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Posts posted by someone2040

  1. 21 hours ago, divineauthority said:

    Any particular reason for bows over handgunners? I've not long started a Free Peoples army and have been thinking of a similar core of 30 guard with sword and board but then 30 handgunners instead. Slightly shorter range but can be hitting on 2's and have a rend.

    There are pros and cons to both. Both have their place, the Crossbows have extra range which shouldn't be overlooked. But IMO Crossbows may make the army too static, and they're just not impressive on the move (and in most scenarios, you're likely going to need an early game move).

    Handgunners are something I've been thinking about leaning more towards in the new edition. In general I don't feel as bad when I move them (because their large regiment bonus still kicks in). Just don't know if I'll muscle up and paint another 10.

    11 hours ago, Kamose said:

    So I have a quick question about Demigryph Knights.  I know they are not exactly superlative heavy cavalry, but they are getting cheaper.  So how do most people field them; halberd or lance?  Is the extra Damage on the charge worth it?  

    I'm asking because I equipped lances on my Saurus Knights but find that they rarely charge more than once or maybe twice per game so the charge bonus is largely wasted.  Demigryphs are a good bit faster and tougher than Cold Ones and have a charge bonus from the Hornblower so perhaps they can pull off charges more reliably.  What does everyone think?

    Personally I like the Lances, mainly because in a protracted combat the Knights are unlikely to be the ones doing the damage anyway. So why not go for the extra do or die on the charge. When I've use Demi's in the past, certainly the times they've been most impressive to me has been on the charge.


    As for the new edition, I'm thinking of changing up my army. I've run double company throughout most of GHB2017 (Or well since my army has been playable at 2k points), but I'm just not sure if it's worth the investment. So I'm thinking I might change things up a bit and try out some Greatswords.

    The core of the army is likely to be the following:

    General on Griffon

    General on Griffon

    Freeguild General

    30x Freeguild Guard

    30x Crossbows

    20x Greatsword

    3x Demigryph

    With the following allies options:

    Ironweld: 2x Cannon, Gunmaster

    Collegiate: Battlemage, Luminark (Gives me 60 points spare for a command point).


    Likely the Ironweld initially as I have that stuff ready to go, while painting up a Luminark is a big time investment.


    That being said, depending on scenarios that plan could change. Compared to the double company I have less drops, which does mean games like Scorched Earth would be more difficult.

  2. Finally finished my 3rd warband. Broke my promise (kinda) to only buy the next Shadespire warband after I finished painting my current one. As it turned out, May 4th had a 10% off ebay sale so I bought 2 more (in the mail) and in my week off from work, decided to get my Ironskulls boys finished (They've been waiting around since February when I painted Basha.

    No cool conversions or anything, the only modification to them is I added an extra spike to one of Basha's maul. It irked me that there was one completely missing for no reason.


    Can't wait until my next warbands arrive.

    • Like 6
  3. 9 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

    I wonder what all these new units will do for Nighthaunt battleline. I wouldn't be surprised to see them drop either or both of Spirithosts and/or Hexwraiths. Also, I wonder of the(apparent) Night of Shrouds on a mount will be the same war scroll as the current one, but be updated to add additional attack and movement if he has the mount.

    It's possible that they're just not highlighting those kits in the previews because they already exist and this preview is about highlighting all the new stuff upcoming.

    Another possibility is that those will be the 'Legions of Nagash Nighthaunts' while these will be the 'Nighthaunt Nighthaunts' which can borrow models those models from the Legions of Nagash due to sharing the keyword. I hope not, I think they should be printed for completeness in the Nighthaunt tome even if they're not the 'new' hotness.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Sheriff said:

    Much of the Gitmob range has been 'temporarily unavailable online' for weeks. Maybe getting re-boxed? 

    The finecast stuff is trash, but I've grown to like the plastic infantry, even if they are a chore to assemble and remove mold-lines. 

