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Posts posted by Elmir

  1. 3 hours ago, 123lac said:

    FEC I'm not so sure about. They're a cool faction but I'm just not sure how many varieties of ghouls you can really make?

    They managed to make lots of different variations of ghosts... I'm sure they can create a ton of different ghouls if they wanted to. 

    Hell, given how the FEC are heavily influenced by medieval courts, some believing Nagash is their God, some hating him for what he has done to the carrion king, they could really do a cool expansion of "religious zeal"... Turning the narrative more into a power of the church (ie Nagash) vs power of the state (represented by the abhorrents).  It would be a near perfect reflection of the madness of medieval power struggles by the juxtaposition  of worship of Nagash as god vs military power of the courts. Getting that narrative of the rogue king who defied Nagash while the mordants still worship him, could really highlight the somewhat complex relationship between Nagash and the ghouls.... No direct control, but some form of it through other means. 

    Priests, bisschops, archbisschops carried on bone palanquins by crypt horrors, ghouls dressed in ragged clothing as flagellants , ghouls running around with femurs turned into blowpipes as representation of archers, catapults made out of carcasses wheeled in by these decrepit creatures etc. Make it looks and play more like a twisted version of a holy siege crusade .

    Anyway, apologies for a bit of wish listing in the rumour thread. 

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  2. Additionally, I noticed something odd about that cannon that the dankhold troggoth has around it's neck. 

    It appears to have a cracked, glass chamber to house the cannonball. Now I'm no expert in ballistics, but using glass for something that has to contain explosions, seems counterproductive.  So I wouldn't be surprised if some type of lightning cannons will start showing  up in the future too. 


    So if I have to take a wild stab in the dark for the future, I could see dispossessed slightly reimagined in a storm/lightning kind of way as well. 

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  3. I've had a chat with Sam (rules team) at Warhammer fest Europe... He essentially said a "culling" of old WHFB models would happen.


    He didn't mention gitmobs, but he did use freeguild as an example; models that could do with a more "AoS style design" rather than 17th century soldiers... If you did still have old empire models, you could still use them with the new books as stand ins. Keeping both a new freeguild and old on the shelves are not an option for the company, so something has to be scrapped...


    I'm sure you can still use wolf riders as spider riders, gitmobs as moonclan etc... With some things going truly legacy ( chariot, pumpwagon, ...) But I expect a lot of thing no longer being available soon. But if you do own them, you'll be the cool dude with a legacy OOP army in a decade! ;)

  4. 1 hour ago, tolstedt said:

    Super cool.  Feels like I'm in the lair of king Arthas.

    The WotLK expansion of WoW was basically the inspiration for this army's colour palette. 

    That and the bases of course. I'm still hoping GW will release more soul constructs like the morghasts (with heavier armor) to go for a more deathknight heavy infantry style army in the future. 

  5. Let's see: 

    That would be (painted so far): 

    Legions of Nagash:
    Nagash (800)
    Arkhan (320)
    6 morghasts (660)

    Wight king (80)
    40 skeletons (280)
    10 black knights (240)
    Sepulchral guard (80)

    20 dire wolves (240)
    40 zombies (240)

    Mortis Engine (180)
    3 necromancers (330)

    2 vampire lords (280)
    Vampire lord on zombie dragon (440)
    10 blood knights (480)
    9 Vargulfs (480)

    Flesh eater courts:
    Ghoul king on zombie dragon (440)
    Ghoul king on terrorgheist (400)
    2 Vargulf courtiers (320)
    Crypt haunter courtier (140)
    Crypt infernal courtier (140)
    Crypt ghast courtier (80)
    40 ghouls (400)
    12 crypt horrors (640)
    3 crypt flayers (160)

    Reikenor (180)
    Knight of shrouds mounted (140)
    Knight of shrouds (120)
    Guardian of souls (140)
    2 Dreadblade harrows (200)
    Lord executioner (80)
    Spirit torment (120)
    5 hexwraiths (160)
    9 spirit horsts (360)
    Cairn Wraith (60)

    Endless spells: 
    All of them finished! (600)

    Rounds it off to 10.010 points now, with several thousands more on the "to do pile" :D

    • Like 5
  6. So the painting setup is almost completed in that room. My girlfriend also got me the black coach as a Christmas gift!

