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Posts posted by Azamar

  1. 10 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    Allopex and Leviadon, what do people think of them, why are the sharks rarely seen?

    In competitive lists they’re generally left out, I think, because they’re not optimal for your points. The allopex costs the same as a unit of ishlaen or thralls and does much less damage than either. The leviadon has a similar issue- it does good damage but for the points you could have 6 morrsarr , or 30 thralls which would have more versatility  and damage output, albeit without the cover bonus. 

    That being said, in a more casual setting I bloody love them both. The allopex does kind of suck, but every so often it does bite the head off an important character, and visually in an Akhelian force it breaks up the sea of eels nicely.  It sounds like people get a bit more mileage with them in larger units at high tide, but I would have though this would make battleshock risky.

    The leviadon meanwhile has consistently performed for me. I take it as part of an Akhelian corps which makes it great as a stable core/ rally point for the army, and if you can get it into combat at full health, with lord of the deep on it at high tide, it makes an excellent battering ram.  Plus I get a Great A’tuin vibe off the model. I can’t see me leaving mine out of my list any time soon. 

  2. 56 minutes ago, Aegisgrimm said:

    The largest pain in the ass about the webstore is that when models are removed, so are their warscroll links.  So if I had a few goblins and/or wolf riders from older editions of gaming but haven't got into AoS yet, I can't get the warscroll for free for them anymore.  Kind of a bummer.

    So yesterday I finally spent a pretty sizeable chunk of time downloading every warscroll I could think of that I might want to get field someday in my skirmish games if I am going to finally get into AoS Skirmish, especially for the older model kits like Greenskinz, Dispossessed, Free Peoples, and Ogres. 

    Luckily the Orc Warboss is no longer available, but still has the download link, so I nabbed it.

    Warscrolls still seem to stick around in the app if that helps- wolfriders are there under gitmob for example 

  3. 13 hours ago, Luke1705 said:

    It’s also very easy to kill part of a squad so that your opponent can take their models out of 3” and this deny you an activation. The same applies to your biovoltaic blast if you’re not careful about how you charge.


    Remember if a unit charges, it is still eligible to fight even if there’s no enemy models left within 3” (check out the pile in rules on page 230 in the main book) . With a 3” pile in and a 2” range on the spears, it’s hard for your opponent to completely leave the morrsarr guard out with casualty removals. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Kimbo said:

    Do you have a list to link? Sounds fun! 

    My game group is more competitive then casual.  So i want lists that have some teeth 🦁


    And...thanks Jack for the feedback. That will be my first 1k list. Using most of the battle force box but still made better with some eels and king. 

    Please feel free to give me more feedback everyone (if you like it, please write that to so i know!) 

    The list I had in mind came 7th at Blackout earlier this year but was more of an eel spam than I remembered (and no eidolon):

    basically 2  tidecasters, a souldscryer, 3x10 thralls and 18(!!)  morrsarr in 2 units and 3 ishlean guard. 

    I reckon Jackstriecher’s list looks like a good way to use Thralls- like he says, focusing on one or the other between them and eels works better as several characters only buff one type of unit. But a thrall list with a few scattered eels in could still work (although I should add I don’t play in competitions so my view might be skewed)



    • Thanks 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, Kimbo said:

    I'm abit uncertain on were to start with my idoneth army. I have some more questions i would love your answer to (experienced players since you know what you talk about, no offence 🙂


    - can the army be played competitive other then spamming eels? I would love to play and list with more than 1 unit spammed, not my thing! (I love the reavers and thralls!) 

    - Reading on this forums some are afraid that eels will be nerfed, this make me a bit scared to invest tons of money into an "eels" army, should i be worried or not?

    I made a list. What do you think? Foot Troops are there to sitter back on objectives as the other units run forward, simlpy put. How would you make it better? 

    1x King 

    10x Thralls 

    6x Morrsarr 

    3x Ishlaen 

    10x Reavers 

    980p. (How can i use the last 20p?) 