    Don't get me wrong, I got 60 plastic grots still on sprue and most the war machines. I have a certain fondness for them.

    But they don't match up to todays sculpts at all. Gangly arms, large hands, mould lines out the wazoo.

    I hope they're not getting reboxed... because I really think they're one of the factions that either need to be dropped or are in need of a huge overhaul.


    That being said, they kept around Zombies which are just as old/bad these days... so I can only assume GW isn't too interested in redoing those ancient sculpts. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Swooper said:

    I might grab the two cold one mounted heroes if they're not too expensive (anyone know what kinds of prices to expect?). I find the sorceress on cold one to be the best sorceress model GW have made, the unnecessary nakedness puts me off all the others I've seen (except the old Morathi on foot, in which case it's the sculpt that puts me off).

    I think it's tended to be pretty similar to what they were last available to retail at.

    I truly think it's a shame that a lot of these good models were retired. Especially on the Dark Elf front, all of the ones that are returning for this Made to Order could basically fit into the new factions pretty well (Maybe the Dreadlords on foot have trouble being in a mounted faction, but didn't stop GW using the Dragon Noble on foot on the Order Draconis). 

    Truly a shame that we lost some pretty stellar sculpts while there's a bunch of duds lying around that GW have only kept around because they want that faction to stick in the game (Eventhough I prefer regular Grots, looking at you entire Gitmob range).


    Still not quite sure what the Warhammer Legends is going to add to the game. If you want to play old characters in old Warhammer armies, use the original compendium scrolls. If you want to use them in your current AoS armies, use the current compendium (Even though they stripped out all the synergies).

    I just don't get what they're going to be doing to make Dreadlord on Foot any different to the last 2 compendium iterations we've had, apart from missing points of course!

    • Like 1
  6. 58 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    If I were to guess I'd say new aelves are more likely to happen in 2020. We already have 3 aelven factions (Sylvaneth, Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth Deepkin) while there are still needs in Destruction and Death. This however doesn't have to prevent Slaanesh from appearing. Nobody said there must be a Slaanesh - Aelves campaign. 

    I think it would likely be strange if Slaanesh and Shadow/Light Aelves weren't interlinked though. The narrative has kinda driven that direction in that when Slaanesh escapes, it will surely have consequences for those two factions (and probably to a lesser extent, the Daughters of Khaine).

    That being said, I do certainly agree that there are a lot of other factions in need of love at the moment. In particular on the Destruction and Death sides. I get the feeling that Death will get some of that attention this year, while Destruction may just have to wait for an opportune moment. 

    That I think in part, is just a big problem of Destruction not really being narratively important. They don't have agendas nor goals nor plots, its basically whatever they can do to find a good scrap. Which isn't appealing to build a narrative around. 

    But who knows, perhaps GW have some storyline thought out where Destruction will be a major player, but certainly it's not something we really know about to date. Which isn't a huge amount anyway since we're in the middle of Malign Portents, really just whatever Nagash' big plan is and the escape of Slaanesh.

  7. 59 minutes ago, J.J said:

    I may have missed some discussion earlier in this thread, but what are people's thoughts on us seeing the rumoured "light" and "shadow" Aelves any time soon? Signs seem to be pointing at GW being done with Aelves for now, but I'm really hankering to see my favourite brothers back in the game.

    I don't think anything has been confirmed in regards to Malerions shadow beings or Teclis+Tyrions angelic aelves.

    That being said, my gut feeling given we've just seen 2 Aelven races is that we're not likely to see those two ranges this year. Those would be pretty large Idoneth sized releases, and I think that between upcoming death release, 40k, specialist games, and whatever else GW has in store we're unlikely to see more Aelves this year.

    • Like 2
  8. So what's interesting to me, is I believe we were told that we haven't seen the entire Idoneth Deepkin range at the Adepticon reveals. Except every picture we've seen so far has basically not shown us anything new. This including the fact that apparently the White Dwarf only mentions 14 warscrolls makes me wonder if they mis-reported this at Adepticon.

