, General, Ironclad, The Dab

    Grot Shaman

    5x Brutes

    3x Gore-Gruntas, rend weapons

    5 units of 10 'ardboys, all with rend weapons

    'ardfist battalion, Cogs


    We rolled Chamon Realm and 3 Places of Arcane Power. I learned that this is a hard battleplan for us. Still, it's not as bad as all the others since bodies don't capture.

    We line up pretty standardly, he's got a capturing hero across from each objective, I set-up back for no turn 1 ironjawz charges. Ogor and yeti screens keeping fungoid and frostlord protected behind a huge terrain. He out-drops me and makes me go first, going for that patented turn 2 double.

    Round 1: 

    My turn is useless so I squiggle around a little and fail to cast mystic shield. Grot with ogor bodyguards start shifting towards left objective but not closer to the orruks and hugging terrains.

    His turn he runs halfway up the field with everything, ready to either get charged by everything (and re-summon them if it they die) or win the double and the game.

    Round 2: He wins the double and the game.

    His turn he summons Cogs, uses 3x Waaghs, gets the charge with everything, including the maw-krusha into frostlord (leaping over yetis and big terrain, my bad) and kills the frostlord full to dead with half his weapons un-used. My only scoring character left is the grot so that's probably game.

    My turn the fungoid shuffles towards the left objective and yetis attack maw-krusha, thundertusks have to shoot 'ardboys since they're stuck in combat.

    Round 3: 

    His turn maw-krusha retreats onto objective and runs heroes up behind 'ardboys ready to scoop up objectives for the second half of the game. Scores 1 point, with another 2 on-deck. All the ogors are stuck in combat.

    My turn yetis and thundertusk kill mawkrusha. Ogors fight 'ardboys, while fungoid shaman scores 1 point.

    His turn the brutes advance, charge, and boot fungoid shaman off the table. 30 ardboys re-enter the fray thanks to 'ardfist.

    Round 4:

    He runs onto some objectives and we call it.


    Game Notes:

    Well what can I say, I got got. The one time I choose a non-defensive artefact for the frostlord and he gets instantly killed. Worse than that I went GA mostly for wild fury (as I've been disappointed in frostlord's damage my last ten games or so). I suppose my consolation is that even with ethereal he would've died there anyhow. Maybe I should've used all 9 yetis and 3 ogors to form a complete ring around him and just crept around the table. Having so few capturing heroes was completely brutal in this battleplan - it reminds me of how hard it is to win on all the other ones with so few bodies, only possibly worse. I liked the Ogors, re-rolling hits of 1 was twice as good as rr1s to wound and only on the charge, and I didn't miss the ironfists (since every orruk had rend which renders them useless). I think they work better than yetis in 3-man units. I got to use the Chamon spell once to give the yetis a 6+ ward that was cool. Nine yetis did well, they fought some ardboys and locked maw-krusha into combat, 3 died, and then the six remaining went and did well to finish him off on the objective. Sometimes it's not about that initial clash, but what you can do afterwards (esp. with a unit that can retreat and pile in). I took 2 thundertusks and lifeswarm to try and keep frostlord+them alive, though of course that didn't play out well when he dies from full.

    Full disclosure, my movement was poor throughout the game, it was like my mind was sabotaging me. Every time I was about to move I got it in my head that Heroes capture, and afterwards I'm like 'only if they have an artefact or are a wizard' like two turns in a row. It was early for me, maybe I needed my coffee. -1 to hit on yetis was good, though canceled out by warchanter buff.

    My opponent ignored the thundertusks all game. "They just do 6 damage. That's not even good." I thought I'd bring them back out since I've been going mostly stonehorn stacking in 2nd edition, but probably back to the shelf with them, which is sad, because I'm really happy with the gutbuster conversions I've done on them.

    Next test: a million yetis I guess

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  7. 3 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Interested to hear how this goes. 

    What are the remainders of those lists please?

    For the second one, you couldn't fit in 1x 12 and 2x 3 Ogors?  

