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Posts posted by herohammer

  1. 3 hours ago, warhammernerd said:

    The only thing which I’m on the fence about is the mortis engine. 

    I think it will remain since it doesn't fit any other army and forms 1/2 of a dual kit with another 2 units in the book. I mean they could make it a night haunt model but that would be really weird since it would be the first case of making a dual kit cross faction after the launch of aos. I don't see the coven throne/palanquin going away since they are pretty new plastic vampire models in army named for the vampire subfaction.

    • Like 1
  2. I hope there will be a way to make either or both bat swarms and/or fel bats battle line. Maybe with a specific general or with a subfaction. I want a horde of bats so that I can say "leesten to thaim, cheeldren of the night. what sweet music they make."

  3. 20 minutes ago, Evil Bob said:

    So when people see the current scale difference do you say they were malnourished?  Or do you say they were a bunch of kids like I do?

    90s skellies are actually too big though, compared to the newer models, not too small. A rare case of reverse scale creep like the 90s Daemonettes that are bigger than both the plastics and the Juan Diaz models.

  4. I vote for various units representing various vampire subtypes/bloodlines. I want mad science vampires, Egyptian themed vampire ladies, knights, and Dracula. My ideal Soulblight army is the replacement for LoN and has a place for all the old world vampire archetypes. You could have a construct/frankensteins monster type unit for the Necrarch, chariots for the Lahmians, blood knights for the Blood Dragons, and bat swarms, wolves, and fel bats for the Von Carstein guys. You could even set the von Carsteins up as morally ambiguous based on Vlad during the end times and have them only serve Nagash on paper like some of the FeC courts do.

    • Like 2
  5. 19 hours ago, Dejnar said:

    Hey guys. 

    I have seen a few well performing BK lists adding Glutos lately. What's the main reasons for that?

    I may be blind but most of his stuff just applies to Hedonite Mortals right? 

    His -1 to hit is the main reason I think.

    • Like 1
  6. I agree with whispers. I think the internal balance of the book is quite good actually. Other than glutos, mounted archers, and to a lesser extent slick blade seekers everything is just 30-50 pts more than what other books (with a few exceptions like sylvaneth) seem to pay for comparable units. Compare a Lord of pain to a loonboss who has a very similar CA. Sure the LoP fights better and has a damage prevention ability but he is currently I think 70pts more than a loonboss when realistically  he should be around 30 pts more for his improved stats and DPA. A KoS shouldn’t really cost more than a Bloodthrster. The KoS can cast but the bloodthirster is much better at fighting given that KoS can’t self target their attack twice ability. You can make similar comparisons with a lot of units. Slaangor should cost the same or a little less than tzangor enlightened on foot for example. Blissbarb archers should have a similar cost to namarti reavers.

    • Like 2
  7. Biggest problem with tzaangor and acolytes is just the existence of horrors at their current point cost. At the end of the day they would have to be brokenly good at killing things to match the horrors' broken resiliency. If horrors were twice as expensive people would consider tzaangor or acolytes and would find that they are really fine compared to other army's battleline.

  8. I am considering getting into Nurgle again and I am wondering what models do people usually summon on? ie. how many plague bearers do I need for summoning. I have a bunch of beasts and extra GUOs. Do people ever summon nurglings or characters? I figure 3 Gnarlmaws is plenty, or should I get 5 or 6? With terrain placement rules it is harder to position them right?

  9. 7 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:


    Also do you think Black Knights are safe as id like to get a jumpstart on my army?

    yes as they are a dual kit with hex wraiths from night haunt which are a part of multiple battalions and they are a fairly recent kit dating to the last edition of WHFB

    • Thanks 1
  10. My only wish out of Broken Realms Teclis is that the Maggotkin get a way to make nurglings or beasts battleline since they are among my favorite models in AOS but I have never done a Nurgle Daemon army (used to have a Nurgle mortal army) because I am not a fan of plague bearers. In book (not counting S2D or beasts) Khorne has 6 potential BL choices, Slaanesh has 6, Tzeentch has 6, but Nurgle only has 3.