    The other thing is that not a single picture has been shown with Mistweaver Saih or Tenebrael Shard, 2 models that already exist. So I think it's almost confirmed that neither of them will be a part of the Idoneth Deepkin. There would be no reason not to show either of them with the Deepkin if they were going to be a part of this range.

    Overall, the battletome can't come soon enough! Looking forward to some of the early reviews popping up in the next few weeks, as this is an army I'm definitely considering as my first 'AoS' army (And by that, I mean army with a new range of models).

  9. Yeah, pretty sure it's Stormcast, which is both a shame and interesting I guess at the same time.

    It's interesting because it means that whatever chamber opens up, it's likely to have some more 'foot sloggers' in it. Which may mean that Stormcast armies in future will be more varied again.

    It's a shame, because it really does reinforce that there's probably going to be another at least semi-major Stormcast release this year. I don't think they'll just drop a few new models from a new chamber just in Shadespire, and that means that yet again, Stormcast are taking up release schedule time when there are so many more interesting factions to expand in the world.


    On the flipside, definitely interested to see how the Nighthaunts turn out. I would've liked to see a Flesh-Eater Courts warband, but the Nighthaunts are also a good choice. Especially since it's looking like they may be expanded somewhat in the future with a new Black Coach.

    • Like 1
  10. I guess I don't really get where they're going with the whole Warhammer Legends stuff. All of the stuff was available in the original compendium, and then in the new compendium they got rid of a whole bunch of the less unique stuff and said count it as the regular version while they changed the more unique individuals to actually have non-synergistic but still unique rules.

    So it really just puzzles me that they're making a big deal about this. It's not like you can suddenly build a Compendium 1.0 Dark Elf army again. So why would I take old Morathi? or say Tyrion or whatever? Maybe they took the feedback of "I want to use my Morathi model in my Age of Sigmar armies" as "I'm not happy the Sorceress on Dark Pegasus isn't called Morathi anymore" as opposed to "I can't use the Sorceress on Dark Pegasus in my Darkling Covens army" - similar feedback on other interesting models in the compendium that got de-synergized.

    Dunno, just really puzzled by it. I don't really see the excitement behind it, but am interested to see what it actually means.

    The only thing I'm potentially excited for is the return of Dogs of War? Menghils Manflayers make an appearance in that Made to Order shot, so could be we get rules for them? I guess I'm a bit downer on stuff we already have rules for (in the compendium or otherwise), but interested to see if we get some of the even more interesting older stuff.


    As for the Deepkin. I have mixed feelings on them at the moment, and eagerly await more information and better images. There are some stuff people are stoked on - Dude with Octopus - Which to me, I kinda need to know the 'why' behind the model to really get into him. The eel heads feel a bit derpy, but otherwise there are some very impressive models in the range. But there are some absolutely amazing models in the range as well. I think everyone's in love with the guy with the water cape, and so am I!


    The other stuff is all cool but very teaserish at this stage. Lots of speculation about the death magic ball (returned purple sun?) and the other tidbits we got. It's cool to basically have it confirmed that Death has more stuff along the way. Looks like we've got an interesting few months coming up.

  11. Some very quick feedback:

    Marshal's Shield on the Demigryph Marshal is inconsistent with the other Marshal's shields.

    Still disagree with Host Knights and Knights Unproven having Bravery 7. It's inconsistent with Demigryph Host Knights, and in general there should be a hierarchy between non elite and more elite units/heroes.

    Really think Steady Aim would've been better kept on the Peasant Archers than Massed Archery. You've basically got 2 rules representing the same thing, firing lots of arrow (Arrowstorm and Massed Archery). It feels strange to have 2 abilities representing the same kind of thing. I don't think there are any other units in the game that have 2 abilities that proc on having large unit sizes.