    I’ve seen a few builds based around a tidecaster general (to reverse the tides) and a mix of thralls, eels and the aspect of the storm with the fuethan enclave. This allows run and charge on the first turn then high tide on turn 2, which generally messes up anything the thralls can reach. 


    Ultimately depends if you’re taking your army to tournaments or competitive clubs. If not, then fill out with what you want. I’ve squeezed a leviadon, allopex and an aspect of the sea into my 2000 points list and seem to be getting away with it! 

    As for eel nerfs, it would be unusual for the warscrolls to get changed but it’s likely they’ll go up in points a bit. For armies with volturnos and massed eels that will be punishing, but if you’ve got a good balance of units then it may just mean a few tweaks to fit your army into your points limit, or no change at all if other units you have come down in cost (reavers and allopexes seem likely and possibly the leviadon as well) 



  6. Ive has a few games now with the following list, and seem to be having a fair bit of success (albeit in a non competitive environment)


    Sorceress on black dragon (general)

    -Impossibly swift

    -Incorporeal retainer 



    -anklet of epiphany 




    10 bleakswords

    10 bleakswords

    20 darkshards


    20 executioners 

    20 black guard


    5 drakespawn knights

    1 hydra. 


    Thrall warhost


    Quicksilver blades


    I’ve had 3 games with this army - 1 against legions of nagash based around a death march with supporting morghasts, and 2 against a khorne gore pilgrims army, accompanied by a bloodthirster, skarbrand and 30 bloodletters- all of them went pretty well. 


    I’ve been using each unit of bleakswords as a screen for one of the elite units, using terrain where I can to stop enemies going round the sides. Assuming there’s no double turn, and against a tough target or several units close together, this gives the elites potentially three lots of melee attacks (pile in to the charging unit once the screen is dead, then in my turn the battalion ability attacks followed by a normal charge and combat) before anything can hit them back, which has proved devastating when it goes right. 


    The best performing unit in the army seems to be the black guard. In the first game they(with admittedly some help from the darkshards) tore through a unit of black knights and 4 morghasts using the above tactic, and they saw the bloodletters off pretty handily in game 2 as well. 


    A special nod to the executioners as well, who underperformed against the undead, but killed skarbrand in both games against khorne- the first time inflicting 16 mortal wound on him in one go. My opponent wasn’t thrilled by that, but given there was a unit of bloodletters kicking around doing mortal wounds on a 3+, I wasn’t brimming with sympathy! 😛


    As a final note- so far the sorceresses have survived every game, and a couple of times have been close to the only models still alive- the ultimate goal for a darkling coven host I think! 


    Edit: sorry, I have no idea why that’s come out in massive text! 





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  7. On 11/14/2018 at 10:01 AM, Dammaz said:

    Hi fellows Dawi !


    Need some advices here.

    We are doing a friendly tournaments this week end (5 players) and we must play with one and only one 2K list for the whole.

    I add that we'll be playing with home made rules : 500pts of allies for 2000 pts.

    What do you think of this list ?

    Allegiance : Dispossessed (duh!)

    Leaders :

    Warden King

    Runelord (Pickaxe)


    Unforged (Anraheir's Claw, thanks @Furuzzolo !)


    Units :

    Ironbreakers *20

    Irondrakes *10

    Longbeard *10

    Quarrellers *20

    Warriors *20


    Allies :

    Arkanaut Frigate (great cannon)

    Grundstok Thunderers *10 (3 Aethershot Rifles, 1 fumigator, 2 decksweeper, 2 Cannon, 2 mortar


    Battalion :

    Grudgebound War Throng


    Total : 1990/2000pts         124 wounds      



    I'll try to make some detailed reports of each round and battle, and take some photos for you.

    My opponents will be : Some stinky goatsmen, Shnappi das Kleine Crocodil, Some Icy ogri and, of course, filthy grobi.

    The main goal here is to grab objectives quickly with the Frigate and thunderers,  hold on with covering fire while the rest of my army advance.

    Thanks for replies !


    Don’t you need a couple more units for a grudgebound war throng? Or am I missing  something here. 

