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Everything posted by Jamopower

  1. If the combat changes to 40k style, I might have to start looking for a new game to play with my models. It is very non-interactive compared to what we have now It's also the main reason why my interest in the new 40k died after the first game on the release day.
  2. I mean the silhouette and the overall feel is similar. Of course up close it's different.
  3. They do look like jetbikes, vypers and the turtle guy works as raider. And I'm 100% sure there will be many "exodite eldar" armies utilizing those models. I don't see any issues on that though, they look cool and flying sharks are truly something that hasn't been done too many times in miniature games.
  4. My first reaction was actually: "Oh they are Dark eldar", but as an owner of a large dark eldar and eldar collection, I don't consider it as a minus, especially as neither of my Eldar see any battle action but once or twice per year.
  5. It's described somewhere in the rumour mill that they cast a spell to the area they are raiding, that allows them to move on land as they were in water.
  6. Well, nothing on the latter two, but the Deepkin have nice models, unfortunately the infantry is nothing special. Well have to wait for more pics. The mistweaver esthetics are what I was looking for,but the thralls are bit too bulky for my taste.
  7. I'm not sure which one I'm waiting the most; the Deepkin, the Adeptus titanicus game or new rulebook for Middle Earth SBG. All will be very tempting for me.
  8. The length of the game is not an issue, but if I have an evening in a week max for gaming and already play 9-10 different miniature games, for which most I have multiple forces, I don't need one extra
  9. The blood warriors look awesome. Love the small detail like the helmet and the orc skull. Shadespire is really tempting, I just don't have time for a new game.
  10. Okay, didn't know about that kind of fluff, but it does sound a bit silly Of course for such encounters, it's not so hard to have a two separate 1000 point armies on the same side, maybe even controlled by two players. Mixing it in to matched play could just cause all sorts of issues. You can look at the armies of 7th edition 40k with their daemon summoning Eldar that are allied with Necrons and such...
  11. Well the mercenary aspect is already sort of there with the grand alliance and ally mechanisms. It would sound bit strange if Chaos, Orcs or the Undead would hire mercenaries. Especially dwarf or elf mercenaries.
  12. The new ruins look like they will have very limited impact on the game, as they are almost open terrain. Just two actual walls included. But they look useful none the less. I'm in the generic=better camp. It's easy to customize them with vines, skulls or crackled ground with lava etc. to make the terrain more special if wanted.
  13. The new pic looks awful lot like a Stormcast warmachine part...
  14. Well new Death models coming later this year are already more or less announced by GW so it's not that unlikely.
  15. That rumour mill picture + the knight of shrouds+ nighthaunt allegiance missing in Legions of Nagash + that random rumour about a kick ass black coach that apparently someone had seen = Nighthaunt release imminent?
  16. Ok, but I guess in the wartime they would still be drafted for the combined army of the city state, maybe in a specialized regiment from the local shrine of the Ur-Phoenix, but still under the command of the general of the army. Thus they could have a "free cities"keyword which the general's omand ability / trait would trigger. This wouldn't however rule out a later battletome centralized to some of these more specialized parts lie the Phuenix temple etc. We just wouldn't need to wait forever if we wanted to have our high elves and such fleshed out a bit. Edit: My own take on this is an elven militia unit currently on my project queue, for which I'm using all sorts of dark, high and wood elf models and what I'm going to run as a freeguild guard unit with militia weapons.
  17. The aelves, duardin and the humans are in the fluff nowadays sort of combined folk. If I have undersrtood correctly, there are no aelven cities, let alone states, where they could draw the armies from. Thus a battletome that would reflect the evolved fluff and have all of the free people fighting better together would be ace.
  18. That would make sense in many levels. The stuff that is reliant on the old grand alliance warscrolls start to show a bit age as the designers have invented new ideas along the way with the new battletomes. It also wouldn't be too hard as if you look at the split in the "Why we fight" section of the Malign portents, they would need to release only 6 to 7 battletomes: Freecities, Greenskins, Gutbusters, Beastmen, Skaven, possibly Slaves to darkness and Slaanesh to have close to everything on the grand alliance books updated and when that is done, they really have free hands on doing anything they like and concerning that, the one off releases make sense, as they even out the demand a bit. A new army might be too big investment to someone, or they might not be interested on the particular army, but by releasing Malign portent like heroes, there are lot of people that will buy the models as "it's just one guy more" and have use on their armies.
  19. I have been wondering this as well. It's not like that the Kharadron Overlord players are now rubbing their hands because they can include some medusas in their lists. Even for mixed order armies, which seem to be quite rare, the Daughters seem to be bit of a miss, as if it works anything like currently, the power is in the buffs that they get from other units and not so much of the good units in vacuum. Although of course the javelin harpies or bow medusas can be good units on their own as well. I wouldn't mind having similar book like Legion of Nagash for my mixed Order army. It's basically a new General's handbook, but just for Death.
  20. Well getting new rules for almost the whole grand alliance with all the assosiated stuff like magic lores, artefacts and 6 new or reworked allegiances is quite a big thing. They don't get new models now, but it is still a huge update for them and also they are the Headline of the whole new storyline. Also new stuff later is given and I think has been also confirmed by GW as well. I don't know what else one could hope for? Of course I would have wanted some updates for the horrible old kits as well, but at least I am very excited by this release. having just started a Death army.
  21. Well there are a lot of good warmachines in the order grand alliance, althought some of the best are compendium stuff, they should benefit nicely from the stormcast hero.
  22. Haven't really thought about before that video, how heavily the high and dark elves are based on ancient greece (and few surrounding powers and later times around the area). Nice to see what comes out. Somehow I don't believe this release will include lota of new models, but I won't mind if I'm wrong.
  23. On page 75, there are pics of a vampire lord, a blood knight, three blood dragonesque thralls and three female vampires.
  24. Has it been discussed already, that in the new WD guide to death, there are little story snippets from most of the existing units and about vampire thralls that are made by the lords as their liking. Sounds like a quite sure new unit.
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