    The defensive stakes seems like a pure buff from old. I really dislike the whole dragging Stakes around, as it doesn't make logical sense in a battle. One idea I do kinda like is that they count as terrain and you get one set of stakes for free for each unit of Peasant Bowmen (and must be deployed at same time as Bowmen and within 3" of the unit. But anyway, I think it's far too good to just have them for free.

    Still feel the Mounted Yeomen are just doing too much without any real justification. I mean, I think they're definitely better than Marauder Horsemen who are 10 points more. It also feels weird that they can become tankier than Knights by having more than 10 models in the unit.

  12. It's a bit of a shame if it's true that the Blasted Hallowheart has an additional sprue compared to the released ruins. Especially sine the product description doesn't make a mention of getting an exclusive piece in there.

    Personally I don't have much of a need for the game board, I already have a Realm of Battle that is fairly easy to set up. And the ruins are definitely something I'm interested in once I get back on my terrain train.

  13. 5 hours ago, Carnelian said:

    So will deepkin feature in the April or May white dwarf?

    If they're a mid-late April release it'll be May for sure (Which is what it's looking like at this point).

    The White Dwarfs only ever seem to have the new releases for the first week or two of the month, as well as telling you about what's "Out Now".

  14. 9 hours ago, Diemer84 said:

    Really looking forward to the next drafts with whatever edits you will make. Having a game against bretonnia next weekend, so I wait in eagerness.

    Also, I think I forgot to mention the retreat and charge mechanic. I really dislike that. The ability to keep dealing mortal wounds each turn with an extreme range capacity(12"+3d6, from any model in the unit) is just too good. Also I hate it fluff wise. The one problem with the knights should be if they fail to do lethal damage on the charge and are stuck in a prolonged combat. They have no weaknesses right now.


    Best regards

    Personally I agree to an extent, retreating is not a very Bretonnian thing to do and is supposed to be a clear weakness of Lance based Knights (In fact, in my version of Bretonnian allegiance you lose the 'Protection' bonuses if you retreat from combat). If you want Knights that are better in a protracted combat that should be a list choice and you lean on Questing Knights or Demigryph Knights instead.

    That being said, I think it's definitely worth trying out for a while. With playtesting feedback, the developers can find out if it's something you always use your favour tokens on or not. It's possible you could be using favour tokens on more important things during the game, but you get one amazing retreat + charge off during the game. And that might be alright, or it might not.

  15. I think I'm pretty disappointed with Magores Reavers.

    Nothing stands out on them. Heck, the leader doesn't even stand out (I think it's the guy with the more daemonic looking axe).

    Two of them are just Axe and Gorefist, no love for a different weapon kit out?

    Dunno, they don't really stand out to me at all.

    I think at least the Farstriders have somewhat dynamic poses even if they're super similar to the actual Vanguard Hunters set anyway.


    I think they're definitely the least interesting sets of Shadespire to say the least (From a model perspective of course).

    • Like 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, xking said:

    That was the Irondrakes and Ironbreakers, Not the Hammerers and Longbeards. that is why I used the word "more"

    It's been both for a while, but it's been dependant on your webstore (The Australian one has definitely had both kits reboxed for some time now).

    • Like 1
  17. So taking a closer inspection to the Green Knight.

    So before getting onto balanced/not balanced, I'm not exactly sure why there was a need to change his sword to have lance like mechanics. Don't really see the justification, and just means he probably outputs more damage than before. Given that, I would definitely revert the changes of his sword back.


    As for balance, it's a bit hard to tell where tanky heroes sit in the line of things. One thing I'd be worried about is that he is be stacking a lot of saves. A 3+ unmodifiable save, followed by a 5++, followed potentially by a 6++ on a model that has 7 wounds and can be healed and comes back from the dead once per game. This can be an extremely frustrating mechanic to deal with.

    My gut feeling is that probably he's a bit too tanky at the moment, and for an extra 20-40 points is a far better pick than a Marshal on Pegasus/Warhorse unless you particularly need the command ability. There's definitely a place for tanky heroes IMO.