    I’d considered trying to build an army around that battalion myself, but I found the amount of units to take limiting (as it’s hard to fit in many units larger than the minimum unit size) 

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Ulfast said:

    So what is a good basic to get for the army ?

    I’m would say start with the minimum units for the battalion and work from there. A sorceress, 3x10 of the darkshards/ swords/spears, 10 executioners and 10 guard is 880 including the battalion cost and a good framework to build on.

  9. To my knowledge there’s no rule against stacking different abilities unless the wording of the abilities specifically says otherwise. Yes the abilities have similar wording, but there’s no reason you can’t use each ability in turn. They are not rerolls. 

    Note ignax’s scales only work against mortals, not normal wounds, so it isn’t identical to witness to destiny.  

  10. 34 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    Does the archmage bubble stack with Witness to Destiny?

    What about artefacts that give save after save?

    Yes, as does master of defence. So if you take that, an archmage and ignax’s scales, it’s possible to have a Phoenix with 4+ 4+ 6+ 6+ every time it takes a mortal wound. 

    Your opponent may throw a tape measure at you if you attempt that one though, so proceed with caution. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Gnoblar G said:

    Hello!  I am absolutely new to Darkling Covens, and I think I like them.  Everything I own is still in their boxes, about 3K in total.

    Please have a look at the below list, will Daughters of Khaine alliance.  Please let me kn ow thoughts - thanks in advance.  


    Allegiance: Darkling Covens
    Mortal Realm: Ulgu

    Sorceress On Black Dragon (280)
    - General
    - Witch Rod
    - Trait: Master of the Sorcerous Arts 
    - Artefact: Decanter of Egos 
    Sorceress (100)

    40 x Dreadspears (360)
    30 x Executioners (420)
    20 x Black Guard (280)

    20 x Khinerai Heartrenders (320)
    - Allies

    Thrall Warhost (180)

    Total: 1940 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 320 / 400
    Wounds: 129

    Looks like a good starting point- I’m planning a similar list. But you will need to split those dreadspears up into smaller units unfortunately- you need at least 3 units of dreadspears/darkshards/bleak swords for the thrall warhost

  12. 7 hours ago, Lightbox said:

    Also having looked at endrinriggers their melee attacks do look potentially nice if khemist buffed and I will be wanting a squad of some balloon men personally. Yay or nay on giving them special rifles? I'm not personally sure if any warrant replacing the pistol and saw.

    A few months ago I would have said keep the riggers as is, and if you want a mobile weapons platform put the special weapons on the skywardens. Now they’re the same cost, if you wanted a dedicated heavy weapon unit you could feasibly go with either. If you’re planning to get the riggers into combat keep to the saws. 


    I havent tried them myself, but if you’re taking units larger than 3, then a grapnel hook or two is apparently well worth it. 

    1 hour ago, Rachmani said:

    Two other things I want to put up for discussion, while we're at it.

    1. How do you guys think the Arkanaut Company should be adjusted? Personally I think they're lackluster in the melee department (but appear to be designed as melee-/ranged hybrids) & strangely squishy for dwarfs. 

    Purely wishlisting, but I would love to see them tougher and with synergy with the ships: 

    4+ save and 7 bravery: they’re dwarves/ duardin after all

    skyhook: reduce rend to -1 and range to 18”

    volleygun: no change

    skypike : increase to wound to 3+

    pistols: change to 6”, 1 attack 4+/4+, -1 rend 1 damage

    cutters: change to 2 attacks, 4+/3+ no rend 1 damage. 

    Opportunistic privateers, change to: if this unit made a charge move, add one to all hit rolls in the following combat phase. If this unit also disembarked from a sky vessel, improve the rend characteristic by one for all melee weapons in the following combat phase. 

    Makes them less about sniping characters, and more about descending from their ships and swashbuckling! God knows what that would do to their points cost though. Frankly I would just settle for another battleline choice at this point. 

