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Posts posted by vorathian

  1. 19 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    +++ MOD HAT ON +++

    Gender, Race and every form of representation is very important, back to Rumours.

    This is a game based on European mythos, I mean you basically have Sigmar as Zeus/Thor.  What would it be like if I moved to another country and demanded they make games to represent me? Serious question. I don't want to change what I like just to make someone else happy I'm sorry.

    • Like 2
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  2. 11 hours ago, Maogrim said:

    While I personally find discussion about historical allegory and following implications fascinating, first I would like to humbly suggest to @SeanMaguire1991 and @Noserenda to leave out phrases like 'says more about you than'. This should not be the space for low-key attacks on the character of another person, except he's outright stating harmful sexist, racist etc stuff.

    Now, on to the topic: I think asking whether 'Dawnbringer Crusades' is somewhat ideoligically tied to Christian crusades is valid. Fantasy games and their lore are texts and insofar do not develop out of thin air; they are inevitably influenced by the author's / authors' knowledge about history. Even if an author says 'Yeah, no, that's not what I meant' they can and should still be subject to critical literary analysis. Especially today where authors have the possibility to influence heavily how their texts are perceived; e.g. the Harry Potter series, whose author has constantly tried to retrospectively paint the story more diverse and inclusive than the text itself accounts for. 

    People should be mindful that if they are going to talk about history they should also be right. The crusades were launched as a counter attack  to defend the harassment of christian pilgrims and sacking of christian institutions and lands by islamic forces. Crusaders were NOT the instigators that most were led to believe. 


    • Haha 2
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  3. 12 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    This has bounced around a bit, but It's a hope more than anything solid. There is the "Dawnbringer Crusade" going on which is a lovely combination of colonisation and, well, crusades*, but the artwork that accompany it have nothing new in it that I recognize (except if those sky cities will become faction terrain, which I would love.

    I do think expansions and Cursed City might give a bit of a hero increase for CoS, and maybe an Underworlds set now that CoS is so lonely in not having one.

    *Crusades relate to, well, crucifixes, which are more of a 40k or modern day thing. Couldn't we use a name that doesn't have a shape in it that isn't significant in this world? Even Jihad would fit better because the world just means "struggle" or "effort" which would fit a lot better in the whole operation, not just the going somewhere and killing stuff, and it certainly has a religious submeaning. Dawnbringer Invasion, Dawnbringer Purge, Dawnbringer Jihad, Dawnbringer Missionary position, Dawnbringer bringing of Dawn would all be better.

    would be nice if you left politics out of this.

    • Thanks 6
  4. With the new nerf to deadwatch its not worth the points unless you run them in groups of 9 imo.

    Using the  feast day that's still at least 2 feeding frenzies I can get off per turn (on average) without the need of deadwatch.

    The Varghulf is only to fill up the points cost to a full 2000

    The zombies are simply to hold a back objective without significant worry against most armies and are much much cheaper.


  5. You guys should try this list with The Feast Day , I've had remarkable success with it.

    Crypt Infernal Courtier (120) - General 

    Crypt Infernal Courtier (120)

    Varghulf Courtier (160)


    6 x Crypt Flayers (340)

    6 x Crypt Flayers (340)

    6 x Crypt Flayers (340)

    6 x Crypt Flayers (340)


    40 x Zombies (240)

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