    Essentially it's important to point out, that this version of the Green Knight is pretty much better than both the prior versions in the Compendium and comes with 20 point price decrease.


    So here are some things I would be consider if he turns out to be too powerful:

    Lowering his wounds down to 6. 

    Lowering the save of the foliate shield back to 6++. 

    Upping his points.

    Not necessarily all of them, but those are some options I feel. I think a safe bet, would be to put him back to 180 points and see if he requires further tweaking from there.

  18. 5 hours ago, Nielspeterdejong said:

    Hmm, honestly I don’t know. The crossbowmen for example could fire twice as well:




    perhaps we could instead make this similar to the reload fire mechanic?

    So what does that have to do with Peasant Bowmen?

    Like, the point is, not every unit has to be the same. Some units are allowed to be worse than others.

    Peasant Bowmen already have quite a good ability in Arrowstorm. That's their 'fire twice' ability if you will.

    And at the end of the day, you're comparing Peasants with trained soldiers. They should be worse. And that's not to say they are better, I'm just calling it as I see it, the unit has too many special rules and to some extent which bloats the unit, they've stopped feeling a bit like Peasants now.

  19. Here's my feedback on what you've done:

    Protection of the Spirits - I think it's too complicated at the moment, and you have to make a hard call as to what exactly you want it to protect from. The simplest thing would be to have a 6++ all the time, or only against particular types of attacks (Missile weapons and spells for example). The fact that it occurs in the hero or charge phase just feels odd, as you can have combats that happen in the hero phase as well.

    Favour Tokesn - For number 6, I don't think there's a real reason to restrict it to Cavalry units. 

    Virtue of Guardian Gheist and Shield of the Lady - Dislike multiple things that add to your save. It basically encourages you to stack bonuses to make an unkillable hero (in particular the King on Hippogryph).

    Spells - Fair Tailwind - Unsure if it's weak or not at the moment, but probably you should specify it can only effect BRETON units.

    Spells - Fateful Boon - It feels a bit strange that the lore ability (roll 10+ grants you a token) and there's also a spell to do so. I would consider changing one or the other (i.e removing the lore attribute or replacing this spell).

    Spells - Obfuscation of Spirits - In line with the ethereal changes, I would consider modifying it to ignore all modifiers to their save rolls. I think GW are starting to crack down on making stuff 'unkillable' which is an important consideration since you have access to re-roll save rolls of 1 through favour tokens.

    Spells - Revivify - The wording on the other parts of this spell is kinda weird at the moment. I would probably reword it so it's "That unit may return 1 slain model, or if it is a PEASANTRY unit it may restore D3 models instead. If the unit is within 12" of a Blessed Lake, then you may restore 1 additional model."

    Exceptional Steeds - The steeds aren't super interesting at the moment, so I would consider removing it or fleshing it out to 6 with some more interesting attributes (Such as being better in combat). One example could be that for Warhorses or Pegasi they can become a Unicorn, and gain a Horn attack or something.

    Artefacts - Siriennes Locket - The additional protection against rend - weapon seems unnecessary. It's like you're trying to force this extra thing onto an artefact that already seems quite interesting.

    Blessed Lake  - This currently has the Arcane Ruins keyword.

    Host King of Breton - The lady's champion special rule should mention that you only generate a favour token if the army is a BRETON army.

    Host Knights - 5 Knights is not really massed cavalry, so I would change it back to 10. The bonuses are meant for large units after all, not min sized ones.

    Bravery  - Overall I'm not sure there was a need to push the Bravery of Unproven, Host, Pegasus Host up. Like, why are Host Knights having more bravery than Demigryph Knights? Or why are they the same as Unbroken, doesn't really feel right.