    • Like 3
  13. 7 hours ago, DantePQ said:

    BTW list from Blackout are up and Les Martin list is very nice 

    Dhom-Hain, Shyish

    Volturnos General 

    Aspect of the Storm with Ethereal Amulet 

    Tidecaster with Steed of Tides


    3x6 Morssar Guards 

    And list that finished 7th 


    Tidecaster General 



    3x10 Thralls 

    9 Morssar 

    9 Morssar

    3 Ishalean

    I’m one model away from having a fully painted 2,000 points now, and looking at the blackout lists I’m taking almost exactly the same as one of the blackout competitors! 


    Not either of those two though. My list is the same as the guy in 69th place ?

    69 is, objectively, a better number than 6 or 7 though, so it’s still a winner in my eyes. 

    • Haha 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Gose said:


    Sea: Sword of judgement (on the stormshoal), Abyssal darkness, Gemini and Aethervoid (ionarch)

    The artefact on the fishes? I guess there’s nothing to say you can’t do that, but still feels wrong to me. 

    You should at least add a little crab waving a big sword to the base! 

    • Haha 1
  15. I took my Idoneth out for a 1500 point test drive earlier this week- opinions on the list are always welcome


    Akhelian king

    Born from agony

    Armour of the cythai



    Steed of tides


    Eidolon aspect of the sea

    Abyssal darkness



    3 ishlaen guard

    3 ishlaen guard

    3 morrsarr guard


    1 allopex



    Darkling covens sorceress 


    Endless spells:

    Quicksilver swords 

    Malevolent maelstrom 


    I was up against my friend’s experimental LON army, with a vampire on zombie dragon and two units of blood knights, back up by more vampires, chainrasps and lots of undead puppies, for a border war.


    Hard to tell how effective the idoneth were- I know it’s not the done thing to blame dice but my friend really could this time- the zombie dragon’s attempt to break through ended up with just one dead eel, and the dragon taking something like 6-7 wounds, thanks to great saves for me and terrible ones for him. That pretty much continued for the rest of the game, leading to a deepkin victory. 


    Even so, the army feels strong- they’re individually tough (for the most part) and their amazing mobility meant I could keep zipping everything around to where it was needed, picking most of the fights and keeping the softer targets safe from harm (the morrsarr survived until the final turn, when the zombie dragon finally worked out how to hit something, and the squishy wizards were safely out of harms way all game) 


    I can see why most might drop the allopex for more eels, although mine was a champ in this game, holding an objective and using its size to block resurrected units from reclaiming it. 


    Undecided on the eidolon so far- he failed more spells than he cast so I don’t think I got the best of him, but he was Tanky as hell in cover, and with healing and his bravery buff was an excellent anchor for the rest of the army- probably saved me a few costly battleshock losses. The aspect of storm might be better for damage, but the sea’s +3 bravery buff is great against death armies. 




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  16. 30 minutes ago, Apologetic Canadian said:

    I keep seeing mention of the Vulkite "horde" rule no longer being  thing. I've looked online and I'm unsure what exactly has changed, or rather, what  the "Vulkite horde rule" is actually referring to. Did they remove Berserk Fury from Vulkites?

    It means they no longer get the hoard points discount for 30 models. Their rules haven’t changed.

  17. He counts as incandescent and follows the ability rules that turn.  It doesn’t change where he is on the wound chart (so doesn’t change the number of attacks with slaughter or the roll for carnage) if that’s what you’re asking.

    edit: I stand corrected, based on the faqs then as per Azdimy’s post. It’s bizarre if you ask me, as no other damage table works this way (you don’t move down the table of something affects a movement value for example) but there you have it. 

  18. 8 minutes ago, Pompe said:

    Chillax :) These changes are probably coupled to the faulty point changes in the GH2018 for Idoneth. No point in getting upset until we hear something permanent from GW. 

    This. Whenever a battalion has had rule changes before, it’s been updated in an errata (Kharadron iron sky command for example) so I doubt you’d have to pay extra on the app to get the updated rules. 

    I realise every post I have made in this thread makes it sound like I’m clutching my book and warscroll cards and gently rocking  in the corner. So here’s a wip for a more hobby related note:



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