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Posts posted by Kirjava13

  1. 5 hours ago, Fulkes said:

    Now if I can focus enough while listening to it to paint some skeletons that's be perfect.

    This is a real problem. I was trying to do some detail work during a re-listen of episode... five I think, at the point where the tribe's storyteller is describing the moobs of the Beastclaw Raiders, and I had to put my model down because I was laughing so much.

    • Like 2
  2. So now I've definitely got my eyes on the Start Collecting Malignants.

    Edit: by the Black Pyramid, that thing is amazing! If Blood Knights weren't so hellishly expensive I might start thinking about a vampire coven to join my spookbois, but even so that is an excellent use of a kit that would otherwise go unused by me, and instantly renders that Start Collecting box worthwhile!

    3 hours ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    So the charging witches, did the special GoS not help to only give them 1d6 on the charge or was he not in range? 

    He wasn't in range- I have become more paranoid about my heroes' survival in correlation with my growing realisation about how important it is for them to be close by for their buffs to work. Yes, this is as dumb and irrational as it sounds. If the GoS is properly shielded, it feels like, an enemy unit has to be so close that even if they're in range of his ability, they've still got a 50/50 chance of making the charge anyway.

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  3. Double GoS failed because of the dice- I had 1x Nightmare Lantern and 1x Mortality Glass. The Nightmare Lantern did good work buffing the Chainrasps, but apart from that, they only got one spell off each and that was in the first turn, setting up the Chronomantic Cogs and moving the Chainrasps a bit. The second turn was the crucial one and nothing went right. Even with the charge buff from the Cogs, the Bladegheists failed their charge and the Grimghasts only just made theirs, so no Wave of Terror for me. I had charged the Cauldron because it just needed to die- take it out and not only are they down a powerful fighting unit, but they lose that Hagg Narr bonus, the Bloodshield, a source of prayers and buffs... The Reapers piled in to both the Cauldron and a Hag Queen (who had done a wound to herself with a failed prayer), and did a grand total of 2 wounds to the Cauldron. What was I expecting? They had no buffs and didn't even proc their own hit rerolls because I had put them into a single model. The Slaughter Queen and Avatar proceeded to put the hurt on them, and after his second turn, when a unit of Melusai and a second Slaughter Queen joined the fray, they were wiped out. 30 Reapers dead for no loss to him (he had even healed the two wounds I put on the Cauldron for good measure). With the Chainrasps down to less than a third of their starting strength and stuck in combat with about 40 elves, I called it. Short of miracle dice there was no way to salvage the situation, and time was getting on anyway.

    Apart from genuinely miserable dice (I couldn't make a 4+ save for love or money), I think I lost by second-guessing myself. I had already determined that I needed to strike hard and strike first, but then I didn't! I decided not to bring the Grims and Blades on for a first turn charge and instead used the Cogs for an extra spell, and even that I misjudged! I should have put Shademist or Mystic Shield on the Chainrasps again, but I genuinely didn't think there was a chance of the Witch Elves charging. In the end they ran 6" and charged 9"- see, ghosts, somebody knows how to do it. Bah. I should have just gambled it all on a first turn charge and damned the consequences- worst case scenario, I would have lost more quickly. I should have charged the Reapers into the Witches or the Sisters, where they could actually have done some good, and- and I keep bloody making this mistake- I should have been more aggressive with my characters' deployment. They're useless if they can't buff anyone.

    I was expecting to lose, but dammit.

    • Sad 1
  4. Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more! And close up the wall with our Nighthaunt dead!

    It is time once again to face down the hated Daughters of Khaine, this time in a 1250 point game. I have brought a great host of Grimghast Reapers and Chainrasps, ably supported (I hope) by a pair of Guardians, a Spirit Torment and some Bladegheist Revenants. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed  for some Endless Spells doing some work this time, and I desperately have to find a way to take the support characters down as soon as possible, or I'm toast. Strike hard, strike fast.

    All hail Nagash!