    Bowmen - There is just... way too much going on here now. Like, why do they get 2 bonuses for being in large numbers? It's like, this unit just gets bonuses to everything it cares about. Better hit rolls, better wound rolls, defenses against charges. I would definitely ditch Massed Accuracy, and either consider keeping Steady Aim, bring back Virtue of Empathy, or just reduce points if you think they're not good enough as is. The stakes seem unnecessarily clunky as well in determining who gets extra damage, just be simple, and use the MONSTER keyword. Behemoth is not a keyword by the way, and isn't applicable outside Matched Play.

    Mounted Yeomen - Another classic case of adding stuff and now the unit just feels like fanmade because it's got all these special rules that add to what they do. Like why do these guys get Swift Volley and Hit and Run? I think it was good enough that they served a role as a chaff unit that got ahead of your lines from their bonus. The Wooden Shields also feels a bit strange, I think you either make it a permanent thing, or you make it a thing (like Grot shields, also ******) that only kicks in when there's a certain number of models in the unit.

    Field Trebuchet - Crew have Free Peoples keyword rather than Breton.

    Rangers - I actually like this unit because it feels like it does what it says on the tin. Ambushing shooting unit that has some interesting special rules. The Falconer might be a bit too reliable of a synergy, as the warscroll may as well just have a hit value of 3+. Potentially I would do something like make it work on a 3+ or something, as the Falcon may not return or something like that.

    The Great White Hart - Make the Grand Quest is Nigh work for a BRETON allegiance as Favour Tokens are meaningless outside it.

    The Ragged Brotherhood - Specifically mention for Coordinated Strike it's from the Rangers warscroll.

    The Order de Chasseurs - Just specifically spell out the bonuses Knights Unproven get, it's a bit clunky to say use this but replace this text. In the same amount of words you can pretty much just spell out that ability anyway.

    Pitched Battle Profiles -

    Rangers should easily be 100 points.  They've got special rules out the wazoo, and are actually a competent shooting and combat unit (even if their profile is nothing special). 

    I really don't think Peasant Bowmen should be Battleline. I think it has potential that you just fill your battleline with Bowmen and then invest in the better cavalry units in the army, which I feel is a bit of a disservice to Host Knights. That's my personal thoughts, and all I'd say is keep an eye on it if you get some meaningful data back in terms of competitive lists and the like.

    If you want extra battleline opportunities, then I could see a world where Pegasus and Demigryph Knights are battleline if BRETON. That way you can build themed armies around them if you choose to focus on Bretons.

    Still think that Forlorn Knights have an extremely good special rule in being able to pile-in and attack before being removed. It's much better on them than on Blood Warriors who don't have rend -1 attacks.

    Battle Pilgrims could probably do with a drop to 40 points. 

    Knights Unproven should be 100/360 (In line with other 100 point units with large unit discount).



    Anyway, that's the stuff I picked up on my 2nd to 3rd read through of it and without trying to theory craft any lists.

  20. 3 hours ago, TheWilddog said:

    I am not sure about the ruins. Honestly I find them a little boring.  Most of the previous AOS terrain has had oodles of flavor.  These seem a little bland.  If I wanted this type of stuff I would just go with the Hobbit kit, has more vertical levels.    

    I think there's also the fact that the Hobbit ruins will be cheaper as well... (Although apparently you can only buy the Osgiliath Ruins in sets of 3 now)

    Overall though, I'm not going to say no to more AoS terrain. It's definitely something I'm interested in picking up, even just to throw some scatter terrain on the table or make a little ruins section. Interestingly I think it's probably more useful for Skirmish with the treasure chests and sewer grates and the hatches and the like.

  21. I would probably not pay for a subscription or patreon unless there was an incentive that resonated with me that I wanted to obtain (I kinda lump them both in the same boat, as essentially you're paying a monthly fee for some added extra). I guess in general I'm someone that relates more to tangible incentives, not boys club super secret forum spaces.

    That being said, I think there are ways you can get it to work.

