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Posts posted by Elmir

  1. 3 hours ago, CJPT said:

    As a counterpoint to this: Shadespire is much cheaper than its peers. If you think of it as occupying the same sort of space as X-Wing, Netrunner, or Magic, then it's an incredibly good deal.

    X-Wing also bundles cards with models, and you often need multiple copies of particular cards to run a competitive squad. That means buying multiple copies of models you don't necessarily want. Contrast with Shadespire, where the 'no more than 1 copy of a card in your deck' rule means that there's no pressure to ever buy an expansion twice. If you buy the core set and every Shadespire expansion, you have access to the full game for, as you say, €185. Doing the same with X-Wing costs five times more than that, easily.

    I should stress: I love X-Wing! But I was staggered by how much more generous Shadespire is.

    And it should go without saying that collectible card games are basically an infinite money sink.

    With the regards to the comparison to Warhammer - yes, getting fully into Shadespire means spending approximately the same as you'd spend on a 2000 point AoS army. The difference is that with Shadespire you can run every faction in their game to their fullest potential. A better comparison would be the cost of Shadespire and every expansion vs. the cost of building a 2000 point army for every faction in AoS.

     Oh, don't get me wrong, I really like Shadespire. But I really cannot convince my current wargaming group to really start it as well. Also, IF shadespire continues the same way it does now, the cost to entry is only going to increase to rival that of X--wing. It's only been out for less than a year, so it really can't get to the point of equaling a game like X-wing, but it's getting there full throttle. 

    Also, having to dismantle one deck for faction 1 and reassemble it for faction 3 because some cards are being used in both is annoying as well. 

    Having every faction in the game really doesn't seem to interest them either, as they only really are interested in the warband related to their GA. And I would never equate owning  36 models (shadespire  season 1, costing €185) to having a 2000p of every army in AoS...  Comparing it to a TCG isn't even something that ever came up when discussing it, as it's about as "apples to oranges" as it can get. 

    PS: nobody is playing X-wing in our shop for almost the same reason.

  2. I like the fact that shadespire took off the way it did, but they REALLY have to start releasing the card decks separately for a much lower cost. 

    It's a competitive game in design, not a narrative one like AoS, and in order to be competitive, most decks contain a few cards from each single warband out there. This puts the starting costs for shadespire at a starterbox of €50, followed by an almost compulsory €135 worth of expansion boxes = €185! This isn't an introduction/hybrid into wargaming anymore, it's the actual price of an average decent sized warhammer army... It's actually one of the main reasons why it's hard to convince people in my gaming group to pick up the game. 

  3. This rumormill picture, along with a previous one that looks suspiciously like the spectral ghosts from the undead range  makes me more hopeful that there will be new death models in the second half of 2018. Looks like LoN, despite not adding a lot of new things, does unlock the whole range of death to hardcore death fans like myself, so I'll be able to amuse myself loads until that time comes. :)

  4. The skintone started from black, highlighted using the airbrush using dark reaper grey and then onto Thunder hawk blue. The chest is done with VGC wolf grey. 

    Wings and hair patches are simply picked out with vallejo model colour brown sand and the bones with dark sand. 

    The whole thing gets a coat of army painter quickshade, a matt varnish and I then start rehighlighting with thunderhawk blue (airbrush and edge highlights) finished off by a 50/50 mix of thunderhawk blue and VGC wolf grey. 

    The edges of the wings get faded out from dark brown to pure black before the whole wings get a drybrush of brown sand again and the bones are rehighlighted to cover up the mess from the drybrush :)


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  5. 1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    So with the e-mail text about the last MP video, it's pretty obvious (at least IMO) that it's going to be Shadow Aelves, with Morathi / Malerion on the move. That's great.

    And it means that we'll get some more factions before the AOS global campaign.

    - What is (almost) certain we'll get : Maggotkin of Nurgle (new models), Legions of Nagash (no new models - mayyyybe Soulblights), Shadow Aelves (new models). 

    - What will come too : the 4 Harbingers, the new (reboxed) scenery, the Malign portents campaign book.

    There will probably be more, but with the "MP painting muster" event being January-February-March, I don't think we'll get more until that point. 

    - April-May-June is Aelves and 40k ; 40k being the end of the codex rush rereleases (and as GW stated), the start of new narrative campaigns for 40k (NB : 40k will probably get after the codexes, new campaign supplements like Gathering Storm, Wrath of Magnus, etc, and NOT a 40k global campaign like Season of War / Fate of Konor : this year is for am AOS global campaign).

    - In June-July (because summer holidays) we should see the launch of the global campaign, website-based (like Season of War / Fate of Konor), so no new campaign book (we'll already have the MP one), with results destined to change the ongoing AOS narrative. 

    - In June we'll also so get "Souls War", byJosh Reynolds, surely dealing with the narrative part of the global campaign. That should include (IMO) the Great work of Nagash being completed, with himself leading the invasion of the Mortal Realms.

    - If we get a new Death faction at some point this year (which I really hope), then this summer campaign is probably the ideal moment to release it (this new death army could probably be a part of the Great work too - and I think it could be more of a Skeleton / Reanimant army than Soulblight army).

    I do hope they don't just turn it into a "popularity contest campaign" like the previous one.... 

    In that campaign, it was pretty obvious  that destruction and death players are no where near numerous enough to win in that kind of campaign. If GW only releases new Chaos and order MODELS before that campaign, that really isn't going to help! I can't imagine GW completely ignoring death in the sculpting department again during malign portents, but if the timing you are saying is true, the "story arc of death" would certainly be off to a false start for death players.  -.-

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, AverageBoss said:

    Or Vlad is coming back. Full on Mortarch of Shadow.

    No, Phil Kelly was specifically asked what happened to the other mortarchs and he said this narrative event would only focus on the existing 3 mortarchs with model kits...

    • Like 2
  7. I don't think so, those models are considered legacy for aestethic reasons (according to GW at the start of AoS). 

    That, and lore reasons are also weird. Nagash was never able to truely exort his will over the Tomb Kings and they have always been fighting amongst themselves. Since the old world was destroyed, Nagash would have no real reason to resurrect undead that he never controlled. 

    • Like 1
  8. Hmmm,

    I'm not sure about all factions being turned against death in this. Sigmar might still be hoping to come to terms with Nagash again. And if this shapes up to be a nurgle vs Nagash clash, it might even see a few more instances of death working along with the SCE...

    I can see an aelf faction being released as well as champions of life (as... in a perverted kind of way... Nurgle is as well).  So a split in order in factions who end up being radically opposed to Chaos vs opposed to death might be in the works too?

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