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Everything posted by Jamopower

  1. Has it been discussed already, that in the new WD guide to death, there are little story snippets from most of the existing units and about vampire thralls that are made by the lords as their liking. Sounds like a quite sure new unit.
  2. New models for soulblight would not be too farfetched as they are either ancient or a very expensive finecast kit. There would also be a lot of opportunities for new units in the Theme. I'm particularly wishing for a Foot unit of Vampire thralls (as I have a lot of semi-useless Foot vampires), but not holding my breath for that.
  3. Well some hellenic chaos Warriors with sleek armour, along the lines of the characters and hellstriders would certainly fit the bill and would sort of be required to tie in teh hellstriders to the overall Theme. Also some robed cultists would fit the bill. Though I don't believe we'll see Slaanesh until next year.
  4. My view is that the different sacrament armies might turn out to be essentially deathrattle/nighthaunt armies with different flavours. Which would make sense. The skeletons can operate by themselves, but they are still under the chain of command with Nagash on top. That's why I fear that the special characters will be compulsory.
  5. My guess is that deathrattle won't be its own allegiance per se, but the deathrattle troops will feature heavily in the alleginces of the Mortachs and especially Nagash.
  6. I really wish that Nagash/Mortarchs are not compulsory for running those factions as I'm not a big fan of special characters. Especially as I usually play quite small skirmishes.
  7. Gw is a model company first and foremost. It would be very strange for them to put out this kind of big release without any new models, but I guess we will find out soon.
  8. It would be cool if there would be light and shadow elves that would use same kits and would have sort of "two sides of the same coin"feeling with the add on parts on the basic model.
  9. Yes, good example was that when people were complaining from all sorts of broken formations in the last version of 40k without even thinking that maybe it wouldn't be needed to incorporate all sorts of campaign leaflet formations to the tournament type of games.
  10. I guess easy solution if this is not wanted is to "ban" the rules from tournaments.
  11. Isn't there quite strong connection to the end times with the whole ethereal look?
  12. I was thinking about a Grot, an Aelf and a Skaven. Would be a good opportunity to show off their ideas for Aos on these quite popular races.
  13. It makes sense that the dead have older aesthetics
  14. As they have teased painted models with lion pelt and pet dragon, it would be reasonable that they would be released this year, whatever they might be.
  15. Wasn't the Soulblight allegiance ability exactly that? Toned down deathless minions plus the bloodlines?
  16. I find all of the range after the release of 7th edition, when the epicness level was turned up few notches to be quite consistent style wise, including the AoS releases. Some of the first CAD-sculpted models have other issues though...
  17. Well cavalry in AoS seems to be more about tanking damage than hitting enemies, so slug-cavalry would be perfect for that
  18. Well they got new models in the End times, which were more or less the first AoS releases. Same goes for Death and Skaven. The Glottkin book was released bit over two years ago, which in "Army book update time" is not a long time. In any case, new daemons and maybe similar set as Tzaangor are quite safe bet for the Death guard, so an update for AoS is quite safe bet soon.
  19. That deathrattle box will make me start an undead army. And the New Ghb as well, as I want vampires.
  20. Ah, I see your point now and agree. That said, there would have been nice possibility of skaven with some clanrats, a warplightning cannon and a weapon team, which would be a nice allied force for a chaos. But I guess there aren't plastic weapon teams outside the Island of blood set.
  21. It makes more sense for Khorne or Tzeentch (or in future Nurgle and Slaanesh) players to ally some slaves to darkness units than the other way around. I'm just not sure why they would want to have chariots or knights though...
  22. I kinda like this direction that some of the small factions will be more ally factions than full allegiances. Gives them purpose without drowning the game in factions. And that of course doesn't stop them from fleshing them up later.
  23. Didn't Tzaangors and the new Tzeentch daemons were released along with the Thousand sons codex, or do I remember wrong? At least the rules were in?
  24. That would be nice, maybe it will go like that after the dust settles from the 8th ed.
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