    Edit: Nagash has withheld his favour. Bitter defeat. The dice were turds and magic failed me utterly. I struck neither hard nor fast and the sum total of my achievement was 21 dead Witch Elves. I will never take two GoS again, and the only units to do anything were the Chainrasps and the Spirit Torment. 

    I just don't know what to do against Daughters. Their buffs are easier to get, their troops are better, they're just as fast, they seem to all blow up when they die so I do more damage to myself than them, they don't give a damn about magic...


    • Sad 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Skinnyboy said:

    Sorry if this has been asked before but I was wondering if someone could help me out with a rules clarification. Lets say Im playing a mirror match against Deepkin and I have a tidecaster as my general and my opponent does not. If I flip the tides does that mean both players start on Ebb tide or I get ebb tide and my opponent gets low tide or we both get Ebb tide an low tide? Thanks for the help

    I don't believe one army's allegiance abilities affect another, so as counter-intuitive (and confusing narratively) as it may be, I would say that if you flip the tides it only affects your army, not your opponent's.

  6. I also had another crack at Daughters yesterday. While I made mistakes of my own, I just think they so substantially outclass Nighthaunt that it's an uphill struggle. I think my Grimghast Reapers killed themselves more than they were killed by elves- between bladed bucklers and Martyr's Sacrifice I was taking bucketloads of mortal wounds every time I put the hurt on Sisters or Witches. And speaking of which, good grief, this was the first time I have ever seen someone roll 120 dice. It is dispiriting, I can tell you. I managed to only (!) take 18 wounds on my Chainrasps in one combat phase, thanks to Shademist and Mystic Shield, which is a potent combo I will remember. Grimghasts are absolute blenders but we already knew this. My brand new Guardian of Souls w/ Mortality Glass did sweet FA, my old reliable GoS w/ Nightmare Lantern cast all his spells and returned 6 Reapers in one roll, so I think he's runner up MVP. Mounted Knight of Shroud's command ability is excellent, but my usually-dependable Spirit Host was mismanaged and died in one round of Cauldron of Blood attacks. Bah.

    Pointers for next time:

    - get more money, then buy 30 more Grimghast Reapers.

    - never rely on new models to do anything.

    - never cast an Endless Spell unless you will benefit from it that damned turn. 

    - DoK will most likely wind up getting a charge anyway, so instead of trying to prevent it, focus on objectives and controlling which charges they can make. 

    - really have to do as much damage as possible in turns 1 and 2. Once those girls start rerolling 1s to hit, goodnight sweet ghost.

    - or just don't play DoK until after they get nerfed ? 

  7. 5 hours ago, pseudonyme said:

    I could not find the offices of the ministry of miniatures

    You think they're just going to have the entrance to the Ministry of Miniatures just lying around where any Tom, Di<k or Harry could just wander in and find the flash scrapers' workshop?

    • Haha 1
  8. I was listening to that Warhammer Weekly show last night and Vince... Venturella (?) made a good point- why have they limited their sales on a model like this by making it Khorne-only? Surely it wouldn't have been too much extra work to make three other slightly different riders, at which point you could flog it to all Chaos collectors as a Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Khorne or Undivided dragon.

    What a bizarre project all-round.

    • Like 1
  9. I don't think anyone said they didn't want Stormcast releases for several years, did they...? In an environment where Destruction and Death have had one new wave each since the game launched (and Ironjawz was, what, two new units and four characters), the big golden boys have enjoyed more than the lion's share of the releases, to the point where, as many people have pointed out, they almost have more options than all of Destruction put together! I don't think anyone would oppose some Stormcast releases... but the release schedule has been inarguably and absurdly weighted in their favour. 

    • Like 12
  10. 5 minutes ago, Urbanus said:

    So to catch up... That troll we saw ages ago with all the fungi, will they actually release that model or? Is it part of the famed "moonclan release"? Do we have any info on this?

    That beefy boy is part of a Shadespire Nightvault warband.

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