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Posts posted by EMMachine

  1. 23 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

    Is there something in the lore that suggests Anointeds don't often ride Phoenixes then? I wasn't aware of this. To me it makes more sense that the army would be accompanied by its greatest heroes mounted upon them.

    The main problem is, that there isn't much lore. Mostly the Grand Alliance Book plus perhaps the the firestorm campaign. I only have the feeling (when looking at your highter listbuilds (1200 and 2000 Points) that 3-4 Anointed could be a little much for the Army size. It looks like the army is lead by 3-4 Generals.

    I know, its not the best example but when we look at the Spyreheart Warhost in the Grand Alliance Book, we have 1 Anointed, 2 units of Phoenix Guard and 2-4 Phoenix Models (and since one of the Erratas the 2-4 Phoenix' can't get the Anointed Upgrade), so unmounted Phoenix'  should be more common than mounted ones.

    The example lacks in the point that we can't get a Anointed riding a Phoenix in this Battalion anymore (after it's still the Warscrollname, not the Keyword ANOINTED used in the Warscoll).

    (More after the next quote)

    23 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

    Also, I'd be lying if I said that rules don't play a massive factor. As cool as they look with the riders, getting a free 4+ ward save and additional attacks is certainly an incentive. A great example of a warscroll needing two different version (or two different costs if nothing else).

    Yeah, that's a real problem in that case (and it's a quite rare one).  Either the Mounted Phoenix is too cheep or the unmounted one is too expensive. It's quite different than giving a character a horse, where in most cases the model simply has a higher move and maybe 2 Attacks hitting on 4+ and wounding on 5+ (or the other way around).

    One thing is, we actually don't know if or how they will change it, but for the case that you're not only going for the most efficient listbuild it could be much saver taking some unmounted Phoenixmodels than perpaps crippling the nicely themed army after a update.

    23 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

    Hey, thanks for sharing your blog. Those Frostaelves look fantastic! Especially like the Dragon. I've considering adding a Dragonmage / Archmage on Dragon to this army eventually and your colour scheme would work perfectly. Very nice.

    At the moment the army is containing Darkling Covens, Daughers of Khaine and Order Serpentis (most Order Serpentis Models aren't glued yet). If I plan correcty my army will include 3 Black ... ehm Frost dragons. 2 Sorceress (one as the Queen of the group) and a Dreadlord as the King and General.

    I don't know yet if I want to make some Frostaelves with Phoenix Temple and/or Eldritch Counsil.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, flemingmma said:

    So my 6+ save on blood reavers is always successful? Even when rend makes it immediately non existent?

    Which Language do you use for your rules? In the english Generals Handbook 2017 the "rolls of 6 are always a success rule" is only for hit- and wound-rolls.

    In the german book for example there was an error that a save-roll of 6 is always a success but this was changed in the errata.

  3. Thanks for the review.

    You mentioned the design of the aqshy side of the board. They actually used the designs of the Citadel Realm of Battle Gameboard that they had since 2007 or so.

    To say something to the 1" rule of the ruines.

    I never liked it when GW started to do this 'all models wholy in 1" '  in the  FAQ and later in rules like the Deathworld Forest rules.

    The point is, that when your model has a 32mm Base it never can fit wholy in 1" after the base is 1,5" (25mm is about 1") So things, like marauders, Stormcasts (most of my models because I used 32mm quite often because 25mm liked often to small for me) will never get cover because of this rule.

    If they only had sad, 1" within the terrain like it was in the basic rules at first and the rule would be good enough and usable in the game.

    • Like 2
  4. Really like your Wolves of Ghur. Those guys have a style that they would really live in Ghur and some of them could perhaps fight for order too.

    2 hours ago, CyderPirate said:

    Loving the conversions, where did the heads for the reavers come from? 

    When I look through the pictures I would say that the heads are from Chaos Marauders, Marauder Horsemen and Space Wolves.

    • Like 1

    5 hours ago, kasprzyk said:


    Do you have a valid link to download these rules?

    There was a PDF in the downloadsection of this forum. But it looks like bottle has deleted the file this october. There is a changed text in the first post.

    On 17.12.2016 at 11:43 AM, bottle said:

    Hi everyone, I am retiring Hinterlands for the time being now that we have not only the fantastic AoS Skirmish but also lots of exciting fan made content being made for it too. I would like to thank everyone who supported this project, helped it grow and gave feedback along the way. The AoS community is really one of the best things about this  game and why I love this hobby so much :D. Who knows if Hinterlands will ever come back, but for the moment I am going to keep it on the down-low. Doesn't mean you won't still be seeing me around here though :P.

    Cheers, bottle.


  6. Actually I'm interested what the box will bring us. First I thought it will only be a GW-Campaign like Season of War. I think we could be glad for every form of Material we can get.

    12 hours ago, Mr. White said:

    None of my mats or terrain are set in the Realm of Fire.


    I'm familiar with the problem. My terrain is painted in some sort of wastelandstyle , what could perhaps fit for Ghur, Shyish or perhaps Aqshy or Chamon, but my story actually plays mostly in Ghyran -_-.


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