    And re: the optimum unit size for Yhetees...do you find you can get all 9 into combat on those big bases with 1" range?  

    honestly cuz I only own 12 ogors, but I can do the ol' empty bases test game. The issue I suppose is needing to drop yetis and closing in on half gutbusters units in a GA list. Really starts the danger of the slippery slope: one better unit choice at a time until suddenly I'm playing gutbusters with a frostlord.

    Re: yetis: anything but 3 really, and nine means I have better odds of six still being alive after the first encounter. By no means a rule of thumb or anything.

    51 minutes ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Just for fun...an army where literally everything can either deepstrike, or has the 6" pile in funtimes.

    What artefacts would you take?

    This sounds fun. I'd play:

     Skal #1:

    Hunter general, everwinter's master


    12 cats, then 8 units of 2 cats

    Skal #2:

    Hunter with alchemical chain

    Hunter with bleeding skull

    12 cats, then 8 units of 2 cats

    1980pts, 2 drops, 140 wounds, everything deepstrikes, 2 unbinds, you land on objectives with the hunters and use staggered checkerboard pattern units of msu frost sabers to bubblewrap in 18" diameters around each hunter so people have to fight each unit successively to reach the hunters while you score points.

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  8. 13 hours ago, ledha said:

    Question about the cloak (malign sorcery that prevent ennemies to attack you if you didn't already attacked.

    Can yu use it to prevent whole units to attacks ?

    Yes. The cloak prevents you from "being chosen as the target of an attack", but it doesn't let the opponent skip their activation. If you haven't attacked yet and it's their last activation, they have to activate, pile in, do nothing, and then pass.

  9. Currently testing the pros and cons of two options:

    1) 3x3 yeti battleline with a 12-man unit of ogors ally

    Pros: 12 ogor unit is great, and helps one of our big problems. Their damage is good with double weapons over 10 models. 

    Cons: no room for wizards, yeti units are forced into msu to satisfy battleline (and 3 yetis are meh), wasted command trait, bad allegiance abilities that generally don't help yetis and never help the 12 ogors.

    2) 3x3 ogor battleline in GA: Destruction with a 9-man unit of yeti

    Pros: proper yeti unit size for doing well in combat, wild fury command trait is way better than everwinter's master, GA allegiance abilities aren't good, but they're better than BCR ones, can play a wizard since no ally restrictions.

    Cons: msu ogors are meh, the sinking feeling that since you're in GA anyway, you might as well just play mostly gutbuster units instead because they're a better army.

    Playing deepkin, sylvaneth, and stormcast soon, will report.

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  10. Blueshirtman is very passionate, and comes from the rudest local meta I've ever heard of, and his depression about bcr can get a bit much I'll agree. But he is right, for the most part.

    Let's not fall into a trap of misrepresenting a side of extremes. No one is saying that bcr should be the most competitive army. The average new player probably doesn't care if the army he's thinking about picking up is The Single Best One - but he should be warned when it's Among The Worst. The issue is, you don't want to lose every game for weeks and months - it will sour anyone on an army - and this is what has happened to blueshirtman. 

    Consider it a cautionary tale - don't tell new players an army is fine when it's not, you could create some real sad people a few months down the line. When talking to a new prospective player who is interested in BCR I feel it's our duty to give them the good and bad - no secrets no surprises. Now don't be all doom and gloom to drive people away, but there's a middle-ground here that doesn't need to Lie (they're fine!) or be a Drag (GW must hate us!). It's a delicate balance trying to get buffs when your army needs them but also not pipe up so much that people find your pleas annoying. I try to stay between both and it's hard.


    For instance, BCR cliff notes for an interested new player:

    • Best dollar-to-point ratio in the game for start collecting. Excellent value and low model count.
    • Awesome hobby potential. High customization options as ogors are fairly interchangeable. Painting-wise a great range of materials; skin, fur, metal, leather, clothes, pelts, bones, horns, flags, etc.
    • However, some awful finecast kits that are both expensive and ugly (frost sabers, hunter, and yhetees).
    • Their behemoths are fun to play with - especially stonehorns!
    • Strong against very new players (first few games of AoS), but after that:
    • One of the weakest armies in the game, even struggles against factions that haven't gotten a battletome release yet. Low skill ceiling, few-to-none on options, abilities, spells, prayers, etc. You mostly just run up and roll dice to see if you get there, and with fragile monsters and unreliable, low-damage troops, you generally don't get there.
    • Not fun to play against - a common complaint by opponents (yes, even while bcr loses the game you will still hear opponent complain about thundertusk).
    • Hipster potential: Get in now while they completely suck - if they ever get a re-write for 2nd edition, you have cred that you aren't some bandwagon flavor of the month bcr player.