    I love the model, but I hate how much of a frontal overhang it has for gaming purposes. So I'm attempting to get it as far back as possible.  I made quite a few subassemblies (all the wooden parts of the carriage , the horses  and ofc the ghosts are kept separate), allowing me to get a good indication of where the model will be on that big slab of a base. So I filled a lot of the emptiness with my usual rocks and quite a few gravesite stones. 

    The only part that was glued to the base at the start, is the ethereal bit that supports the main carriage bit. I wanted that as far back as possible for minimal front overhang. Here's a few shots of the subassemblies so far. 






    • Like 3
  7. Well, after DoK, deepkin, nighthaunt and now these new models, GW really is taking AoS  to the next dimension.  They are just the right mix of loony, crazy but still vicious in a way. 

    I'm sure people with a lot of gitmob won't like it, but I think they might be going EoL. They just (as a company) cannot keep stocking an old and a new range I think. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    Fascinating that Firebellies are still stated as separate in that article.

    From the day the factions were announced, I have had an inclining that the meme-worthy, solitary Firebelly might be on its own for a reason.

    Ice Ogres and Fire Ogres. It would be a nice juxtaposition too...

    Don't be discouraged by that too much. 

    At the end of the day, the miniature designers literally managed to turn a single model (design wise): the Cairn Wraith into a fully fledged faction that only really had a handful of other models to go with them. 

    So I could see them redesigning the ogres in a way where they massively expand the firebelly faction to fight alongside the gutbusters. 

  9. So, the StD box is called the "Godsworn warband" and the new shadespire warband is the "Godsworn hunt". 

    I'm guessing there might be a Godsworn battletome underway that combined Slaves to Darkness and the new Darkoath model line, rather than one replacing the other. Bringing out a christmass box for a faction that you plan to replace seems incredibly silly. 

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  10. Slightly later then expected, but I also think it'll be here in less than three months. This also means I might be dead wrong about Slaanesh begin the winter release, like all the other chaos stuff.


    That's not a bad thing, destruction needs that book more tbh.

    • Like 1
  11. This has nothing to do with painting itself, but I did just get a new place, and this room is going to be made into the mancave dedicated to wargaming. 

    There's still a crapton of work that needs doing, but it is a nice basement room of 40-ish m² to turn into a dedicated AoS/40k space. I think for the next few months, the only painting I'll be doing, won't be done with a size 1 brush. ;)


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  12. 2 hours ago, Brother Dimetrius said:

    Those Nighthaunt are sexy.

    More & more I wish there was some way to purchase the same style of sculpted based to align with the E2B stuff.

    I don't like the scenic bases though. It's annoying for those of use who already have undead models and now have to get extra blank bases for them. But to each their own. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Barkanaut said:

    Some are starting to doubt there will be a moonclan release other than the shadespire one. 

    Yeah, and lots of ppl said only the black coach was going to get a new model right before the biggest new model range yet released for Nighthaunt, so I wouldn't be too down about that...

    • Like 1
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  14. 1 minute ago, Waiyuren said:

    Blu tack?! ?

    I should've guessed; the best food pictures where always of frozen, painted items, or straight up plastic back in the day. ?

    Yeah, the top of the black coach model can be taken off to showcase the coffin inside (that can be opened as well, although this was just using gravity. 

    But yeah, 'eavy metal never paints plastic models... Those molds aren't done yet when they need to be painted (for box art, battletomes etc), so they make them out of grown resin. Makes sense really, but they are never the end product and don't tend to fit as seamlessly as the plastic end products. 

    Also, when those resin models are made, most of the staff gets to have a look at them as well... That's why a lot of leaks have these "vague descriptions" like chtulu elves for instance. The whole production process takes YEARS, so you are fooling yourself if you think any of it is done i a rushed way. In fact, Jes Goodwin had a right laugh when I asked him honestly if plastic sisters were really coming because of public demand... It's been in the works for way longer than that, the marketing can just capitalize on the meme now. 

    BTW, I'm not sure if you are following any of the twitch stream stuff, but think about what the community members are currently collecting.

    Ceri --> happens to have a fondness of nighthaunt, painting up a lot of them, and  a nighthaunt battletome came recently.
    Rhu --> big fan of Brayherds, making a big army of them,  just around the time that battletome is getting dropped. 
    Diarmuid --> currently expanding his big grot army, almost suspiciously close to a rumoured grot battletome release. 


    These people have all seen those 3D prints well in advance, but can't give anything away because of GW marketting reasons. 

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