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Posts posted by Elmir

  1. 9 hours ago, XReN said:

    The metal is lovely, can you share what paint(s) is it? And for gold as well

    I've used Vallejo game colour "tin bits" for the dark metal. GW retributor armour for the gold and GW leadbelcher for the white metals.


    All of them are shaded with army painter dark tone wash and drybrushed with Vallejo model air steel.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    I think everybody is getting too fixated about how some armies will be too good under these rules. It’s a set of rules to let you take a small army, hop on a train or bus and play at local store. It’s a set of rules to play quickly over lunch or after work. It’s a set of rules to play when you’ve just painted up 1000 points.

    Its just another way of playing 😉

    Oh? I thought this game mode was done specifically with 1k matched play (tournament style) in mind as the community articles made it out to be.  In fact, I've included the quotes from the original warhammer community article  that pretty much says so. 

    I thought the specific intent of this new way of playing, was to make 1k point games slightly more engaging and not just boiling down to "can you stop this deathstar"? But no restrictions whatsoever are placed on the type of behemoth you can field. 

    Meeting Engagements are designed for matched play"

    "In practice, this means that Meeting Engagement armies are pretty lean – rather than depending on a single, deadly unit or unstoppable Behemoth, you’ll need to pick your units carefully, using all of them in tandem to claim victory."

    I'll be waiting for the full set of rules of course, but it does seem like they kind of let something slip in their original design if I could just field my grisstlegore AGKoTG in a 1k point game (with the main nerf being, missing out on one turn to curbstomp an opposing 1k force). 

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  3. I like these rules, but... I also think some factions are just going to slip through the net of restrictions and still run a rampage on the battlefield.

    As long as they allow any behemoth in turn 2, 1000p games are still going to boil down to "can you stop this monster".

  4. I got them via kickstarter. 

    All was well at the start, sharp tip, not very large body though.... But these brushes lost their tip ridiculously fast for brushes in that price segment. I really cannot recommend them at all to people looking to spend money on good brushes after having used them for a while.  It's downright impossible to do any detail work with them now and I can only use them to apply some somewhat controlled washes. 

    I've reverted back to my Raphael 8404 series after this little fling with artis Opus series S....

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  5. This LoG is dependent on the ruling for battalions. 

    If it's an army with zero access to battalions, I'm not particularly excited for it. If things like shriekerhost can get added, it might actually do something that the other legions couldn't already do. Wait and see for the FAQ in 3 weeks. 

    I'm still getting the expansion regardless. I want the models. But the rules side of it seems odd if you create armies without battalions. 

    • Like 1
  6. I'm so hoping the new Forbidden Power expansion releases the mortarch of the Abyss, Harkon! And that he brings his undead pirates with him!

    That's going to be one hell of a classic match-up against your fatties! Super skinny vs super fat on the battlefield. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, Lowki said:

    Absolutely love your work, great paint job. 

    I am thinking of doing the same for the skin of the fyreslayers ... I think it looks great, give a kind a forged look for them. CAn you tell how you did it (if you don't mind copying the style)


    Not at all. 

    It used dark reaper as the base, nuln oil for the shading, then touch ups with dark reaper, course highlights with thunderhawk blue and edges with fenrisian grey. 

    I don't mind people copying it at all, because I recently found out Nick Bayton, presenter and painter for warhammerTV also copied this scheme apparently. 

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  8. I would say this paint line has been pretty well received so far. 

    But (as has always been the case with anything to do with painting), there are complainers or people scoffing at the idea.... And for no real valid reason imo. Airbrush paints are just pre-thinned, but they exist and get sold plenty for a reason (and I'm very happy they do).  Washes can be made yourself too, should you so desire, but are still sold in a readily available package and this list can go on for a while.  It's all about ease of use for the end user, and one other major point.  

    This "new" formula being available to the masses is really good for one simple reason: consistency.  And just for that reason alone, it's a win in my book. 

    I've recently given a painting seminar to people in our LFGS who mainly play board games, but who wanted to give miniature painting a go. Even the most basic techniques like washes and drybrushes were already an eye-opener to them and now, they actually play some boardgames with painted models. Anything that lowers the entry barrier to painting, is a huge in in my book, regardless of perceived costs or ease by some hobby elitists.  I really wish this product was available during that seminar... 

    When I started in the hobby 20+ years ago, there was always TFG in the shop who didn't "just want to drybrush" his models, then he "didn't just want to dip or wash them".... Now, he probably doesn't want to "cheat" by "just airbrushing them" and soon, he'll "doesn't want to just contrast them".  Ironically, the people I knew who were like that, often had a mountain of grey/metal/primer with a handful of models in them that could be considered mediocre at best as well. ;)

    And I'm fully aware of being condescending to some people... But I don't give a flying f*** about being condescending towards people who are condescending themselves towards people trying to put in effort, but without wanting to master the art of paint/medium mixing. 

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  9. 15 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    @Elmir the new scenery was up to display at Warhammer fest and you could “play with it”. Really light and modular but yeah climbing those stairs is gonna be an issue for some miniatures sizes. On the other side expect at least 2 boxes if not 3, cause the square temple is in a separate box. The round one must be in another and the strange Dias with the globe inside probably a third box. And the square temple is huge!

    Yeah, I know it was there on show. It's just weird that those models were there, but it was hardly mentioned in the preview seminar (or warhammer community), so I'm afraid this box might also be "looncursed". 

  10. I wonder if forbidden power had very little attention because it also got caught in the trade embargo debacle. 

    Seeing as the models are effectively in this months white dwarf (the scenery), and seemed overdue for at least an announcement, I wonder if it's also an issue that they are produced in China. 

  11. I do want an iteration of Tomb Kings or even Brets back... Mostly the monsters/constructs for tomb kings though or a clearly knightly army that might rival the nobility of the Flesh-eater courts... 

    But not before the scattered remains of some other armies (like ogors and many of the greenskins) have been fixed. GW adding new factions is cool, but there's still a lot of "mess" to clean up after AoS' rocky start. 

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