    Edit: Also, there's nothing wrong with wanting a competitive army. It's fun to have lots of options and strong abilities. It's silly to shame someone who wants the tools to succeed. Who would want to spend 6 months of dedicated time and effort making a beautiful army only for it to always lose? I want to save someone else from that experience, not shame someone looking to avoid it.

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  11. 18 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    After a false-start with likely never-to-be-Battletomed Dark Elves (i.e. Scourge Privateers/Darkling Covens) - all while hoping-against-hope that my one true love, the Tomb Kings, would return - I have decided to liquidise everything I own, and go all-in with Beastclaw Raiders.

    Before my 17-year hiatus, my teenage army was Kislevites as I always liked the snow/ice theme. However, I don't like "scrappy" looking armies like Ogres, O&G, FEC, (etc.), nor low model-count "elite" armies.

    However, as a non-competition player, there are higher model-count possibilities for this army and potential future opportunities for ice-themed ally conversions (seriously, GW, make a "Monsters of Destruction" faction and get Forgeworld to dump their stuff in it) is tempting.

    The two mechanics I was leaning into were "Skal" for hardcore ambushing and "Thundertusks/Yhetees" for wound regeneration shenanigans, but decided to try and compromise by forcing elements of both into a list. Also, I feel the Mournfang are too visually appealing and iconic to leave out entirely, but it kinda sucks to end up on 1970 with a Skal-based army, lol:

    Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders
    Mortal Realm: Ghur
    Huskard on Thundertusk (360)
    - General
    - Harpoon Launcher
    - Trait: Everwinter's Master 
    - Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm 
    Huskard on Thundertusk (360)
    - Harpoon Launcher
    Icebrow Hunter (140)
    - Artefact: The Pelt of Charngar 
    6 x Icefall Yhetees (240)
    6 x Icefall Yhetees (240)
    2 x Mournfang Pack (160)
    - Culling Clubs or Prey Hackers with Iron Fists
    6 x Frost Sabres (120)
    6 x Frost Sabres (120)
    4 x Frost Sabres (80)
    Skal (150)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 123

    PS: Am I correct in thinking that Skal means that the Frost Sabres can ambush the usual 9 inches away, and then get +3" to charge (i.e. making it effectively a 6" charge anywhere on the board)? I don't have the book yet, so I am basing my information on 4dChan at the moment.

    This looks like a fun list, though I have a suggestion or two. Definitely go blood vulture instead of harpoon launcher on the huskards, as it more consistently does damage and doesn't require los. People generally use gargant hackers on mournfang, but to be honest their damage sucks so bad that you might as well do whatever you want - if our warscrolls ever get the 2nd edition face-lift they desperately need, the iron fists will certainly reflect mws on unmodified 6s and until then just send them after rendless targets. You play a lot of yhetees which I think is great, they're a sleeper hit in bcr imo. That's a ton of frost sabers!


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  12. 5 hours ago, blueshirtman said:

    How do people make their opponents agree to using FW models in their games, I went through the 2.0 rule book like 3 times and can't find a place where they say that using FW rules is legal for matched played?

    Core Rules page 1:


    Forgeworld makes Citadel Miniatures (via copyrights on their site plus descriptions in product page).

    Next up, monstrous arcanum has a pitched profile section in the back that dates it as updated July 2018 and those warscrolls are current.

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  13. Can't see it friend, I don't have access.

    In other news, played a 2k game with braggoth's beasthammer against khorne with archaon, but the local gw only had a 4x4 table free, so it was a ridiculous meatgrinder let me tell you.




    He dropped first and made me take t1. I summoned Cogs and there was a citadel woods in the middle of the board and lots of other terrain, so my mournfang were just full stopped with their big bases from getting anywhere useful. Frostlord charged and killed 5 wrathmongers, I figured ethereal amulet would keep me safe from my own attacks, and it did, I took 2 damage from myself.