  11. I was rereading the rules for generating depravity and correct me if I am wrong but you only generate depravity if you hurt or kill models from a unit without wiping it out right? It says “each unit on the battlefield” so I kill 3 units outright I would get no DP? Or are people assuming that it was intended to give DP if you wipe out a unit as well.

  12. I am glad to hear that people are liking fiends since I have 15 of them. 12 realm of chaos era models and 3 90s ones for champions. I figure that gives me 2 units of 6 or 1 unit of 9 with up to 2 units for summoning. Don't have them with me right now as I moved recently and couldn't take them with me butI will be getting them this Christmas if not a little earlier.

  13. I ran seeker chariots as battleline in the last book for mortal wounds so I suppose if it were up to me I would base the question of seeker chariots vs hellstriders on whether or not you have a bunch of other mortal wound sources in your list or not.

    I have never used a chariot herald. KoS are still very good even though the can’t target themselves any more with the CA.

    I think exalted speed knights looks pretty good but it is pretty one dimensional as far as how you build your army since it takes up such a big chunk of non battleline points. I think I may prefer seeker cavalcade myself since it has a similar unit selection but can include your battleline and imho has a more usefully ability since 14 inch move units don’t need extra moves as much as a way to use their movement to do something other than run faster than sonic the hedgehog

    • Like 2
  14. The issue with sylvaneth isn’t that they were left behind, their book isn’t that old. The sylvaneth book was questionable when it came out and got worse when the faction terrain faq further limited wyldwood placement. I think point drops on the big stuff other than drycha would really help the army. Going through the units I think this pretty much;

    Alarielle-Should drop proportionate to the free treelord. I think her “base” cost of 420 is fine. But if the treelord was dropped to 150 I would like her to drop to 570.


    Ylthari and co-should drop to around 120 or 130

    Branch wraith-fine

    Branchwytch-should drop to 60

    Spirit of durthu-should be 240 or 250

    TLA-should be around 210

    Arch revenant-fine

    Dryads-fine. I can actually see them lose horde discount in line with daemonettes and witch elves. I think GW is doing away with horde discounts for units that encourage you take hordes in other ways.

    Tree revenants-fine

    Spite revenants-fine

    Sword hunters-drop to 180

    Scythe hunters-drop to 170

    Bow hunters-drop to 180 or 170

    Wild hunt-drop to around 80 or 90 in line with Mogwaeth from DoK

    Treelord-drop to 150


    If you run a balance of big and little stuff that provides savings of maybe 50-200 points depending on what you were running or even more if you were running a monster mash. 

    I think sylvaneth can get by fine with fairly weak army rules if the points were not so far off for a number of units making it all but impossible to run a “balanced” force. I would rather the army rely less on wyldwoods but as far as simple GHB changes point adjustments could really help the army. As far as broken realms style warscroll rewrites I would most like to see TLA get either a cast bonus or second cast, durthus get either tougher or more attacks, and maybe something to make the branchwytche less squishy kind of like the new slaanesh caster has.


  15. 17 hours ago, LeonBox said:

    Who were your priority ambush picks, and who did you have ambush if you only got 1 of the d3 units? 

    I think the list is cavalcade not speed knights. He isn’t ambushing he is tagging combat from 6 inches.

    Edit-NVM he is lurid haze that is what you meant my bad.

  16. I think the war shrine business is kind of not the point of the idolators faction though. I interpret the faction as more a "we are sorry" aimed at people who wanted to be able to run cultists as battle line. Now obviously cultists are not very good rules-wise, but they are really cool looking models and provide a lot of opportunities for realm-themed forces and conversion themes for character models too. I for one mainly didn't start an S2D army when the book came out because of the lack of battle line for cultists.

    Would I have preferred better written rules to go along with battle line cultists? Yes, of course, but I will take what I can get.

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