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Lord Krungharr

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Posts posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. I don't think the Ironsworn suffer much from the model count drop.  Bravery wise they'll still be in good shape with an icon/banner in there and 20 models.  Attack wise it's tough to get even 20 little guys all in melee range, much less 30, and that's still plenty of spite shielding to bounce death back to the enemy :D

    As for the Exalted Flamer, I was just thinking if you wanted an equally shooty unit as the Deathshrieker that would suffice.  However I wouldn't discount the benefits of either a Castellan or Infernal Guard Standard Bearer.  The Castellan could be given the Thermalrider Cloak of Aqshy to help get him into ability range for turn 2.  The Standard Bearer is great for general melee buffing with a big aura of rerolling 1s to wound in combat, also adding 1 to bravery for Azgorh within 18".  Pretty good for 100 points I think, and the aura makes up for his slowness.

  2. Definitely don't swap out an Iron Daemon for a Deathshrieker!  The rocket just isn't very good.  Iron Daemon is pretty good, though not as good as 20 Fireglaives usually unless you get lucky with tons of shots and good hitting.  

    If you want to get the more Ironsworn, don't take the Deathshrieker and instead get an Exalted Flamer for an ally.  

  3. I always loved Flesh Hounds....I might have to get like 4 boxes and sell off the other stuff besides 1 Karanak.  Or something like that; a Council of Blood and Murderhost or other Daemon battalion would be really cool to field.  I like that Karanak can just summon a unit of hounds without difficulties.

  4. Oh yeah, I use my old Whirlwind and Tenderizer as my 2 Skullcrackers, both on 120mm x 90mm oval bases (the usual monstrous creature size ones).  I love how those models actually look like they could function as a real push-toy type engine, with interlocking gears and cams.   They wreck enemy faces all the time!

    • LOVE IT! 1
  5. Get 20 Fireglaives instead of the Dreadquake, only 20 points more and way more useful.  Or an Iron Daemon, which is the same points as a Dreadquake, and also more useful.  Cool looks but you won't be happy with it during play, which is half the battle I think.  If the Dreadquake was 120-140 I think it could have a place.

    Didn't the old Hashut's Wrath Artillery Train battalion give the war machines +1 to hit if they didn't move?  I seem to remember that.  So much better than the current one.

  6. I didn't see an Eshin Discussion, but does anyone use an Eshin army?  I'm slowly collecting Gutter Runners as I think they're super awesome!  I have 30, but want 60.  I'm hoping next year we'll see a Skaven Tome, but not holding my breath.  

    The Outflanking units I have (like Gutrot Spume and the Blightkings) have been performing very well.  The Gutter Runners with their shooty stars and rendy knives really shine in my past couple tournaments.  I have to make my old metal Verminlord into a Deceiver; Skitterleap can launch my old metal Thanquol into Warpfire range, or I was also thinking a Plague Priest could be good for that if I get 60 Gutter Runners coming in so their stars can maybe get better wounding, with maybe a rerolling the wound too.  


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  7. I think in that army Draz might work.  Good to have wizardry.  I would drop the Deathshrieker, and take a Standard Bearer instead.  Run him behind the Skullcracker and Tauruk and Draz and let them reroll 1s to wound in melee.  I used that last night (not with Draz though) and it was very helpful indeed! 

    Deathshrieker almost never does anything.  I wish they did.  Better to run an allied Exalted Flamer frankly for at least a chance at extra mortal wounds.

  8. I am tempted to buy the new Shartor model and use my old converted one as a Tauruk, that model is so awesome!  But I used my Christmas present request for 6 Kdaii Fireborn instead.

    The Warpfire Dragon seems to fit in the mix with Azgorh, as it breathes fire (the Dawi Zharr like fire) and it probably likes metals and mountains right?  Also a really cool model!  If it could fit in the ally slot go for it.

  9. 2 hours ago, Ben said:

    See above!!!!!  I posted the FAQ answer!!!  

    WOUNDS and MORTAL WOUNDS are two different things.

    Your ability needs to state witch it works against.  

    Blackshard armour only works against the first WOUND allocated. 

    I second that notion.  Many people get that confused, and it's very key to remember in any tournament scene especially.  

    Drazhoath used to negate mortal wounds too I think but they changed that.  And Shartor's old command ability as I recall was also an aura of wound negation.  The rerolling charges for Ba'hal units is nice, but blanket 'feel no pain' was better.  

    I'll be trying out my Fireglaive list tomorrow night (hopefully vs the Beastclaw Raiders with whom I have a grudge):

    Tauruk (General/Grotesque/Armor of Bazherak), Shartor, 2 Daemonsmiths with Darkforged Weapons, Gutrot Spume and 5 Blightkings (Allies), 4x10 Fireglaives (Battleline), 2 Skullcrackers, 2 Magma Cannons, Geminids of Uhl-Gysh.  2000 points total

    I think that's a good spread of mortal wounds, decent rend with some at range, and enough bodies to get some objectives.  Blightkings are my backfield pests, since I can't ally in my Gutter Runners.....I don't think Skaven and Dwarves get along very well in the stories, do they?