    Archaon charged frostlord on his turn 1 and instantly rolled 6s to wound thus slaying him outright. Turn 2 I charged archaon with 4 mournfang that had beasthammer +1 to hit and a butcher +1 to hit, so 8 gargant swings at 2s to hit and 3s rr1s to wound and I only hit with 4, then archaon passed all 4 saves, then 16 mount attacks ended up doing 3 damage, but I took 5 mortal wounds to mournfang from his 6s to save all things considered. I double piled-in to do another 3 damage and lost 3 mournfang to battleshock between my 2 units of 4 (crown of domination is good) and that was game over, just about everything useful in my army was dead and he had a healthy archaon plus a thousand points of reavers and heroes left. Major Loss.

    Can't take too much away from this game since the board was small and we were both on 2k melee grinder armies. It did mean that his whole army always had every aoe buff and I have no flying so the table definitely favored him, but I should have been more careful with my frostlord. The alternative was most likely losing all 8 mournfang to 80 fully buffed reavers on the charge so I dodn't think I had a good option one way or another. After all, you can't double pile-in if you haven't charged, and they'd be stuck in combat for the game most likely.


    Terrain is the bane of huge cavalry bases on units of 4+, Archaon hard counters frostlords for breakfast, Khorne fights better than beastclaw on the charge or otherwise. If I had more table-space I could have positioned the gore-gruntas better to participate in combat instead of be stuck behind mournfang, but terrain makes that a challenge in either case. I was lucky to get cogs off (he wasn't on brazen rune and a 7 to cast with no bonuses is basically a coinflip. Once out, they helped him far more than they helped me all game. It def soured me on them tbh). I think the way to play it is not actually moving up at all and trying to counter-charge the opponent. It looks like an alpha strike and feels like an alpha strike, but it can't hang against real melee armies so far (got smashed by ironjawz real bad as well).

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  14. 23 minutes ago, blueshirtman said:

    I have a small question concering spells like the SCE comet being cast from outside of dispel range. How do BCR players deal with it? You spread your armies, or something. Because the comet did some brutal damge to me last three games. It is impossible to stop, unless my opponent fails to cast it on a +5, and blackets my whole army with mortal wounds.

    I don't mind people casting from outside unbind range since our allied wizards have no bonuses to cast anyway. I'm mildly shocked when a butcher unbind actually works to be honest (it's been 3 games since the last success).  As for the SCE endless spell: is it cheating to say that I use the Lens and so everblaze comet does actual zero damage on average? :D *

    That being said, spells that deal damage I could generally give a ****** less about, it's the ones that give -1 to hit that are the crippler. We already miss too much as it is. Once overwhelming dread or any of the way too many (imo) others lands it's game over.

    *translator's note: multiplication/division happens before modifiers, and so stone skeleton pulls through for once! - first halving the mws and then lens subtracts d3. When it plays out on the table I feel like I have a truly powerful little interaction! It's how tzeentch must feel when using any of their units/abilities/spells.

    • Haha 2
  15. 5 hours ago, GFulls said:

    Thoughts? In theory, Sabres guard hunter, Gruntas and Mournfangs move in, Brutes guard Butcher. Spells do their thing. 

    Afraid you can't ally in Brutes, as Ironjawz isn't a beastclaw ally.

    3 hours ago, Kadeton said:

    I can't see a reason to run anything other than the Ethereal Amulet on a Frostlord, are there any other contenders for useful artefacts? The Thermalrider Cloak is tempting to guarantee the first-turn charge, but the 3+ invulnerable save is really hard to give up.

    Mostly agree. Ethereal is great on a frostlord, though I've found it pretty meh on the huskard version (but who runs those now?). Wraithbow is a fun secondary in shyish as well. Dopplerganger Cloak is cute for the activation game, Greenglade Flask is boring and only 1/game, but okay on a thundertusk to try and get a second good shot off if you go first in the second battleround. Ignax's Scales is straight-up better than Battered Talisman, though still just okay. Gargant Bone Dice are funny. Ghyrstrike is of course awesome if you actually want an offensive artefact.

