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Everything posted by Aleser

  1. We had 0 RE for river lumineths and they still got warband. So IDK have same chance as other warbands that didnt get warband 🤞
  2. Hopefully it is against deepkin. They need some proper love too.
  3. It is not over. We still have 6 months seasons in Underworlds with one core box and 2 expansions.
  4. I would add new (season) core box for Underworlds. They release them in april usually.
  5. 4 Rivals box for Underworlds is coming too next week
  6. I did not, I just saw Sprues and Brews short review
  7. Coincidence or not but there is a hint for him in new Dawnbringer
  8. I think Underworlds will be today aswell because they had to anounce next core box (season) on adepticon because it april is time for new season so it makes sense to release them before.
  9. In third edition everyone got foot hero, community wanted more units. GW be like, ok give them units of foot heroes
  10. We have another preview in few weeks and from last one (LVO) they still didnt even announce release of Kill team box, warcry box, underworlds warband, kroots, dawnbringer 5
  11. Btw we didnt get anything about white dwarf from Broken Realms book?
  12. I expect Underworlds, last warbands of seasons are released by start of march so that is 2 weeks from now. Maybe even Warcry or Kill team. Or just all skirmish games 😄
  13. Tbh those boxes are for new players not for us with already existed forces. If you are looking from that standpoint they both give great stsrting army for new player which can be expanded with single unit boxes later.
  14. Warcry or Underworlds perhaps. There is love story in that warband, perfect for Valentines day 😂
  15. Leafs and branches are same like on Sylvaneths models too
  16. Could be something for WU with those sculpted bugs
  17. Lorai, I know there is no rules but she is still IDK model. 2 whu warbands are amazing and great addition to any Deepkin collection. Look at IJ they got even less till the second wave and they are one of the popular armies outhere. I just want say we dont have to worry. IDK is proper AoS army and they at least have one more wave of models for it no matter how they sell also they seen with WU models that people want more sea creatures so I would expect more of that. In 4th I would be happy with even just warcry wearband with good rules and maybe mid sized hero on some cool monster. Akhelians on foots or perhaps that newer version of armoured thralls would be also nice maybe even as warcry warband.
  18. I think they are selling fine, from tournament results you can see they have pretty ok representation for one specific aelf faction. I really think they will get some love in 4th. Calling them forgoten is joke. They got 2 WU warbands and 2 single heroes, It is not nothing. And their range is really well rounded from start. I know there is so many ways to expand it but there is much more armies that need that before. Btw they are my favorite faction 😄
  19. Why is this forum filled with non steam tanks
  20. I am excited for Lumineth warcry warband but I dont think it will show us how river temple will look like. Warcry warbands are always special maybe it wont even be river themed, season is still gnarlwood
  21. I think New dawbringer is also tied with upcoming Warcry Death warbanb, same like Gorgers. So if they didnt want preview it now then it could be released in new year. Army box is safe bet tho
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