  10. I really want to try it but haven't finished my little Troops yet.  I think the Castellan could be decent IF we could get him into ability range.  However many of the missions start a mere 18" away now, and using a command point turn one he could run 6" to be in good 2nd turn position.  

    I think the Standard Bearer however is actually really good.  Rerolling wound rolls of 1 in a 18" wholly-within bubble is nice, especially next to Tauruks and Centaurs and SkullCrackers (which are all in my usual lists).  I want to run one with maybe a Thermal Rider cloak for good positioning on him, but only when not using Tauruks. 

    The extra point of Bravery within the battalion, coupled with the Standard Bearer, the big unit bonus, and the units' Icons mean they'll be rocking a 10 Bravery.

    Good point on the Ironsworn, they'll need the extra bodies to do their thing.

  11. If you're not running a Battalion, is there any benefit to running huge numbers of the Ironsworn (besides a discount) or Fireglaives?  I mean, then the enemy has more targets to deal with and we would have more units to run where needed and target enemies as needed.  Without a Battalion (like the Blackshard Warhost), we're probably not going to choose whether going first or second, so I wonder if the "min-max" approach is better?  I'm working on 4x10 Fireglaives.  Later I'll do 2x10 Ironsworn for the Warhost.

    I think Draz is definitely best when running lots of Ironsworn and Fireglaives for the no-battleshock ability.   He's a strong caster but SOOOOO expensive in points.   Wish we had a buff to hit for him.....he should be Ba'haal I think being headcheese of the temple, and on a bull.

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  12. Drazhoath has had a 50/50 success rate for me.  I'm thinking he could actually be really good with just huge hordes, like a maxed out Blackshard Warhost.  Then his Command Ability becomes really really useful....and the troops in the Warhost would also be rocking (I think) 10 Bravery (6+1 for Icon+1 for Warhost+1 for Standard Bearer+1 for being over 10 models).  I've lost many a model to Battleshock in the last couple tournaments and I don't like to spend my Command Points on things that aren't my cool Command Abilities like the Tauruk's!  Probably wouldn't be too many points leftover after that though.  Maybe enough for some K'daai, maybe a Skullcracker, and hopefully some Geminids and/or Gutrot Spume and 5 Blightkings, or at least Skar Bloodwrath.  Gotta get into the enemy's backfield with allies.

    I haven't fought against or with the Beasts of Chaos yet.  Looking forward to both.

  13. Nice cannon!  Love my big hats too.

    I agree the Execution Herd isn't too competitive,  at least not in my hands, though I think the centaurs can do fairly well.  Maybe just one unit of 6, as they have pretty decent damage output IF a Tauruk uses the +1 to hit ability on them.

    My next units to make are big Fireglaive mobs,  and a second Skullcracker (the old Chaos Dwarf Tenderizer, to go with the Whirlwind).  I don't have any K'daaii Fireborn, so I think the Skullwhackers fill a similar role aside from board control.  Plus how to convert old bighats into K'daai is a challenge.  I prefer to maintain the old school theme.

  14. I'm happy to have found a big group of Azgorh players!  Saturday I'm trying some of their units in a generic Chaos army.  I'm wondering how they will fare without the Azgorh Allegiance stuff.  I'll have:

    Dragon Ogor Shaggoth/ Skar Bloodwrath/  Gutrot Spume and 5 Blightkings/ 20 Gutterrunners/ 3x10 Chaos Warriors/ then Drazhoath the Ashen, Daemonsmith with 2 Magma Cannons.  I'm hoping the Chaos Allegiance random +1 to hit thing will benefit something, and keeping the Dragon Ogor close to Drazhoath using the former's Lord of War Trait to make the Ashen more killy in combat.

    I've used the Excecution Herd along with the artillery because I lack the Fireglaives or Ironsworn yet.  It's hard to get the cavalry engaged all at once with those big bases.  Shartor is a beast but I actually like the Tauruk better because of his ability and relic potential.  I also didn't find the Herd to be that necessary or awesome for the points as the new unit nominated for rerolling hits happens in the next hero phase....really too bad it's not immediately after they slay the chosen unit.  The big mortar and rocket never do anything for me though.  

    Hopefully they change Azgorh's allied list, though all the Chaos gods isn't bad.  A Plague Priest and Gutrot Spume with 5 BlightKings is my preferred ally choice for now.  They get another wound buffer plus some outflanking tough guys.  The Maggotkin proved invaluable in my last tournament.  Also the magma cannons.  Definitely my favorite big gun, I have 2, and am kitbashing a third.  (I have all old Chaos Dwarves so made them out of an Altar of Sigmar cart base and the big Ogor cannon).

    After relooking at them, the Kdaii Fireborn could be super useful.  They can put out a bunch of damage.....I love my Skullcracker Engine for the same reason.  That thing always does pretty well.


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