    A note on -3 rend vs +1 to hit & wound, the latter is almost always better unless you're in stardrake territory, and the amount of ethereal amulets/hit debuffs I expect to see only lowers rend's stock.

    The problem is Lens of Refraction is so ridiculously good that it's hard to justify anything else - if it weren't an AoE I think it would be more of a decision.

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  16. 4 hours ago, GFulls said:

    Has Thundertuck Beastriders taken a hit with AoS 2.0?  I am working out a Braggoths list.

    Huskards are still always worth it over beastriders since they have a chance at some minor healing.

    Thundertusks in 2.0 (competitively):

    Pros: Slightly cheaper, ignores Look Out Sir.

    Cons: Their melee attacks suck. Don't benefit from look out sir, no more mystic shield. Running just one is a big liability and most opponents will be able to easily chart it either before you go or after your One Shot, essentially causing you to spend 360 points for 6mw once. Need to spam 3 before the healing is consistent but then that's most of your army right there and they are not at all cost-effective. If stuck in combat they have to shoot that unit. 

    tldr: a very expensive one-trick glass cannon that has too much glass, but against an opponent without ranged/spells of any sort that is also not horde they can be good.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 34 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    I'm curious about why?  Would it be to supplement the Gore Gruntas in a Braggoth's battalion?  Their +1 to hit buff is keyword to Ironjawz only so they won't really do much for Beastclaw Raiders. 

    Because that post was talking specifically about the beast hammer battalion. In any other situation allying in ironjawz wouldn't do much of course.

    • Thanks 1
  18. Frostsabers are under appreciated considering they do better damage than mournfang point-for-point. It's too bad you only get 1x4 and 1x2 mournfang enjoying the hit buff. I do love me some butchers, and normally go for them, but since you have I'll go an alternative route.

    Considering we've already spent so much on just buffs, this list tries to go all in on buff-absorbers instead. It's a shame you can't fit 2x6 gruntas in, so I pick up a hunter to hold onto the broken artefact and 4 sabers (could be 6 but I wanted a 3rd CP to start). Man, I wish we could ally Ironjawz as I'd add a warchanter so fast your head would spin (from the bone drums) - also, why can't we ally in Ironjawz when bcr are part of gordrakk's waagh and we have a battalion featuring them?

    Anyway, list:


    GA: Destruction version (could make the fungoid general in exchange for fewer frost spear attacks. Also Hammerblade replaces punches and kicks of course):




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  19. Someone should get him in here, personally, I'd love a tournament report. As for how to make the list legal, it really depends on how necessary he found Cogs. Making sure the mournfang get in and the gore grunta keep up is probably a pretty big deal, as is troll hag's spell and general usefulness midgame. Facebook is a flurry of random guesses and misinformation (beyond being over 2000pts, they allege he also used the army as 2-drop, but I don't trust facebook people) so I can't be sure about much unless we talk to him.

    Sucks that the battalion needs ironjawz units to fix ours and is restrictive (2 units not 2+ makes me sad).



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  20. 3 hours ago, Mjolnertf said:

    Good morning, I have an important doubt about the ability of the Thundertusk: '' Blasts of Frost-wreathed Ice '', it is a skill, therefore it is not a shot (although it is used in the shooting phase), it would affect it to this skill rules like the '' careful sir '' or the ability of the fulminator -1 to impact? thank you very much

    Since it has a missile weapon profile, it is a missile weapon (so you can't, say, run and shoot nor target a distant unit while you're in melee combat), but it doesn't roll "to hit" and therefore is immune to look out sir.

    23 hours ago, Kessler said:

    Yes! I knew I was on right track with my Beasthammer battalion :)

    But yeah, I can confirm that +1 is VERY nice to Beastclaw and makes Stonehorn great and more reliable.  

    There was a mistake in the list though, Troggoth Hag is now 380 points... So no endless spell actually. 

    We (almost technically) did well (with an only slightly illegal) BCR list! I would've thought spending about 500 points with positional requirements and limited to 3 bcr units was too expensive and restrictive to be worth it even for +1 to hit, but I guess you just can't put a price on 'fixing our warscrolls'. hazaah!

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