    I know for Bloodbowl the NAF had an annual fee you could pay. As part of that, paying at least once got you on their rankings (Which people love), but more people paid annually because you got new block dice every year. This is the kind of tangible incentive that gets people to pay (The only reason I paid for so long was certainly to get the dice), and I'm sure a portion of that $15AUD I paid went towards site upkeep and the like. Of course, they had a lot of players worldwide and contacts in a lot of countries that acted as a hub of sorts to distribute merch, so there's that postage thing you have to tackle.

    But I think it'd be cool, whether you pay monthly or annually, to get something tangible alongside it. Whether that's a yearly combat gauge design, or different coloured TGA dice, or whatever. That being said, no idea on the logistics of it and how many subscriptions you'd need to get to make it work.


    Otherwise. Ads are unlikely to drive me away from TGA as long as they're not really too intrusive. Definitely something I'd live with.


    Edit: Also would mention that I would probably pay a once-off donation every 12 months of my choosing than a subscription fee for benefits on the forums. That's just me though, as I said, I like something tangible, and I struggle in a fashion to think of something I would pay a subscription to online on a forum.

  22. On 2/18/2018 at 5:23 AM, Changer said:

    Apparently we’ve bought more shadespire in the UK than in the US, but GW are doing more events etc in the US and not over here. It’s a shame really. 

    Shadespire is set to be mail order only from GW and GW managers have been told not to run shadespire events in store and to leave it to other places to do the organised play etc. It’s just funny that it took them ages to get the organised play stuff to stores, as locally we seem to have lost loads of competitive players as they’ve had nothing to win over the past few months.

    My understanding after talking to one of my GW store managers on Sunday was that GW have been told they're not allowed to run Organized Play events.

    I guess there are a few reasons why this may be the case:

    1. In general Games Workshops are not set up with an adequate amount of space to run these kind of events (Need demo table, other tables generally have non-flat Realm of Battle boards on them. No seating around gaming tables, etc).

    2. They may wish to promote the games at Independents to establish a more healthier relationship with them. Have GW sell stuff (or the independents) and then push them over to the Independents for tournaments. 

    3. There may be some caution given the limited space to run tournaments at GWs that it basically just becomes the Store Manager giving their live in mates free stuff.


    I think 1 though is a particularly good point. Card game shops are more adequately equip to run Shadespire tournaments, as they've got far more space and tables available. That being said, why run a Shadespire event when you can just force more Magic or some other card game with boosters down some kids throat? I've played in my local card game shop a few times now and nobodies really even been remotely interested in what we're doing. I guess you probably need to hit some kind of critical mass of getting people to play something somewhere to get others interested.


    Overall though, it's a real shame. Because the GW's stores in my area seem to be the only ones really interested in running anything, yet they can't really do much either because they can't get the organized play packs.

  23. Super interested to see what this upcoming 'Sea Aelf' release has in store for us. Get the feeling that after all the details and models are shown for both this and Daughters, going to have to have a good long think about which of them I want to build up as an army.

    Morathi looks pretty cool as well. Kinda interesting that Morathi has gone from the model wearing the least clothes to the model wearing the most clothes in that faction though. Maybe being swallowed by Slaanesh has made her re-consider her wardrobe.

  24. Event Title: Gobbocon 2018
    Event Author: someone2040
    Calendar: Events Australia
    Event Date: 04/15/2018 08:45 AM to 04/15/2018 05:30 PM

    Gobbocon 2018 is a 1200 points Vanguard Matched Play event.

    This year entrants will pay tribute to one of the great grot tribes. Work with the Gitmob, Moonclan or Spiderfang clans to gain bonuses and claim victory in the first independent tournament of the year in South Australia.

    Please find more information and the players pack at:

    WargamerAu: https://goo.gl/hFCPUL 

    Facebook: https://goo.gl/3mghKQ

    Google Docs : https://goo.gl/ZkST6M


    Gobbocon 2018

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